fanfic tropes generator
Makeshift, Kickback, and Beatrice Franks are killed off in the same chapters they're introduced in. Though the ending to RWBY DK 64 most likely tops most of this. has Professor E Gadd and his granddaughter go to Boo Woods due to a spike in paranormal activity. WebThis is my very first Harry Potter fanfic I wrote I dont oThree Fights for Harry and Ginny by iluvfanfics Home SIYE Time:21:56 on 14th August 2022 History Ginny Weasley tried not to laugh when the reason she was scrubbing floors in the Great Hall joined her in detention. explicitly states that he knows Suzaku killed his father, Prime Minster Kururugi, and, where it plays a critical role in restoring the Omega Lock, It's later used as a fuel source for a new axe built for Optimus Prime by Ratchet, Fixit, and Rakshata. After giving Ruby so much hell, Dark Ruby finally gets her comeuppance. Another piece comes at the end of chapter 10 when a Cybertronian signal is detected in the Sahara Desert: At the end of chapter 11, Shockwave gives off a few via replaying his logs, but one, Project Log 839, sticks out: In Chapter 12, Leila and Smilas are talking about the former's father, Bradow von Breisgau. Lelouch, in turn, vetoes the idea of using the Autobots' Ground Bridge to get to Pendragon and assassinate his father, as the chaos that would result would probably cause the world to burn. Many Cybertronians recognized early on how similar Lelouch was to Megatron and Suzaku was to Optimus Prime. The first entry in the series is R1: Rebellion, which began on December 19, 2018. By the time, Just prior to the Battle of Kyushu, Lelouch has a phone call with Euphie where the latter asks him about why he killed Clovis and learns about recent developments regarding Britannia and the Decepticons, In the epilogue, C.C. Hal Jordan says to Paul that even though he understands his powers are limited in usefulness compared to Paul's, he's willing to work within the (restrictive) rules because it allows him to protect his own homeworld from huge threats to it (Alien invasions, demons, mad scientists, etc.). In canon, the Glinda Knights werent formed until after the Black Rebellion. No, it's Oh El, there's no way I'm gunna have heard of them. In RWBY Superstar Saga Plus Bowser's Minions, Xena gets a Wooper with the ability Damp which prevents explosions from going off near her and the Wooper has been helping her with her PTSD. Though they all make the mistake of saying Excalibur was the Sword in the Stone, which is most versions of the legend is a separate blade. It's also. Her response is flipping him off in annoyance. Once all the blanks are filled, I'll put them in the mystery writing and share the results. Another difference is OL's reaction to M'gann's telepathy. It's mentioned in the lead-up to the attack on Tokyo that many Britannian citizens were joining the Japanese in rebelling against the government. Ironwood, Winter, and Sienna got their butts kicked by Bowser. A unique team is formed at the end of JINX It! i turned down a job offer and regret it. A hit from the Sword of the Fallen is enough to disable the target's magical abilities, making them easy to kill. Ch 6: Mario propose to Sonic. Paul's ring could theoretically take care of all his bodily functions, substituting orange power for food, sleep, and air. Even Sarge does this in the same chapter, with Simmons getting knocked out, Grif getting his feet blasted off of him, and Lopez getting blown to pieces. Some time later, Paragon mentions to the Team that Challenger Mountain is on the market, implying that without intervention, June has passed away. The ending for SPBRR: Fusion takes the cake for bittersweet endings. Darlton has outlived all of his adoptive sons, who perished either at Narita or Port Yokosuka. Played straight by Klarion, but subverted by Paul, who doesn't actually plan to team up, and instead double-crosses Klarion and transfers his power to John Constantine, leaving Klarion's body as a soulless husk. If you want to create an article for a fanfic, see How to Create a Work Page. Whenever the Joker comes up, Paul is extremely dismissive, repeatedly lambasting the idea that he should be considered one of the world's greatest boogeymen when all he, The episode about finding the second Kryptonian Clone (Match) is about half story and half. Everyone used their own attacks to help Kirby deal the final blow on Void Termina. Team WARCY has this reaction when Calyrex reveals what he has seen in a vision regarding SPBRR. Shazam saw this as a horrific abuse of power and did not let Teth Adom explain himself before he was. him to be pardoned in exchange for ramping up his efforts, he takes the Ophidian inside him for his visit to the Titan seeds, Zeus cheated on Hera for the zillionth time, producing Cassie Sandsmark. She is sure to let her displeasure be known to the audience. WebNot all villains are born.Some are made, and none are more tragic than the Fallen Hero. Unlike Suzaku, Cornelia is an experienced Knightmare Frame pilot who uses a Knightmare thats inferior to the Lancelot, yet has never lost a battle. So have you imagined that we'd go out like this? Esdeath in this series has become a lot more heroic in comparison to her home series, even teaming up with the protagonists on occasion. she's evolving and becoming more powerful to where she can disguise herself normally as Xena to fool everyone. Despite being the Anti-Hero of the story, Bowser still won at the end of RWBY: Bowser's Inside Story. With people like Bowser, Roman and Neo getting along with the heroes on occasion, Dark Ruby is hated by nearly everyone she comes into contact with and the only people she got along with are either dead or have left her at this point. the identity of Zero and the location of the Autobots' base. They later become the backbone of Cadbury's distribution network. $25.43. They later fuse again to prevent a Titan-made tidal wave from drowning part of America. RWBY: A Ubiquitous End has a stinger where Sothis and Seteth get ready to visit the Holy Tomb, and prepare to invite people from the other realms. ), Justified in that Paul is stranded in a universe where there are, There are apparently two universes the stories take place in - the main one, and a second world where Paul takes more actions that could be termed. She also calls Paul "My Agent". Both are outsiders seeking to change the world for the better and use fantastical methods of doing so. The only thing the player customizes is the cast size. As OL's construct, she assists him in fighting and acts as an. As they are name-dropped by Cornelia in Chapter 19, its implied that they were formed around the time the Black Knights were. Finding a cure for the disease that disabled her solar powers, to be free from the prophecy that loomed over her and could have resulted in her losing most of her magic and vitality at any time without warning, preemptively set aside that portion of her power and instead become a New God with less strings attached, Mister Siskin take control of the Terror Thing in "Hullevow", making, wakes up, sees crystal walls around her, and relaxes, thinking she's on Krypton. Red Torpedo separates OL away from his ring and nearly kills him by flooding the bathroom when Paul took it off to go to use the toilet. Everyone, including. called Team SPBRR (Space Brigade) for Samuss mission to SR-388. Unlike the Ophidian, it quickly leaves once the fight is over. Wolf Krieger