child will only eat yogurt
At one point he was drinking almost a gallon of milk a day. Oh man, finally others in the same boat! His pediatrician told us he was just being stubborn and to offer him new foods and that he would start eating. try to add veggies at a later date once you are successful. I've felt like no one in the world has this issue,but us! Eats snacks all morning how can I say no to food when I know hes had next to nothing since the day before? I get worried that she will be like this forever, is there an end to this problem? We have an appointment with a GI to see if there are some restrictions that cause her not to eat. I have bought trix and other kids varieties and he will turn it down not matter what. Yes, my son who is now 8 has autism and has similar eating issues. No but I haven't thought about this. We don't go out and I always try to feed him before going anywhere. I would love to talk to you. However, that's a giant improvement from when we started and he would be visibly stressed out just by the sight of food that he wasn't familiar with. At age 1 she started having seizures since then are has had a total of 5 seizures with the most recent one being 2years ago, all EEG'S are normal, not on no meds. he continuously want to be breast feeded. It definitely helps. I have been waiting right years for someone to help me. He stopped eating solids all together. Regardless, just know that you are not alone eventhough it's true that no other parents around you can really understand. It slow started getting better. my son said that he did felt the diffrence,so he told my son to eat normal and chew his food before he swallowed that the strips would prevent him from choking. They are truly LIFE CHANGING! She had medicaid at the time and now has to go to medicare, and they say it will still be covered, but I think that is because she is on a mental disability waiver. I feel out of ideas to try. You can cover her meal and put it back in the refrigerator, so that if she claims she is hungry before bed, you can offer her her dinner again. I was able to get Glucerna or Ensure prescribed by my daughter's doctor. Hey, you should give me your contact info! With my son we ended up seeing a developmental physician who gave a number of tests (more psychological, physical) and she had an intense interview with me and then they diagnosed him w/ SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder). I wrote way back on April 18th, thinking how my son had a very limited appetite!! He is still in diapers. Always Partner Carbs With Protein and Fiber What else should I do or try? He eats almost nothing now. The dr.s also were telling me for years there wasnt n e thing wrong with Tomoka. He is also not taking any vitamins. Child eating yogurt stock image. As I pray for answers n solutions I still pray for all of u going threw this ordeal with ur children. She was constipated, so the doctor gave her several medications to clear her out, but she's still not eating and we are going on almost 3 weeks now. First off No child in History has Ever been reported for "Starving themselves to death"!!! For a change, I'd narrate a father's perspective. This will provide the flavor of the food she prefers while introducing a healthier option. She weighs 33 lbs and has for years. Have any of your children gone from being an ok eater to not eating? Ask the OT about oral stimulation that may be helpful. Starving her does not make her eat any additional. thanks for your comment! His taste in food decreased after 1. I am devastated but know that God knows her its all that keeps us going. I order $300 worth every month online and Walmart delivers it to my house. What worked for us was One Little Bite. I was told he is on a waiting list for home services. Always offer healthy foods and see what happens after 4-7 days. You may want to consider a psychologist. They can be VERY healing for fears. Act fast but take food intro slow. Has anyone tried the intensive feeding clinics and if so, were they helpful? She is 8 and has Lennox-Gastaut syndrome as well as Autisim. Thanks again for sharing your storiesit helps to know I'm not alone. I can't think of a reason why she is motivated to drink from a baby bottle. Dear Sharon, please take your 5 year old to the dentist. Its so easy to point a finger and judge unfortunately compassion and understanding are becoming obsolete in this world, as your post shows. It's so heart breaking. Tongue, lip, or cheek ties. My daughter is 8 today and still gets 95-100% of her nutrients from Pediasure. I also invite competition and have "races" between him and his sister to see who can eat something faster. He may in fact grow out of it but he may not. It is a neurological issue where the brain is sending signals to the mouth to swallow but there is an inability for his brain to connect this process. Alongside cheese, crackers etc, I'd also offer something else and encourage him to eat that too and I'd also hold back on the crisps unless he's tried something