teenage son has no friends
We stopped having birthday parties for him a few years ago, because people stopped coming. The world needs kids like this. Thankfully, he does have two sisters. 4- Reconsider how your teen spends their time and enforce new guidelines. I am so sorry to hear this. I would be happier i think if my son was like yours when he is 16! Teenagers derive valuable support from their friends. My son is autistic as well, and today on the news, there is a woman on Long Island NY that created an app designed to find friends just like our kids either in your area and/or online. As aware as he is that hes not like them, theyre equally in tune. My advice to you is to have a heart to heart discussion with him at some point. It breaks my heart and Ive cried many tears for that kid. She wants to be known as a friend. Then we moved to another country due to her dads job. But she longs to be accepted ? We get this story on so many levels. Remind them that they cannot compel others to become their friends. 4- Reconsider how your teen . Do not talk to your teen about having no friends. He had a lot of friends growing up. This is also my 12 year old son. Lots of prayers for you guys. 10) We find it difficult to read people, and that's Our Fault. The older he gets, the more the world will open up to him, and Ill never stop giving him chances to try. That might work. But she doesnt want ro be seen as the girl with the delay. Please get in contact with me! heartbreaking and has me worrying all the time. I also know how tender his heart is, and how much it pains him to be alone. I keep telling her that after HS shell fibd her people. Once we were going skiing, and told him he could invite someone. Also, plan for the activity to be shorter rather than longer so your teen can build up to spending more time with new friends. Tweens and teens He is not socially awkward. 4) You Cannot Control Others Toddlerhood is the perfect time to start. We move a lot. Full of original and sometimes different people Pick a local gym with other locals from school, work, etc., and itll be more natural to strike up a conversation. I have literally said the same words about my 14 y/o son. I just could not be around fake, vapid girls. My now 14yr old was the same way up until 7th grade when he became heavily included with his youth group at church. But I also think hed benefit from an outlet besides me & someone that he might actually listen to the ways to handle anxiety. I promise it will get better for him! I enjoyed your post; it was well-written. If you dont have a large community Network or big family Have him volunteer the people you meet of all ages while volunteering are some of the best humans on the planet. He refuses to talk to a therapist even though she feels he may be depressed. My son is very kind, funny, smart and he is also very self aware. Not a big one so she is more advanced than the children with down syndrome, but not socially up to speed with others her age. He is now 18 and has found his niche he works in a nursing home and absolutely loves it. They help teens develop into adulthood by learning invaluable emotional and social skills. Take your family to church to meet people. My 11 year old is the same. Sometimes we have to look farther to find what we need. Hes just my sweet awkward lovable boy who is so lonely. Parents can offer opportunities for developing these skills through structured and unstructured activities or social skills groups. Too bad we couldnt get them together. He is my eldest, and watching him graduate from high school, alone this year was heartbreaking. My older one is going to college in the fall but all he has ever done is sit in his room and play video games or watch YouTube. This town is all about soccer, baseball, and basketball. Middle schoolers arent known for their empathy, so there arent a lot of kids with the patience to befriend the weird kid. Cross-country? They are truly missing out on a great friend. I told the teacher I was sorry he was being less attentive and being more goofy, however I let her know that Im not gonna ask him to change that, Id rather him be happy with friends and be sociable than a scholar in class, to my surprise the teacher said good for you dad, you made my day. 3. In our area we have a school that has virtual learning, too. I felt like I read my life story! But yesstill heart wrenching as a mom of an extraordinary kid who cant connect but maybe thats ok maybe their extraordinary qualities would be changed or altered by too much teen-contact I stand in belief there is a reason and purpose larger than I knowand his adulthood is going to be freaking amazing because he will know how to persevere and overcome. It doesnt always get better. He seems to prefer it that way. He loves laughing and loves playing video games but no one wants to join him. He needs to be taught how to make friends. I dont know what I can do to help him. You could have written this about son #3 whos 17 and has always been friendless. So depressed. Trying to find him a friend is good, but dont make him feel like something is wrong with him. Having a close friend in adolescence can lead to lower rates of anxiety and depression. However, other things can also get in the way of a child making friends. He could use a buddy. None, especially at their age so I say fuck them and their snotty ass families!! Not all teachers are worthy of your childs time. Whenever we go somewhere, he prefers talking with the adults. Just need to become a regular (3-4 times/week same times and days every week; other regulars will soon recognize and accept). I would do anything to find him a forever friend, but I dont know how many more disappointments he can take. I know this pain all too well. I find it heart-wrenching just to deal with the minefield of social hurts that plague most kids in middle school, including my own, never mind your son who is so lonely and shunned. Sending love and hope your way!! You can just be yourself and not feel like you have to fit in. Have you thought about letting him join