vogue horoscope june 2, 2022
Also ruled by Sagittarius, the sign we associate with airlines, cruise ships and airports. Thank you. Since then, I have been working part-time, but not in my profession. Any insights on were to start/focus? On the upside, just got awarded my Masters from a top university. Use the Tarot, Garden Oracle and Astrology Oracle to see how you can do Pisces to help Virgo. Uranus in Taurus only happens once in the Prime Ministers lifetime and it happens as she goes into power. The summer of 2019 in the southern hemisphere through winter 2019/2020 was a whopper. The last time we saw Saturn in Pisces, opposing the Virgo placements of the billions, AIDS became the number one killer in America. Keywords weekly horoscope horoscopes astrology The young persons guide to conquering (and saving) the world. It has been a revelation for me personally when I came to learn about you and read your articles, almost 9 years ago. It is not and it all comes back from the brink, but with the most tremendous tussle and struggle. Whatever it takes. These will transform your life. This is total career transformation until March 2023. It takes time though so the cards on this website will help. In a nutshell, a very trying period, with many rewards, but a high price paid and still paying. You are a Sun Leo with Jupiter at 28 Capricorn, and your entire career is going to transform in the most fantastic way by March 2023. The key to unlocking the magic of feng shui, which loosely translates to wind and water, in day-to-day life rests on establishing a sense of balance and colours play a prominent role in doing that. They are often shown in sculpture or art. In Sagittarius, he permanently altered tourism and business travel. You have also had backstabbing bosses and wonder if you should work for yourself. So thats not your old job. They failed. Covid gets worse in 2023, just as AIDS got worse in 1993, mainly because people are in denial about it. The opinion among every reader on this website is politicians should work for the people. I am following up on a few questions I had asked a few years ago. Would it be worth looking at his chart? Pluto in Capricorn put me through the wringer emotionally both in terms of work and relationships. From the system, to the community. Finally, I have Aesculapia at 29 in Cancer what does this mean for July 11, 2023 key date? Im a member born 10 July 1987 at 4.25 AM in Tunisia. From this chart, we can see what the future holds. Can there be anything more shocking and painful than seeing your entire planet drying up right in front of your eyes? For whatever reason, politicians backed the wrong horse; the vaccine that is never the answer for very long. You actually have the four cardinal signs represented in your birth chart; Cancer, Capricorn, Aries and Libra. I am electrified by this post but also puzzled. Life has been a lonely journey, but I remain hopeful that I will find a partner/family of my own someday. Its associated with communities of diverse individuals, and you are about to see what Pluto can do in a conjunction with Mercury there. A renowned fashion photographer, she has been the muse of multiple international magazine editors, celebrities, and fashion and beauty brands. The cycle before, 1762 to 1778 repeats now, with a modern spin. Whilst chiros, osteos and physios could still work, we can to downhands for 4 months. I am sure you have already started to do that. It is only part time though, and I am finding all kind of side projects to add to my earnings, but I hardly get by. NEWS. He has been so stressed for the last couple of years and its taken quite a toll on him. November 2024 onwards confirms it. As for Trump and his grip on the GQP, his fall from grace cannot come soon enough but it honestly feels like this guy can get away with anything (teflon-Don). So lets seethis is about the green and pleasant land, but also the economy so perhaps its Mr. Davey. The body often talks, even through accidents, and knees are about kneeling down before superiors, the system, elders or straining too hard when trying to go up, move forward or go to the next level. The states you know today will cease to exist. Albania has a couple of astrological charts; one set for 28th November 1912 at 10.42am GMT in Valona; the second set for 11th January 1946 at 12.00 CET in Tirana. This is the sign-off year for Pluto in Capricorn, and Ceres in Capricorn will do the actual signing off, that year. I have Mars (25) and Jupiter (10) in Capricorn, would you tell if this new job is part of the change or I would need to change job in 2023? Kind regards Selina. Thank you again. Yes, she will clean up the filthy rivers and sea in the British Isles. We dont have a birth time for Liz Truss, so we use 12 noon. The domino effect hit you personally and you were betrayed and saw plans ruined. The new British Prime Minister Liz Truss told the media in September 2022, that she didnt think predictions were a good idea. The comments below have not been moderated. I also have Fortuna in 3 degrees Capricorn, and Salacia at 17 degrees Capricorn. This then tips you into a completely different way of thinking about your profession, rank and status as from the final week of January 2024, Pluto goes into Aquarius, tilts back to 29 Capricorn for a while, but is nowhere near your last Capricorn placement. Shes really part of the crumbling old Capricorn system too. I am trying to sell my fathers estate and settle my sisters debts even though 2/3 will go to my brothers wife. I have been teleworking from my home country but my company keeps pressurising to come back to London (triggering poor mental health and months on sick leave) or terminate my contract. First up is Dato Seri Farah Khan, who brought the luxury fashion world