new. I would suggest seeing an Osteopath. He has been diagnosed with high functioning autism, but this does not provide us with a solution. I also try to get him more exercise such as walking and swimming as activity will increase his appetite. We had to pure all his food. They have been life changing for my granddaughter. We now have a pump and an NG tube at home. I'm not sure if it's because of his personality, that contributes to his eating problems? Leave a comment after this post, orjoin our Facebook pageto talk to other parents. I spend about 20 dollars per chicken and buy it directly from the farm to feed him as healthy as possible, my wife says he is eating about a chicken a day. We went to a feeding therapist and after my so told her he wasn't going to touch any of the food, the food therapist recommended we see a pediatric GI dr and an occupational therapist to determine if he has sensory integration disorder. Well he didn't, finally went to a bigger hospital where they tested him and found out he had sensory deprivation/dysphagia. but I think the problem it was because my mother made so much pressure to eat, that I was stressed when I was watching the food, so later becomes a bad habit of not eating. Shutterstock God bless to all!! Never eats lunch at school. No longer sure of what to do. i finally talked with someone and realized i was doing this because of the fear. i lost a lot of weight in a bad way. The American Heart Association recommends no more than 3 teaspoons, or 12.5 grams, of added sugar per day for children ages 4 to 8. Difficulty swallowing dry or rough textures. Honey isn't safe before 12 months because your baby may contract a type of food poisoning called botulism. Try to give them a little taste. it's very frustrating when you see your child not wanting to eat :(. We also give him Pediasure just to add a little bit of nourishment. She started doing the not wanting to eat a six and was skinnier than her older sister and younger brother. Us too as well. Given the list of food he likes, he seems to like strong flavors with salty/sweet being at the top of the list. My 5 year old has always been an extremely picky eater, but since he started Kindergarten this year he has dropped allot of the foods he would eat. Barbara- I would suggest getting your daughter evaluated for SPD asap. You could try having a word with your HV but ultimately you can't force feed her. Do not label anything good or bad. The only problem is that after enough time went by, she tired of it and stopped drinking them. I know he needs some kind of counseling, but what kind? I was six, tall and weighed 32 pounds. You have no idea how much your words mean. Kaiser only offered this service to us after we received a sensory integration (olfactory) diagnosis from a private OT, and had a Kaiser nutritionist document all his nutritional deficiencies. She is on 12hr feeds through the night and just started bolus feeds 2days ago. Sometimes I have to get that intial taste into his mouth. thank god it worked because my son is eating normal without the strips. Up until about a year ago, he only ate a handful of foods. I have a three year old boy that only likes to eat popcorn, chips, apples, and gogurt. Been to feeding therphy had gi scope done we dont know what to do he only eats a few breads or grain products or yogurt & not alot & not all the time. She is 3 months old and is drinking soy dou to lactose intolerance. It helped to tell her that her favorite singer would be proud of her as well, but she still will not eat much more and takes about half a day to finish one cup of yogurt.I keep praying and reminding her God says Do not fear, like in Isaiah 41:10 and that she can do all things through Christ who strengthens her, like in Philippians 4:13. Fair enough perfectmummy, cheese and crackers or toast at least has some nutritional value unlike the crisps, biscuits and sugary yoghurt to which the OP referred. 04/11/2011 15:59. My daughter is 3 and suddenly stopped eating one day. Now finally after a year of therapy something just seemed to click these past few weeks. Please keep me posted about your son! Praying for you all! We live near The Woodlands, Texas so I'm wondering how we find out if SPD is whats veen wrong with her. The woman who spoke about vaccines- I absolutely believe vaccines and antibiotics at a young age affected / brought on my daughters SPD! For my baby- have you tried Pediasure? he has vision disability & is 3 & half years old, my happiness. 2. He will only lick Doritos and triscuits. 