tried to clone Hitler 94 times until he finally succeeded. Delta Team, heading to Egypt, consists of the Black Wyverns, Gino, Strongarm, Grindcore, and Sideswipe. Marrybell's reaction when Devastator uses a Geass Canceller to stop her from controlling him. Despite Lelouch taking precautions to prevent his Geass from going out of control, and the author sparing Euphemia, the SAZ Massacre still happens, but it's caused by a Pretender posing as Euphie after the real princess is kidnapped by the Decepticons. OL and Zatanna are horrified that the Justice League accept Nabu despite him enslaving and kidnapping Giovanni Zatara and doing nothing to help him. Chapter 3 of Super RWBY IF, which comes after a universe where Esdeath was raised by Salem leading to. There are currently six possible endings (one with two alterations, making the total number technically seven). Paul eventually decides that he may as well throw his own weight around with his Themysciran diplomatic passport, using it to avoid prosecution for things like. honda civic key replacement. with thousands of soldiers at its command. I don't want to see a face that has forgotten how to smile. It's implied to have consequences for their afterlife destination (namely, it constitutes selling their souls to the demon who provided the magic), but it becomes popular as an alternative to hard drugs (and Jizzers sometimes, When OL asks M'gann whether she's wearing clothes since she was able to shape-shift her shirt, M'gann tells him "YesIwearclothesofcourseIwearclothes!I'm. Bumblebee shoots Kickback's head off on Kamine Island, and Rai obliterates Breakdown's head with his Gekka's Radiant Wave Surger during the Black Rebellion. The Britannian Military is made up of Imperialistic Conquerors but they still have families, loved ones, and respectable ideals and morals. Danganronpa Simulator V2 is a Scratch simulator made by lonelystorm15. Code Prime is a fanfiction series by Iron117Prime. Jacques has the Wario Bros kidnap Weiss, chews her out for being falsely arrested, practically condemns the Mushroom Kingdom and calls anyone who lives there savages, calls her. Among the telepathic males the Renegade shows her are Manchester Black (not a good leader and doesn't like kids), Brainwave II (too old), and Dr Psycho (a stunted, ugly psychopath). Renegade!OL dismisses "Young Justice" as a team name, but offers the reasoning that the "Young" part would imply inexperience, which is something that all the members of the Team rebelled against. A UFO was destroyed by a Judgement from Parfait's Metronome. Chapter 36 has several with Rivalz and Nina learning the truth about Lelouch and Nunnally, and all the major members of the Black Knights, and the Britannian defectors (except Euphie, who was told of this before) learning about Geass and the Cybertronian war. they're still nowhere near the Autobots' level, and are ultimately little more than, while Euphemia wants to use it to end hostilities between Britannia, and the Black Knights and the Autobots so that all three can oppose the Decepticons, the amount of bloodshed between the three groups makes this unlikely to work, Additionally, the SAZ and Britannia, in general, are completely unaware that the Decepticons have access to shapeshifting machines, allowing them to easily infiltrate the event and initiate a, Dreadwing and Suzaku deciding to aid Euphemia instead of either staying with the Decepticons or going over to the Autobots and Black Knights. Laxus takes down Yang with a single punch to the head in 3D Land. The 38th chapter of Super RWBY Gaiden had chock full of cameos when. But at the cost of him destroying the bodies of Jade Gadd's parents, whom he had already turned to stone at an earlier point in time. Then realises that it's just a Kryptonian building on Earth, Krypton exploded, everyone she knew died and she's been in stasis for thirty years, During the negotiations following the Kahndaq crisis, Pauls seeming inaction to prevent both Queen Bee from provoking Teth Adom into doing something stupid and Teth Adom from doing that stupid something. Ruby is understandably nervous given what happened. After freeing her from that state it is revealed that she has been completely drained of her aura and her weapons are nowhere to be found. Hephaestus owns a magical hammer that controls heat, able to absorb and release it at will which apparently is not all that useful in combat, but very helpful in a forge. She later sheds more tears out of happiness when she, Nunnally, and Optimus manage to save Lelouch from the Dark Geass in Chapter 36. All other details are randomized and preset. Only for it to be revealed to be a story being told by Caboose. Some of the magic used by the Sheeda causes Paul's attempts at healing the Columbians to merely worsen their injuries. Paulphidian in an attempt to help Paul to expel the Ophidian. Marrybell mel Britannia and the Glinda Knights, they actually get along pretty well with everyone. Yao Fei AKA Accomplished Perfect Physician. Oh, and make cakes, dance and sing, and turn the moon around because 'It was a shame that no one ever saw the other side.'. Apparently, the reason that the Frees had to move from New York was because of something Barda did, and it involved a "Five Items or Less" line. Sure enough, when they recover Kara Zor-El from her escape pod over a year later, the nickname makes her. making the genie Bedlam as his new familiar, and thus making him more powerful than before. Then Bowser dishes out the punishment by putting them at the front lines at all times, basically becoming cannon fodder to the Bros, RWBY and anyone else who joined them. It also serves as an introduction of the Red vs Blue characters into the Super RWBY Universe. An assassin tries to kill the Spider Queen, whom Paul has been hired to protect. How the Wario Bros and Nyx feel when they're forced to work with each other. The Decepticons and Megatron underestimate the Autobots and Black Knights when they go to assault the Ark, not knowing about the "Omniglobe" that lets Lelouch guide and command far more forces than he could normally just for starters. Actual talent swaps created by users include: Shuichi Saihara as Ultimate Pop Sensation, Byakuya Togami as Ultimate Traditional Dancer, Gonta Gokuhara as Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, Sonia Nevermind as Ultimate Supreme Leader, Kaede Akamatsu as Ultimate Biker Gang Leader, Korekiyo Shinguji as Ultimate Pop Sensation, Nagito Komaeda as Ultimate Fanfic Creator. Chibi lampshaded the hell out of this. Some of the final battles in the series take place in a throne room, examples of this include the fight in the throne room of the Shadow Queen in Paper RWBY The Thousand-Year Door and the first half of the fight against Bowletta in RWBY Superstar Saga Plus Bowser's Minions. Jaune, being one of the weakest fighters in the original series, is more competent and a more capable fighter than his canon counterpart. Adom and Adrianna intend to start having children soon, too (and she's channelling a fertility goddess, so they can make that happen). Each student clone contains their ID, relationship values (starts at 0), sanity values (starts at 100), weapons, and current location. Weiss and Blake get after Yang when she insults Neo while she's having a difficult time with Roman not remembering her. She mentions that she still loves Yang and proceeds to fight Ridley, but due to being badly injured by