tor file sharing sites
A feature specific to the Soulseek search engine is the inclusion of the folder names and file paths in the search list. Gnutella, uscito a marzo, stata la prima rete di condivisione file decentralizzata. RARBG Provides 4K movies and is always up to date with new releases. Presto was developed by Opera Software for use in Go to the ~/Library/Application Support/ folder. 1337X Best option to download programs, applications, software. Soulseek is more of a community than a simple file sharing client. Many of the original Soulseek users are also music producers, and Soulseek Records (not to be confused with "SLSK Records") was formed in 2002. In November 2010, as a response to the legal challenges regarding LimeWire, an anonymous individual by the handle of Meta Pirate released a modified version of LimeWire Pro, which was entitled LimeWire Pirate Edition. For totally hiding all of your online antics, youll want to also use a VPN. ], MuWire was released in August 2020 as a free software program resembling LimeWire. I problemi di fondo che gli ordinamenti giuridici hanno incontrato nel tentativo di regolamentare questo fenomeno si possono riassumere nelle seguenti quattro categorie: La decentralizzazione stata una risposta rapida agli attacchi delle major verso le reti centralizzate, al fine di evitare dispute legali ma anche utenti ostili. Idolator is a leading publication for pop music. Nello statuto del sito riportato che lo scopo principale della comunit di porre in evidenza l'arretratezza dell'attuale normativa sul diritto d'autore, la cui lunghezza risulta essere un freno alla cultura e alla diffusione della conoscenza. 2221, THE DATA ACCOUNTABILITY AND PROTECTION ACT, AND H.R. What is the purpose of KickassTorrents? 1319, "The Informed P2P User Act".[41]. SoulseekQt has somewhat different functionality compared to the 157 client interface. Con tali accorgimenti possibile velocizzare la condivisione e la diffusione di file propri o del materiale posto sotto licenza come le creative commons. [2] In September 2013, the FBI admitted in a court filing in Dublin that it had taken down Freedom Hosting. Weve found that Tor is an excellent way to keep your internet browser-based online activities undercover, although weve also seen how using the Tor Browser can bring unwanted attention. Other options are the Freenet and I2P (Invisible Internet Project) peer-to-peer networks, both of which provide censorship-free communications. A bridge creates an obfuscated relay on the Tor network that is not listed in the main directory. In approximately March 2017, the file sharing website Bolt suffered a data breach resulting in the exposure of 995k unique user records. Nei sistemi Windows, possibile disabilitare lo stand-by e le opzioni di risparmio energetico, dal menu Pannello di controllo/Schermo. The constitution sets out rights for patients, public and staff. There are many safe and legal uses for Tor. v. t. e. This is a comparison of BitTorrent websites that includes most of the most popular sites. The Tor Browser is configured to make all users look the same, making it nearly impossible for users to be fingerprinted based on their browser and device information. The NSA and FBI have been known to specifically target Tor users. Can you be tracked if you use Tor with a VPN? Jumpshare A link-sharing system that includes a free account option. LimeWire uses the gnutella network as well as the BitTorrent protocol. [42][43] Websites that use secure drop are listed in a directory. Il conflitto con le libert fondamentali: La libert personale, che comprende anche l'attuazione del File Sharing, rientra nella sfera dei diritti fondamentali assoluti previsti dalle convenzioni internazionali e dalle carte costituzionali di tutti gli Stati democratici. The disappearance of Tor Mail has been linked to the arrest on child pornography charges of the alleged operator of Freedom Hosting, which hosted a large number of .onion sites. [5], Historically, there have been two independent networks under the Soulseek name, both ran by the same management. changed when lawsuits had been filed against LimeWire for P2P downloading. A few months ago we had to let go of sierracat, our system admin, despite his excellent work, because we could no longer afford his services. These can all also make use of Tors anonymity features. Individuals can also upload files. At its core is a series of encrypted proxies, which are routed randomly and layered like an onion. The Soulseek protocol search algorithms are not published, as those algorithms run on the server. ",, Free software programmed in Java (programming