colossians 3:16 studylight
It lies in the fact that now the thoughts of the Christian must be set on the things which are above. It is evident, therefore, that to enter on the privileges of the church, the body of Christ, would have in nowise met the evil which the enemy was seeking to inflict on the Colossians. it is impossible to look for it from human nature. And as he becomes cold, then she feels all the more insecure and she has to challenge all the more. 3:5-9a So, then, put to death these parts of you which are earthly-- fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, the desire to get more than you ought--for this is idol worship; and because of these things the wrath of God comes upon those who are disobedient. It is a question now of truth and holiness in the Spirit of Christ, in short. The only additional thought here is, that their psalms and hymns were to be regarded as a method of teaching and admonishing; that is, they were to be imbued with truth, and to be such as to elevate the mind, and withdraw it from error and sin. When Christ, who is our life, [Now, you see this is the key to it right here. And this the apostle was doing, and particularly for one that came from them. You must live as God's people. "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in him: rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving." "Well," you say, "and it would be simple if my husband really knew what he was doing." And, to anger, is not in the original text. As to the Jewish rites and feasts that some were endeavouring to re-impose, take for an instance the Sabbath, which is the stronger, because it was from the beginning of the first man, yet unfallen, and of course long before the Jewish people. There Jew or Gentile is all alike, and those who believe the gospel are by the Spirit united to Him as His body, Here the Gentiles in particular have Him in them, the pledge of their participating in His heavenly glory by and by. It is never an ethic on which all the duties are on one side. ), Dictionary of New Testament background: a compendium of contemporary biblical scholarship (electronic ed., p. 713). But it is not so. In the Roman Empire of Paul's day, there were no recognized rights of women, children or slaves, who were all expected to obey husbands, parents and masters upon penalty of death. Have you not proved it? He had not even the right to marry, and if he cohabited and there was a child, the child belonged to the master, just as the lambs of the flock belonged to the shepherd. When Christ, who is our life shall be manifested, then shall ye also with him be manifested in glory. Or, Let this be principal and chief, as the whole sum and abstract of the second table. Thus it is from the first the expression of a most needed truth, which remains the comfort of grace throughout the whole Christian career, and is therefore never repeated. He is the truth; He is the expression of what God is. In Jesus' name I pray, AMEN. And as He is the image of the invisible God, so is He the first-born of all creation; for the Holy Spirit here brings together a kind of antithesis as to Christ in relation to God, and in relation to the creature. It should be observed in this connection that one's having died with Christ unto sin has reference only to the imperative and all-important change of the will (repentance) when one becomes a Christian. In Greek society a respectable woman lived a life of entire seclusion. Verse 22. It would appear that "spiritual" in this verse is the modifier of all that may be properly used in Christian assemblies. This, I am sure, should not be weakened, brethren. It was not so in the Ephesian epistle, where one of the richest developments of divine truth precedes any particular allusion to the saints in that city. Things which the world thought important, he will no longer worry about. "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry." The slave and the free man came together in the Church. The desire of praise should not be the principle from which they should be taught to act, but they should feel that the approbation of parents is a desirable thing, and when they act so as to deserve that approbation, no injury is done them by their understanding it. They were shadows. But doing it as unto the Lord. cit., p. 148. But Christ is all, and in all. This arrangement the original will not only bear, but it absolutely requires it, and is not sense without it. When Christ, who is our life When Christ comes to judge the world, ye shall appear with him in his glory, and in an eternal state of blessedness. The Christian must put off anger and temper. And this kind of singing is amply proved to be very injurious to the personal piety of those employed in it; even of those who enter with a considerable share of humility and Christian meekness, how few continue to sing with GRACE in their hearts unto the Lord? There is patience (makrothumia, G3115) . Goodness by itself can be stern; but chrestotes ( G5544) is the goodness which is kind, that type of goodness which Jesus used to the sinning woman who anointed his feet ( Luke 7:37-50). It pleased the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. [Note: Robertson, 4:505. And what is he then entitled to see? It doesn't mean that he's saying it doesn't matter how you live. They had done with Him, and, as far as will was concerned, they had done with Him for ever. We may be content to be hidden while He is hidden; but He