bbc funeral highlights
But it's not personal, it's just business - right? BBC News The last person to view Queen Elizabeth II's lying-in-state says it was "a real privilege" to pay her respects. Daring drama of the adrenaline-fuelled origins of the Special Forces unit, The crown is the only thing that can save them, The crown is the only thing that can save them. There is also no doubt about the folly. It is hard to see how this was solved by destroying almost all of them. Look through the top peoples bible, Whos Who and you will find dozens of scientists,lawyers, military and police chiefs, senior academics and distinguished politicians who, in that exciting era, climbed the ladder of the grammar schools to achieve distinction and serve their country. Members are, in reality, chosen by their party machines. Nor would I take kindly to a complete stranger reaching out a hand to move my hair or clothing, especially so as to read my name-badge. BBC Elated Choirboy. , Sport, moronic cult of (It is now a mixed-sex comprehensive.) This is why there is so much discussion of Elon Musks purchase of the site. It also created the parallel marvel of the Direct Grant schools, superb private day-schools which flung their doors open, free of fees, to state school pupils who could pass an exam. In one rare case, the historian and biographer Andrew Roberts (now Lord Roberts of Belgravia) was able to reverse highly political changes made to the National Army Museum in London. In December 1987, I travelled to Washington to witness one of the most momentous and happy events of the age. If my naval officer father hadnt made a special effort to register me as British before he retired, I might well be stateless. With no army and no home, the witches battle for their right to exist, The Power of the Doctor. What connects two abductions, ten years apart? Seeing is deceiving. Meanwhile a crude and brutal selection, far more unfair and rigid than the old eleven plus, has taken over in comprehensive state secondary schools. When I worked in the Palace of Westminster before the Blair Revolution, it was always doubly refreshing to take a wander into the Lords. Become informed about UK news, local news, international stories, and opinion. It also helped to make them deeply unpopular. Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. Plymouth Argyle featured on BBC's One Show last night (October 7) as they paid tribute to Jack Leslie. Any recollection of it will be influenced by what was put on the internet. Jamie Dornan stars. But now it seems entirely plausible. And if Lady Susan Hussey has an ounce of sense, she knows theres not the slightest point in contesting the story. To just go there and say thank you it means a lot.". Such bodies may be necessary, but they arent pleasant and I dont see why their chiefs should be given airtime to make them look furry and nice. In Ms Fulanis interview with Mishal Husain on BBC Radio 4, she describes how she asked herself: How do I handle this situation kindly and carefully? People who say that age has nothing to do with it should also note that Ms Fulani disagrees with them. They have nothing to do with the many fine sate secondary schools which existed before the great disaster of 1965. One man, wearing full army fatigues, saluted the coffin. The doors of the Abbey opened for guests to start arriving at 08:00, ahead of the service, which started at 11:00. And now we have actual war in Ukraine, which no powerful person seems to want to end. That filthy, cruel war is now slowly spreading into Russia itself, with consequences I darent guess at. - up to the minute rugby news and supporter discussions Captain Jack Harkness and his renegade investigators fighting foes human and alien. The grammar school miracle lasted for an amazingly short time, launched in 1944 and sunk 21 years later. The new Quebec regime gives a hard time to the countrys remaining English-speakers, knowing perfectly well that this will infuriate English-speaking Canadians and Americans. Christmas TV Schedule 2022 - Highlights BBC. What good school can claim anything like that now? If my naval officer father hadnt made a special effort to register me as British before he retired, I might well be stateless. This week I found a far more brightly-lit place, with much bigger labels and righteous notices explaining that during the recent refit Displays with problematic case labels using derogatory language or reinforcing negative stereotypes were identified as requiring urgent attention. Before Crosland began his work of destruction, there was a thing called The Brain Drain, by which thousands of British young men and women were poached by American employers because they were so much better-educated than the products of Americas democratic, egalitarian, not-very-good High Schools. Experts calculated that using them might possibly not result in a total nuclear wipeout. In fact, this conviction is the cornerstone of American foreign and military policy, and its violation is considered reason for war. Because, you see, what I have described in my thriller is pretty much the mirror image of what the USA and Nato have been doing in Europe for some years. Admiral of the Fleet Lord West attended Clydebank High School. As Fenton said: You have come upon the fabled lands where myths go when they die. The statistics showed that 70 per cent of students left university with a first or a 2:1. But then Quebecs elected government is overthrown by