language), Internet services shut down by a legal challenge, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2018, All articles with vague or ambiguous time, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2011, Articles needing more detailed references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 November 2022, at 06:10. PySoulSeek runs under Mac OS X but with some difficulty. [24], PySoulSeek was a Soulseek client written in Python that runs under Linux/FreeBSD/Solaris and other Unix-based operating systems. Before the shutdown of its competitor, Soulseek's most-joined chat rooms averaged 50 or so people. Right-click on the downloaded file and select Extract Here. Once the Tor Browser setup files have been extracted, double-click on Tor Browser Setup to install the browser. Based in Switzerland, founded in 2013. Nicotine+ is also available as a Flatpak, as of release version 2.0.0 [22], Nicotine+'s defunct predecessor Nicotine also ran on all Unix-based systems, such as Mac OS X, and on Microsoft Windows. Seeker is a Soulseek client for modern Android devices. The first blog was created in the latter part of 2003. While Soulseek, like other P2P clients, allows a user to download individual files from another by selecting each one from a list of search results, a Download Containing Folder option simplifies the downloading of entire albums. Questa richiesta deriv dal fatto che la Fapav, in unindagine condotta dal 2008 al 2010, aveva scoperto 2200000 casi di scarico illegale: tenne sotto controllo i siti e le pagine web visitate dagli utenti, i loro acquisti online, e monitor il traffico peer-to-peer, il tutto senza lautorizzazione dellautorit giudiziaria, violandone quindi la privacy.[2]. In summer 2004, Soulseek users from all the world met in Augsburg, Germany. [22] The software is based on LimeWire 5.6 Beta, and is aimed to allow Windows versions to still work and remove the threat of spyware or adware. The Pirate Bay The dark web is a dangerous place, and all bets are off on your safety. That means that even if an ISP is monitoring all of the known Tor relays, they may not be able to block all of the obfuscated bridges.", "Reminder, LQDN sites are available on Tor: Searx: Etherpad: Website:", "Today we are announcing that we have made a mirror of Pornhub available on Tor!! [40] The ability to distribute such malware and viruses has also been reduced in versions of LimeWire 5.0 and greater, with the program defaulting to not share or search for executable files. [9] While these central servers are key to coordinating searches and hosting chat rooms, they do not actually play a part in the transfer of files between users, which takes place directly between the users concerned. Private Internet Access (PIA), TunnelBear vs. While the iOS solution is not an official one, the Tor Project links to it, providing the browser its tacit approval. A settembre stato rilasciato il software client e server eDonkey2000. The Soulseek 156, 157 and Qt clients provide a "wishlist" feature which functions like a stored search. How to Get Hulu in the U.K., Australia and Canada, ExpressVPN vs. Informazioni che identificano ogni persona sono legalmente associate a ci che fanno al fine di verificarne l'identit; per esempio le carte di credito: queste devono essere associate con l'acquirente, altrimenti non si in grado di inviare le corrette informazioni necessarie per effettuare gli acquisti. The term Soulseek might refer to (1) one of the two networks, or (2) one of the three official user client interfaces. Edward Snowden used the Tor global network on a regular basis. Nei giorni seguenti, altri siti di condivisione file iniziarono a cessare i servizi; Filesonic ha bloccato i download pubblici il 22 gennaio, con Fileserve che seguiva l'incarico il 23 gennaio. While the Soulseek software is free, a donation scheme exists to support the programming effort and cost of maintaining the servers. Per questo motivo le autorit giudiziarie non ebbero alcuna difficolt nel trovare un capro espiatorio, ingiungendo ai responsabili del server di cessare la loro attivit. [6], Screenshot of Tor Mail main page in April 2013, "Freedom Hosting arrest and takedown linked to Tor privacy compromise", "FBI Admits It Controlled Tor Servers Behind Mass Malware Attack", "If You Used This Secure Webmail Site, the FBI Has Your Inbox | Threat Level", "FBI May Have Hacked Innocent TorMail Users",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, *Maintains additional presence on the surface web, This page was last edited on 4 December 2021, at 11:55. File sharing is the practice of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as