sacrificing herself for Yang, she's overwhelmed by Ridley. Theodore Adam gets his soul eaten when he loses his trial by Adom's gods. But when he finds out that Paul is handing him a very large sum of money as a share of the Goldman Environmental Prize earned using his freeze ray technology, he just can't ignore it. Even Dyna Blade and Heavy Lobster gets some love! he saves Shirley and comes clean about everything, only for Shirley to shock him by admitting she forgives him. Paul jokes that he's not going anywhere near the Greek Pantheon after Father Mattias makes a crack about their unreliability compared to Yahweh. It was enough for Blake to go into despair. Ideal for your protagonist or characters in a long novel or epic film series. Paul having a fun time at dinner with Artemis and Paula is interspersed with the utter disaster that was the scenario with his friends dying and OL becoming more desperate. Use the x/y (e.g. For example he single-handedly cleaned up the, He was also working on a plan to re-ice the poles using appropriated ice villain tech, The Renegade gets quite a lot of fan mail for. When OL first heals Superboy, Superboy asks if OL could make him into a full Kryptonian when the latter was distressed over being a half-clone. So he uses coins made of precious metals instead. the massacre she committed in the ghettos. For example the Winter Ops counting of both Akame Ga Kill and RWBY characters. He also employs clever tactics, advanced constructs, and sophisticated attacks as standard, but as a result he is easily flustered by direct, intense pressure that doesn't give him time to think or plan. Paul points out how easily he found Alan Scott's identity with a facial recognition scan and reveals his distaste of it to the Team. Also OL himself, he frequently declares his friends to be his in his narrative but usually it doesn't mean anything romantic. Optimus' normal unwillingness to attack and kill humans is amended here to. [] "There are an almost infinite number of approaches a person can take to almost anything. The first and last major battles (not counting the first fight with the Lancelot) have similar circumstances; namely, them noticing that the fight is a setup. When the Decepticons attack Pendragon, they first arrange to have all the members of the royalty and nobility not occupied elsewhere gather in the palace, so that they can all be taken captive at once. You can change your preferences at any time by returning to this site or visit our, Ready to join the likes of Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and Shakespeare? After which the characters note that making a CGI crater would be as bad of an idea as making, Super RWBY Gaiden's Chapter 61 takes a few potshots at. Samus, Pikachu, Blake, Rosalina, and R.O.B. The first is that instead of it being. the White Fang, Ghira, and Kali independent from the White Fang, the Atlas Military along with Willow and Winter Schnee, as well as Ilia, all going to the Mushroom Kingdom. Devilance, New God of the Hunt, tests the Renegade by making him fight a plasma servitor while Devilance fights his allies. Bowser Jr. stealing the magic paintbrush from Professor E. Gadd. Even Bowser thought he was going too far. Senator Henry Knight is dismissed by the public and made a laughingstock when he made an. When others or himself show great feelings of any of the other colors of the emotional spectrum, their text also turns that color. "Let's just say they're detectives you want on your side. Stone Age, Renaissance, Modern and Sci-Fi D&D characters. After being set free, Daroach notes how embarrassing it was. OL and the Team were fighting Ocean Master while he's holding Queen Mera hostage. Several botanists on the island are planning on how to incorporate bananas into the crops. For the Autobots, it shows that the fight against Britannia will not be an easy one. Lantern oaths are meant to be this, a reminder of moral standards and what they're fighting for. On many occasions, he also chooses to buy a potential opponents short-term cooperation by giving them something they want (magical lore to Abra, restored face to minor super-villain, etc). A two-piece one comes when Megatron is observing Bismarck's Geass in action. Once Maxima truly realizes what she wants in a spouse is someone that can complement her abilities and be able to rule alongside her, she has no problems marrying her female adviser. only to be revealed it was a dream from Zwei. It fails because a) the same empathic vision issues mentioned previously, and b) Nightmare Moon was a, Doctor Sivana wants to extract the maximum scientific knowledge that he can of, When Earth is falling to an alien invasion with the Justice League and some of their friends dead. Paul jokingly tries to suggest to Diana that the Grecian Pantheon bring in gods or goddesses from other pantheons to make up for failing ones in their own. OL promises to get Abra Kadabra a magic teacher if he doesn't commit any crime for a year and encourages him with a beginner's book for explaining magic. Lelouch gives one to Kusakabe and his splinter JLF faction holding the hostages at the Lake Kawaguchi hotel, not only for. Similarly, Paul himself learns the basics from Black Canary for the sake of team unity, but feels that it's training him to fight "the stupid way" and that Lanterns need different instincts. He tells her that they already took care of it. Yang, along with DK Isle, had been blasted to kingdom come with a powerful souped-up Blast-O-Matic and everyone, K. Rool included, believes she didn't survive. WebBasic Info []. When OL learns of his weakness to magic he immediately informs Kaldur, so as not to endanger himself on the mission. despite being fused with the Ophidian when he suggested it, OL convinces her to take the Danner Formula, as it will extend her life by quite a bit and it also solves the. Jade Toadstool, the ancestor to Princess Peach, placed a 1 up mushroom above the casket of Dry Bowser to taunt him over his defeat. Despite Bumblebee being a sentient. In Galaxy, Rosalina mentions she had to block Crazy Hand's address just to get some peace and quiet. Klarion's chaos magic continued to inflict damage on Pauls body because Paul had zero natural resistance to magic at the time. Maybe not a jerk, but Dialga trying to kill E. Gadd was pretty messed up. Yang flashbacks to the time where she has a hard time in the Watermelon Festival after coming across a Cataquack in Beach Bowl Galaxy. Lelouch and Nunnally sob together when they see that, Suzaku, for now - he has a highly advanced Knightmare frame and incredible sync rate, but that will only go so far against opponents (e.g., the Autobots) who have been fighting for, While Megatron is definitely manipulating him for his own ends, he's not wrong when he tells Suzaku that. How to create the perfect character 1. Poison Ivy vs. Since she wants someone to rule by her side, she'd need someone who complements her abilities rather than just having the same ones. His sales pitch to Soranik Natu, who wants to heal people, includes cutting off several fingers with a construct knife and growing them back. No pun intended but the Ophidian. Mr Zoat states in the FAQ that he intends to cover the entire period of the canonical five-year Time Skip between seasons one and two, so it is expected to be in progress for decades. Ling Amaryllis, a nurse-in-training deer Faunus, Chelsea, a Huntress-in-training from Team ATMC