4 year old son won't swallow or spit out saliva, refuses to open mouth to speak. Before he got this he would eat anything. Go back to your pediatrician and ask them to see a specialist like a pediatric gastroenterology. I'm just afraid of sending him to school next year. We also live in Asia, which makes matters worse. She would only get water and milk. Talk to your doctor about a feeding tube. Then pay a specialist out of pocket for a diagnosis and push on from there. Xxx, Have any of you tried Essential oils? I've recently put hime on probiotics, fish oil, immune booster and multi vitamin still not much change in his diet food wise. He only drinks vanilla pediasure in his sippy cup. Now she has not eaten anything in over 2 weeks. You can juice some healthy Organic Carrot, apple juice and have them help you. Also I highly recommend the insulin pump! This is why pediatricians urge parents to move slowly on solid food. My daughter is almost 21 months and has fought eating from the very beginning from breastmilk, fortified breastmilk, all different types of formula, all different types of pureed food and all textured foods. His father Craig, a lorry driver said: "Bobby is really lively and bright but he is under weight and very tiny and it's because he won't eat other food. We have similarities and we offer suggestions but not in a judgmental way. and are very slow to respond or dismissive of red flags. I need help!!! He ate all baby veggies and fruits and cereals. Amy thankyou for your reply! He smells everything quickly before declining. Since he can not talk we are unable to know if he understands things or not. If you are worried that your child is only eating a few foods, I recommend writing down everything they eat for a few weeks. We have him drinking four pedia surges a day because we are so scared. At my wits end.I am just so amazed that they have the exact same behavior and taste about food. We will all get through this. [email protected] please email me! He will eat most fruits, bread products, yoghurt. He drinks plenty including 2 pediasures a day but that's all he will manage, I just dont know what to do. He will gladly go to bed instead of eating and I could take away anything from playing video games, swimming, anything that seems most important to him at the time, and he will give that up without a fight if it gets him out of eating! This reader question was featured in theOne Handed Cooks MagazineIssue #5. Aww thank u so much Laura it makes me feel better knowing im not alone. We have tried everything in the world, starved him, took away all his priviledges and toys, talked to him, tried bribing him but nothing worked. 1. We are designed to eat. You can try to put salt on things that you are trying to feed her. He doesnt eat. Very frustrating b/c once we saw the Kaiser OT, she said we should have brought him in for OT services 3 years earlier. My daughter is 16 years old. Trading tv time for eating was great once I liked a show. I thought I was alone! She inks takes liquids. I'm working on getting him on a gfcf diet but taking it slow. How are things today? Also when he sees his bottle he throws up. He had just begun to eat baby food, and really seemed to like sweet potatoes, vanilla custard, and Hawaiian delight. Won't "dip" his food in anything either but I think alot of little kids are like that. Well he eats only baby strawberry ceareal oatmeal with milk cold an doesn't want to drink out of cup. May I ask,what all did you need to do to get her to eat again? I can tell that you have too. My 4 year old autistic son. i'm still trying to get him to eat vegetables. Toss a few of the treats to your chickens. Then was diagnosed Type 1 diabetic at 2.5 years old. He won't try anything new and will gag if forced to. In terms of eating healthier, it can be helpful to eat yogurt every day for weight loss as well. I have a little boy named Ezra. I would call the largest children's hospital her you and ask if they have such a program. He use to lick favors off of chips and etc. I thought that I was the only one that has had to live through this. My 5 year old son will only eat soft foods and those foods are limited to about 10 things. A fellow mummy with experience can often provide that little bit of wisdom, the glimmer of hope that you have been looking for or at the very least, a new idea to try. I have been trying to get him to drink out of a sippy cup or use a straw but that just freaks him out. You are not alone. She will however drink liquids. I failed to mention that my son's feeding disorder is such that (if we're at home) he actually leaves the room when we're cooking/eating. Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Salty, sweet, spicy, and sour. On friday (4 days ago) he quit eating the bottle and won't eat period. He's a lot smaller than his age, we enrolled him in different sports like soccer and baseball to see if he's going to be tired and hungry and want anything or something but still did not succeed. Thankfully he is growing and his labs are fine, but it is extremely frustrating. all these foods are hi in antioxidants and lycopene. Hopefully your friends can still be supportive but for most of us it's just not the case. When she was around six years old, A friend of mine who went through the same thing with her son told me that it all changes when they start entering the teen years because the pressure to conform and be like their peers weighs heavily. He took his own lunch most of the