is not always to be out of sight. It is commonly thought that musical instruments were banned from the early church on account of their worldly nature. The point Paul is making here is this. Away, then, with every pretence to add to Him; away with all possible expedients to give lustre to Christ! . They were wholly to extirpate those evil passions which he specifies as having their seat in the various members of the earthly body. 216. --To which you are called in one body. But now ye also put on all these Ephesians 4:22; Ephesians 4:22. "Christ is all, and in all.". On the meaning of the word dead, see the Romans 6:2 note; Ephesians 2:1 note. When Christ, who is our life - Notes, John 1:4; John 11:25, note. Yet, carrying out his ministry with continual tears, he looked before men as one whom none of these things moved. More than that, in the Early Church it could, and did, happen that the slave was the leader of the Church and the master the humble member. Let us take the cases one by one and look at them in the light of this new principle. The word mortify means to put to death (Romans 8:13, note; Galatians 5:24, note), and the meaning here is that they were entirely to subdue their evil propensities, so that they would have no remains of life; that is, they were not at all to indulge them. Little did the Colossians conceive that their endeavour to add to the truth of the gospel was in reality to detract from His glory. For instance, under Jewish law, a husband could divorce his wife for any cause, while a wife had no rights whatever in the initiation of divorce; and the only grounds on which a divorce might be awarded her were if her husband developed leprosy, became an apostate or ravished a virgin. When a man loses his peace, it is an awful proof that he has lost something else; that he has given way to evil, and grieved the Spirit of God. I am responsible to him." All mankind are his creatures, all conditions are disposed and regulated by his providence, and all human beings are equally purchased by his blood. Verse Colossians 3:2. Love, while properly exercised, is ever increasing and reproducing itself. Am I entitled, as I look upon Christians henceforth, to see nothing but Christ in any and Christ in every one? If, as men have fabled, spiritual beings sprang forth ready armed, as well as in fulness of wisdom and vigour, it would not be Christianity. In the ancient world no one was interested in foreign languages, apart from Greek. The thought of Christ and heaven being above and the sinful things of earth being below is misleading when understood merely in the sense of altitude. See more on this under Ephesians 5:20, this volume. Instead of mercies, in the plural, almost every MS. of importance, with many of the fathers, read , bowels of mercy, in the singular. So again by Him alone do all, Jews and Gentiles, draw near to the Father. Christianity teaches a man the true knowledge both of himself and of God; but it is impossible to know one's self but in the light of God; the famous , know thyself, was practicable only under the Christian religion. He divested himself of one kind of life and put on another. Certainly they have no relation to me now risen with Him. The wrath of God and the moral order of the universe are one and the same thing. In the which - In all which evil passions. (2.) The Christian puts on the name of Christ, clothes himself in the spiritual body of Christ, and will appear in glory clothed with the total righteousness of the Lord himself. Colossians 3:16 New International Version 16 Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Historically, no mechanical instruments of music were used in Christian worship until the seventh century, despite the fact of such instruments having been known and used throughout the whole world at the time of the beginning of Christianity and for centuries prior to that time. Christianity never in this world offers escape from hard work; it makes a man able to work still harder. Further, we see how Christian love delights to communicate and to hear. It means, fault found, blame, censure; and here denotes occasion of complaint. Teach and counsel each other with all the wisdom he gives. Paul only. I can do what I want." It makes a man grow continually in grace and knowledge until he reaches that which he was meant to be--manhood in the image of God. That the word of Christ might dwell in our hearts richly. [1] G. G. Findlay, Colossians in The Pulpit Commentary, Vol. [15] Arthur W. Pink, Gleanings from Paul (Chicago: Moody Press, 1967), p. 334. there is in fallen man, as such, a will that hates the truth, and despises the grace of God. First the apostle brings in all things as a whole, the universal creaturehood, earthly and heavenly; thus giving us an adequate notion of the perfect triumph of God at the time when it seemed as if Satan had completely succeeded through man against the counsels of God. As this epistle then is not said to have been addressed to Laodicea, we may gather that it was either from that church, or, if apostolic, going its round from one assembly to another. IX (Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 1965), p. 410. "The opening verses of chapter 3 sustain the closest connection with the closing verses of chapter 2. Verse 22 . Romans 6:11, c. Inordinate affection . For, unquestionably, Paul here addresses men and women of all ranks; nor would he simply have them take a slight taste merely of the word of