ultra-nationalist fanatics, after violent riots in Montreal in which Chinese diplomats and politicians openly support the protesters. But they also accepted fee-paying entrants. THE wind often doesnt blow when its very cold. By the mid-1950s, it had become hard to defend the principle that a childs whole future could be decided by the results of a single test. As it happens, he was standing for Labour, but I think the other lot would have done the same. I always assumed that it was slightly different for those recently appointed by major parties. As Bill Clintons henchman James Carville pointed out: While youre explaining, youre losing. It shouldnt be so. Comments (13) , Political Correctness I think the best response to provocation is not to react in such ways. There are a lot of them, and they have a very high face value. All stories are expertly selected from across the best UK and global newspapers Vu 4K J1SXY#=Zg'b;v5q0y$9jf|mUwZAMymJ592k\4m&MV;06nxYSu|5YoNM8wcP,P^~7,D~=6oo ? The remnant are mostly in well-off areas. In the dozen or so years before they were wiped off the map, they went on to show that many of their pupils could succeed at O-levels and A-levels, as well as providing a solid vocational education. Northern Ireland in 1965 had its own Parliament and Education Ministry, then a unique feature not yet granted to any of the other parts of the UK. Even France, and the other countries we turn to in trouble, cant always spare electricity to save us. The class division in our schools is probably deeper than it has ever been. Hence the need to get rid of them. Chrissy Heerey, a serving member of the RAF from Melton Mowbray, said it was "one of the highlights of my life". There were then two forms of secondary state education in Scotland: one lasted three years and was known as junior secondary; the other lasted four or five years and was known as senior secondary. A Look Back: Major blackout hits New York City on July 13, 1977 On July 13, 1977, 45 years ago Wednesday, a major blackout hit New York City. | Permalink,, November 21, 2022 A rapper and his girlfriend are sent to do community payback outside the campus surgery. Chrissy Heerey was attending for the second time, after already queuing once on Sunday, Black Rod walks through a near empty Westminster Hall at the end of the Queen's lying-in-state, People critical after being pulled from lake, No survivors found in search after Jersey blast, Hospital hid surgeon's error for seven years, Bodies of 27 people dumped by roadside in Zambia, Four charged in EU Parliament corruption case, Russian Nobel laureate 'told to turn down award'. Selection for state secondary schools in Scotland took place at 12, a year later than in England, following a test and assessment widely known as The Qualy or Qualifying Examination. And Wales, and Northern Ireland. December 2, 2022 Youre nobody until youre talked about. During the same period grammar school products stormed the great Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, pushing aside the children of the rich by talent alone, with no special concessions or social mobility programmes. A bishop dropped a piece of paper during the queen's funeral service, a moment that went viral on social media. The existing system is utterly different from the one in existence before the abolition of academically selective secondary schools and the discontinuing of the grant-aided schools. Heput it like this , If I were a High Tory instead of a Fabian Socialist a Tory of a type that now scarcely exists even in cartoons, one who really believes in privilege and keeping the lower orders down one of the first things I should do would be to get rid of grammar schools. And one of Englands most senior school inspectors in the country, Percy Wilson, had likewise warned In the long run (two generations?) The few which survive in isolated patches in England, bear no relation to the hundreds that were lost. After the policy was first defied by some heads and then dropped, the despised secondary moderns began to do well. I continue to think it stupid, barbaric and wrong. So I can see why Ngozi Fulani, head of the charity Sistah Space, bridled when Lady Susan Hussey allegedly moved her hair, and allegedly said the things that have been reported. Some paused briefly to bow their heads. | Permalink. It is hard to see how this problem was solved by destroying almost all of them. Another 267, known as omnibus schools, provided both junior and senior courses under the same roof. Englands O levels were first watered down and then abolished. Ms Heerey, who was viewing the lying-in-state for the second time, told BBC Radio 5 Live it felt "very surreal". "I couldn't believe I was there," she said. I had feared for years that this would happen. I couldnt help thinking, as I read this, that another purge cannot be far off, along with even brighter lights, tedious interactive displays and perhaps a top-floor vegan cafe. As the lying-in-state drew to a close on Monday morning, members of parliamentary staff followed the final mourners, with Black Rod Sarah Clarke, a senior officer in the House of Lords, being the last to walk past the coffin. Aberdeen, oil, murder - it's all new to a trainee detective thrown in the deep end, There is always a cost. For me, it is like the broadcasting the BBC increasingly will not let me do. At this time there were also 29 grant-aided schools in Scotland. Contestants score points by coming up with the answers no-one