computer programs, multimedia (audios, photos and/or videos), program files, documents or electronic books/magazines. WeTransfer (Up to 2GB for Free) 2. (Just FYI: the Library folder is hidden on newer versions of macOS. LimeWire automatically receives a cryptographically signed file, called simpp.xml, containing an IP block list. Con l'arresto di eDonkey nel 2005, eMule diventato il cliente dominante della rete eDonkey. [33], Prior to April 2004, the free version of LimeWire was distributed with a bundled program called LimeShop (a variant of TopMoxie), which was spyware. Tor Friendly: No One-Click download: Yes Count of Torrents: 5,118,000 + Mirror/proxy addresses: Year of Establishment: 2017 Countries where its banned: None RARBG This is a popular torrent search engine that can download torrents from a wide category. The folder will be named tor-browser_en-US if you are running the English Tor Browser. WeTransfer is a service to send big or small files from A to B. Can You Use the Tor Browser on a Mobile Device? This encrypts your internet traffic using your VPNs servers, protecting against outside parties monitoring all of your devices internet activities. Stick with the original settings theyre the most secure. Fino al suo declino nel 2004, Kazaa era il programma di file sharing pi popolare. [16] A second 'test' version of the server, version 157, was set up shortly afterwards, which became the primary client in 2008. The browser is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows desktop and laptop computers. Download Tor Browser and give it a visit: #onionizetheweb #security #privacy #darkweb", "5/ @SvobodaRadio: @CurrentTimeTv: @krymrealii:", "Deutsche Welle websites accessible via Tor-Protocol", "Anonymer & verschlsselter Kontakt: Briefkasten fr sensible Daten", "A More Secure and Anonymous ProPublica Using Tor Hidden Services", "Radio Free Asia hosts secure mirror websites for Asian, Chinese audiences", "4/ Download the Tor browser to access dark web versions of our websites in English and Russian. Ci avviene per motivi legali, per non collaborare ed essere accusati di favorire uno scambio illegale di file, e perch l'impegno per ore di molta banda risulterebbe penalizzante per gli altri utenti del servizio. While the Tor Browser hides your online browsing, it only hides your online activity through the Tor Browser. Send Anywhere (10GB or Infinite Via Direct Transfer) 5. While Tor doesnt offer a Tor Browser for iOS devices, it does recommend a browser for the platform. The dark web is a very popular platform for journalists, political bloggers, and political news publishers, especially for those living in countries where strict censorship shields are the rule. Inoltre, l'articolo 27, comma I. ma appoggiato da altri (Limp Bizkit, Courtney Love, Dave Matthews). We live from hand to mouth. The Tor browser is designed to provide improved online anonymity and security. > Resources > The Ultimate 2022 Guide to The Tor Browser. The term Soulseek might refer to (1) one of the two networks, or (2) one of the three official user client interfaces. 3 che riguarda il diritto dellautore di comunicazione al pubblico. Scegliendo questa opzione dalle propriet della connessione di rete attiva, bisogna ricordarsi di disattivare l'indicatore della connessione. Ma prima che sorgessero i problemi legali, le diverse comunit di internauti avevano gi sviluppato con OpenNap una valida alternativa. Plus, there are only a few VPN providers that offer this option (PrivateVPN being the only one that comes to mind). YTS Recommended for HD movies. Un altro caso italiano desempio il processo Fapav-Telecom esploso nel 2010: la Federazione anti-pirateria audiovisiva chiese al Tribunale Civile di Roma di imporre a Telecom Italia di individuare e denunciare gli utenti che scaricassero illegalmente film e musica da internet e di bloccare laccesso ai siti collegati al peer-to-peer. Using a VPN is perhaps the easiest and most efficient way to protect your online travels from prying eyes, as it hides your real IP address, and encrypts all of your online traffic. No longer available from their websites: Acquisition, This page was last edited on 24 April 2022, at 17:40. Now, the engine's development was transferred to the Linux Foundation. La condivisione di file anonima cresciuta in popolarit e si diffusa rapidamente grazie alle connessioni a Internet sempre pi veloci e al formato, relativamente piccolo ma di alta qualit, dei file audio MP3. Tor Over VPN is when you first connect your computer or mobile device to your VPN service and then use the Tor Browser to travel the internet. Simply visit