kid friendly sites, like DIY.org? Its a heart wrenching battle But I keep reminding him teen years are short in comparison to the adult world where I know he will flourish and find his tribe (of 1, 2 or 3) Hes sincere as sincere can be, the kindest most gentle young manhes intelligent and has an endless supply in nuggets of random information because he reads so much it blows me away how much he knows sometimes!! Like and follow us on FB, Instagram, and Pinterest. Skateboarding Hiking.. astronomy Ping pong Whatever. Hes an introvert by nature. Being a teenage girl is just not as fun as people think You received awesome advice here. Between her periods of depression and adhd it is really hard. My heart breaks for him all the time (I dont let him know that), but when we talk about life, he tells me he is fine and prefers to be alone. He has a few friends but no real tight buddies and hes not trying. Some teenagers resign themselves to the fact that they have no friends. - ? Who is now 19 and still struggles. Its the worst! So I made sure he had time doing a ton of cool and fun things the kids his own age werent even getting to do but in the company of people older than him. It broke my heart how other kids treated him, and I ended up homeschooling him to stop the bullies and to help him learn at his pace, he was ahead of all of them academically, but they wouldnt move him up because he was emotionally immature. Can talk as parents and I know my kids would play video games with him online. My son is 15, nearly 16 and he is just the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/ihslz/the_difference_between_men_and_women/. I got him some cognitive behavioral therapy and Emotional focused therapy and it made all the difference. I watch, hopeful each time, and fight the tears as they all part ways. Middle school and tween years can be cruel. Its like shes from another time. Empathize with your child. There are several ways that you can help. He made friends with a group of young guys in high school and they are as close today (with families) as they were in high school. I couldve written this post. All the kids want to be friends with the kid who has gum. Theres only one concern right now: my son has no friends. "I don't have any friend" or "no one invites me" can be the complaints your child can make. As sympathetic and connected as I was with them, I realized that I couldnt be the only one they had to talk to. For all the heart ache, Im glad he has a mother like you that has not given up. My heart breaks for you and your family. Shes lonely and Im her best friend, and I know she needs just one person to share herself with. I worry and try not to compare him to others, but its hard. Thank you for writing this and helping others not feel alone in this. She is very bright and is in the top 1/3 in all her classes. It makes me so sad. Thus, your teenage son says he has no friends because he's talking only about school, home, neighborhood etc. because it explains all these challenges. I have 4 sons I know would love to hang out with him? You just described my middle son. God bless your family! The first day of summer, when he was heading to high school; he waited after school hoping to hang out with kids he considers friends, but they had all made plans that did not include him. My son has a such a strong sense of self despite being a loner and that matters so much more than fitting in with the sheep. Keep being his best friend. He graduated a year late, didnt go to the prom or his graduation. I could have written this when my son was in middle school. but please feel free to contact me on social media. He has tried online sites and has dated a couple, but he is very mature for his age and it doesnt work out. Other families we know have their children in amazing private schools or public alternative schools. 1. He is very socially awkward now as a result of all those years he missed out on just having a friend group to be social with. especially as he seems happy and has the confidence to go it alone if something interests him, Baby biting bottle teat and not drinking milk PLZ HELPPP, husband doesn't seem interested in playing with the children. So sorry so many are struggling, but crying with relief to know we are not alone. I did it because I knew that they were extremely special that they had a good heart ?. She knows Shes a little different and tries so hard to fit in. For the commuter you know, a quality messenger bag is a practical and beloved gift to extend their way (just cross-body and go!) The first issue to assess is whether your teen has withdrawn from his/her previous social life or if he/she is having difficulty making friends in the first place. And good luck to your Mama Heart, too! Though when he did. Im a teacher and agree that a new setting might help this if hes brave enough. YoungLife.org Also, for middle schoolers, sometimes there is WyldLife also. Finding out youre autistic is such a relief (if you are!) I didnt and still dont understand why hes always excluded. Be patient! When I saw these kids. My son is similar, but has found similar friends. I cried for him that day. The team is so accepting and encouraging of all skill levels. He's so loving that it makes me ache, so generous that it's hard for him to keep money in his pocket for long. A charter school of some sort? Your words touched me, as I have lived everything you are going through. So its extreme! This sounds just like my daughter. Sadly that's resulting in a lot of isolation and an inability for these children to develop proper social skills. High school was easier than middle school. He says hes fine and I know, in my heart, that he isnt. He isnt athletic so he is the kid that other 8 year old boys dont want to drag their team down. Until then, hangout with him, watch the movies he moves, and just be his bestie. I wish that he could find even just one good friend. You recognize your gifts and challenges and give yourself a break. The first step is to really listen to what your child is saying. Continue to be encouraging. Teach