Christ, but exhorts that it should dwell in them; that is, that it should have a settled abode, and that largely, that they may make it their aim to advance and increase more and more every day. "Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth; for ye are dead.". "Let this peace rule in your heart--prevail and govern there, or as an umpire decide all matters of difference among you." Is it necessary? It presented to us the person of Him who was to reconcile; in itself it was thus a most important step towards the reconciliation; but, in fact, there was no reconciliation yet for a solitary soul: the cross of Christ wrought it all. In Romans the emphatic point is simply death, because the argument of the apostle in chapter 6 does not admit of going beyond the truth that the baptized believer is alive from the dead not exactly risen, but alive unto God. Babes, young men, and fathers: such is in grace as in nature the divine way with us. That which is hidden is concealed; the world cannot recognize the Christian. Teach and help one another along the right road with your psalms and hymns and Christian songs, singing God's praises with joyful hearts. The soul is liable to the agitations of passion and excitement - like an assembled multitude of men. "For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, and them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh; that their hearts might be comforted, being knit together in love, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; in whom [or rather which] are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge." b. If it is the desire for power, it leads to sadistic tyranny. There is gentleness (praotes, G4236) . Here we enter not merely what clears one out from the rudiments of the world, but what introduces us into the new thing. The Colossians, like others, would have liked this well enough; it is just what they were about, and the very thing that the apostle is here correcting. THE UNIVERSALITY OF CHRISTIANITY ( Colossians 3:9 b-13). We may proceed to trace now the course of the Spirit of God in this deeply instructive epistle. It was amongst these things that you once spent your lives; when you lived among them; but now you must divest yourselves of all these things--anger, temper, malice, slander, foul talk which issues from your mouth. The Christian's standard of values will be God's not men's. (3)The duty of speaking the truth, since they had put off the old man with his deeds; Colossians 3:9-11. The clause, in grace, Chrysostom explains in different ways. They needed to learn especially the vanity of all that man's mind delights in. "For I bear him record, that he hath a great zeal for you, and them that are in Laodicea." Thumos ( G2372) is a blaze of sudden anger which is quickly kindled and just as quickly dies. Constructively, to my mind, this points to the great sign of His death. We are not Jews; we have our place in Christ dead and risen, or are nothing. Bear with one another, and, if anyone has a ground of complaint against someone else, forgive each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you must forgive each other. There was no hindrance to the flow of the Spirit in unfolding the truth. "Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with thanksgiving." Being united in one body, we are called to be at peace one with another, as the members of the natural body; for we are the body of Christ, and members in particular,1 Corinthians 12:27. In summary, Paul says that whatever we do, do it as if we're doing it for Jesus Christ, because we are. The most honoured servants of God invariably stir up the keenest opposition from man. He would have the songs of Christians, however, to be spiritual, not made up of frivolities and worthless trifles. Children, obey your parents - Notes, Ephesians 6:1-4. Seek those things which are above - That is, seek them as the objects of pursuit and affection; strive to secure them. The word members here, refers to the different members of the body - as the seat of evil desires and passions; compare the notes at Romans 6:13. (For an extensive discussion of how instrumental music affects the heart, see Lipscomb and Shepherd 298-299. Paul was the one that God raised up to fill the gap. How blessed! Thus it is then that for these saints the desire is that they should steadily advance. I may be perfectly certain, whatever may be my sorrow or travail of spirit about anything, Christ feels far more deeply (yea, infinitely deeper than any other) those that may excite any of us. That's where I am now living in Christ, in God. Why should we put off the old deeds and put on the qualities of the new life? Put off the old man. Circumcised and uncircumcised were drawn together in the one fellowship. He judges everything in the light of the Cross and in the light of the love which gave itself for him. Be you merciful, as your Father is merciful,Luke 6:36. As it is fit in the Lord. Children obey your parents in all things, for this is well-pleasing in the Lord. Colossians 3: 16 Wood Sign / Let the Word of Christ Dwell / Wooden Sign / Scripture Wall Art / Bible Verse / Farmhouse Style leapoffaithsigns (2,399) $95.00 FREE shipping Colossians 3:16 soulforglory (1) $18.00 Colossians 3:15-16 Let the Peace of Christ Bible Verse Wall Art Print Scripture Printable Humbled15five (11) $4.50 This renewing of their lives is not something that happens only once. To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. All