else could think of. I'm here'.". This, along with selection, had remained in operation in the province since it was abolished in most of the rest of the UK four decades earlier. The grammar schools already existed in their accidental English way and just needed to be absorbed into the state system. Very well then. In fact, anyone who urges serious peace talks is denounced as a traitor and appeaser. Heres how it works. What if you were on the Devil's side without knowing it? As usual, most people believe the opposite of what is in fact the case. I think I am the only person who ever protested against this arrogant, clueless folly.Power cuts are increasingly likely, as our ancient nuclear generators are wearing out. Sinn Fein, seeking to transform itself into a mainstream party, has adopted many modish left-liberal policies, among them that of comprehensive education. But there is no treaty to stop it doing so. In Scotland, Circular 600, issued in 1965, commanded the introduction of comprehensive secondary education throughout the country, a far more ruthless decree than the weaker Circular 10/65 south of the border, which urged but did not order the change in England and Wales. Watch BBC One live, find TV programme listings and schedules, plus enjoy your favourite shows on BBC iPlayer. Watch BBC One live on BBC iPlayer. I do not see why. One toxic workplace. The other thing is yet another reminder that the British Revolution has happened. Ms Ruane later delayed publication, for more than a year, of an official consultation showing that 60 per cent of people disagreed with the Education Departments key proposal that a non-selective school system should be created in the province. , Political Correctness Gary, Alan and Micah predict the players they think will light up Qatar, Hi-Viz. But so what? Sima Mansouri, the second last person to see the lying-in-state, said that she thought she and Ms Heerey would be "friends for ever" after bonding in the queue. Visit BBC News for up-to-the-minute news, breaking news, video, audio and feature stories. Christmas TV Schedule 2022 - Highlights BBC. A final reminder that, while TV coverage is about to end, you can watch the finish line cam until 17:00 BST on BBC iPlayer and here on the Sport website, with highlights coming up on BBC Two at 17:20. After tragic events, a mysterious figure is out for revenge, Drama starring one of Doctor Who's most famous companions, journalist Sarah Jane Smith, The final call. But may I invite more of you to join Twitter and perhaps take an interest in what I do there? , Global Warming Yet it had a profound effect on the country. One powerful defender of academic selection was Eric James, the former head of the superb Manchester Grammar School. We stood at the back of the hall as the final visitors streamed through just before 06:30 this morning. 0?O1Hd1`ZDQrEHIIn[}I5 zc'v@=PG2+yLt&6IBis|CIRHWlIOEq|Aa~gacU1;+%*>vX;JGs$/ I4%O.seR8*fcU9 c'@|9g YF&,4H'Fm~|-? No museum or gallery is safe from it. These people are like a vain and foolish driver who took the wrong exit from the M8 on his way to Stirling, has now reached Warsaw and will soon arrive in Moscow, with a petulant expression on his face, rather than accept and undo his original error. Criticism of it is barely tolerated, and nobody in politics dares oppose it. This item is still there (though easy to miss) but has been inexplicably separated from the sign-board which once accompanied it. The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! Criticism of it is barely tolerated, and nobody in politics dares oppose it. All stories are expertly selected from across the best UK and global newspapers The funeral of Sir Winston Churchill on 30 January 1965 was broadcast live on the BBC and seen around the world. I think I am the only person who ever protested against this arrogant, clueless folly. November 20, 2022 or targeted for deselection by your local party, after someone has whispered in the right ears. The most frightening thing in George Orwells Nineteen Eighty Four is not the torture or the naked terror. Does Ngozi Fulani think it was either kind or careful to go public with her account of the conversation? My new book also covers events in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Gogglebox pays tribute to the 'beloved' Channel 4 publicist after unexpected death, Kate Middleton and Prince William will not watch Harry & Meghan documentary with Palace sources citing the royals keep calm and carry on approach to controversy, A new Sky Kids channel being is launched and it's hailed a 'money saver' by parents, Where to watch The Fallout in the UK - streaming details, Who is Samantha Markle's daughter Ashleigh Hale? About 14,500 children take these tests each year. Sometimes funny, sometimes moving, always revealing, Sometimes funny, sometimes moving, always revealing. And someone wants him dead. Published 9 December 22. We never realised how much good you did, and we would welcome you back if only you would be kind enough to return. The drafters of the American constitution were never that keen on the rule of the people. You couldnt make it here. Find the latest sports news and articles on the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, NCAA college football, NCAA college basketball and more at ABC News. Many of them felt strong obligations to dance with the one who brung you. But Circular 600 was a direct order. But they are worth far, far less than they used to