into Malaysia. I want to make a change before I am forced to, but I feel so stuck and cant begin to think of an out. New inventions empower the people as Pluto transitions from Capricorn. Gemini Horoscope for July 2022 May 21 - June 20 Share Monthly News from Susan Miller JuLY 2022 Dear Reader, July will be such an encouraging sweet month. I had no job security from 2008 until 2013, and I moved to Canada in 2013. I have a very strong, dominating, selfish and controlling ex-partner in my life. Juno at 17 Cancer and Mars at 17 Taurus show that when transiting Uranus (shock) goes to 17 Taurus shell lean green. In this feature I will look at the personal impact on you, based on your Sun Sign and natal chart, but also show how the astrology proves that this is a period of decline and fall forall these men. 1973, 1:50 am New York and I think he is also going through an intense time of endings including his ex wife getting remarried and his most recent girlfriend moving out (Im not sure if she has really moved on though.). Your work ethic, attention to detail, finesse with the small aspects of the job, conscientious attention to duty, sense of service and general Jeeves-like qualities were developed at school. Uranus is the planet to watch here. Worse still, many people are irritated by it. I just wondered because you said it would be a time similar to 2020, with a new rise in a possible covid variant. Its very close, historically, to the end of colonisation and King George III and Captain Cook. Homeopathy is another question again. Irresponsible human acts, such as over-consumption of natural resources, deforestation, and production of chemical waste burden the environment and has a harmful impact on human lives as well. I posted this a few days ago, will very much appreciate a response. Thats the astrology. Unplug the electronic appliance when you are not using them. I went on to see it move through my native USA as colder seasons arrived. Stephen Lawrence murderer David Norris is sent to tougher jail after he was caught twice with mobile phone Police issue CCTV in hunt for on-the-run murder suspect, 32, after vulnerable mother, 47, was stabbed to Italian authorities let 500 migrants off charity rescue ships despite country's new far right regime led by 'This is definitely the peak, I've reached it! Whilst we cannot shop the exact style, you can get inspired by exploring the collection here Or shop a look-a-like in our carousel that will have you keeping up with Kim in no time. Pluto in Capricorn opposed my Moon at 5 Cancer in December 2011, which was the beginning of a very lengthy, difficult separation and divorce, which meant re-establishing career after having been an at-home mother. The family legacy situation brings final closure in July 2023 in terms of how people feel, and what is paid out spiritually. I just want a rest and I believe it is coming, and I think now I understand why I lived all those tough experiences. thanks very much for this interesting article, it is hopeful. Because plastic is harmful to the environment that takes almost 450 years to decompose. Now what? But the politicians here are terrible and without good will. Hi Jessica do you think the blonde star may actually be Camilla? This is their third female Prime Minister; quite rare in leading nations. In a staggering list of 500 influential captains in the global fashion scene, five Malaysian individuals find themselves charting in the definitive index. *Bullying husbands or sexual partners who rule in the home, because they rule the mortgage repayments. Again, it lifts from March 2023 for a few months, for whatever reason, and you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Most astrologers ignore Ceres. Thank you for this link, I will take a look later. Thank you. The key will be his children, grandchildren, nieces or nephews or your own. The answer with this long transit is to create your own world, within that world, where you feel dominated. We believe not. She lives in Tasmania, Australia and edits The Holiday Goddess Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome (HarperCollins). On the plus side, you may in fact find that you get a life as they say. Proserpina 16 25 58. When asked about the family's style, Anna said: 'You have to admire how they have created an empire, obviously through their personalities, and the creative genius of their mother. With the current turmoil in the Conservative Party, do you see Liz Truss lasting beyond Christmas? Each day brings more bombshell news. Capricorn is the mountain goat who climbs to the top of the peak. You have actually done all the transformation. If you remain single until July 2023 it may be more simple for you. This is the clearest indicator yet that COVID-19 remains, quite literally, in the atmosphere after 2023 and for many years into the future. Thank you! Hi Jessica Thank you for sharing what you know and helping with personal inquiries. The cards specifically address a bad marriage. Thank you. Leo Daily Horoscope. Thats a clue. Its late here. The Prime Ministers replacement is completely uncertain and we have some Conservatives suggesting Boris Johnson returns as PM and others pushing for Sunak. I truly appreciate your comments, would like to thank you in advance. Remember, Pluto fades in and fades out. Minerva at 26 Capricorn is the last of your factors to receive a conjunction from Pluto. I see the times changing. A zoom link or venue to be sent out before the time.. Wednesday 16 February; Wednesday 11 May; Wednesday 10 August; Wednesday 09 November . I do have factors in Capricorn. Hi Jessica, I dont have any factors in Aquarius but is my chart impacted by the planetary changes coming up? With the retrograde, will that have effect on his Role as king and the full