are equal in him, united in him, and should strive to be like him (11).Believers should put off old sinful habits as they would put off dirty clothes. In the next place, we have the apostle's prayer: "For this cause we also, since the day we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding; that ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and growing by the knowledge of God." The answer is this: By the apostolic injunction "to sing," thus commanding a special kind of music, all other kinds are eliminated. The directions here to wives, husbands, children, parents, servants, and masters, are so exactly the same in substance with those in Ephesians 5:22-33(note); Ephesians 6:1-9 (note), that there is no need to repeat what has been said on those passages; and to the notes there the reader is requested to refer. Evidently it is used emphatically to refer to our Lord as our Mediator - our Prophet, Priest and King."[14]. His meaning is, that not one part of the Scripture only should be regarded and attended to but the whole of it, every truth and doctrine in it, even the whole counsel of God; which as it is to be declared and preached in its utmost compass, so all and every part of it is to be received in the love of it, and to be abode in and by; there is a fulness in the Scriptures, an abundance of truth in the Gospel, a large affluence of it; it is a rich treasure, an invaluable mine of precious truths; all which should have a place to their full extent, in both preacher and hearer: and that. And it's beautiful. And this is the truth that is so offensive to flesh in every form. Put on, therefore, as the elect of God - The fact that you thus belong to one and the same church; that you have been redeemed by the sameblood, and chosen by the same grace, and that you are all brethren, should lead you to manifest a spirit of kindness, gentleness, and love. Singing in your hearts. This is called the peace of God, because it is of his working in all who are his. The apostle could not but dread the slide on which the Colossians found themselves; and the more so as they themselves had no fears, but on the contrary thought highly of that which had attracted their minds. We must note carefully what Paul means by that. Forgive, says the apostle, even as Christ forgave you-show the same disposition and the same readiness to forgive your offending brethren, as Christ showed towards you. And what was to be done? And by these preposterous means the simplicity of the Christian worship is destroyed, and all edification totally prevented. Oh, but how important that we are able to say, "Christ who is my life." and hymns: A "hymn" was originally a song of praise to any god or hero. Next, the doctrine is applied still more definitely. He is also the power of all their growth in understanding the things of God. When the Christian was baptized, he put off his old clothes when he went down into the water and when he emerged he put on a new and pure white robe. 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. (iii) It destroyed the barriers between the cultured and the uncultured. This is the doctrine of the epistle to the Ephesians. It was not so unmingled an address as where he views them simply as they were in Christ. There are at least two vivid pictures here. By their nature of being in the Old Testament, psalms are surely spiritual, and "hymns" are so by definition; but, as for any song so used, it must likewise be spiritual. Do we feel and know that we can add nothing to Him? THE GARMENTS OF CHRISTIAN GRACE ( Colossians 3:9 b-13 continued). There are a number of exceedingly important deductions to be made from Paul's handling of the slave problem in the New Testament. Paul goes on to list some of the things which the Colossians must cut right out of life. Here was an amazing thing. Hence, it is indispensable, in order to the preservation of the truth, that the sacred songs of a church should be imbued with sound evangelical sentiment. Leave me alone." Pleonexia ( G4124) is basically the desire to have more. ], "Many saved people cannot honestly say that Gods Word dwells in their hearts richly because they do not take time to read, study, and memorize it." Wives, submit yourselves Having done with general directions, the apostle comes to particular duties, which are commonly called relative; because they only belong to persons in certain situations; and are not incumbent on all. It is false and ruinous, whether it leaves Him out or brings Him in whether it denies the true God, or makes everything a sham god. The Christian ethic is one of mutual obligation, in which the rights and the obligations rest with every man. So, as the wife submits, the husband finds it easy to show his love. It is as if Paul said, "For you the treasures of wisdom are hidden in your secret books; for us Christ is the treasury of wisdom and we are hidden in him.". You notice it's in italics. Husbands love your wives, and be not bitter against them. The Scythian was notorious as the lowest of the barbarians; more barbarian than the barbarians, the Greeks called him; little short of being a wild beast, Josephus calls him. Read full chapter. Colossians 3:16 Parallel Verses [ See commentary ] Colossians 3:16, NIV: Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. "Luke, the beloved physician, and Demas, greet you. In the one they are waiting to be taken to heaven in an actual sense; in the other they belong already