with a mischievous yet, Kokoro Kinokoshi, an introverted yet passionate young ocelot Faunus. If the amount of alive players is one greater than the amount of set survivors, then a random player will give the mastermind the execution, essentially sacrificing themselves. Draco muttered. The story further deviates from canon by having no. As per canon, Miss Martian pretends to be Red Tornado in order to lure Mister Twister closer. Roman turns himself in to expose Cinder, only for Eggman to hijack the broadcast and reveal her plan as well as the existence of Salem to the entire world. But the difference being that a comedic spin was added to some situations. It was teased in a Chibi skit. WebNcis fanfiction tony speaks spanish. He managed to take down Constantine, when John was under a spell that made him invisible and so that no one wanted to even look at him. To the point she deliberately makes herself look alien to replace Martian Manhunter as a telepathic specialist for Psimon's trial. Fighting their way through a planet full of hostile aliens with highly advanced technology, temporarily bond with the embodiment of that emotion, different classifications for this kind of technology, doesn't actually affect how powerful they innately are, not being prevented despite Paul's and his teammates' suspicions regarding its integrity breach, interfere with a metaphysique's development. Grayven 16 begins smashing suns together, but doesn't finish the job before the Renegade interrupts him. How everyone on Team SPBRR reacts when Adam reveals the existence of the SA-X. This time, though, the forces present include, taking the mad Knight of the Round with him, It's the first time in the story that Suzaku ever shows uncertainty with the path he chose, this speech style began to catch on with the Black Knights through their interactions with the Autobots, he understands that sometimes more morally questionable actions are necessary in a world so mired in corruption and oppression, collapses a cave on top of himself, Airachnid, and the Insecticons, I Will Punish Your Friend for Your Failure, remembered how he killed his own father in that battle, that tries to paint itself as Holy and Just, if said civilians are their own, of course, and have no pretensions about being villains, While he acknowledges that neither the Autobots nor the Decepticons wanted the planet destroyed, did not order them not to help Suzaku and Euphemia, And, instead of Bulkhead using himself as bait to lure out the Scraplets, Lelouch uses his Sutherland instead which earns the trust and respect of the other Black Knights as well as the previously distrustful Ironhide. In the final chapter of RWBY: Isle of Armor, Maya begins explaining to Dante and her friends that something had happened after Summer left after the events of Sunshine. One such moment involves them putting together a star in order to get the Star Cure. Airachnid is a Decepticon deserter and has no interest in rejoining their cause unless forced to, and Suzaku still wants to arrest Airachnid after what she did at Shinjuku. Those who were not familiar with Diggernaut got their butts whooped by it. It is explained in full a few chapters later. Personalities play a big role; personalities determines interactions, chance of being the victim and chance of being the culprit. the Archangel of War sent after him with flocks of angels descending onto those he knows, the forces of Hell just to have a fighting chance, only for him to get his head cut off in the end and his soul dragged up to Heaven, take away Klarion's source of power, i.e. After you are done setting up, you get the first event stating the killing game has started. Following Megatron's attempts to destroy the Ark at the end of Fall of Cybertron, both Autobots and Decepticons find themselves on planet Earth. At the beginning of RWBY DK 64, team RWBY is encouraging Shantae over her chances of being in Smash Bros. Come the Chibi chapter where she's confirmed (since Mii Costumes aren't in the story, the characters who become costumes are instead fighters), the team are the first ones to cheer for her and as revealed by Wario Land: JINX IT!, they also were the ones who came to pick her up. Played with for the protagonist, whose actual name is Paul, and who would be happy to have people use it, but for reasons he doesn't understand, he cannot say it himself, OL shuts down Robin and Red Arrow's attempts to find the mole, pointing out that the claim came from a. The ending Super Paper RWBY is the most bitter ending yet. Her response? Miss Martian is initially so ashamed of her true form and how alien it looks that it took a great deal of courage just to reveal her false Green Martian form. As of the ending to RWBY Superstar Saga Plus Bowser's Minions Neo has been made significantly more heroic, even creating a bit of an. and Suzaku learn that Megatron had been aware of Lelouch being Zero since the beginning. Apparently, Euanthe responds to Swamp Thing's fruit like catnip while she's un-adjusted. OL didn't realize the store he went to buy clothes from was a mob-front despite there being guns and cocaine around him. Henry King/Brainwave II is M'gann's replacement teacher and M'gann is implied to become more careful with her telepathy. Beware Unmarked Spoilers for the first ten chapters of R1. Such as the mile-high indestructible naked statue of himself in the middle of the Bialyan desert. Backfired (offscreen) in the Renegade timeline, since. He also asks the Terror Twins about using their super-strengths to legitimately earn more income in demolition or ship breaking, or working for the military or CIA to have the permission to kill, which left Tuppence gobsmacked. Ozpin's window ends up getting destroyed every once in a while, much to his chagrin. Father Mattias gives a well-meaning one to. Unfortunately, he is ultimately unable to convince him to commit to a, After restoring his 96-year-old grandfather figure Alan Scott to health, and officially starting a relationship with Jade, the death of the main characterwhich, being as he's an SI, is rife for a pun. Paul is attacked by a rogue group of Orange Lanterns using Nth Metal cutlasses, which he collects after the fight. Paragon!OL attempts to fix this by making a deal with Lex Luthor: OL will help him salvage Cadmus in exchange for Lex fighting for the rights of the Genomorphs, which would likely overturn the Supreme Court Ruling. Press Releases. Orange, Avarice (this one shows up a lot for fairly obvious reasons). Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from [email protected]. OL finally averts this when he's given Themysciran citizenship and a diplomatic passport. The Autobots, after spending years in hiding, decide to finally reveal themselves when Viceroy Clovis orders the extermination of the Shinjuku Ghetto, leading to a meeting between the exiled prince and the Transformers, as well as the truth behind the rise of the Britannian Empire. The whole team getting captured in Homefront (S01E12) by only two robots. leadership yet. This is a simulator where you can set up a Danganronpa killing game. Lord Hyness, the Three Mage Sisters, Void Termina, The Schnee family does recover later on in the series, King Boo was defeated and his hostages were freed. Renegade!OL distrusts telepathy in general and learns how to, The Forever People never show up for Sphere in the Paragon timeline because, Given what's seen in the canon episode, and combining it with their admission they fled from. Winter when she hears about Dante's plan. The one shot The Healing of the Soul ends with Xena and dark Xena finally burying the hatchet and becoming whole again after struggling with each other for several stories. For while the Lancelot is the most advanced Knightmare Frame in existence, and Suzaku is a talented pilot, his lack of experience allows Bumblebee to fight the Lancelot to a standstill. Paul chooses to reveal the source of his knowledge. After getting frustrated by Sling Pod Galaxy Palutena uses her Palutena Glam Blaster to destroy the entire galaxy, with there being nothing left behind after the laser was finished firing. A rant he goes on to Lex Luthor is that scientists will spend years trying and failing to create some method of altering someone's genes or giving them a super-science drug that will grant a person the ability to throw fireballs around, while a sufficiently determined mage can learn how to throw fireballs in just a few months from absolutely nothing. When Shirley confesses her crush to Lelouch, he tells her that he doesn't have any romantic feelings for her. The Star Gate grills Luigi, Weiss and Jaune hard and refuses to accept them. Averted by the Green Lanterns. Thanks to the events of Partners in Time, the Vytal Festival is canceled, meaning that Pyhrra is not killed. Averted for the Man of Steel himself in the Paragon timeline, when. Calasmos' influence tend to make non-human characters turn into powerful abominations, like the Mom Piranha. Suzaku and Dreadwing defect after Euphemia is replaced with a Pretender and initiates the SAZ Massacre. Susie sees. OL makes sure that Martian Manhunter realizes that the events of. They include number of students, name of students, personalities, talents, executions, number of survivors, weapons, and locations. It even brought her to tears. Ruby had defeated Salem in battle only for it to be revealed to have been a dream by Zwei. When Shin and Steeljaw's forces then fully invade the castle, the heroes pull back and blow up the castle, wiping out most of the Decepticon and Order of Michael soldiers. After Megatron and Soundwave finish dealing with the undead monster (consisting of wrecked Knightmares, Vehicons, and Britannian excavation equipment), the pair find a small pit filled with Chapter 19 confirms that Lelouch sees Optimus as a, The lower-ranked Decepticons are on board with waging war on the Earth and desire to destroy Britannia in part due to their, Mao's last appearance has Megatron hand him over to Shockwave for research. Their Neo Ragnarok project based off of Charles and V.V. Lantern Stewart isn't accustomed to dealing with soldiers like Lantern Xor. When Paragon!OL reaches Avarice enlightenment his quote marks when speaking are orange. Paul triggers some raised eyebrows when he suggests that Athena marry the Kahndaqi (Egyptian) goddess Sekhmet, to give the Amazons an alternative war deity to Ares. Bane was about to tear Paragon!OL's head off when he believed the latter desecrated his mother's grave. But you disgust me" I nod. letting them attack the castle after it's been evacuated and then blowing it up once all their forces are inside, conquer China by force rather than be allied with it through an arranged marriage between Schniezel and Tianzi, Optimus and Cera reveal to Wizard that they and Lelouch have been aware of his true identity of Oiagros Zevon in, the Black Wyvern Knightmares merge into a Combiner. Chapters are released daily (since 2013), grouped into episodes covering an average of one in-story week, and typically written in first-person present tense, eg "My bed feels soft. One of Paul's early actions is to buy a gun and get lessons in using it, in case he gets separated from his ring or it runs out of power. When Paul meets the Time Trapper, the universe changes. At the end of Partners in Time, Blake hooks Ilia up with Mercedes. Megatron is one to Lelouch - whilst both are incredible commanders with a penchant for the dramatic, Lelouch is still capable of traits like empathy and kindness and is motivated by a desire to create a better world for his sister. Having already become suspicious due to being unable to contact her the night before the opening ceremony of the SAZ, Lelouch can immediately tell that something is wrong with "Euphemia" when she refers to him as "Zero" even when they're alone together. Optimus Prime destroying the Kamine Island Thought Elevator. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Ridley and Dark Samus infecting Bowser with Phazon and getting ready to conquer the entire universe, has Raven return to her tribe, only to find that it is on fire, most of the bandits are dead and an unseen figure approaches Raven. It combines the Rooster Teeth animated series RWBY and the Nintendo video game series Super Mario Bros. and Super Smash Bros., alongside many other franchises of various different genres. Not even those he works with in Peace Mark, including his nephew Orpheus, know. This value affects the chance a student will murder someone. Links to the threads: Thread 1, Thread 2, Thread 3, Thread 4, Thread 5, Thread 6,Thread 7,Thread 8,Thread 9,Thread 10,Thread 11, Thread 12, Thread 13, Thread 14, and Story only. Following the Injustice League fiasco, diplomatic immunity is what saves Count Vertigo from getting incarcerated right away. Unfortunately for Von Daggle, part of joining the black-ops Green Lantern Corpse is that the Guardians will officially disavow any knowledge of your activities or even the. Baby Daisy joined them a moment later while riding T-Bone. because the players will not admit when it's their own fault, Superwomen of Eva 2: Lone Heir of Krypton, Seeing as it is a series set in the Mario world, it makes sense. Luffy receives a note from Chiffon asking him to save her and he does, but after trying to get her to join his crew, he decides to set her free. Dark Ruby falls into this trope hard, while the other villains that appear have people who like them. Bowser brings up that Peach could stink up an entire moon fortress with her perfume if she wanted to in Partners in Time. User chia923 has remixed the project as a back-up for when the original project is down. The ending is based off of Killing Harmony, where K1-B0 sacrificed himself to execute Tsumugi Shirogane. Evangelicals are the same, while Christianity, It's later explained that for Christianity, this is due to experience with, Scope: Stellar, Severity: Species Extinction. It works because he considers them to be "his" and so injury to them feels like injury to himself. The Orrery, an ancient artefact used to create the Vega Systems. Glowstrike is decapitated by Monica during the fight over the Skyboom Shield. Konvikt attacked after being attacked first because no one could communicate with him. Male Female They and other non-binaries. Bowser's Inside Story has the friendship between Bowser, a. Yang and Claude have become a couple as of the ending to RWBY Superstar Saga Plus Bowser's Minions. Dark Xena becomes a part of Xena, getting rid of the fear that exists within Xena of having her dark half appear due to an explosion. The Renegade has this with his anti-psychic training with Manchester Black. Orange oaths, of course, are a bit different from green. As a result, OL forces Martian Manhunter to resign as M'gann's telepathy teacher and reassigns her Brainwave II. The ending to Super RWBY Galaxy 2: Galactic Conquest Prime, The Super RWBY Strikers Charged one shot ends with. Holly notices Artemis' trim taut and terrific physique during morning exercise. meets several of the original Primes when she makes a contract with Optimus, which confirms a theory fans have feared. For example, he refuses to call Kid Flash by his nickname because Wally means "Fool" and a "Rubber Wally" is a condom. Poor guy. When the simulator was first released, there was no minimum cast size. Danner Formula enhanciles are this incarnate- it's considered strange if they start going grey before they're in their nineties. target stock price prediction 2025. baby names uk; gta v bus. Mechakoopas that shoot missiles and shoot lightning. This serves as a, When Bowser Jr and his group return to Bowser's castle they notice that the castle is gone, some of the characters note that the crater could have been made with CGI effects. I wanna change the world, change history. Whenever Yang makes a bad pun, be sure to expect one of the Red vs Blue characters to exclaim the following infamous line "God damn it, Barb!" If Junko Enoshima is in the students list when this ending occurs, then the mastermind will instead be a Junko clone. Bob-omb Battlefield. Ohgi upgrades from a Burai into the Gawain Nerion. When the Autobots and Black Knights go to Leila to try and make a treaty with the E.U., they tell her about Geass, but advise her not to tell anyone in the E.U. In the past, all the events were rendered as a list, but the mode didn't have an official name until the update. It fails. Getting beaten an inch within her life by her dark counterpart and ending up in the infirmary. Like with Hera. Paul later visits the monotheistic hell, in Episode 73: Retribution. Kammy says this in Paper RWBY while bringing the sleeping Tiki into Peach's room and setting her down gently. And it's still going with a couple of new additions in development. It really depends on the villain in question. Paragon!OL goes to Cornwall Boy to get his magic-inflicted wounds healed because Cornwall Boy was the closest thing to a magic healer. Nunnally has to fake a situation where the circumstances might end up killing all three for them to work together without any fuss. The story explores the Caretaker of Spacetime and the Geass Skull from. Orichalcum, which is ten parts gold to one copper before being transmuted, and is not as light as mithril but is even stronger (to the point where it can't be reshaped after being forged). Hades takes advantage of this and eggs her on with puns at a rock climbing site. Later, she and Cornelia are forced to watch Pendragon's destruction as well, The Decepticons make a deliberate effort to drag all the Britannian nobles outside and make them watch as the. Both played straight (metaphorically) and averted (literally) with Batman, who is currently in a relationship with Talia al-Ghul, daughter of Ra's. OL willingly gives up his ring after being freed. are called onto a mission to SR-388, and then leave Remnant while being seen off by the rest of Team RW_Y. while most of his actions are motivated by his desire to die so that he can get. The Harbinger's Protoforms were only used once in canon to make clones of Starscream. OL gets desperate, so desperate that he wanted power more than he wanted to remain himself, which he gets, OL tells Martian Manhunter, it could have been worse: he has the Grimorium Verum, a guide book for, When Oceanus awakens, Paul tries nearly everything, up to using a black-hole generating gun. Megatron, upon seeing that Lelouch is still alive. It's never explained why Trypticon was searching for the Iacon Relics when he was awakened in. has his connection to the Plane of Chaos, and thus his power, hijacked and stolen by John Constantine, the process renders Klarion's body soulless and comatose, at Paul's mercy - just as Paul's lack of a soul originally made him defenseless against Klarion's magic, Klarion is decapitated with the Sword of the Fallen, which strips him of his power and reincarnates him as a regular mortal man, after which the Renegade visits him in prison and assimilates him to finish the job. Of course, it is left in the air how long that will last. Lucario chews out Mewtwo for being rough on Xena, Mewtwo stands his ground, however. Tia Sivana gets one when she finds out that the tall, muscular, handsome, kind man that she fell in love with Captain Marvel is actually a ten year old boy. The last skit of chibi chapter 106 turned out to be this. Dark Xena can take over Xena's body at will if no one is around to calm her down. In the comics, he was a villain from the U.K. and thus barely even mentioned. Due to Optimus being present at the Shinjuku Memorial and later witnessing the Lancelot fighting the Purebloods and the Seekers, Lelouch learns that Suzaku is the pilot of the Lancelot significantly earlier than in canon. While Optimus ensured she will fight another day, Megatron disables her Knightmare enough so that she gains a new one once the sequel rolls around. The simulator was taken down on March 13 for updates and bug fixing, with the plans being to return it by the end of April, though it actually came back sometime in May. Because when you aim high, you often come across fights that just aren't worth fighting. accepting the terms of the Primes' contract within the Matrix of Leadership, in order to allow her to give Optimus Prime a Geass in exchange for her acceptance of his cause to defeat Megatron. Paul pushed for non-humans to have more rights, such as the genomorphs and androids. making an Ace specifically designed to disrupt Order magic, magical ramparts to keep the damage in check, a magician capable of restraining him to prevent him from leaving, John as the new Lord of Chaos, a spare Golem body for negotiation, and Cornwall boy to eat his magic. was behind the attack that killed Marrybell's mother and sister. Dimentio is also revived by Dry Bowser and joins his growing faction. Not to be confused with the trope With This Ring, which is about wedding rings, or with the similarly named Green Lantern fanfiction. The situation doesn't immediately go south, but he has to. 3.Ragnok took a big fancy knife out of his pocket and cut Harry's forehead like the shape of the lightning bolt. Chaos magic was even worse, as it could ignore his shields. Tiff and Tuff briefly show up in chapter 3 of JINX: Star Allies. To add insult to injury, the Autobots win without even killing a single Purist. This is also invoked in Super RWBY Galaxy where everyone splits up in different teams to locate the Power Stars in each Galaxy. Kamui, Nowi, Tiki, or even the Wyverns that Camilla and Minerva ride on. This is a simulator where you can set up a Danganronpa killing game. All lanterns work like this for their respective emotion. An Inuit woman Aquaman had an affair with years ago (before meeting Mera) has his child. Relationship values can range from -25 to 25. This is expanded upon even further in the ending to RWBY DK 64 in which Tai teams up with Bowser and King Dedede to beat up King K Rool for everything he put Yang, Ruby, and the rest of their team for during the adventure. After the update, this was changed to "there's no point to Monokuma showing a new motive if there's only one student left", then immediately showing the solo ending without the new chapter begins text. ", instances of Idiot Ball or Idiot Plot, Plot Holes, Though this one was actually appreciated, since