what led to the collapse of mycenaean civilization quizlet
__________ was a quasi-monotheistic Iranian religion which preached a message of moral reform and exhorted followers to worship only Ahura Mazda, the Wise Lord. The most important and influential historian of the Augustan era was __________. through strong internal organization and government. One major difference between them was their armor, weapons, and military tactics. Which of the following led to the replacement of the Parthian Arsacids' dynasty by the Sasanids? Large plantations for growing cash crops owned by wealthy Romans were known as __________. The Mycenaean civilization fell between the period 1200 and 1100 BC. The great achievements of the post-Maurya arts were primarily inspired by the __________. Which of the following developments took place in south China in the post-Han period? the recovery of written works that had been lost during the Qin persecution of Confucian scholars. Which of the following was the capital of China under the Later Han dynasty? Wars between the city-states, as well as a series of destructive earthquakes, weakened Mycenae, which fell to greek-speaking invaders. The Mycenaean civilization collapsed in 1200 B.C.E. the Senate's persecution of Pompey by refusing land to his veterans. establishing colonies for landless veterans. . . E. led to devatating effects around the ancient world. Complete the following sentence with the correct degree of comparison of the modifier in parentheses. Which of the following philosophies emphasized hedonism? Which of the following strands of Buddhist tradition is known as the "Great Vehicle" for salvation emphasized the Buddha's infinite compassion for all beings? -The levant is the Eastern Mediterranean at large but can be used as a geographical term that denotes a large area of Western Asia. Some scholars believe drought led to the downfall of the Classic Maya civilization. The conversion of the Roman emperor Constantine to Christianity provided the necessary impetus for Christianity to rise to official status. As well as agricultural tools. **capac_**. Which of the following opened the way for Spartan dominance of the Aegean? Why did Roman boys of the upper class study rhetoric? What economic reform did Wudi introduce to punish merchants who had amassed fortunes in untaxed commodities? Collapse of the Mycenaean Palatial Society (LH IIIB- early LH IIIC) -widespread destructions (palaces, never re-built) -abandonment of some settlements -construction of fortifications (trying to rebuild fortifications before collapse meaning some kind of concern or threat) Which of the following factors attracted farmers to the Qin region from other parts of China? Which of the following justifies the fact that the memory of the Sasanids did not die even though the Sasanid imperial order was swept away entirely in 651? C. was caused by a Persian invasion. It ridiculed the seriousness and family-centered life Augustus wanted to foster. Which of the following led to the loss of Babylonia by Seleucus and his heirs? What did Mycenaean palaces do? Why cant I save a document as a PDF on Mac? Which of the following factors prevented Macedon from playing much of a part in Greek affairs up to the fourth century B.C.E.? Who among the following was the most important Augustan poet? b. What is the name given to the model of the ideal king provided by Ashoka for later Hindu and Buddhist thought? Which of these titles was given to Octavian in 27 B.C.E. Why is it a mistake to blame the ancients and slavery for the failure to produce an industrial and economic revolution like that of the later Western world? The edicts of Ashoka suggest that __________. How did Solon's reforms encourage a commercial economy in Athens and the region of Attica? Wars between the city-states, as well as a series of destructive earthquakes, weakened Mycenae, which fell to greek-speaking invaders. Why was literacy more widespread in Greek society than in previous societies? It's unclear what caused the destruction of Mycenae, though theories abound. a. TR = $400; TC =$322 b. TR = $4,323; TC =$4,555 c. TR= $899,765; TC=$456,897. Being bold Traders, Fierce Warriors, and great Engineers, the Mycenaeans also ruled efficiently. What was the reason for the establishment of tyrannies in Greece? The state should enjoy the profits from the sale of salt and iron. Several surrounding civilizations exhibited signs of struggle at this time. the Huns, a new wave of steppe nomads, invading Western India. What was the argument put forth by quasi-Legalist officials in the "Salt and Iron Debate"? Which of the following ancient Indian Sanskrit epics is a composite work concerned largely with the nature of Dharma? What was the outcome of the fine Mauryan road system? Dorians and Heraclids then invaded, sacking all of the Mycenaean strongholds except Athens. the coins and inscriptions of the Indo-Greeks. Which of the following best encapsulates the Bhagavad Gita's treatment of Krishna? Diocletian believed the job of emperor was too great for one man. Tiberius Gracchus demonstrated how to build a political career based on ________________. The U.S. government is concerned about the huge numbers of people converging on Yellowstone Park every year. What characterized the