Social Skills Sooner Rather Than Later It's important for children to have social engagement and interaction with peers starting at a young age. Especially since we see so many kids are the same. High school, unfortunately, was even worse. Or an alternative school like a Waldorf? Ir is also possible that he is avoidant and just won't let his symptoms/anxiety show. One of the hardest things for a parent to watch is their teenage child seemingly having no friends. I suffered from the same thing so it REALLY breaks my heart because it killed me as a child/teenager so I know to some degree how he feels. I wish I could tell you it will become easier it wont "What do you do if your teen doesn't have any friends?" He loves to read and they love to play video games. My second son, my middle child, is so very special. I give him pointers, tips, conversation starters he can try when hes around other kids. She doesnt even want to fit in with the popular kids (who are fake & dramatic) but shes lonely. On top of that, since my son is a very forgiving person, he STILL tries to be friends with these kids. My son went through the same thing. 12 year old has no friends and is unhappy at school, Packed with tips, advice and support for new parents, The best chat delivered straight to your inbox every day, The day's biggest parenting stories in one handy email, What to expect from every week of your pregnancy, Family-friendly recipes from our kitchen to yours, Shopping news and all the best buys in one handy place. I pray your son finds his people. The younger one has anxiety. No one messes with him bc his brothers a powerlifter and I put up with zero nonsense! He would love to work in a home with older people abs I feel that is where he belongs. I know how hard it is to see, and how much the hurt also devastates us as parents. Friendship can be a a great thing with people who dont share same interests as you. There are many reasons why a child at school may lack friends. Find out what interests them. I also have an 18 year old just like yours, bullied all thru high school. Its just going to take time for the rest of the world to see that. My love to you and your son ? Through your post, I hope you find that youre not alone and maybe friends that he can link up with. Specialty camps are a place that many kids thrive in (not YMCA camps or other daycare options). Encourage them to explore new areas. Hes an old soul in the body of a boy who doesnt fit. According to Google, search interest in messenger bags is the . To me you were you and i was me. Anyway perhaps our boys can connect. I cry because theyre missing out. Wow! Ultimately this applies to you and your son. She got involved in Young Life in High School and loved it. I had a boy like this, except he was being bullied at school, too, and I never knew until later. My daughter struggles the same way and I think they would get along! This sounds just like my son. He needs to be unapologetically who he is if he is lucky he will cross paths with others like him and firm that inner circle if not, he will come to realise the peace of being different and having a place of quiet where he can be himself The process of making friends, though easy and natural for some teenagers, presents unique challenges for others. I dont know where you guys live, but my son would gladly video chat and hang out electronically if you guys are further away. Wishing you all hope and sending hugs. He watched football and wants to practice so he can play at recess. In fact it was horrible for him. My daughter has no friends, but she has a developmental delay. They wont like me so why bother? I sit beside him as often as I can and just let him chat with me about his games. They may share too much personal information too soon, and they may become jealous. Kids can also be so mean. I have the same issue with my son, who is now eighteen years old. It took a little bit of extra time, but they each went to therapy, which gave them another relationship, another outlet. Theres often a way to find a new environment and its vital for our kids. Then college, and I just knew shed meet someone to connect with. My 15 yr old daughter is beginning down the same path of not feeling aligned with her current circle of friends so shes innately distancing herself from them. When she cries about having no close friends, use it as a teachable moment. He is 26 now and I dont want him to be alone when Im gone. ? He learned the motto of stay and play and keep it cool rather then downward spiraling and assuming that this just doesnt like him. Help build their self-esteem with positive encouragement. As he got to the tween years the awkward years it was really hard but all I can share is that one thing that helped my son was when I realized he enjoy talking about things that older people enjoy talking about. I still dont fit it, still dont really have any friends. Shes somewhere in between and doesnt fit in. So do talk to your teen about why he/she has chosen to stop socializing. He has a very sarcastic sense of humor and no patience for faade or fakes. Friendships are an important part of the teen years. I know you are not looking for advice necessarily, but have you considered theater? Hes a really great kid and an excellent friend, so I just dont fully understand why they are being cruel to him. Quiet, confused, hesitant, and unsure but then there is also the loud, bossy, all over the place, excited to even be talking to someone else! Maybe karate classes, or trying out for a local theater group, or a club at school (covid notwithstanding at this time) I can tell you, though, that they grow up. 09/01/2014 22:34. Hes in Lacross, track, and skis. As I read this, I pictured myself at that age as you were describing me perfectly, lol. I love being around people, which I think makes it hurt worse when I see him all alone. I am 24 & I didnt find a sense of belonging till I was 21 by taking care of my nephew. Every summer is like a dagger to his self esteem. He researches pop culture, watches football games so he can have nuggets