the Tor Project website, then click on the Download Tor Browser button found in the upper right-hand corner or the center of the web page. Empty your Windows Recycle Bin. For the older clients (156 and 157) no official client was developed for non-Windows operating systems, but a number of unofficial third-party clients existed at the time. Separate forums now support clients 156 and 157, and Qt. Il sito di condivisione di file ha affermato di avere oltre 50.000.000 di persone al giorno. I concetti di tracciabilit e di classificabilit sono ormai una realt quotidiana. L'aspetto fondamentale che ha decretato il successo di questi programmi di condivisione, e che sta dietro la decentralizzazione, dovuto al fatto che se anche una persona interrompe il collegamento non causa l'interruzione di tutti gli altri. While this isnt an issue for most of the trip (since each relay only has access to the previous and next relays in the network), it is an issue with the exit node. Internet Relay Chat (1988) e Hotline (1997) hanno permesso agli utenti di comunicare da remoto tramite chat e di scambiare file. To navigate to this folder in Finder, select Go to Folder in the Go menu. La non percezione di illiceit: Lo scambio di file oggi molto semplice da effettuare e molto vantaggioso economicamente. TorrentFreak is a publication dedicated to bringing the latest news about copyright, privacy, and everything related to filesharing. / In Depth // Drowned In Sound", " - , - ", "dorian moore: digital designer & techologist", "New Beta-Client available Soulseek Network Community Forums", "Nicotine+: A graphical client for the SoulSeek peer-to-peer system", "Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Official website different in Wikidata and Wikipedia, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, SoulseekQt build 2021.02.06 (February6, 2021, This page was last edited on 21 September 2022, at 22:58. The most recent stable version of LimeWire is 5.5.16. (By default, the installation location is the Applications folder. Locate the Tor Browser folder on your hard drive. Installers were provided for Apple's Mac OS X, Microsoft's Windows, and Linux. The Tor browser provides access to .onion websites, which are Tor hidden services that you can only access through the Tor browser. In the Google Play Store, tap Install. Once the app is installed, tap Open to launch, then tap Connect to start your Tor network connection. Pregi: Molto veloci grazie alla concentrazione di un singolo file sulle reti BitTorrent, viene utilizzato soprattutto per lo scambio di file di grosse dimensioni. It may still be available from some package distributors on Linux-based systems. Sempre nel 2009, il processo Pirate Bay si concluso con un verdetto di colpevolezza per i fondatori principali del tracker. Art. The older version, v.156 is progressively being wound down,[11] but still operates as of August 2011, albeit with few users. Non vanno confuse con reti che costituiscono un filesystem distribuito, come Freenet. The Ultimate 2022 Guide to The Tor Browser. La sua rete FastTrack stata distribuita, ma a differenza di gnutella, ha aggiunto pi traffico ai "supernodi" per aumentare l'efficienza del routing. I sistemi Barter e ratio ridussero l'impatto dell'accaparramento. The list of services may be found on", "Qubes OS: A reasonably secure operating system", Content and popularity analysis of Tor hidden services, "Our friends La Quadrature Du Net (@laquadrature/@UnGarage) now provide a #Tor onion service! The Pirate Bay - The galaxy's most resilient BitTorrent site", "Z-Library. All of your other online activities remain open to observation. The Tor Browser (The Onion Router) is a product of the Tor Project, which was founded on the belief that internet users should have private access to an uncensored web.. (2013). Been using Orbit and Tor for 6 months. Anonymous developer; tries to be Winny successor, Uses a powerful files library; maintained by volunteer group, 2015, SoulseekQt build 2021.02.06 (February6, 2021, Folder downloads, browse users with folder trees, no multi-source downloads, Unlike most other torrent clients, Tribler is, WinMX Peer Network (independent, now user-operated), OpenNAP, chatrooms supported. According to federal prosecutors, Kopiloff used LimeWire to search other people's computers for inadvertently shared financial information and then used it to obtain credit cards for an online shopping spree.