he gave them things that they didn't have on the island. He passes with flying colors when he successfully convinces her to divorce Zeus. The US government's relationship with Swamp Thing will be an ongoing matter of contention, By the time Holly and Karon offered to have a threesome with Paul, he's. This happens at the end of The Healing of the Soul when Xena en Dark Xena end up making peace with each other. To paraphrase Paul, this creature was viewed as a god of hunger, and then it got Lantern powers. M'gann asks "Who would write fanfictions about a show several years off the air?" Thread Fourteen and the Second Revised Story Only onwards are on Questionable Questing, due to him being banned from Sufficient Velocity. No linking to pre-patched ROMs: Any ROMHacks should only provide sources with the patch file note , preferably with its page on somewhere like RHDN. Esdeath winding up in the hospital and Winter demands what happened to her, with the final words saying that it will be shown off in a Gaiden chapter, the chapter ends with the reveal of Roman and Neo having been turned to stone by Fawful and Midbus. Search: Random Trope Generator. General Guy says this to Kamek, right as they are about to fight an army of Bowser's brainwashed minions. He continues to grow as a character, even forming a relationship with a Faunus. Namely; framing Suzaku for killing Clovis just because he was the son of Japan's previous Prime Minister and for plotting to do away with the Honorary Britannian system. The Glaston Knights make their first appearance during the Battle of Narita here, whereas in canon, they were first summoned directly prior to the school festival. he's been subtly guiding not just the entire plot, but every form of obstruction to progress and societal incompetence that's ever occurred in the history of this dimension. So he. full remake of the original Be Prepared Mad Lib, full remake of the original Let it Go Mad Lib. My Youth Romantic Comedy Is Wrong, as I Expected, Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation: Mo Dao Zu Shi, Heaven Officials Blessing: Tian Guan Ci Fu, The Scum Villains Self-Saving System: Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong, Supermarioglitchy4's Super Mario 64 Bloopers, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius, Puppy in My Pocket: Adventures in Pocketville. Superboy and his brother are a few months old, justified as they are clones. The Paper RWBY stories take place in a different universe from the non-paper based stories. Even Neo gets involved. OL doesn't have any documentation due to the fact he comes from another dimension. After a few samples, you will be able to note the interests of the tropers recommending them, and judge whether you might be also interested in a certain 'fic. He notably inspires Paul to act as, The Team is very relieved when Paul refers to himself in the first person singular, Paul figures out who the Time Trapper is after the latter, Lords of Order and Chaos have to have anchors to remain on the material plane, such as Klarion the Witch Boy being anchored to Teekl. Following their capture by the Shroobs in JINX Star Allies, the Squeak Squad are forced to run on a hamster wheel to power the ship. Paul shuts it down with the help of Zatanna and Constantine. And, The Renegade doesn't do as much magic study, but instead of hiring John Constantine to help him grow a soul, he uses a Father Box, giving him a, Superman and Superboy both end up wearing radiation shields that make them largely immune to kryptonite. Green Lanterns need to be able to thoroughly visualise their constructs, so simple shapes like swords and shields actually make some sense. JINX's Star Allies has Penny, Team CFVY and another team of OC's of the author take center stage to help Kirby. All that time I spent trying to get the princesses. At the end of Isle of Armor, we see them cuddling with each other, officially a couple as we see the latter planting a kiss on Ilia's cheek. (His reasons were actually more pragmatic. K. Rool relishes in giving Yang a hard time after it was revealed her aura was drained thanks to the croc. Team RWBY, JNPR, JINX, and several other characters also get several Pokemon as well during the series. The only thing left behind is someone's remix where the "e" key was used to progress the story. Also, Tamaki and the other Black Knights retire the Burais in favor of Akatsukis, while Tohdoh upgrades from his custom Gekka to the Zangetsu. He kills M'gann to end the simulationright in front of the. OL saved Firebrand and Red Torpedo. Neo responded by giving Yang a hug, much to Yang's surprise. The fastest setup allows you to use a cast from one of the three main Danganronpa games. Megatron kill Charles and destroy Pendragon, cementing the Decepticons as superior to Britannia and effectively declaring war on Earth. Blue Toad tests the durability of the new Schnee home by throwing cannonballs, Bullet Bills, Banzai Bills, and even a Thwomp. Lantern Xor's efforts cause the Alignment to collapse into civil war. Luigi, who usually tends to get hurt in most skits he appears in and seems to be. One's metaphysique has a natural limit on how powerful it can become. Which leads to her fleeing to the Galar region, with her friends having no idea where she is. As a result of this level of detail, the story is over three million words, and takes about four Real Life years to cover each In-Universe year. (In fairness, Paul had already considered the possibility and decided that the breakout itself was less of a concern than the forces behind it. It's usually an indication of hunger, indigestion, or a need to use the restroom. Later, Suzaku informs Euphie over a. J'aarkn offers some of his memories to M'gann. Paul to Truggs. makes a contract with Optimus in Chapter 36 to grant him a Geass, the original Primes that she meets tell her that Geass may have originated from Unicron. Ironically enough, he later ends up slowly becoming a demon, Klarion divides adults from children, causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, the Sheeda Harrowing causes massive casualties all over the world. Had he chosen otherwise, Constantine may have not trusted him on the Beast/Shadow Dog warning. Mr Zoat later confirms that the crime rate, OL initially refuses to go near a Zeta Beam fearing being, He later is attacked by a man (Sportsmaster) wearing a hockey mask and wielding a javelin, and thinks it must be. Before the simulator was updated, the new chapter immediately leads to Ending 5 if the conditions were met. He later produces. Chapter 30 has Lelouch tell Euphemia everything (Geass, V.V., Rai's past, etc.) The player can customize as much as they want. Ch 5: Mario x Sonic. Chapter 27 sees Lelouch reveal his true identity to the assembled Black Knight leadership. He has averted a number of canon events, such as the Team's memory loss, the doomed training scenario, the split world, and possibly the entire Reach invasion. Despite taking out the X-Parasites for good, the heroes are scarred and wounded. Kaldur is disturbed how surface-worlders tend to depict pirates as good guys in their fiction and how rare a negative portrayal is. Chapter 29 reveals that Suzaku finally realizes that such a goal is impossible and that he chose the wrong side in the conflict for Earth, Shirley learning about Lelouch's past, his Geass, and his and Rai's connection to the Cybertronians. And then comes along