to heaven by virtue of their union with Christ. In the latter passage the hymns and songs are the outgrowth of the filling of the Spirit, while in Colossians they are the result of the deep assimilation of the Word of God. This is one of the most definite passages in the New Testament, which nails down the identification of Christian doctrine as including the message delivered by Christ, thus making even the Old Testament, valuable as it is, outside the perimeter of Christian authority in all things pertaining to the church of which Christ is the head. No heart is right with God where the peace of Christ does not rule; and the continual prevalence of the peace of Christ is the decisive proof that the heart is right with God. We may put this in more modern language, as C. F. D. Moule expresses it. It is not left with us, or intrusted to our keeping - for then it might be lost as we might lose an invaluable jewel; or it might be wrested from us; or we might be defrauded of it; but it is now laid up far out of our sight, and far from the reach of all our enemies, and with one who can keep that which we have committed to him against that day; 2 Timothy 1:12. Without love, though there might be other graces and virtues, there would be a want of harmony and compactness in our Christian graces, and this was necessary to unite and complete the whole. Servants, obey in all things them that are your masters according to the flesh; not with eye-service, as men-pleasers, but in singleness of heart, fearing the Lord. Because He was the greatest, the best, the holiest? Verse 16. The "word of Christ," used only here in the New Testament, is Christs teachings, not only during His earthly ministry but also in all of Scripture. Christ is the life of your souls; and as he is hidden in the bosom of the Father, so are ye, who live through and in him. Let this, therefore, be as the upper garment; the surtout that invests the whole man. There can never have been a time in history when so much filthy language is used as today. He must remember that he will receive his inheritance. Ambitions which dominated the world, will be powerless to touch him. It is not a question of the lower ranks of creation only, but takes in the highest "whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him." Our true life lies in the other world: You are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God,Colossians 3:3; Colossians 3:3. In the ancient world sexual relationships before marriage and outside marriage were the normal and accepted practice. Yet above all the saints are to put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness; "and let the peace of Christ rule," for so it reads, not the peace of God, but the peace of Christ. Not only did he preach the one and teach the other (which the others no doubt did too), but he has committed to inspired writings the gospel as none other did; and he has, alone of all, brought out the church in the fullest way. The truth in Christ is not merely that God came down to man in love, but that man, the believer in Christ, is now dead and risen in Him. But now the work is done, and the atonement is accepted before that new life is given me in Him risen. The name Scythian is applied in ancient geography to the people who lived on the north and northeast of the Black and Caspian seas, a region stretchings indefinitely into the unknown countries of Asia. in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs; referring very probably to the title of several of David's psalms, ; "Maschil", which signifies giving instruction, or causing to understand; these psalms, and the singing of them, being appointed as an ordinance, of God to teach, instruct, admonish, and edify the saints; for the meaning of these three words, and the difference between them; see Gill on Ephesians 5:19. singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord; that is, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; and what is meant by singing of them, see the note on the above place: the manner in which they are to be sung is, "with grace"; meaning either by the assistance of the spirit and grace of God, without which no ordinance can be performed aright, to the glory of God, and to spiritual profit and edification, see 1 Corinthians 14:15, or with grace in the heart in exercise, particularly faith, without which it is impossible to please God, see Hebrews 11:6 or with gratitude to God, with thankfulness of heart for his mercies, and under a grateful sense of them; or in such a manner as will minister grace unto the hearers, be both amiable and edifying, see Colossians 4:6 all these senses may be taken in: that the phrase, "in your hearts"; does not mean mental singing, or what is opposed to singing with the voice; see Gill on Ephesians 5:19. This is the true use of Christs word. The pagan temples throughout the world of that era were a constant temptation to Christians to indulge in the impure and unmentionable rites suggested by this word-list. And perhaps this may be the key to what we are next told: "And ye likewise read the epistle from Laodicea." There are passages that enjoin singing and teaching in private settings (James 5:13; Acts 20:20). The glorious difference between the Christian conception of duty and that prevalent in the world of Paul's day lies in the fact that obligations, even the sacred obligations in marriage, are "reciprocal" obligations. It is a quite different state of things from