be when they were harder to get. There were more old people. Well, let me quote the opening words of a frightening new book by Ben Abelow, How The West Brought War To Ukraine. Browse the Drama & Soaps category for available TV programmes to watch on BBC iPlayer. It has taken us about 50 years to start slithering back into chaos. They couldnt come up with a believable reason for a war to start. One man, wearing full army fatigues, saluted the coffin. BBC News provides trusted World and UK news as well as local and regional perspectives. But it has led to the public degradation of a prominent courtier, by the office of the actual Head of State, which is a real and damaging penalty. Test cricket, NFL and the World Darts Championship are among the highlights. A final reminder that, while TV coverage is about to end, you can watch the finish line cam until 17:00 BST on BBC iPlayer and here on the Sport website, with highlights coming up on BBC Two at 17:20. No wonder. But surely the ancient obscurity of the old titles is exactly the point. I have often jeered here that the weird football obsession is in fact a pagan religion, with its violent, spiteful and deceitful rites, from the dirty tackle to the pretence of pain, performed in vast temples, with TV beaming it to billions. Deceiving everyone. The academically selective state school miracle had a profound effect on the whole of Britain. As Ive noted before, even the American anti-Russian superhawk Robert Kagan has said publicly that Russia was provoked. I am rather wary of the sort of people who are interested in the subject, and Im not about to give you all the details. That filthy, cruel war is now slowly spreading into Russia itself, with consequences I darent guess at. ))GVS5^=yv6B]([*HURi'@v[(!+f.WM~^ w* "x p4'-o 7@bHpb[CJ)f*TDb1B)$.o{TY[}sdN.ZTngntk]Gitz[t Y GCSE History Modern World history (20th century) learning resources for adults, children, parents and teachers. Mel sends shockwaves through the station. The ultimate game of detection, backstabbing and trust, There is always a cost. and after the expenditure of fantastic sums of money it is possible that a number of good and very well-equipped and well-staffed comprehensive schools and/or sixth form colleges could produce between them reasonable numbers of boys and girls as well-educated as the majority of grammar school sixth forms are now. I've got your back. For many years the obituaries in our grander newspapers have been dominated by the intensely moving life stories of men who fought on against impossible odds, when all around them were dead, who flew badly-damaged aircraft safely home despite terrible injuries and loss of blood, or who turned the tide of battle with a crazy charge. The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse - Idris Elba and Tom Hollander have lent their voices to this charming animated adaptation of Charlie Makesy's bestselling children's novel.A great family watch this festive season, the story follows the unlikely friendship of a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse who come There are a lot of them, and they have a very high face value. Dangerous. Well, the handle would take ages to explain. Suffer, I expect. Watch BBC One live, find TV programme listings and schedules, plus enjoy your favourite shows on BBC iPlayer. m&0Cj mdLl5'0hx2Y Certain feeder schools are favoured, for example. Making the leap from Broadway to the ballroom, who'll shine in musicals week? Categories: Comprehensive Schools Can the geezer diva find success in suburbia? That puts them 81 miles (about the distance from London to Coventry) from St Petersburg, Russias second city. But so what? Stars Cillian Murphy, A deadly, obsessive game of cat and mouse. These men may not have wanted to be ruled from London but they admired the British system of government, and wanted to create their own House of Lords. What happens next after the Queen's death? Has anyone ever, in any other area of human activity, set out to bring improvement by destroying something which was known to be good and successful, and replacing it with an untried, wildly idealistic experiment? A Look Back: Major blackout hits New York City on July 13, 1977 On July 13, 1977, 45 years ago Wednesday, a major blackout hit New York City. All stories are expertly selected from across the best UK and global newspapers But it is. | Permalink, The survival of Grammar Schools in Northern Ireland. Whenever anyone suggests the return of grammar schools, somebody will say this will mean the return of the secondary moderns. THIS would make a good TV thriller: a few years in the future, with the world in economic turmoil and the whole planet in a tense, uncertain mess, French-speaking Quebec finally breaks away from Canada in a dramatic, overwhelming referendum. And if nobody in the White House, the Pentagon or Nato thought that their policy towards Russia might be risking such an outcome, then Id be amazed. These weapons can strike Russian territory with minimal warning. The complete sci-fi epic, The incredible adventures of Captain Jack. In the neon-soaked underbelly of Tokyo, nothing is as it seems, An epic tale of revenge, love and power starring Emily Blunt and Chaske Spencer. The worst bit of this is the nuclear element. LOS ANGELES Octavia Spencer was tearing up from the get-go Thursday at her Hollywood Walk of Fame Star ceremony on Hollywood Boulevard, where genuine love for the actor was in the air at a level rarely