moon. Luckily I got multiple outside job offers just before the pressure I faced was too high to contain. You have perfectly expressed what it feels like to have Pluto in conjunction with your Mercury, by transit. Scorpio: Writing. I am wondering what will happen to me when Pluto enter Aquarius in this new transition. You cant control him, but you can control yourself. Who or what goes beyond money for you. Unless you basically changes party I dont see how she flips so much whilst maintaining power within her party. Once Pluto is out of Capricorn from March 2023 you are free to go in terms of success. It belongs to the best green economist in the nation. It is really scary. I imagine that the queue is now on the thousands of comments. Recognised as one of the biggest proponents of women in tech, Tracy entered the list in 2017. China can secretly push for DIVISIVE CONTENT. Its unreal how much she has gotten away with. You will be a more powerful person once this is over and it happens in stages. Pluto has had quite an impact on my career. You have until March 2023 to make it so. I am predicting a backflip on green/Greens/Liberal Democrat issues from the capital C Conservative Truss, because of the radical, shocking, surprising Uranus in Taurus transit, right across her Mars at 17 Taurus, a symbol of rapid action on finance. And that means any fertilized egg is a human in some states, like Missouri, so you cannot use an IUD, that would be murder. Astrology does not predict mental illness either, but to honour the horoscope, we should also recall that George III went mad and was replaced by his son. The Vogue boss's seemingly-frosty behavior has come as a surprise to many given that she and Kim appeared to have formed something of a friendship in recent years. Nobody paid any attention to that but the astrology said it was important. Be a little considerate towards the environment and adopt measures in your everyday life to take good care of it!! Correct, Capricorn is career and Taurus-Scorpio is money. What will this next big phase of Pluto in Aquarius hold for me? Because of our children he has still had some involvement in my life but every year, as my children have got older and more independent, that has become less and less. Not feeling at home is a classic outcome of Plutos regular oppositions to the Moon transiting Cancer and the Fourth House and thats every 28 or 29 days. Use the library on here and your Tarot/Oracles to figure out how it has been manifesting for you and how to use it, to get what you want. Avoid using plastic or paper bags every time you go grocery shopping. I have been living in Australia since 2007, but increasingly wanting to return home, but have been put off by the chaos there and my financial dire straits. I am very impressed with your deep insights and your commitment to providing support to so many of your readers. You lost your job or were promoted; it would have been extreme; you may have resigned. In other words, do your thing. My daughter reminded me I get plenty of love from our three kittens. It is religion, spirituality, hypnosis, meditation or another invisible outlet. Hang onto that thought in 2023, 2024, 2025 but by then you are seeing life very differently. And as with all Cancer women, when in doubt, look to your mother for clues about patterns you have inherited. While many can be nominated, only a few make it onto the prestigious list, and this ultimately comes to their leadership, creativity, innovation, and impact on the industry. Jessica, You will be taken over, in part, by men, organisations or events which seek to dominate. Blessings , I love reading your blogs, Jessica! I predicted a new variant last weekend. Quick Links. Have a look at that. Its in your Twelfth House in your solar chart and Tenth House natally. The issue with Israel is really sociology; there are many more people alive today with factors in Sagittarius, than has been the case for about 250 years. One prediction I made has just come true; a man has departed from her team Mr. Karteng is no more. They obviously just switched to a Eurosceptic PM. If you feel hopeless and lost you are allowed to be; you are going through the toughest financial cycle in 29 years. The absolute power of Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI, rose and disappeared, as people power replaced monarchy and the aristocracy during the French Revolution. I have been reading your article about Covid and the likelihood of another, more serious, mutation arriving in March 2023. You are going through the politics part of the cycle which is actually going to help you develop your power. He is considered safe pair of hands with finances? The designer behind the contemporary luxury label Self Portrait, he has found enormous commercial success through the feminine creations under his line. It is possible the next election will be a hung parliament. You are a Sun Scorpio with a huge Virgo stellium and a below average number of Capricorn placements. It happens in stages. Hi Jessica Theres a saying on Twitter I sometimes see: Stale, male and pale. If that was the Pluto in Capricorn system, you can bet your bottom dollar (or Bitcoin) thats on the way out, starting on March 23rd 2023. There is also a common fantasy at the moment that COVID-19 has become like a cold. Sabre-rattling is not much use if your economy is built on old models which are already looking very shaky (property and spreadsheets in the sky, for one). You're living in an imaginary world that has little to do with reality. Then April 6th until 23rd, 2023. What can you tell me about life for me during the pluto transition into aquarius and then from 2024? Whatever or whomever takes over that, requires self-control and willpower. Thank you. The karma which accrues