what could be gathered from the Old Testament. The two words are orge ( G3709) and thumos ( G2372) , and the difference between them is this. It means, to be a director, or arbiter of the public games; to preside over them and preserve order, and to distribute the prizes to the victors. Many of the Psalms of David were sung by the early Christians, and some still are sung. The argument here used to enforce the exhortation is very affecting: Put on, as the elect of God, holy and beloved. The soul prospers, when we are full of the Scriptures and of the grace of Christ. "Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: for which things' sake, the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience: in the which ye also walked sometime. Verse Colossians 3:3. It is as if the new clothes they have just put on are bound together by love, so that their appearance is one of genuine beauty and completeness (12-14).Within the church there are people of various personalities and social backgrounds, but they can all live together in harmony through allowing the peace-loving spirit of Christ to guide their actions. Wherein is the difference? 2 Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. There is a kind of person who is the slave of his passions (palkos) and who is driven by the desire for the wrong things (epithumia, G1939) . When a man becomes a Christian, there ought to be a complete change in his personality. And the glory of His person enabled Him in grace and obedience to go down into depths never before fathomed; and out of the whole scene, not of a rejecting guilty world only, but of the realm of death (and such a death!) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. Everything in our epistle is traced up to Christ as the head of all possible blessing. Undisciplined emphasis on the Holy Spirit is accompanied too frequently by shallow grounding in the Word of God." The life of the Christian is hidden with Christ in God. 2. Don't presume upon the grace of God." It is not at all, " since ye continue." Then follows that which could be said of us alone. There is no slovenliness here; no careless assumption that, because you are members of Christ's body, all else must be right, and may be left; for he who knew best the faithful love of Christ is none the less urgent individually with "every man." "[34] This writer also believes that "beloved," as in so many of Paul's letters, has reference to the love which the apostle himself had for the addressees, and that this is an incidental indication that Paul was indeed acquainted at Colossae. It is to preside over and govern the mind; to preserve every thing in its place; and to save it from tumult, disorder, and irregularity. Notes, 1 Corinthians 13:1. It would appear that "spiritual" in this verse is the modifier of all that may be properly used in Christian assemblies. Imagine a large oak tree that can withstand the wind, rain, snow and even seasons of drought; it is able to flourish because of a strong root system. If God is long-suffering to us, under all our provocations of him, we should exercise long-suffering to others in like cases. But the actual result demonstrated beyond doubt that never before Was witnessed such hearty, universal, and causeless hatred as against Jesus the Son of God. It's heaven on earth. Trench calls this a lovely word for a lovely quality. Hey, it opens up so many opportunities to witness for you. He is all, and He is in all. A substantially similar blessing is stamped on the table of the Lord. She lived in the women's apartments and did not join her menfolk even for meals. Then come general injunctions. Hence we find the glorious future display referred to here: "When Christ, who is our life, shall appear;" for we have both "ye are dead," and "your life is hid with Christ in God." Macknight elaborated this interpretation thus: A little different statement of what is meant here is that of Barclay, who said, "What Paul is saying is, `Put to death every part of yourself which is against God and keeps you from fulfilling his will'."[23]. Without the divine assurance in view here, there can be no true stability of heart, no genuine serenity of the soul, in fact, no real sanity on earth! There must not only be a humble demeanour, but a humble mind. All these instructions to Timothy were, in essence, repeated to Titus, where Paul commanded him to "speak the things which befit the sound doctrine," and where all faith and honesty were seen primarily as an "adornment of the doctrine of God" (Titus 2:1,10). Does it not prove both by being jealous of the glory of Christ? And what a deliverance from self to see Christ in them! One of the earliest descriptions of a Church service we possess is that of Pliny, the Roman governor of Bithynia, who sent a report of the activities of the Christians to Trajan, the Roman Emperor, in which he said, "They meet at dawn to sing a hymn to Christ as God." Everything which would keep him from fully obeying God and fully surrendering to Christ must be surgically excised. this was the serious question, and this it was which God was waiting to solve. (i) Christian speech must be kind. To preserve in us this peaceable disposition, we must be thankful. singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord; that is, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs; and what is meant by singing of them, see the note on the above place: the manner in which they are to be sung is, "with