to offer in conversation. yes, he is different but he was the most happy child I knewhe is not anymoreit hurts. I feel so alone in this struggle with my daughter. Its breaking my mama heart. This has always been my sons story. ?? If your teen is having difficulty making friends, whether due to shyness or an inability to connect with his/her peers (often highly intelligent, highly emotional, or teens with learning disabilities have challenges relating to their peers), you can offer him/her some help in making friends. If hes been officially tested as gifted, he can qualify for talent search camps at places like Johns Hopkins, the University of Chicago, Bryn Mawr College, Stanford, etc. Also, I was/am a bit socially awkward, but my best friends are not like methey compliment me like a puzzle. Also, provide an example of yourself being uneasy in a social situation as an adult or when you were a teen to show that you understand. He doesnt play any of those sports. You child is wonderfully made. According to the Raising Children Network, having a group of good friends can help build confidence, security and provide a support system for teens. It was mildly better in high school because there were more peers to choose from and more supportive staff. If he is interested in what they are saying, stick around. Is it possible your son may be on the autism spectrum? That has the potential to lead to mental unwellness like depression and anxiety, depending on the level of isolation. & others like him because generation-z is the loneliness generation that is alive! I get so angry because he is such a good kid. I dont know how to connect with other parents/kids in the same boat but if anyone would like to connect with us Ill add a link to our worldschooling website below. Im hoping hell make some friends when he attends college in september. Ugh this turned into a depressing therapy session! There are many reasons why a child may not have many, or any, friends. Could you share an email address where our children could write to him? Dont know how many times this happened and each and every time, it cuts my heart bleeding hearing this my son year old son has never had any good close friends. Find out what is making it difficult for them to make friends. Hes not an old soul, but he has specific interests, that some boys may or may not have, but because of the autism, he will talk endlessly about the subject, and kids his age lose interest real quick. Those friends are still his besties, even after we moved. You might try helping him identify individual members who he would like to get to know and think with him about how to connectwith them one-on-one during or outside of group meetings. Im worried about his social life. Im right there with you, but my girl is about to turn 16 and she has all but given up on making friends. The Most Common Reasons Kids Have Trouble Making Friends Here are some ways you can help your children overcome challenges to develop and maintain friendships. You guys are in my thoughts, just hang in there. Gym can be intimidating, but its one of the friendlier and most forgiving environments you can imagine (regular visitor > smiles/nods > conversation > friendship). Hes a substitute teacher and is comfortable (and safe) with kids, but hes SO intelligent and different and fascinatingone of my favorite people simply because hes authentic. If your son is not showing signs of depression or anxiety and seems very content, it is possible that he is schizoid and not avoidant. Youre not alone. I have wondered sometimes if he is on the autism spectrum, whether is or isnt he is just amazingly, remarkably, wonderfully made!!! Parental love helps a lot. Wed love to write if thats an option you go with. My son sounds very similar (age 7). If i could h No mother yearns to be replaced, but I desperately want to give up the role. I feel your pain! He really only has 1 friend that lives over an hr away and he works from home. He was invited to birthday parties and had a lot of play dates. He had some peripheral friends that way. They are not so easily molded into society. So hes alone. You would think with so many kids with this there would be something! Theyre homeschooled so they dont really have like 30 kids in a class. Hes so depressed needs someone to talk to someone who will be caring and fun. Hes now married, baby on the way. This is my daughter. Oh my god, I felt that I was reading my 13 year old sons biography, in everything he feels, is going through, emotional, mentally and socially. Parents can help by showing sensitivity to this, and by encouraging thoughtfully chosen activities that open teens up to new peers. I was hoping to find answers. It is hard to watch them struggle and feel powerless to do anything. While his peers chat it up at Burger King where they work, hes chatting it up with old folks. If your teen is not socializing properly and no action is taken, your teen could grow up and not have the . Im fine being by myself. It is hard to understand and be ok with, but I try. Breaks my heart that shes unable to experience those best friend moments, that connection. My son ended up being home schooled because he could no longer face the anxiety of being alone in a crowd, of being ignored, stared at, teased, etc. I wish we live near you so they could have met. He cries some nights because he hears his brother talking on the phone, talking on the XBOX. He excels in everything he does except with being social. You should have read them correctly and interpreted their 'no' as a 'yes'. 16 year old daughter dating 30 year old man??! :) I think it's more of a problem when they are always going out and you don't really know what they are up to. In the absence of the built-in social interactions that come with traditional schooling, homeschooled teens and their parents must work harder to find a social network. I am still waiting for him to make a real life friend. You need to find the things for him. 30/09/2017 05:11 My 14 year old son has no friends. 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