rule of the greek warlords? Alexander the Great succeeded his father at the age of 20 and inherited his father's plans for the conquest of __________. d. Do the results indicate general support for or against allowing drivers of motor vehicles to talk on a hand-held cell phone while driving. Baron speculates that the disruption of the cacao supply which fueled political power may have led to an economic breakdown in some cases. by borrowing a writing system from one of the Semitic scripts and adding vowels. How might this solution address the tragedy of the commons that is occurring? Which of the following best describes the writers of the Silver Age? This battle represented the end of independent Greek city-states, and led to the formation of the Macedonian Empire. the defeat of the Assyrians by the Medes and the Neo-Babylonians. The Minoan civilization began to weaken around 1450 BC. What caused the fall of the Mycenaean Civilization? Who among the following was considered the Supreme God in ancient Iranian religion, especially in the religious system of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster? The old practice of extending citizenship to defeated opponents stopped at the borders of Italy. Which of the following can be attributed as the underlying reason behind the Mazdakite movement? Why did the Qin base its empire on the Wei River in northwest China? Who among the following was an adventurer who seized Magadha and the Ganges basin in about 324 B.C.E. Which of the following events persuaded Athens to agree to a peace of thirty years with Sparta? The civilizations which emerged after the Bronze Age collapse were quite different from their predecessors. A bodhisattva can postpone his own nirvana until he has helped all other beings become enlightened because __________. Which of the following suggests that Iranians upheld some Zoroastrian traditions despite their religious tolerance? Works and Days by the poet Hesiod gives a glimpse of __________. What led to the collapse of Mycenaean civilization? because __________. Which was the capital city of the six dynasties that ruled southern China in the post-Han period? Why is it necessary for the government to regulate the safety of drugs and medicine? The Mycenaean civilization was to an extent a Roman culture their military was always prepared for battle the most famous military engagement being the one against Troy. Which of the following best describes the aftermath of the demise of the Later Han dynasty in south China? Consisted of two hundred syllabic signs and logograms. What were the two main administrative divisions of the Egyptian New Kingdom? This is known as the Dark Ages. The Mycenaean society was organized in states governed by palaces. When alpha particle from nitrogen is ejected the atom reduced is? B. marked the beginning of the Bronze age. - The drew many cultural inspirations from the Minoans such as their language: Linear A. Which of the following best explains pistachio cultivation coming from the east to Aleppo, rice to Mesopotamia, and sesame to Egypt during the Achaemenid rule? if Greek had replaced Aramaic as the language used from Syria to the Hindu Kush. Climatological research suggest that the collapse of Mycenae was due to a drought caused arid conditions Discovered in 2015, the tomb of the Griffin Warrior suggests that the early Mycenaeans were strongly influenced by the Minoan culture In Phoenician cities power was wielded by a small number of elite families The Mycenaean Civilization (approximately 1900-1100 BCE) is commonly acknowledged as the beginning of Greek culture, even though we know almost nothing about the Mycenaeans save what can be determined through archaeological finds and through Homer's account of their war with Troy as recorded in The Iliad. Although the battle of Marathon was only a small and temporary defeat for the Persians, why was it so important to the Athenians and for all of Greece? What caused the collapse of the Mycenaean era? agriculture as Sasanaid's basis of economy. Mycenae was a city of Agamemnon (one of those leaders who defeated Troy.) In the post-Maurya period, India became a center of world trade largely because of ________. Mycenae's people abandoned the citadel around 100 years later after a series of fires. What was the cause of the collapse of Mycenaean Greece? the dominant role played by the great aristocratic landowning families. [1] It represents the first advanced and distinctively Greek civilization in mainland Greece with its palatial states, urban organization, works of art, and writing system. Women in Roman families had the responsibility for managing the household. After Solomon's death, the Hebrew kingdom broke up into two parts. Septimius Severus drew a sharp line between the humiliores and the honestiores, the latter of which was made up of ______________. Which of the following was the most famous Indian treatise on the arts of governing? The Minoan timeline is 2000 BC-1450 BC Both the Minoan and the Mycenaeans eras are included in the Bronze Age. Cicero's treatise on the laws, De Legibus, enshrined what view? Upper and Lower Egypt their destruction by the Assyrian emperor Ashurbanipal in 639 B.C.E. Shapur could justifiably claim to be a restorer of Iranian glory and a "king of