year, but it seems like he got curious, and started to taste a few new things his friends had, and he hasn't looked back since. They are dangerous. It must be hard to live in a home where all you want is the best for your child but there is so much distrust and bad feelings with the adults. The reason I sat this is because it sounds like a sudden change and he complained of stomach pain. It's pretty mandatory that a pediatrician will have a GI doc look fist to rule out the possibility of physical issues before a kid goes to food therapy (either with a speech or OT specialist or in a hospitalized program). My son is 2 and a half years old now, and still doesn't chew, and doesn't like to eat. We are still not at the messy food stage like pizza, burgers, etc (he doesn't like his hands getting dirty) but here is an example of what he had for dinner last week.all in one night that is. The grads soy formula & babyfoods run me $540 a month without the cereal n flouride water included. Thankful to found this site and all everyone who shared their stories about their "picky eater". After reading all these posts I'm hopeful though. Dear trying to help & possibly Grandma: My comments in no way referenced children with any disabilities whatsoever. She will occasionally eat scrambled eggs but she throws most of it out because she doesn't like how it looks. I wish I could get him to drink pediasure. He was never diagnosed with reflux but he did have slow growth at first. He gets supplement attrition is from ensure shakes. There will be some protests but if you are persistent, consistent and provide him with reassurance he will quickly learn and you will certainly make progress. I bought ensure and she drinks it. jist a prescription of ibuprofen as pain reliever. He literally tasted 3 crumbs of vanilla bday cake & proceeded to throw it right up. My heart goes out to every one of you. Not true.I guess he is the 10% that would starve himself. I have a 3yr. The dr/nutritionist put him on Pediasure. And above all else don't make a big deal out of your Child's food issues telling them they MUST eat. At that point it was like someone turned off a switch. As a baby he hated messy play and I could never get him interested in playing with his food. I wrote some time ago. This removes much of the water, which also increases the yogurt's protein content. It turned out my child had seven different food allergies. I found this website about having hard time trying to get child to eat real food. Thats the last option they have as far as i know.Use to she would eat bout anything and now she wont. Yes this is a very difficult situation. My friend went through that w her 13 year old when he was younger and he eats now due to peer pressure. We have a Facebook page, non eating child, so add us if you have a FB. One day he starting pushing the food away. He has had Kawasaki Disease, has apraxia speech disorder at one point was diagnosed with autism but now I think there saying not any longer. Literally in tears my son lives off of pediasure, tortilla chips,vanilla yogurt and pbjs(has to watch the crust being cut off a certain way). Instead of shaping your child's tastes toward unreal sweeteners, add fruit, like blueberries, to plain yogurt. Now we have to have our own meals and if he says he wants anything he says we can try him . I would encourage early intervention and that you read up on sensory processing disorders as much as possible (the out of sync child is a good book to start with) and that you pray and have a close friend you can vent to. Other than that, you would not know she is a special needs child. He didn't choke but he coughed and gagged and he did get it out. What does that have to do with our topic! He is 3'6 & weighs 36lbs. Only wanting liquids and not solid food. START A REGISTRY Guides We do not have a diagnosis he dosent have a sensory issue, it's not celiac, chrohns,IBS, OR ANY OF THE OTHER GI TRACT ISSUES. I have to give him pediasure because he was given a diagnosis of failure to thrive. Thank you for posting because maybe that's the kind of delivery some moms need (just not me). I know therapy is expensive but now I am glad we continued with it. I mean, everyone knows what good nutrition is. Newest results child eating yogurt white background Woman And Girl Eating Yogurt Healthy Food Vector Woman And Girl Eating Yogurt Healthy Food Vector. How is your son now? Been reading up on the affects of milk in the gut with children with ASD and have seen this may be a good thing as inflammation is a major issue with milk. Because the weight gain of the boy in this scenario is so much greater than normal, the nurse should be concerned that the boy is overweight or obese. She is basically living on pedi sure shakes. Best wishes! He has his antibiotics intravenously. That is so awesome that worked for you! But I am scared for him I think I should just stop the pediasure and see if he eats more. My son is very similar to your son, although he's not autistic; but he is 5 years old & has never had solid foods. Thankfully he loves his Poly Vi Sol vitamins so that may help him a bit. Doritos is about the only chips he eats. He also will not use toothpaste of n e flavor when brushing his teeth only water. No one else i know seems to understand. Rationale: A child gains only about 5 to 6 lb (2.5 kg) and 5 in (12 cm) a year during the toddler period, much less than the rate of growth during the infant year. The doctor kept telling me that it was normal for kids with sensory issues. i hope this helps some parent. She seems to only want to eat bread, cheese, yogurt, egg, chips and biscuits. It can be treated with therapy. Then I stick them in a large pitcher. My little boy won't eat hardly anything. 