every time the lunar nodes go through Sagittarius is forever, though, and thats down to the individuals to clear. Jessica I am so grateful for your articles. Needless to say that I cant wait to see the end of Pluto in Capricorn. Your comments about this topic have always brought some solace. iii) Definitely surprising and unexpected signs of a new relationship with Europe and the NI issue may get resolved. I just watched a YouTube clip from a researcher at the University of Birmingham, only a few months old, which has under 1000 views. Could you please tell me how it will affect me? You have been taken over, or there has been an attempted takeover, of your space. If shares are offered, double that message. My son hasnt spoken to me in 5 years. Thank you. (This export market for fold-up electric bicycles will be huge from May 26th 2024 and the UK may have the worlds number one brand from July 8th 2025, if she plays her cards right). For you, the big story is a long transformation of your finances, evident from March-June 2023 at first, then a way of life from the mid 2020s. I have been in a leadership role for 15 years in the past. And, especially since Covid-19 started, we almost became roommates. Moving right along, this can and does get remarkably easier as Pluto moves off 27 Capricorn and by 2024 you will be in a completely different position regarding the children, him and a future home. This should make up for some of the awful behaviour from Pluto types you have experienced in previous years. There is deep meaning in touching the future in the way I do. Anyway anxiety and stress is permanent battle. That astrology feature will appear a little later. It also means the planet unites or it collapses. *The Industrial Revolution begins in Britain. I think its fair to allow time for a shock backlip before judging if this is in fact the third, green, female power in the kingdom. Just like a film, Pluto in Capricorn faded in, and he will fade out. I would not be surprised if one of your children was a daughter and/or female relatives on either side were part of the saga. Thats Jupiter in Gemini. We will certainly be taking inspiration for party season this Christmas. She is also charged with being responsible for the raw sewage going into the English channel by her critics at The Guardian. UK politics is a complete mess right now along with other economic troubles. I work for myself, so have no work colleagues. Thank you. The legacy you leave behind as a professional astrologer and medium will be substantial and unsurpassed. It will mean you must be upfront, front-and-centre, online, and articulate who you are, and what you think. Until then it goes around in circles until you change, and he does. Liberated, actually. Its the same with your career, which is also an expression of Pluto in Capricorn. Home town. A naturally green, media-friendly, female leader. And not only that, but an entirely new relationship with Europe in the stars. Truss will shock many. My comment was edited by Support at my request (I did not realize my last name was going to be displayed as I posted right after getting a membership but before I had a chance to edit the settings on my portal, ha!). Housework and chores, too. Same story told from two different angles. Also I was reading about the next election, a man behind it that is a green economic. I am always fascinated by your global predictions. Good question. Do you now see that the Republicans taking over the House and Senate or was that just a typo? Astrologers since 1949 have predicted Charles will never proceed to a coronation to be crowned. Pluto has been moving right away from Diana, the last symbol in your chart to be under this transit. The new beginning with business, finance, charity, property, valuables begins the same month. That cycle is now over and you had a classic outcome. It is also the moment that a great deal of text messages, emails, computer content, recorded calls, CCTV footage and so on from the Trump mob attack on democracy will come back. Paid work, unpaid work and academia. The apparent rebuff took place after the event's finale, when Kim, 41, seemingly went to say hi to Anna, 72 - who is well known for her famously-icy demeanor - however, the magazine editor instead went to greetSarah Jessica Parker, who was standing next to the reality star, in what many have interpreted as a clear snub. Is it possible that this female PM is in fact someone else? The message is its the be-all and end-all but your chart suggests you are much more interested in and bound to do well in finance. If you wanted to permanently return to Europe in time for Christmas that would also suit, but your luck doesnt hold with these Jupiter transits for your house or apartment, town or country, past the 20th. In this story I will look at why the end of Pluto in Capricorn is also the end of what remains of any influence at all still held by Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. So how are these changes going to play out me? Recycling minimizes pollution and preserves our natural resources. You are a Sun Libra with a Scorpio stellium in your Eighth House of legacies so it hasnt only been about Pluto. However this pans out for you, always remember that you have an intense dedication to service and duty but your first duty is to your entire wellbeing! That can only happen every 12 years so its important. Im unsure where to park this question but does it look as if my love life is doomed? All of this will matter a great deal more, not because of Pluto, but because of Jupiter, which will trine your Virgo factors from May 2023 until May 2024 when, if you wish, you can have the rebirth to end all rebirths. Will an election result in another Conservative victory, a Labor win or a hung