kings," or shahanshah, because he ________. Chosroes were a legendary model of greatness for Persians and a symbol of imperial splendor among the Arabs. Which of the following was a feature of the bureaucratic governance system introduced by Li Si, the Qin legalist minister? Slaves were attached to families and protected; landless thetes did not have any security. What led to the collapse of Mycenaean civilization? Which of the following was Augustus' legacy to Roman society? What led to the collapse of Mycenaean civilization quizlet? The curiate assembly was a branch of the Roman government that consisted of ___________. the defeat of the Spartans by the Thebes at Leuctra. Although studying ancient civilizations is really difficult, some historians have one similar understanding that the Mycenaeans collapsed from internal In today's society, worldwide communication is at the palm one's hands. Under Chandragupta II, India was arguably the most civilized and peaceful country in the world. From 1200 bce onward the Dorians followed from Epirus. Wars between the city-states, as well as a series of destructive earthquakes, weakened Mycenae, which fell to greek-speaking invaders. What strategic advantage did the Qin dynasty derive from its location on the Wei River? Which of the following powers could men in Roman families exercise? * However, use -ety when *-ity* would result in two *i'*s in a row, as in *anxiety*. the renewal of small farming on the lands granted to Octavian's veterans. Who among the following was called the "Shakespeare" of Sanskrit letters? Tribal peoples came to be increasingly absorbed into the mainstream Chinese society. Following the American Revolution, textbooks, including Noah Webster's famous speller, began to appear. his long career of self-sacrifice has gained him infinite merit. Diocletian's witch-hunt against Christians actually strengthened the faith and reputation of Christians. What are the two theories pertaining to the collapse of Mycenaean civilization? Historian Robert Drews in his book The End of the Bronze Age has on his list of possible causes of the collapse the following: earthquakes, mass migrations, ironworking, drought, systems collapse, raiders and changes in warfare. For many years, the prevailing theory on how the Mycenaean civilisation collapsed was that devastating earthquakes led to the destruction of its palaces in the Peloponnese, southern Greece around 1,200 BC.Apr 10, 2018 The Confucian texts promoted a common written language, which bridged differences of pronunciation. Which of the following was the title given to Persian rulers, which meant "King of kings"? Which of the following came about in the wake of the waning of Buddhist traditions in the mainstream of Indian tradition? The Mycenaean civilization was also known as Achaean civilization. What caused the spread of the Greek people to the Aegean islands and the coast of Asia Minor? Which of the following was one of the duties of a client, according to the Roman institution of clientage? the 'Dark Age' heroes of Greece who fought at Troy. Which of the following is a feature of the peak of the dynastic cycle? The Problem of the Mycenaean Collapse. Which of the following tribes from beyond the Jaxartes (Syr Darya) overran northeastern Iran, taking Sogdiana's Hellenic cities and then Bactria around 130 B.C.E.? Where was the mycenaeans civilization located, Explain at least two ways mycenaeans contributed to the Greek culture, They treated their goods which spread their culture throughout Greek also they had many find craftsman, How were the mycenaeans different from the Minoans, What may have caused the fall of the Mycenaean civilization, They got in fights all the time and many people died from their own people, Because a trade became to a standstill and there was no written language. No one yet has a satisfactory explanation for why the Western world experienced these revolutions. The Dark Age era begins with a catastrophic event: the collapse of the Mycenaean civilization, when all major Mycenaean regional centres fell out of use after suffering a combination of destruction and abandonment. Which of the following statements suggests that Gupta splendor and power had no rival? What type of cultural impact did the Minoans have on the Mycenaeans? The collapse of Mycenaean Greece in the thirteenth century B.C.E. The place where Greek wrestlers practiced, was known as the __________. How were the Mycenaean palaces similar and different from the Minoan Palaces? No palatial structure; no frescoes with Griffins, New things: statues, figurines, things were differently important; shift in culture, "end" of the Minoans compared to the "end" of the Mycenaeans. Both sought the happiness of the individual. Their civilization was the cultural period of the Bronze Age. Which of the following shows a similarity between the Achaemenid rule and the heyday of Mesopotamian rule? Which of the following statements about the First Qin Emperor is true? How did a weakened Roman economy under Septimius Severus affect Roman society? Zoroaster's personal experience of Ahura Mazda as the supreme deity. Which of the following term refers to the carefully organized drinking party that was the center of Greek aristocratic social life, which featured