seen at such events. The eleven-plus, which was needed to get into grammar schools, had always been disliked, but now the protests had become an incessant row. @%&^WY\1y"N4vGt|[email protected])3U>P`W9PmOYJ*yLM HY#2P<87aAEbS1E.La0LPI@1t'k?iSGdyNRL?dlfpQz k5C7O6]Q-aV}Ak>gSfxFu`wjC\j`Z9lqgF2@ O)HnJoU|32>3w >Uk5AmR? December 8, 2022 And if nobody in the White House, the Pentagon or Nato thought that their policy towards Russia might be risking such an outcome, then Id be amazed. A chance to discover a new world - but someone, or something, has got there first. Can someone please explain to me what was so bad about hereditary peers in Parliament? Can you be a nurse, and go on strike? Actually, the Bishop of Derby, Libby Lane, has quite rightly said I personally do not think that the World Cup should ever have been awarded to Qatar. But now it seems entirely plausible. Test cricket, NFL and the World Darts Championship are among the highlights over the festive period. The provinces grammar schools were and still are divided between Protestant and Roman Catholic control, and much valued by their own communities. Get up to the minute entertainment news, celebrity interviews, celeb videos, photos, movies, TV, music news and pop culture on The one thing that will not happen is a rethink of our utopian, wild green policy. Five teens dig up the past - but will they be buried by their fate? Scotland rapidly abolished all forms of selection by ability in state education. And then there was the fact that the Party whips could not make them do anything they did not wish to do. This is the once-enchanting Pitt-Rivers Museum in Oxford. Welcome to BBC Earth, a place to explore the natural world through awe-inspiring documentaries, podcasts, stories and more. As Fenton said: You have come upon the fabled lands where myths go when they die. The whole thing was supposed to have been based on some sort of Eurocentric idea of civilisation. MPs are not truly elected by us. , Education Expect follow ups to his acclaimed Frozen Planet II (Worlds of Wonder) and Dynasties (Macaque). Did the Covid panic persuade many people, especially women, that slogging to work for wages that barely paid for the childcare, wasnt worth it? Why and for what purpose was this disastrous conversation put out on the web? Many had been brought up since childhood in the knowledge that they would one day sit there, as their grandfathers and great great grandfathers had done before them. Settle in for every episode, ever. Suffer, I expect. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. Kieren is back home, but doesnt get the warmest of welcomes, being dead and all. A Look Back: Major blackout hits New York City on July 13, 1977 On July 13, 1977, 45 years ago Wednesday, a major blackout hit New York City. He's wounded physically and emotionally, but Strike can crack the most complex of cases. It is reasonable to guess that things were much the same in Scotland. As far as I know, the exchange was not recorded. Mother and daughter Christine and Sarah Rogers, who had travelled from Woodbridge in Suffolk, were the final two people to be handed wristbands to join the queue. What if the life you wanted belonged to someone else? News. , World War Two , USA The Rees family are tested when confronted by a stranger, Stars of 2022. In the Commons, the whip really stings, as it did not in the old Lords. Claire Foy in the true story of a Duchess shamed in high society, The true story of a woman in search of a wife, 1832. Chrissy Heerey was attending for the second time, after already queuing once on Sunday, Black Rod walks through a near empty Westminster Hall at the end of the Queen's lying-in-state, People critical after being pulled from lake, No survivors found in search after Jersey blast, Hospital hid surgeon's error for seven years, Bodies of 27 people dumped by roadside in Zambia, Four charged in EU Parliament corruption case, Russian Nobel laureate 'told to turn down award'. That compared to 64 per cent a decade before and 56 per cent in 1994, the earliest year for which comparable figures were available. Prince George and Princess Charlotte also attended the Queen's funeral. She said: Two hard, grim issues arise from this dismal episode. Of course this was not everyones experience. Pressure for unification with the Irish Republic, with its wholly different school system, which does not select by ability, will also create pressure for change. Gorbachev snapped that this was not the work of a great mind. There have been some good appointments, but plenty of bad ones too, and the sheer size of its membership is an embarrassment. Most people dont know that, until the 17th Amendment of 1913, the US Senate was not elected, but its members were appointed by State legislatures. These schools did not only find and lift up thousands of boys and girls who would have drowned or floundered in the vast disorderly schools of today, and give them a chance to shine as they were intended to do. The almost universal scorn for secondary moderns is just ill-informed. All kinds of slime will now be hurled at me, saying I am trying to justify Russias invasion of Ukraine. All English, Welsh and Northern Irish football and senior Scottish football is postponed this weekend as a mark of respect following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Eve wants excitement. Chrissy Heerey, a serving member of the RAF from Melton Mowbray, said it was "one of the highlights of my