parliament with Liberal Democrat control? And now I am in debt and I feel the looming of the possible loss of my government pension because of the end of Pluto in Capricorn. When you say self-discipline I think I hear no travel, no courses, no cruises. Hi Jessica, thank you for this article. So get ready for the flip, to end all flips. Leo Daily Horoscope. She is pursuing fracking (so far) and building on the green belt (so far). Plus, win freebies, and take quizzes. So none of this is really a surprise. Putins plan all along was to use Midterms to divide America because he is a very old-fashioned Russian who believes in divide and conquer. Thank you. Just signed the employment contract with my new employer and will be leaving my 14-year old job (also my first job since graduation) by the end of July. Powerful people and a circle of people with tremendous clout and influence are suggested; the air force does suggest itself. Pluto in Capricorn has been opposing that, for much of the time you have been battling away. Thank you for your patience in waiting for a reply. Thank you. Aesculapia 28 Libra 44 59 Your business partner also passed away and your income, but also the divorce, has been costly. Everything I read about Capricorn MC has to do with ambition. Leo July 23 - August 22. No one listens! For all that Virgo rules the body it also rules the mind and spirit. I am at the very end of my strength, patience and wits with my marriage. No feelings! This discussion was very popular. Contacts ; She will be an excellent Prime Minister but the key is her team. But the still ongoing stresses and past traumas from my former life pull and wear on us. This will have a huge impact on Albania. so, because Aquarius is about group and friends, will I have more activities with groups? Not sure what they want to tell me, but it seems it is good. By that, I mean organisations and politicians which have capitalised on the pandemic will fail or depart, for whatever reason. Hes not felt the power of teenagers and young adults yet. Most notably, I see that Pluto will be trining my Venus in early Gemini starting next March. From what I understand there is a piece of wisdom coming my way near 23/7/2023? Any thoughts on timing or direction? I think its time for the small pro Brexit parties, like Reform and Reclaim, to get together and make that change. This special professional challenge will also be very good for your health, wellbeing, mental health and physical constitution. From that point forward you realise that unpaid work, paid work and/or study will be completely different. Meanwhile Sarah Jessica has appeared on the front cover of Vogue seven times: February 2002, August 2003, September 2005, June 2008, May 2010, August 2011 and December 2021. Until then, with Pluto in Virgo, you will have to control your workload, control your hours, tightly manage your daily routine, run your lifestyle with both hands on the reins and the rest. Jupiter is good fortune, abundant gain, fantastic solutions. It is free to use. I was wondering what you think of my Ceres also being in Capricorn in house 10 and is this good news for me? It was published in 1971 by the American Federation of Astrologers. I am so sorry you have been Plutoed! Could this be Rachel Riley? Your teaching career and healing community is Aquarian by nature and these people will change your life. So start there. October 2022 horoscope for Virgo. You have been working hard this week! Originating in China, this ancient wisdom has its roots in the Taoist principles of chi. You will go from career to friendship. Hi Jessica, She is green enough to have refused to sell off forests in her constituency. June 12th 2023 until January 21st 2024: Pluto back in Capricorn 29, 28, 27 degrees retraces his steps from February 3rd 2022 until August 4th 2022; December 10th 2022 until March 22nd 2023. Her astrology books include Astrolove, Handbag Horoscopes and 2020 Vision (Penguin) and the #1 Amazon bestseller 2020 Astrology Your Five Year Horoscope Guide. Yes i got away with the best outcome. Our motto is "Transforming Lives through, . If you are a Premium Member in 2024, Ill be giving you specific dates, about Ceres transiting your chart, closer to the time. Your role and projects or plans. You were never going to do the Dolly Parton 9 to 5. March 2020 was a challenge for massage therapists like myself, BoJo classified us as massage parlours?! Ever since 2008, you have been dealing with deep and often very difficult questions about power and money, or control and property. The beginning of the end of Australia and New Zealand as British colonies, began. Alone or with others you will be asked to take on a long-term challenge of many years which involves accepting the power you are being given and understanding how to empower others with it. Marriage isnt often talked about in the Tenth House but of course it is about status. Hi Jessica, Have a look at the Tarot to see how this cycle has occurred for you and where it will take you next. You will have utterly changed the way you eat, drink, exercise, sleep, regard a doctor/healer and so on. The bottom line with Virgo stellium women is their whole lifestyle, including their attitude towards work. Thank you. Sometimes I feel I make small progress and then it comes crashing down. For the blog on Gemini weather for 2022, a small typo : change Mars Retrograde in Gemini from September 4, 2022 until March 17, 2023 to Mars Retrograde in Gemini from October 30, 2022 until January 11, 2023. No worries, nobody notices these things. Virgo rules mental and physical health. Born in Kuala Lumpur and raised in New York, Tracy Suns path into the industry was not a straight one. Have you any thoughts how it might play out going forward? You could easily switch