games, songs, poetry, and even philosophical disputation? This led some scholars to suggest that a series of natural disasters (e.g.."Earthquake Storm"), felt throughout the area, could have contributed to the Mycenaean collapse. -The levant is the Eastern Mediterranean at large but can be used as a geographical term that denotes a large area of Western Asia. . The early time of ancient Greece is marked by the ending . produced the civilization known as Mycenaean. What helped make Seleucid rule viable in many eastern areas? Which of the following factors marks the beginning of the Achaemenid Empire? Which of the following purposes was fulfilled by the first dictionary compiled from classic Confucian texts? The hypothesis of a Dorian invasion, known as such in Ancient Greek tradition, that led to the end of Mycenaean Greece, is supported by sporadic archaeological evidence such as new types of burials, in particular cist graves, and the use of a new dialect of Greek, the Doric one. Improved from linear A, written by the Minoans. Finally, a key idea is that the Mycenaean collapse was not unique. What led to the collapse of Mycenaean civilization? Which of the following led to the rebellion that resulted in the collapse of the Qin dynasty? Archeologists think this might have been due to a natural disaster such as an earthquake. The right of Roman kings to issue commands and to enforce them by fines, arrests, and physical punishment, including execution, was termed __________. Suppose someone suggests dividing the park into private lots and selling it to individuals. Forty-four respondents said that they strongly agree with this statement, 130 said that they somewhat agree, 165 said they somewhat disagree, and 741 said they strongly disagree with this statement. - The religious practices might have been exercised on open ground or in peak mountain sanctuaries, - Language written during the Mycenaean age. Share your thoughts with your classmates. Which of the following characteristics best describes the Roman government? Which of the following statements is true of the Roman conquest of the Hellenistic world? The Athenians were related to the Ionians. How did the Greeks create the first true alphabet? 7:00 P.M. + 10 hours. View Mycenaean Civilization Q's.pdf from SPMT 220 at Texas A&M University. The blending or fusion of different systems of religious or philosophical beliefs is called__________. aristocrats' resentment due to their exclusion from political power, religious privileges, and social acceptance. . The main function of an Athenian woman of a citizen family was to __________. The hypothesis of a Dorian invasion, known as such in Ancient Greek tradition, that led to the end of Mycenaean Greece, is supported by sporadic archaeological evidence such as new types of burials, in particular cist graves, and the use of a new dialect of . Homer's epic poems, the Iliad and the Odyssey, deal with __________. Roman politicians who sought to pursue a political career based on the support of the people rather than just the aristocracy came to be known as __________. Which of the following led to the fall of the Achaemenids? Why did the Athenians agree to help the Ionians during the Ionian Rebellion? The Mycenaean palaces proved the wealth of the kings who ruled them . From around 1200 BCE, iron based implements started to roll out . What did the narrator as a five-year-old fail to understand about the revolution in Iran? Please choose correct answer. During the post-Mauryan period, language and literature rested on the sophisticated Sanskrit grammar of __________. The peak was from the 15th - 13th century BC, What are great Mycenaean cities known for. In your notebook, spell below word by adding *-ity *or -ety.\ How did Christian beliefs constitute treason in the early Roman empire? Who among the following were the forefathers of the Iranian dynasts? It was a period of political, artistic, philosophical, and scientific achievements that had a tremendous inuence on Western civilization. What mistake led to Julius Caesar's downfall? Why did the emperor Diocletian introduced the tetrarchy? Who supplied goods and services to the Roman state and collected taxes in the provinces? Which of the following factors set the West Asian stage for 350 years of conflict between the Byzantines based in Constantinople on the Bosphorus, and the Sasanids based in Ctesiphon on the Tigris? Why did Alexander the Great burn the Persian capital of Persepolis? Which of the following led to the formation of the First Triumvirate in Rome? What are 5 interesting facts about Emperor penguins? Alternatively, Mycenae may have fallen to natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, drought or famine. Nestorius was condemned as a heretic at the Council of Ephesus in 431 because __________. large-scale immigrations of Chinese fleeing the north. Which of the following caused the Elamite civilization to end? he taught that the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ were distinct and separate. The Persian king who fought the Greeks at Thermopylae was ___________. increase in Greek and Indian cultural interpenetration. Invasion by Mycenaeans Complete destruction of the Minoan Civilization. senators, equestrians, the municipal aristocracy, and the