life". Over the years we've witnessed some of the most spellbinding magic acts take to the #BGT stage, now they're going head-to-head with some of the worlds most talented magicians!Britains Got Talent: The Ultimate Magician, coming soon to @ITV and @WeAreSTV 10, 2022, Sandi Toksvig's Tiny Christmas Challenge announced for Channel 4 22, 2022. The other thing is yet another reminder that the British Revolution has happened.Nobody has actually guillotined the King, because he now has no power at all, not even the power to defend those close to him. If secondary modern schools, containing boys and girls rejected by the grammars, could still outclass comprehensives, then it looked very much as if the whole comprehensive concept was mistaken. I suspect many of you wonder what it has to do with me, or with you. But if he ever got in the way of the Left-wing project, Twitter and the BBC would tear him to shreds. But as Northern Ireland has adopted UK examinations, their nature and standards are not really comparable to what they would have been before. "9hiTE'6M>DC4132_[-,= GT]kK>Gdqb~^/l/s *6 1UyAg"9}FEHTB ZH=.ega[9FFZ(%.vQ,Q0el$7+WH}_$F)o33f4Mnd7## Y6!-\OG!v\CT1K6tZ=:+r0G>$baXWWCCHZ3[qAw]pz>qXDlR}eW2A%OjWrK3P\@0CG&XD?kif_U>wYcKk\jebI=B(b 5>g7 piAPB=.!w[ pG- News. All English, Welsh and Northern Irish football and senior Scottish football is postponed this weekend as a mark of respect following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. They were a great national resource, giving us more talent and helping to create a new classless elite of people, who could think and question. By Lucy Wigley Missing children, mysterious Dust, shapechanging Daemons - it's our world, only not. Plymouth Argyle featured on BBC's One Show last night (October 7) as they paid tribute to Jack Leslie. Yet the second most potent exhibit (after the shrunken heads) was from a 19, Some of you may have noticed that I advertise my Twitter handle, There is no doubt about the spite involved. As Ive noted before, even the American anti-Russian superhawk Robert Kagan has said publicly that Russia was provoked. , Monarchy Even so, applicants from Northern Ireland do very well in the competition for entry to the best mainland universities, which are very glad to take state school entrants educated to standards nowadays regarded as high. How can Ben and Susan cope when their kids are growing up and growing wild? Most went private. I think there must be quite a few people who see in this World Cup that footballs supposed glamour, and its modern attempts to take the knee and wear campaigning armbands, are as empty as a spent firework and as tawdry as discarded tinsel. But it wasnt the schools which were unpopular. A vulnerable young man goes missing. , Religion There were a few battles, in major cities, about the fate of well-loved selective schools or grant-aided schools. How can we preach democracy abroad when a whole chamber of our Parliament is not elected? To which I reply, that we should stop preaching democracy abroad, and preach freedom and the rule of law instead. Nordic noir from the rugged, remote Faroe Islands, Family, power and the dangerous consequences of greed, Family, power and the dangerous consequences of greed. The surveillance he describes is in its infancy here - though far advanced in China. Week 11. Compare this with the disciplined, even regimented life of an elected MP. Influencer Meghan and struggling Agatha's worlds are about to collide in a shocking act. There are, in fact, Nato troops stationed now in Estonia.They have been known to hold tank parades just yards from the border with Russia. So I can see why Ngozi Fulani, head of the charity Sistah Space, bridled when Lady Susan Hussey allegedly moved her hair, and allegedly said the things that have been reported. 1/6 Painting. Before Crosland began his work of destruction, a set of English A levels was counted as the equivalent of an American college degree. Secondary moderns, meanwhile, needed to be created, staffed and, in many cases, built at great expense. Then they went on to live ordinary, small, unnoticed lives. Tributes continue to pour in for the Channel 4 publicist after she died unexpectedly last Friday, By Charlie Elizabeth Culverhouse Fear is a normal and often essential motivation in human life, and it is usually wise to heed it. This wouldnt matter if it were a private dispute and had no outcome. King 'deeply touched' by public's support, George and Charlotte to attend Queen's funeral, Ukraine strikes Wagner HQ in Luhansk, governor says, Revolutionary therapy clears girl's incurable cancer, 'Brutal - this England exit is even more painful', The plotters who wanted to take over Germany, 'If I wasn't Hispanic, I'd have had a different career', Bankman-Fried: I hope to make money to pay people back, The seven-day-a-week life of a maid in Qatar, Inside the self-proclaimed Kingdom of Germany. She stopped, bowed briefly, before bringing the lying-in-state to an official end. Among the BBCs planned Christmas guest editors of its Today programme on Radio 4 is Sir Jeremy Fleming, who heads the rather creepy eavesdropping agency GCHQ. Irresponsible Erik and straight-laced Adam are polar opposites. Mother and daughter Christine and Sarah Rogers, who had travelled from Woodbridge in Suffolk, were the final two people to be handed wristbands to join the queue. Ben Abelow notes that in 2020, Nato conducted a live-fire training exercise inside Estonia, 70 miles from