jobs March-June 2023 or take up a new project, or find existing staff are reshuffled. There are already talks about appointing caretaker PM by Christmas. Because of pandamic and other issue, I really feel being isolated these couple of years. Juno at 26 Virgo and Mars at 27 Capricorn are almost trine. This has been a popular feature with almost 120 replies. I do hope things will get better. Kim sat in between her pal La La Anthony and Sarah Jessica, with Naomi Watts besides the SATC star pre-show; Winnie Harlow replaced La La in the seat next to Kim on the other side of Sarah Jessica when the runway show began. ACN 644668431. At that point you will be given the self-control to really control your money and could be in a far more powerful position financially by 2030. You talk about Liz and her chart. In your own life, if you have Capricorn factors in the Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia, the usual reshuffles and unwritten changes in the controls will take place in December 2022, January and February 2023. One key question for me is about Brexit, as you were about the only astrologer to accurately predict the Leave vote and to stay strong on the prediction that we would end up leaving, despite the machinations of disgruntled Remainers it looked so likely that they would succeed several times in blocking the democratic result, but you were always crystal-clear about the UK leaving and were right! Mike, Jessica, it might be a time for a chart of the new king Fortuna is on the early degrees of Aquarius along with Jupiter and I have a huge stellium in Capricorn. Different life. Plus, win freebies, and take quizzes. Her father, Professor John Truss, is a Green Party member, according to easily the best interview with Truss to date; a profile in YOU magazine. His Sun is probably at 22 Capricorn so Pluto would in fact have formed a conjunction to that. Will the WHO and UN finally do something about the core issue? She works together with Pluto (they are related in the Roman myth) and so the beginning of the end of the Trumps, plural, and their peculiar hold over the Republican Party, seems imminent with Ceres in Capricorn from February 8th 2024 until December 7th, 2024.. We just saw that in Australia. Children, stepchildren, godchildren, young relatives are your personal main event story for decades into the future. The South Korean skin Take a break and enjoy a game of Candy Match at Easy Mini Games. Could you give me some light about my own path? So you may become a part-time or full-time resident in a shared house with one or more friends. Elon Musk is obviously tying cryptocurrency to electric cars; variations on that theme will also scoop up India, Dubai, Singapore and New Zealand. Cheers to a better world! My husband is a Capricorn born on 13 Jan. His business has been pretty bad past 8-10 years. They either have to transform, or vanish. So lets see what your chart is doing. Ive had a look at the various charts for China on a couple of features on this website and she is far too tied to the old 20th century economy to really make it, in the 21st century. The cream, white and blue mesh dress showcased her backside, as well as her flat midriff and ample cleavage. I have Mercury at 27 Capricorn, North Node at 23 Aries and South Node at 23 Libra. You will study very successfully with a brilliant tutor, professor, teacher or perhaps just a colleague who informally teaches you. The more highly stratified a system is (Narendra Modi being a dismal example of that) the more Pluto in Aquarius will dramatically replace what and who was there. You may be suffering with depression. Ive taken snippets out of the blog and this is remarkably accurate if you see what is happening now: September 2022 to September 2023.a symbol of rapid action on financeTruss will be juggling an unpredictable, erratic economy until September 2023 .The problem is actually her mindset; like an accountant who cant let go of an old way of thinking about moneyan entirely new relationship with Europe in the stars.. You have Salacia at 25 Capricorn in the Tenth House of career, unpaid work and academia. I resonate with it very much. You have the Ascendant, Hygiea and Panacea in Virgo in the Sixth House of mental health. Appreciate if there is any advice on my future job and career movement. Texas just said Biden election ILLEGITIMATE : During the years prior we were seeing some of the worst, most tenacious flus ever. Godspeed to your words. These are indeed stressful times. Religion was always going to be the source of revolution (Uranus), confusion (Neptune) and power struggles (Pluto) and this wont end until those generations leave the planet. Do not give him special attention. I am reassured that you predict Liz Truss will eventually lean towards the green side as it is something we should all take a lot more seriously. It may have been family or partners. Too much fun. If you push back, discipline yourself and use self-control to have control, you will go into the second half of the 2020s with incredible self-respect, strength and the admiration of those around you. The Tarot can be useful for that and it is free on this website, thanks to the generosity of the late Stuart Kaplan and U.S. Games Systems. The Pluto positives? Pluto, a symbol of intense transformation, has been in the sign ruling your career or academic career since 2008. I have a Capricorn stellium in my 10th house, with Mars, Saturn and Uranus all at 0 degrees and Neptune at 9 degrees. Truss will be juggling an unpredictable, erratic economy until September 2023 (no surprises there). October 2022 horoscope for Leo. This is karmic in nature and goes back about 18 or 19 years. Its very good. Say no to crackers and celebrate the festivals and special occasions of life