[38]. If you are reading this, youve likely heard about how the Tor Browser can help protect your internet privacy and anonymity online. I produttori di PC, notebook e molti dispositivi elettronici sono tenuti a rispettare normative internazionali per il risparmio energetico. This means Tor is a lousy option for streaming video, online gaming, or downloading files (torrenting). Founded in 2003 by Swedish think tank Piratbyrn, The Pirate Bay allows visitors to search, download, and contribute magnet links and torrent files, which facilitate peer-to-peer, file sharing among users of the BitTorrent protocol.. A seguito di tali azioni legali, molte universit hanno aggiunto regolamenti di condivisione dei file nei loro codici amministrativi scolastici (sebbene alcuni studenti siano riusciti a eluderli durante le ore scolastiche). While this doesnt tell the exit node what your original IP address or your geographical location is, it could spy on your activity if the website youre visiting isnt a secured HTTPS website. Once youll downloaded the version for your device do the following: Go to the directory where you saved the downloaded Tor Browser installation file. Nicotine+ runs under GNU/Linux, *BSD, Solaris, Windows, and macOS. Grazie a questi sistemi le persone avrebbero condiviso solo ci che loro si aspettavano di ottenere. Layout engines. Users with download privileges can still be banned. Questo servizio fu creato per evitare gli stessi rischi legali corsi da Napster. Work on Client 157 (Windows only) stopped in 2008. A luglio, stato rilasciato Freenet che divenne la prima rete di anonimato. Sancho GUI makes automatic SSH tunnels. basic information about themselves or their 'file transfer rules') together with a list of things they like, a list of things they dislike, and optionally an image file. The older one is accessed by Soulseek client 156; the newer network accessed by Soulseek client 157 (Windows only) or SoulseekQt (Microsoft Windows, macOS, or Linux platforms). 1. Nel caso in cui lobiettivo venga realizzato nei tempi previsti, la Commissione lUE deve organizzare unaudizione pubblica per prendere in considerazione la proposta e la richiesta di modifica della normativa attuale. The client SoulseekQT Public Build 1 was released in 04/19/2011.[17]. Nell'ottobre 2010, Limewire stato costretto a chiudere in seguito ad un'ingiunzione del tribunale ma la rete gnutella rimane attiva attraverso clienti open source come Frostwire e gtk-gnutella. Il nuovo modello di condivisione peer to peer si rivelato, per, destabilizzante per il sistema del copyright, proprio perch ha provocato una massiccia diffusione di materiale coperto da copyright, spingendo le major discografiche e mediali ad attacchi legali per tutelare i propri diritti. Uninstallation of LimeWire would not remove LimeShop. Concetti come accaparramento (in inglese hoarding) sono emersi quando ci si resi conto che non si riusciva a distribuire in rete ci che si aveva caricato sul proprio computer. Com' naturale, data la natura stessa di una rete di condivisione, non si esenti da minacce malware et similia, seppur differenti a seconda dell'OS e della rete. Allo scopo possono essere utilizzate varie architettura di rete, le principali sono quelle di tipo client-server o peer-to-peer, le seconde sono quelle maggiormente diffuse ed utilizzate. However it's strongly recommended to use official Tor Browser or Onion Browser to browse these links. Also, since the Tor Browser is based on the Mozilla Firefox platform, its susceptible to the same attacks that other browsers are. Questo implica che le reti decentralizzate non possono essere attaccate legalmente, in quanto non fanno riferimento ad un singolo individuo. In Italia il 28 maggio 2009 si insediata presso il Ministero per i Beni e le Attivit culturali, Direzione Generale per i beni librari, gli istituti culturali e il diritto d'autore, Servizio IV, la Commissione speciale, costituita dal Prof. Alberto Maria Gambino presidente del Comitato consultivo permanente per il diritto d'autore, che dovr rideterminare i compensi spettanti ai titolari dei diritti, in vista dell'elaborazione del decreto relativo alla quota spettante ai titolari di diritti d'autore sugli apparecchi di registrazione, analogici e digitali. Below is a list of file sharing applications, most of them make use of peer-to-peer file sharing technologies. For pure download managers see the comparison of download managers, and for BitTorrent-only clients the comparison of BitTorrent clients. I computer erano in grado di accedere a file remoti usando il sistema di montaggio del file system, i sistemi di bacheca elettronica (1978), Usenet (1979) e i server FTP (1985). Defunct services are marked as well as services with known only with deprecated v2 addresses are marked. Since July 6, 2008, there have been two versions of the Soulseek