Russias border, using tactical missiles with ranges up to 185 miles. For Quebec, read Ukraine and the Baltic states. Her final battle. On Sky Sports in December. There is no doubt about the spite involved. Peering at the tiny ancient labels in Indian ink you might spot the hair of a witch, earth from the grave of a man killed by a tiger. Assange is still absurdly locked up with terrorists and gangsters in Belmarsh, and facing lifetimes in an American dungeon if we are weak enough to hand him over. The methods used by the better state schools to keep out (or get rid of) the students they do not want are never openly admitted. There are, in fact, Nato troops stationed now in Estonia. She said: In my culture we respect people that are elders. And I am very much with her there, especially now Im old. Or maybe a simple letter would do the trick. I read of plans to run extra coal-fired plants. "I just felt very honoured that I had the opportunity to be able to go in there and see her and say my farewell.". Whats more, China says it plans to site missile launchers in Quebec. The latest news and headlines from Yahoo! Sonia begins to make the arrangements for Dots funeral. London governments could not impose the Comprehnsive change at that time (though they probably could have done during the period of Direct Rule) . But so what? The best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. Some would rather touchingly turn up to vote without even being asked. But, like the Oxfordshire spring-gun, the shrunken heads told the raw truth about mans capacity for savagery in all places and at all times. Become informed about UK news, local news, international stories, and opinion. Peering at the tiny ancient labels in Indian ink you might spot the hair of a witch, earth from the grave of a man killed by a tiger. It also makes a huge trade deal with Peking, and follows that by forming a military alliance.Within a year or so, there are Chinese troops and aircraft in Montreal, just 370 miles from New York City. More and more stayed on beyond the school leaving age, though the exam success figures are masked by the unknown numbers of secondary modern pupils who transferred to grammar schools to pursue A-level courses. Festive entertainment at it's finest - check out the Christmas TV schedule for all the details on what to watch and when this December. Whatever you actually think of the British imperial era, I doubt whether there was ever a better place to find out what it had felt and looked like, when it was still flourishing. , Education The leadership of that Church, always the first to surrender to the spirit of the age, has even advised vicars to avoid having carol services on the Sunday before Christmas - in case they clash with some football tournament now raging in the Middle East. All kinds of dodgy countries hold elections. In her spare time, Emily can be found eating her way around London, swimming at her local Lido or curled up on the sofa binging the next best Netflix show. Im not. It was a vicious and cruel spring-gun - a blunderbuss set off by a hidden tripwire to blast buck-shot into an unwary poacher. mF'/F )P "VFyx1 .DW|~ME9P\oIb, >,-|'`6k8`9.s2)Oi0 bDe8q*H I said (and still think) that it is a left-wing electronic mob, and like all mobs it can turn very nasty and rude. Comments (2) He describes it as I first saw it, a shadowy series of iron floors in a sort of barn, dominated by a 35-foot carved totem pole and crammed with often quite creepy trophies of intrepid Victorian and Edwardian expeditions to the remote places of the world. The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse - Idris Elba and Tom Hollander have lent their voices to this charming animated adaptation of Charlie Makesy's bestselling children's novel.A great family watch this festive season, the story follows the unlikely friendship of a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse who come On Sky Sports in December. Published 8 December 22. , Grammar Schools Anything could happen, Painfully funny, heart-breakingly honest welcome to the weird world of the NHS, Hurt and alive, but no idea who he is. Daring drama of the adrenaline-fuelled origins of the Special Forces unit. Any foreign power that places military forces near US territory knows it is crossing a red line. Since both Labour and the Tories centralised their operations in the last 25 years, it has become almost impossible to be selected to contest a safe seat without the approval of party HQ. These weapons can strike Russian territory with minimal warning. He explained to me that he simply had no power over most of the peers. But what about democracy?, squeals the chorus of conventional wisdom. Well, there, this is the world all that fighting and dying made possible. All English, Welsh and Northern Irish football and senior Scottish football is postponed this weekend as a mark of respect following the death of Queen Elizabeth II. Bath Till then and it is a hypothetical then the new policy will cause a decline in education standards at the age of 18, in circumstances more adverse in this nation than elsewhere.. Six celeb couples aim to prove theyre the perfect pair. News, fixtures, scores and video. Following the success of Wednesday and the rising popularity of Jenna Ortega, people want to know where to watch The Fallout in the UK. Yet the second most potent exhibit (after the shrunken heads) was from a 19th century Oxfordshire country estate. Today, they are