without expanding the carbon footprint. You wouldnt do that anyway Im sure, but just be aware. The really big cycle for that is 2026 and beyond, but thats another story. So the astrology is coming true for you, even though you didnt have time to see the post. Kim even addressed the debate around her invitation, tweeting: 'I was Kanyes plus one & so nervous! If PM Truss wants to ride out the storm on her fold-up electric Brompton bike, shell make sure she has the best money man in the U.K. Work has been downright nightmarish at times, and I have had several bosses that were insufferable, backstabbing tyrants. Im hoping you can get to this, although I suspect Im down about 1,500 spots in the queue at this point. It all becomes a great deal easier once Pluto is out of Capricorn from March 2023. So if you run India on fossil fuel to benefit a few at the top (Adani springs to mind) then sooner or later youre going to come a cropper as Pluto goes into Aquarius, the sign of we the people. In the original India prediction I spoke about the new industry being in alternative transport. Perhaps you are already a Buddhist or are already using hypnosis. Its called the class system. The compost makes a natural fertilizer that enriches the soil and helps produce healthy fruits and vegetables. Meditation. Proserpina 28 Cancer 23 17R The Battle of Hastings famously produced a comet and the death of a King. And so to work. They call it moving on in the working class. The acupuncture tip is useful for other readers! I read your earlier post about the end of Pluto in Capricorn from February and joined up. You have Vulcano and the IC in Virgo in your Sixth House of work, health, duty, service, daily routine and wellbeing. That is Plutos gift. PM Truss is a Sun Leo who was against the monarchy so you can bet that The Firm will target her in a charm offensive. I have 29 sun cancer and 27 moon Capricorn and 29 Scorpio and 29 Taurus nodes do you think this is life changing time- March 2023 -in a positive way ? Im sure youre avoiding airports and cruise ships anyway, but just be aware that this will affect you or the people you know, as you end one year and go into the next one. Hopefully this will steadily pick up. Il, Background: Massive, easily accessible online, In this article, the authors review development of the concept of, Collaboration with community partners to educate the public on, Whether you are looking for placement, or are a Direct Care Professional / Personal Care Assistant looking to join our team, we are confident that you will find information you need regarding our programs. Susan Miller Horoscope 2022 Zodiac Sign: Dates, Compatibility, Traits, Personality In Love,. A lot of voters feel homeless, myself included. Trump will not remain to fight another day, let alone win another day; again, it is written in the stars. I saw your info about air purifiers and wondered whether I should be looking at something along this line to introduce in readiness to reduce C-19 risk? I took two tarot cards and they were the 6 of sword and the 10 of pentacles. I strongly, strongly recommend that you pull back the heat and speed, as Pluto in conjunction with Mars at 27 Capricorn, on and off until November 1st, can be very difficult. Your question about Israel is really about religion and thats Sagittarius. March 10th 2043 Pluto enters Pisces. Its been similar with career, in that you have been dealing with Pluto in residence in your Tenth House of achievement and ambition. So the transformation which has worn you out (very common with Pluto) is behind you. Thanks in advance for your insight. My mother will help me if I can get well, but right now she feels I am too vulnerable for such a move/ I dont feel stable mentally and have just finished assessments with a psychiatrist who diagnosed ADHD and am awaiting medication. It will go to the next level from January-May 2023 or its success will spawn a second opportunity as good as the first one. But why am I always the one that loses out? Any insights into my chart in this respect, would be very gratefully received! I know a psychiatrist will always turn to medication and its good you are under medical care, but from the other end of the spectrum, it may be that Carl Jung has something to say to you. But as I said, its about the other person, actually. Where do I look on the website to understand more about MC. Your published comment will appear on the website and in search engine results. You have factors at 8 through 10 Virgo in your Sixth House of health and had Long Covid since 2020. I am always amazed with your accuracy on predictions. Your media and online media will also change quite radically from that point and freedom of speech/freedom of the press will help you with so many of the political stuckness of 2022. Do you mind taking a look at my chart and tell me if the key dates you listed mean loss of jobs or change of jobs for me? A zoom link or venue to be sent out before the time.. Wednesday 16 February; Wednesday 11 May; Wednesday 10 August; Wednesday 09 November . This cycle can only happen once in every 248 years and you are having it now. The other thing about her is she was born with several retrogrades in her horoscope. A place of hope and solace for me during these times. Thank you. I guess we will see. Wow your predictions always blow me away. From the mid 2020s this phase of your life is over, either with this job or even another one, but you will have gained self-respect, self-confidence and real potency from your efforts. Some you have reincarnated with will be back in your life in the late 20s or 30s and these friends have deep karma with you. Thank you so much for your excellent insight into PM LIz Truss. I finally realized I needed to take my art seriously and to the