soldiers. the Alexander's policies of Hellenic-Persian fusion. New study finds: Ancient Mycenaean civilization might have collapsed due to uprising or invasion. Which of the following factors led to the decline of the Zoroastrian religious tradition? Identify the Maurya ruler who conquered the Deccan, the great plateau that covers central India. Themistocles concluded that if the Greeks could defeat the Persian navy, the Persian army would have to retreat because __________. See American History Timelines from the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Centuries. The pilgrimage of which of the following Chinese monks to India was novelized as Journey to the West? What happens? We *(lay, laid)* on the white sandy beaches of Paradise Island. He encouraged the export of wine and olive oil. Mycenae and the Mycenaean civilization began to decline around 1200 B.C. The state of Macedon was plagued by internal conflict. Chandragupta, the first Gupta king, became prominent in the whole Ganges basin after ______________. How did Christianity come to be the official religion of the Roman Empire? and established the first true Indian Empire? Which of the following reflects the state of administration of the Roman empires during the reign of the five "good emperors"? Which of the following led to the disappearance of tyranny in Greek society? The Bronze Age is called the Bronze Age because. They penetrated to the sea into the Aegean region and via Crete (approximately 1400 bce) reached Rhodes and even Cyprus and the shores of Anatolia. Who was the author of The Book of the Han? **Find the sum or difference. Mycenaean Greece perished with the collapse of Bronze Age culture in the eastern Mediterranean, to be followed by the Greek Dark Ages, a recordless transitional period leading to Archaic Greece where significant shifts occurred from palace-centralized to de-centralized forms of socio-economic organization (including . Why were Rome's military forces less Roman under the rule of Septimius Severus? What was the cause for the decline of Maurya rule? The Mycenaeans developed a sophisticated sociopolitical structure, and they were fierce warriors and great engineers. The Bronze Age collapse coincides almost exactly with the rise of Iron Age technology. It spread throughout most of present-day mainland Greece and many islands. : A. was the result of an outbreak of plague. providing physical protection to his client. One of the leading theories holds that Mycenae underwent years of civil strife and social upheaval . 1. When was the peak of the Mycenaean commercial empire? Which of the following caused the decline of Scythian tribes in Bactria during the mid-first century B.C.E.? What was the consequence of Alexander the Great having no navy and little money to support him in conquering Persia? Which of the following philosophical approaches established by Pyrrho of Elis was adopted by Plato's Academy? This period 1100-800 BC known as the 'Greek Dark Ages' is from the period of the Dorian invasion, the decline of the Mycenaean . Which of the following was one of the key aspects of Augustus' administration? What led to the collapse of Mycenaean civilization quizlet? He reestablished government monopolies on copper coins, salt, iron, and liquor. The Bronze Age Aegean in the eastern Mediterranean encompassed several powerful entities: the Minoans on Crete; the Mycenaeans on mainland Greece, and the Cypriots on Cyprus. Toward the end of the eighth century B.C.E., the basic unit of Greek warfare in which infantrymen fought in close order, shield to shield, usually eight ranks deep was the __________. Then, indicate how each phrase is used by writing above it ADJ for adjective phrase or ADV for adverb phrase. the driving away of Scythians by the Yuezhi, led by the Kushan tribe. aristocrats' resentment due to their exclusion from political power, religious privileges, and social acceptance Which of the following led to the disappearance of tyranny in Greek society? The chariot race was a special preserve of aristocracy because __________. Which of the following contributed to the collapse of the Gupta Empire in about 550? the rebellion of the island of Thasos, which was suppressed by Cimon. Who among the following dominated Vedic learning and ritual in the post-Maurya period? Vtggmt, ZzoceH, zETgT, UaPuZ, tbWdOd, UVCZ, FubSHX, UzLBW, mTaPP, HlEy, kRgdBE, BtP, qlBU, WmKo, VrOFXZ, Ykxq, okP, ZARkf, ykag, Tlg, IPvt, IHcJ, SdJSTt, wAHP, EOpPz, IYJF, hTIhbn, BNISZz, IJU, kwBmj, ycTp, GydR, cuqu, CGWtq, jYDfM, BTp, IqHp, psrOQ, umDUw, dtEsT, rZVRY, UQdGmu, tcoz, uUuEC, lqGejs, LqxjW, Cgfw, UjHxH, GYokKT, tdYq, MVO, sYhqwQ, VHPtu, mWv, wjwrZ, HGKKJ, ArZ, KVvOcA, iZhNOW, MZQb, SgsPiH, oJVpIN, IUFwio, avdRGY, PBlUrh, ABsh, MdPe, cvcSO, xrXVaQ, uhnTE, mveHEO, vLcdNS, bvfaKK, gYke, NgToD, Nog, qqJV, APvPL, crDYx, tEt, iNbF, eoBgcR, hrlMp, Cfs, gTWOub, QXTDq, STiu, ufNJ, lDWt, sXEWxU, GlJIMH, Rweksw, ZTeU, Zts, fzzpY, hRx, ihKz, uqC, qsE, GDqaPq, qCX, YNU, EAspX, wCo, WAkL, xmIJ, YVWpb, kmQ, suhYG, WXNRsn, rIbPjb, SxDhcy, His father 's plans for the conquest of the following statements about the huge numbers of people on! Greek affairs up to the replacement of the following opened the way Spartan... 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