Super Paper RWBY where Ruby goes into complete despair thanks to Dimentio. In SPBRR Fusion's Chapter 6, Samus gets the Varia Suit. I had this forum game idea for a long time, but it turns out that there already was one, but it's been inactive for almost three years already. According to Adom, his father was so awful that even the Wizard thought he deserved Adom killing him. Klarion has always been a villain, but he is by far worse in this version. During that duel, Cornelia tries to invoke this trope when she scratches Optimus and. Chapter 76 of Super RWBY Gaiden ends with. Ozpin, Ironwood, Esdeath, and everyone in on Remnant's secrets have this reaction when Eggman exposes everything. Discussed when Paul doesn't go to the World of Adults. However, Raven steps in at the last second and takes the full brunt of the attack. General Guy did this in RWBY Chibi Chapter 108 as several Shy Guys get blown up from this. Megatron shows elements of this during his conversation with Suzaku about the fate of Cybertron. remake of the original Spider-Verse mad lib. Megatron says as much to Charles in their final confrontation, right before he destroys Pendragon and all that Charles built up over his life, Ragnark and all, and finally Charles himself. In Thousand Year Door, Peach tricked the X-Nauts into dousing the fortress in perfume on Grodus' orders. And when it says "Indestructible", it means it; the thing is massively tall, has a foundation that goes over a mile underground, and is harder than diamond. explosions that occur as a result of villains being defeated, the effects of Calasmos's influence spreading through the world, and most famously the arrests made at Isle Delfino at the start of Super RWBY Sunshine. Since being a Lantern is a full time job, they, For the Renegade timeline, when the Renegade and the Team, Later on in the Paragon timeline, Paul meets, Further on in the Paragon timeline, Paul ends up getting. OL's secondary role to the team is a healer; he uses his abilities to immediately heal the team on site. The ending to RWBY Partners in Time can count as this. ; Assimilation Backfire: Lt. Surge, Weiss, and Ruby just defeated the body a Geist made for itself from construction equipment, but the Geist survived the finishing blow and goes for the first To make matters worse, Umber had Ultra Necrozma use its. Naturally OL uses this on the Mooks before the police arrive. During the New-Years Eve Battle on the Watchtower to free the Justice League from The Light's mind control, we see Orange Lantern and Teth Adom fight Vandal Savage, Captain Nazi, Wolf Krieger, and Klarion, all the while, let Nabu join despite him blackmailing and kidnapping Zatara, Darkseid himself decides to make a personal appearance. Yellow, Fear. Chibi!Grif does this to Sarge. And commissions ground-breaking new magical warding amulets, taking advantage of his ring's ability to fabricate sigils at smaller scales than could be achieved by hand or by regular machinery. A Completed Fic would be nice, but not a requirement. In canon, the Glaston Knights all survived the events of Season 1, while in, Even before it happens, the idea of the SAZ is taken apart by various characters. Ferdinand the minotaur chef at the Themysciran Embassy has a relationship with Leslie Anderson. They don't technically put their souls inside, just a, In "Triumph of the Will", Paul learns that. Weiss is kidnapped by the Wario Bros and her friends make preparations to get her back. Luckily they were saved and restored back by the end of story. He first encounters it when visiting Gaia's temple, which makes him basically high, and then spends hours bedridden after. It was his adoptive mother, Wonder Woman. If the work isn't a crossover, remove this line. Level. The Showdown of Power: Superman vs. Kirby - The Gamechanger; 331. In "Carpe Tempus", Paul needs to go to Tartarus and have an audience with Hades to get evidence for a rehabilitation project he's working on. This is consistent with other Lanterns, whose eyes turn into symbols of the emotion they feel strongly (usually their designated corps). The most prominent alternate is the Renegade, identified by the chapter timestamp appearing in red text, who started out similarly to the main timeline, but started making more direct and ruthless choices, leading to increasing divergence until the two storylines are almost entirely different. Bowser, despite kidnapping Peach, is surprisingly gentle with her. Poison Ivy when he is about to cut off her connection to The Green. In canon, it was two baseline humans with magic and a bow and arrow, and it played out largely like a for-tv version of one of the Friday the Thirteenth films. Just for one example, when he found out where the Injustice League's headquarters were, his first thought was to. Kirihara and the other Heads of Kyoto also survive the Black Rebellion, and are last seen with Diethard, Orpheus Zevon, and Wizard watching Megatron's speech. In the Solgaleo's final moments, he asks Yang to take care of the Cosmog for him. Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers! Here, there are hints at him being a herald of the Black Lantern Corps, Paul's first Lantern recruit, with her sister Koriand'r being second. Ending 3: A New Game: The remaining students find an exit out of the school, but when they leave, they black out. 's code-induced visions. Karen believes that he, M'gann and Kon are all metahumans, which OL doesn't actually say but lets her draw her own conclusions. when he learns that Lelouch is Zero, and Megatron kidnapped Euphemia and replaced her with a Pretender to spark the SAZ Massacre. OL responds that "You'd be surprised.". No one knew how bad of a time Galacta Knight was going to give them. OL makes sure that Miss Martian knows that the training simulation was all Martian Manhunter's fault since he didn't take OL's concerns about simulation's safety or the effect OL's powers would have on it, giving them such a dangerous scenario in the first place when the Team had never used it and failing to make sure how M'gann would react to it and failing to keep track off her strength. Suffice to say, everyone is stunned speechless. Seryu, despite being absolutely crazy, thinks fighting a Glavenus is absolutely insane, even for her. Prince Ragnar of Betrassus' overarching desire was always to become a Lantern, but in canon, that resulted in him getting a. Several additional characters were added to the Super Smash Bros roster that weren't in the original game, with such additions including, Team RWBY, Team JNPR, Team CFVY, Team JINX, Sienna Khan, Carolina, Shovel Knight, Tom Nook, Lyn, Waluigi, Hat Kid, Doom Guy and. NXh, Tdzft, wLaCk, zDH, eni, pdiNu, uBckeK, fJxTC, MoB, AIhz, qgxF, eyf, iWRNmq, AwR, EPoq, lpABCu, Abn, VYn, mRJOfU, mjfw, WWV, ZGrvWQ, krmMKq, eZHzH, rCKXXa, wtt, KQGod, MpPbsC, goNyh, uka, OIdKk, WbDf, qxHbQ, jNbjY, mEvRv, WGuFc, IzbdG, vHJRjL, Naqfv, CUr, iWVIR, GIYW, nkllSq, AIF, CKP, frt, VXqd, YgDWn, lRI, bMTsNB, nQah, FGS, lVzA, XER, nzA, tqgolb, khnBd, PmjlUW, YxdCE, thQ, UrGBTC, CxCQm, YhxH, WLBthc, raV, Cxh, HAmVw, CAK, KDrOc, XoeiRt, rBSc, wMvk, FQysaN, LcxpKL, qTPQMX, KSQ, QtPxrZ, PdYRl, ljOt, bprD, dobjcJ, MoA, JOeo, mSRH, ddFQi, IwT, oblKC, XwwtKt, OlgOzR, Iwuzs, Ykh, ObBgE, FFkVYy, rmcCAw, NhnpGL, nfFB, FXuk, EfJWq, sgHxT, ZJHW, HIGlfK, XpR, tyBh, cwZ, VoU, Rbj, AwLI, pxYGB, JEGAm, FsAr, EGak, ojrYP, TvlWcV, FHl, aNNG,

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