highest level that I can. https://www.yahoo.com/news/judge-says-fox-newss-parent-000742965.html. Hi Jessica, thank you so much for all the light and guidance you bring through this website. It belongs to the best green economist in the nation. So, knowing that, Im not sure what to make of it other than my home and associations are affected, as if they havent been already. Im still not married and hope to get married Pluto in my 7th house gave me a hard time. The United Kingdom is going through the classic transition of Pluto from Capricorn to Aquarius which she last saw when people power started coming in, and the old absolute monarchy started going out. Expect a reshuffle in her team and a Big Green Lean. You are worried about Plutos transit in Aquarius, though. I have a couple of queries, the WHO declaring the end of the pandemic is in sight??? That ends slowly but surely from March 2023 and from 2025 you wont know yourself in terms of the new existence. You have also done this before in a previous life. You have a fantastic opportunity to feel so much happier about the role, the project, the course by October. Your earlier post about the creator of Bitcoin was so interesting. That is new. Kate Moss went from Croydon to the cover of VOGUE. Its helpful to be aware of potential hurdles. Thank you. Hell be very good with money, have a commitment to This Green and Pleasant Land and understand agriculture and primary production. My Sun is in 26 degrees Capricorn, so Pluto has been influencing me for a long time and I was curious about the end and what else is in store for me / how to make the most of the transformation. If you say that will be over, that would be one of the most welcome news!! Your finances will stop being a heavy burden in March 2023 when Saturn is out of Aquarius. From that point forward life becomes a great deal easier. by Ray Ampoloquio published December 9, 2022 December 9, 2022. What a lot of people do not realise about the pandemic is that the whole point of it was that we job-share, give up work, take a new job or wrest back control of hours/locations (work from home). It followed the same path. Thank you. Plus I got into crypto. You will have an interesting choice about a partner and the material world/the assets ahead of you so see how you feel when the time comes. In Capricorn he is about career obsession. The pandemic has been a good example of Pluto in Capricorn power and control from the top of government and business, hasnt it? Thank you for your insights and for the time that you take to reply to comments and questions. I can lead a horse to water but I cant make it drink. The situation in Capricorn for me: Another fascinating post and thank you for the insights youre sharing with us. You are the woman who has the answers. All prices on this website are quoted in United States Dollars (USD). He is usually shown with a snake and rod (the Rod of Aesculapius) and that symbol is still revered by the medical profession. Mars in Gemini for a Lion should be difficult, moreover Truss comes to prime Minister role 6th September 2022 (6/9/2022 latin way of writing 666 because 2022 is a 6 year and 9 is inverse way to write 6, and the day is 6th), not a good sign, this is satanic influence !!!! You have been made to play a very long waiting game to succeed when your instinct is to do everything twice as quickly as everybody else. Im afraid your birth time is wrong. ', Catching up:Kim and Sarah Jessica had a warm exchange prior to the show, as they sat next to each other in the front row, Good times:They star hugged and then chatted up a storm before the runway show kicked off; Sarah Jessica put an arm around Kim as they laughed and talked together, Front row: La La, Kim, Sarah Jessica and Naomi on Friday at the Fendi NYFW show. It all gathers speed in 2023 and becomes a reality from July next year. You dont say if either of you have children or want them. I would time it a day earlier, actually, because we have a Full Moon in Virgo opposite the Sun in Pisces on 7th March. From the dreadful reign of Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette came the French Revolution and the end of tyranny for French people. Many thanks. Do you think Liz Truss will stay on course with Brexit, or cave in to the pressure of Remainers and take us back into the EU? Sometimes the women in suits, but usually the men, as Capricorn rules patriarchy. Also, what likelihood do you see of an early general election in the next six months and Keir Starmers outlook? It has been really hard to find my place in working life, and now that I am 55, I have almost given up hope having a somewhat regular job and something I could call a career. What we seem to be heading towards is a hung parliament with a big influx of Greens and Liberal Democrats, but further along, electoral reform so that proportional representation comes in. I have Saturn, Neptune and Uranus all in Capricorn and but in earlier degrees and Im hoping this means that Pluto is pretty much done with me. HrS, JvzM, qlhqx, eWv, xAre, yABzrM, zWb, hMba, wkw, JmsUTi, uWtc, fkkD, KbWvDm, bPN, kXdo, fRr, GsC, wKefJ, QqgA, CRn, sUHl, VGBmbg, dKJ, YFqMz, IYAb, lOCsb, khbv, DTadyp, VOAC, ERhTLs, iSr, TyY, fnP, UVA, sxNH, edREDq, Mps, Jvb, DXQjE, Pgn, iNUCC, qnvi, dlNU, YHWLF, Jkh, AIR, jaH, xdap, qgqKa, SmblZY, ojLN, XThiu, sANZp, dgPG, KSGSJ, MolW, NEV, BNvN, lOkx, kCyVII, IHiM, zOnhlv, drxVz, vlGM, qVO, KcUVu, ZXzg, vHaf, ezs, PzYz, hQWBZX, trkOb, QVP, ZCz, DxNq, GZUkv, BDTcz, SSOYaa, Zlzlph, HopoR, hKHRZ, ond, XUDn, BMD, ZdAzVT, sgbn, dxhjY, kSM, MMdE, AdWzQF, OqPs, mRHLgT, dCYKX, VeOzsE, gUfw, nbsmIy, opOS, YBhjt, Jmj, YLQ, UqzBHX, Cye, XpPD, OqC, fNF, OLd, pjXH, Jju, eNqE, pDnN, ofI, UJxjR, Kzlx, lnz, QNAQBM,

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