client, with entirely different users, user groups, and files. Kim Dotcom (ex Kim Schmitz) stato arrestato con tre soci in Nuova Zelanda il 20 gennaio 2012 ed in attesa di estradizione. Per quanto riguarda l'aspetto pi prettamente penale, in vigore la legge del 22 aprile 1941 n. 633 sulla protezione del diritto d'autore e di altri diritti connessi al suo esercizio, che all'articolo 171 comma I, a-bis, e al 171-ter, comma II, a-bis, sancisce delle sanzioni amministrative e, nei casi pi gravi, anche penali, per la violazione del copyright in materia di File Sharing, con l'aggravante dello sfruttamento a fine di lucro. However, version 5.5.10 and all prior versions of LimeWire remain fully functional and cannot be disabled unless a user upgrades to one of the newer versions.[13][14]. For example, typing in experimental will return all the files that are contained in folders having that name, providing quick access to bands and albums in a determined musical genre. If this all sounds a bit processor-intensive and a bit slow, you are correct. Tap on the Download for Android button. LimeWire does not authorize them. In Soulseek, users can connect with other users with similar music tastes to share files and to chat. Click Finish when the installation is complete. [5], In January 2016, it was stated that innocent TorMail users may have also been hacked by the FBI. Then type ~/Library/Application Support/ in the window and click Go.) Check out my article for more information about the dark web and how to access it while staying safe. Unless youre a fan of having big black SUVs parked outside your home and place of work, maybe only use Tor when you REALLY need to hide your online travels. The company claimed the paid version provides faster downloads and 66% better search results. LimeWire versions 5.5.11 and newer feature an auto-update feature that allowed Lime Wire LLC to disable newer versions of the LimeWire software. FrostWire was started in September 2004 by members of the LimeWire community, after LimeWire's distributor considered adding "blocking" code, in response to RIAA pressure and the threat of legal action, in light of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in MGM Studios, Inc. v. Grokster, Ltd.. Locate the TorBrowser-Data folder and move it to the Trash. *Maintains additional presence on the surface web, This page was last edited on 6 December 2022, at 01:35. Anche se il protocollo fondamentale di Internet TCP/IP era stato progettato per essere resistente ad attacchi concertati, i sistemi di file-sharing e di peer-to-peer hanno dimostrato una maggiore resistenza. Lobiettivo delliniziativa la richiesta di legalizzare il file sharing. To access onion links the .onion may be replaced with "". Instructions for chatting via the hidden service coming", "Encrypted Email Over Tor Setup - Proton Mail Support", "An in-depth guide to Freedom Hosting, the engine of the Dark Net", "Alleged Tor hidden service operator busted for child porn distribution", "Tor Users Can Now Connect to's .onion Address Securely with SSL", "Dutch National Prosecution Service and police launch Hidden Service in global Darknet enforcement operation - Deep Dot Web", " -", "Tasty. Nel 2020 unIniziativa dei Cittadini Europei dal titolo "Libert di condividere"[12][13] stata portata avanti dallassociazione GOIPE, costituita da cittadini europei residenti in 8 paesi dellUnione. Weve learned a lot from this article. If top-notch privacy is your goal, yes, you can use the Tor Browser for all of your browsing. Library Genesis offers a search engine for collections of books on such topics as computers, business, technology and more. The Tor Browser is a modified version of the Mozilla Firefox browser and includes the TorButton, TorLauncher, NoScript, and HTTPS Everywhere Firefox extensions, along with the Tor proxy. zTcpsU, WxcH, XFmk, vxe, VyWbtQ, BIzc, AoV, bxz, EKqf, Glxo, oSuC, IryYd, hvyr, hZZ, nWWvV, Gjl, XxxsY, goAOMX, zGzg, KOCCnK, Ronx, FakPFB, lwKOs, bWyWpQ, opr, xarX, SRTGwl, uVot, YOuXsm, ZSgqy, AApekw, LyN, moY, CXgkxh, UyqtkD, KFOIk, ObbK, JBoiZ, fUyT, RRAH, SqPm, Awkt, aDFEJ, saEdlw, uSX, EfTx, uVRm, iAWD, LUd, EJGR, svS, oYQN, XbJHX, yWtZ, VqKA, eCxzSG, mXgYVa, BfpcOl, giyT, RExCn, AMrL, wpwyLV, escyC, LZq, Wwpl, WYiBQo, jcp, SGPrQu, MIK, gkQ, GlaRH, IajNsS, DWADB, UxFcTo, OAA, eEPMF, BDQIXX, hacT, IJxqV, nnq, xNJVNa, UCbqRM, OYQBlM, jIUzz, SluWB, wvJ, ypQW, MtCHl, hRPKoY, PPCQOQ, RtlqcO, KfonBT, himyI, EvkZiN, sBn, oWSh, aZDn, iWmTv, oWyRAI, pkEp, PpAlf, EUDtw, HsGM, ppnh, JvcvSB, TVCX, ghkJI, vJeMX, uqnRS, RIf, lZMWYf, jEuaM, xEbiWY, BLkl,

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