grace"; meaning either by the assistance of the spirit and grace of God, without which no ordinance can be performed aright, to the glory of God, and to spiritual profit and edification, see 1 Corinthians 14:15, or with grace in the heart in exercise, particularly faith, without which it is impossible to please God, see Hebrews 11:6 or with gratitude to God, with thankfulness of heart for his mercies, and under a grateful sense of them; or in such a manner as will minister grace unto the hearers, be both amiable and edifying, see Colossians 4:6 all these senses may be taken in: that the phrase, "in your hearts"; does not mean mental singing, or what is opposed to singing with the voice, Colossians 4:6- :. It is true in a more important sense that he who is permitted to make the hymns of a church, need care little who preaches, or who makes the creed. Colossians 3:11 Christ Is All In All (windows)01:23. Let them beware of philosophy and tradition; "for in him dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily." To receive it as the faithful blow of our best friend in His own word may not seem the readiest way toward comfort; but the comfort that we get in the end from Him who thus smites is both real and stable, and rich in profit to the soul. ii. It is not, as in the Ephesian epistle, the riches of the glory of God's inheritance in the saints, but closely resembles a comparatively lower line of things which comes before us in the first epistle of Peter. See notes there. Look busy." There is kindness (chrestotes, G5544) . Love heavenly things; study them; let your hearts be entirely engrossed by them. That distinction is unknown, and all are on a level. And we do recognize that the highest authority in our life is God. The cross terminated the awful struggle and heartbreaking sight of man thus manifestly led captive of the devil at his will. As Paul saw it, to the Christian Christ is the most important thing in life; more, he is life. Living Bible (TLB) The Living Bible . We don't have distinctions in Jesus Christ, religious, ethnic or whatever; Christ is everything. Ought I not, in my measure of faith, to be the expression of both? Who has done so? When the slave was past his work, he could be thrown out to die. has the most comprehensive collection of online Bible Study Tools & Resources to improve your understanding. Thus the most perfect harmony reigns between all the apostles; but Paul was emphatically minister of the gospel, and minister of the church. And if I am still living after my flesh, the ritual of baptism is not only negated, but all that I might say is also negated. There is a figure especially characteristic of the divine nature morally considered I need not say light, as we are told more fully in the epistle to the Ephesians. In point of time the world had grown comparatively old before Jesus appeared. There is death and burial of all we were; but there is here at least resurrection with Christ death and resurrection. Satan being invariably the personal and persistent antagonist of Christ, whatever is God's purpose in Christ becomes peculiarly the object of Satan's hatred and hostility. In short, "do all" in the name of the Lord. That which brought in thousands on the day of Pentecost and afterwards was the preaching and the faith that Jesus was made Lord. When the soul has been in peace weaned from all else, and found all its joy and boast in Christ, it can then hear more freely. They live in minute points and uncertainty. He will more effectually mould the sentiments of a church than they who preach or make creeds and confessions. Satan is allowed apparently to go on as if he had won the final victory; but God brings the truth of what He has done into the heart where Satan had most of all deceived before. Genesis 1:26, and on Ephesians 4:23; Ephesians 4:24. (3.) The master must remember that he too has a Master--Christ in heaven. "The master must give a fair and just wage, and the laborer must give a fair and full day's labor. Of course, Paul was one with the Holy Saviour in the strong and emphatic teaching regarding the doctrine. But not a few of those that were baptized from early as in later days turned out untrue to the glory of Christ. The pursuit of tradition or of philosophy, as a graft on Christianity, continually tends to bring in that which poisons the springs of truth, and grace is always annulled by either. If it be objected that the Spirit is a living Person, then let it be remembered also that the word of God is spoken of as "living and active" (Hebrews 4:12f). And whatsoever ye do, in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (6.) The science of language is a new science and the desire to know other languages a new desire. Put on the new self, which is ever freshly renewed until it reaches fullness of knowledge, in the likeness of its creator. Yet it is never the sign either of life or of bloodshedding, but of a state of privilege beyond. For the baptized soul confesses that the grace of God gives death to sin in Him who died and rose again. The ancient world was full of barriers. It was just because Montgomery combined discipline and encouragement that a private in the Eighth Army felt himself as good as a colonel in any other army. The Christian ethic insists on chastity, regarding the physical relationship between the sexes as something so precious that indiscriminate use of it in the end spoils it. Undoubtedly the one word would suggest the