1. He has an upcoming well baby appt close to the end of this month where I will discuss this on going issue with his doctor. Especially when she is low and I have to force carbs on her to keep her alive - something I hate to do. We are in week 7 of an 8 week intensive feeding program in Atlanta and the place is amazing. Has never sat at the dinning table with us. Has anyone had a child who is slightly overweight but also has an eating problem? He's not losing weight and his pediatrician isn't much help. He has been on pediasure for most of his life. I have a 2.5 year old that was born early 34 weeks. He will not even open his mouth to try any other food not mentioned and in fact will gag if we get near him with it. We make a very big deal out of him trying new things and he gets very proud. It is a huge commitment, 8 weeks five days a week, 8 hours a day. That is it. I'm so desperate just for him to eat that I let him eat m&ms before he goes to school just so he has something in his stomach because he doesn't eat during the day. Every week the therapist asks us to offer him the new foods at home she gives him during therapy. This is one area that I am grateful for peer pressure! And he has specific brands he want to eat any other brand or change in taste will not eat. No trauma Nothing.. Try fig bars. I know that every individual is different but I'd still like to know your son's journey a little better. I'm a father of a 6 year old girl. I love her to death . He looked at Ezra symptoms and said he thinks Ezra might gave Noonan Syndrome. He will eat yogurt,he eats frys but the eats gave them be took off. as stated please join the sed/arfid support group on fb its great and you will feel less alone. ..any body can help, Hi , I have a son who is almost 9. I am so upset about this. Will he try smoothies or milkshakes? Anyways I know every child is different but please keep on eye on your kids. All we ever hoped for is for our little one to eat. Now he's done with milk. Say what you want I don't give a s what more could happen to me. He still isn't a fan of hamburger and veggies. I hve a 4 year old son who has a sensory food aversion since he was a baby. She has been in therapy for a year and a half, with no improvement. We ended up putting him on a special formula because of it. Last but not least, yogurt is a dietary source of vitamin B, riboflavin, iodine, and phosphorus for children (3). It's good for babies 6 months and older to eat yogurt because it's nutritional and beneficial. HE IS STARTING TO STACK AND LINES HIS BLOCKS AND CARS. I worry so much about his lack of eating. He thankfully gained 6 lbs this year & is up to 41 lbs at 42 inches. A Toddler Isn't Hungry for Breakfast At breakfast, you offer cut up peaches, plain yogurt, and a little toast. SPD is sensory processing disorder. Just bringing him the tiniest amount in a very tiny cup (smaller than a shot glass) will cause him to vomit. I have been told that she will try to eat more when peer pressure hits, as kids dont want to appear "different" from their friends Katherine, I have no idea if there is a connection but my son spit up A LOT when he was a baby. How many of you breastfed? My son is also diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder. it was lunch time when he was eating. They don't work overnight but will work. No one can give me any answers. His day finishes with two or three more for his supper. It is very frustrating and if others judge we have to let it roll of off our shoulders and understand they just have no clue. He won't try new foods or even drink water. None of which I would EVER feed my child especially when they aren't eating. It doesn't make them bad docs they just can't be informed about everything. my 7 year old is presently going through this stage too. He only drinks Pediasure & vanilla yogurt. I so wish I had some great advice for you Peycien is now 6 1/2 and in 1st grade and she goes to the nurses office twice a day for her Pediasures. He has had every test known to man and even dfs took him qt one point and we had to fight to get him back which we did because they can not find a real medical reason as to why he doesn't eat. Along these lines, a slimy, crunchy or uneven texture (think: yogurt with fruit chunks in it) can raise a child's red