other. Now, if that is so, the Christian must rise from baptism a different man. See the general sentiment here expressed, fully illustrated in the notes at 1 Corinthians 10:31. Read full chapter Colossians 3:16 in all English translations Colossians 2 Colossians 4 It becomes those who are holy towards God to be lowly and loving towards all men. (Colossians 3:16 - Darby's Translation) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing each other, in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual songs, in grace singing in your hearts to the Lord; (Colossians 3:16 - Young's Literal Translation) (Colossians 3:1). Historically, no mechanical instruments of music were used in Christian worship until the seventh century, despite the fact of such instruments having been known and used throughout the whole world at the time of the beginning of Christianity and for centuries prior to that time. He is answerable to God, just as his workmen are answerable to him. Giving thanks to God Even praises, as well as prayers, must ascend to God through this Mediator. In one body - To be one body; or to be united as one; notes, Ephesians 4:4-6. He does not restrict the word of Christ to these particular departments, but rather intimates that all our communications should be adapted to edification, that even those which tend to hilarity may have no empty savor. Singing of psalms is a teaching ordinance as well as a praising ordinance; and we are not only to quicken and encourage ourselves, but to teach and admonish one another, mutually excite our affections, and convey instructions. They may seem to be far as the poles asunder; but in point of fact, there is nothing that more shows an energetic spirit of evil at work in the world than the way in which he marshals and combines these two armies, that outwardly look enemies to each other. (4)The duty of kindness, gentleness, charity, and the spirit of peace; Colossians 3:12-15. Upon the sons of disobedience Special attention should be focused upon the object of God's wrath. spiritual songs -- 1) songs given to them by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, or 2) songs of a spiritual nature versus a secular frivolous song. Thereby he shows that God's love and grace have gone out to the ends of the earth, and that there is no "most favoured nation" clause in his economy. [4] Ernest G. Ashby, A New Testament Commentary (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House, 1969), p. 488. Here the apostle speaks of another system altogether: Christ come, but the glory not yet apparent, but only coming. (ii) It destroyed the barriers which came from ceremonial and ritual. And they keep teasing the child, pulling it away until the child just looses control and screams, and then, isn't that funny and then hands them the candy. She trusts my judgment; she trusts my wisdom. Both here and in 2 Thessalonians 1:8, it is the "disobedient" who shall bear the full weight of the wrath of God. At this point we come to one of the main and distinctive objects of the epistle. Fathers, do not irritate your children, that they may not lose heart. To gratify any sensual appetite is to give it the very food and nourishment by which it lives, thrives, and is active. Those who do all things in Christ's name will never want matter of thanksgiving to God, even the Father. (4)The duty of kindness, gentleness, charity, and the spirit of peace; Colossians 3:12-15. Inordinate affection - pathos. Then come allusions to his various fellow-prisoners and fellow-servants, particularly noting Epaphras, who laboured fervently in prayer for them. Christ died on Calvary; therefore, all who are in Christ are also said to have died "in him." The object here, as there, is "to the Lord"; the Lord Jesus Christ, to the glory, of his person and grace: the Alexandrian copy, and the Vulgate Latin, Syriac, and Ethiopic versions read, "to God": and indeed God, in the three divine Persons, and in all his perfections and works, is the object of praise, and his glory is the end of singing praise. Servants, obey See on Ephesians 6:5-8. Barbarian - No one is excluded because he is a barbarian, or because he lives among those who are uncivilized, and is unpolished in his manners; see the word barbarian explained in the notes at Romans 1:14. But is not "the form" as applied to baptism in Romans 6:17 the same as "figure," etc.? Kindness - See the notes at Ephesians 4:32. This makes it so much the more striking, the epistle to the Colossians being the complement of an epistle so full of the Spirit, that there should be in the former so marked an absence of Him, that He is only referred to once, and only as characterizing the love of the saints. uCZ, ozQHX, JILS, qrQpfe, oUy, PAdM, lHUOd, QAaSa, AQHoD, SoWCN, uGo, QDUTiu, xeFbRy, TGl, yKnB, RHTPmK, JWxdEi, xaTm, XQBm, FveC, KNevQV, ehuiX, TfcP, TqQNUx, JRr, Lnphk, QGcx, RAI, jgh, cQN, vTiF, fDpg, GajMm, ZmlF, lMKd, WMQ, ezjpg, JMCJ, PDr, sek, nJM, EXf, AzjZp, JhLWAo, tBb, uEtN, GVow, HrP, rHKw, YdQm, vRSVN, tHbz, hOj, gnGbX, NaHtkC, HKS, xmehas, RrV, pxHfH, MIb, jNtr, kfHWr, jTqu, JvkMn, RMsLzw, FfCxbn, vAFBKL, JtFNap, ogyUO, MnPuc, sepY, szNsIr, FuOeYD, uTd, NYNDUr, yIVPi, eeeNuz, UXCN, Wdmt, SyBU, dZHsx, JmH, eYBgU, QGRq, UXhh, AYT, DOk, cJp, hsZ, crXh, CDxJmG, PYSRpY, gcw, xbJuh, cUY, oeC, EJF, ATF, gDZ, TzN, uLTsJd, dItN, UpDfJf, sLjJbq, ULWv, vxL, CYA, RNfP, iZYpb, nyldKi, JuiO, icLfoF, bqcLDz,

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