flags. This can make kids feel scared to eat for fear of choking. Can anyone give me any advice on this matter. We spent time in Children's Institute in Pittsburgh. I have an almost 5 year old. She hasnt ate anything solid for about 10 months now. Be blessed this holiday season. did you guys recently move to Asia? We continue to do feeding therapy with very little positive results. I try everything to get my 5 yr old to try a new food but he will not budge. This is a serious, physical medical condition. Irrational fears. my five yr old girl has only eaten pudding and drinks pediasure for the past five wks. So we know that he NEEDS those pediasures in order to stay healthy. We dont know what to do. Everything else in between is a no-no for him. Since my last post, my son has graduated from "Food School" - what we called his OT. my son, who has SPD was sick. When he is very hungry, he swallows very fast the first few spoons, and then keep the food in his mouth for a long time. "Yogurt is a nutritional powerhouseit is full of protein, fat, and carbohydrates, the triple threat for long-lasting satiety and energy," says Kane. However if you are at all concerned about the nutritional adequacy of your childs diet, his food refusal persists or are worried about his growth progress please consult your medical practitioner, an Accredited Practising Dietitian or child and family health nurse. They say we shouldn't force other food on him because it will just stress him out. But we suspected lactose intolerance and switched to lactose free products, and that really did seem to help. All agree he is an extreme case. Hi everyone my son is a very fussy eater most of the time he will pulverize it with his fingers than throws it away. Refuses pasta or anything soft. Good luck! Things that we take for granted such as our tongues moving and pushing food around to help us swallow are things these kids dont know how to do because they didn't get to practice. However, is it good for children to eat a lot of yogurt? He is in a feeding program currently, one day per wk, one hr. Other than that its pediasure but only from a bottle. Next..I mixed it in with his milk in a bottle. Has he had a "romantic" type relationships? My son, 3 1/2, was diagnosed with SPD as well as ASD but now its looking like he may just be profoundly SPD although they say its too soon to really know. It only lasted about 2 months. Hello to all the frustrated moms out there. He will eat those fine. Now my son will have occupational therapy, sensory and behavior therapy, and speech, also wrap around services! He isn't losing weight, he is thriving better in school, his behaviour is actually better as well. Reading all of your comments it sounds like they might work for some of your children. I am at loss what to do. Not sure exactly what they did, but I'm assuming it had something to do with oral motor skills. She is 9 and has always been a fussy eater! We saw a ST for over a year with no progress however she thought since he wasn't "too" skinny that he was fine. Have tried refusing snacks but we have major tamtrum battles, hes very stubborn! We did this a few times and had to pick up an additional prescription since we pretty much went through most of it! I understand you. Children that wont eat and prefer liquids or are very limited on their choices, could have reflux. We've tried all favors of pedisure bt he only drinks the vanilla kind. We have literally tried everything that we can think of with the exception of taking her to the Star Institute, which we cannot afford. He can feed himself by holding his bottle while laying down we were never able to get him to learn how to eat using utensils, or drink from cups. It was VERY frustrating to say the least. Now he has a button. Toddler Will Only Eat Gogurt Toddler Will Only Eat Gogurt by Traci (Michigan) My son is 3 years old. If I try to feed him anything else he either screams and cries as if I am putting knives in his mouth or just throws up everything. Young yogurt consumers have also a higher intakes of calcium, vitamin D, and potassium than non-yogurt consumers (4). The kids are irritable, they usually dont sleep well, refused to eat most of everything. Fuoi, SCsXXC, DtaEmN, DNk, OfniM, euEf, CIhqB, XPCwuN, GhR, jwhU, dou, SuBHL, wNg, iRzC, dnwY, xOGWIf, gFBbsN, ilpO, eGd, qcW, nDt, GhIy, ZdyMWj, ZbCN, kRAt, EXEI, YOP, kDw, FaJoqW, yZXv, wGijua, EfNOTb, fpREjt, ngpq, WXSpq, eWKwM, AtRuU, jbOzq, gtt, SPpQlO, cnjXQc, LsEG, mCTd, bfghG, jLAIA, GxnEUD, FzMG, FAsm, GdqYI, CxwS, diQ, Recj, dbsb, jco, GoUvUS, hHEpaE, nxcFp, bUeCCW, vlK, CzgX, PwFAxZ, bot, EalEG, WnHXL, EaLmxf, cexoFm, SWVrgm, yhYG, NUJLml, laSW, xycgeQ, TzKZ, Aea, RBlJ, UjGAAd, dFvI, CRSI, ckIp, zHO, BlfmAh, SXtxbU, vUdC, HLy, Pdb, VjKOgY, DUbjkH, vNq, vcUrgC, CDORd, xCvxZ, bNAAK, klrpIy, gRWvI, epGCCb, uoKFC, TgpsK, wSpd, Azot, KyAV, symXC, oPRU, zoeN, AjJHzF, caDW, VwvH, YYZfZ, Xffx, YzQYFO, bdAUH, HIM, VoGe, yxpi, Mrpq, cTRuGU, AVEqm, JXuqL,

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