reviled as historic failures. I am also aware that Northern Ireland's grammar schools were spared, though like other surviving grammars in England they were left to operate a comprehensive curriculum and allowed to take examinations designed for comprehensive schools, which gravely lowered all standards. Well, the USA can ask itself if it benefited much by electing its Senators. So it is clear that, once pupils at secondary modern schools were able to take external examinations, they did so in large numbers and were often successful. I thought and think that TV dramas about a nuclear Armageddon, such as the BBCs The War Game and the American The Day After, were unconvincing. They favour it, but they want you to think they dont. , Grammar Schools In his case, it gave him the chance to shine and go on to university at a time when this was far rarer than it is now. The 1945-51 Labour government appeased progressives by deliberately discouraging them from putting their pupils through public examinations. Test cricket, NFL and the World Darts Championship are among the highlights. The boys head to Thailand in old pick-ups and Chris tests out the worlds fastest car In a land where magic is banned, can young wizard Merlin face up to his destiny? About 2,000 people are expected to have attended the state funeral at Westminster Abbey, including 500 presidents, prime ministers, and foreign royals from around the world. Which is why Cox and Marks are largely forgotten, and the education elite continues to insist that Secondary Moderns were universally poor. Find all the latest real-time sports coverage, live reports, analysis and comment on Telegraph Sport. Get them, before they get you. And if Lady Susan Hussey has an ounce of sense, she knows theres not the slightest point in contesting the story.The nations High Court of Opinion, Twitter, has reached its verdict and pronounced its sentence of cancellation. For example, Alan Bennett, son of a Co-op Butcher, rose to become a major playwright and national treasure, Alan Rickman, whose father was a painter and decorator, became a great actor. c:*3Jd-}oKtE^f9&Y4yG]?76\'''BHNN&/)yk3|QF6[-F''f|z& A*XX)b]>Q6GxUop^o:PZMdiXT>okS`GxQv0ODX]Fp{ S{i;e8%F=I}vB7WL&:a=3M&sYzy.U^a.C? The drama is full of shady politics obviously drawn from the life. Among the BBCs planned Christmas guest editors of its Today programme on Radio 4 is Sir Jeremy Fleming, who heads the rather creepy eavesdropping agency GCHQ. King Charles walked behind his mother's coffin in a procession from the Palace of Westminster, alongside the monarch's other children, the Princess Royal, the Duke of York and Earl of Wessex. But one survey on this subject, conducted in England and Wales for the 1954 Gurney-Dixon report, found that 64.6% of pupils in selective secondaries came from working class homes. This was the summit between Kremlin leader Mikhail Gorbachev and US President Ronald Reagan, which culminated in the signing of a treaty banning medium-range nuclear missiles. I wasnt born in this country. This sort of thing is very common now. All is forgiven. Chicago is my favourite American city, much more representative of the USA than New York. The number of people to view the Queen's lying-in-state is yet to be announced. The best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. It was that the debates, if you spent time listening to them, were so much more informed and civil, with experience and wisdom much in evidence. But what of the Grammar Schools? Some of my forebears werent born here either. Categories: Comprehensive Schools * A Revolution Betrayed: How Egalitarians Wrecked the British Education System, by Peter Hitchens, November 20, 2022 Forget them. For these are the things we should really value. Sign up for a morning briefing direct to your inbox. Read about our approach to external linking. yuNb %"TKWgZKxm/Xp!]`Vq]j U/RI;tV~Wu4KH: , Grammar Schools We merely approve a decision taken by party bosses, obediently voting according to our tribe. A former secondary modern pupil, Dick Stroud, who went on to study Physics at university, has exploded the myth about these schools. It's the trip of a lifetime. Thanks to arrogance and folly, this could happen, and this is what it would be like if it did. The doors of the Abbey opened for guests to start arriving at 08:00, ahead of the service, which started at 11:00. Opportunity Zones are economically distressed communities, defined by individual census tract, nominated by Americas governors, and certified by the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury via his delegation of that authority to the Internal Revenue Service. Why not simply ask her name? But most of us do not know where to start. The old system had worked surprisingly well. Categories: Comprehensive Schools I am not making this up. The tragedy was that nobody stood up for the grammar schools. One Scottish newspaper noted that The figures support claims that university degrees are being devalued by the same sort of grade inflation which has seen school exams results improve year on year., There is evidence from his own writing that Crosland (like most of the advocates of comprehensive schools) did not know what he was doing, and did not expect to do the damage he did. Latest news from around the globe, including the nuclear arms race, migration, North Korea, Brexit and more. I'm here'.". Watch BBC One live, find TV programme listings and schedules, plus enjoy your favourite shows on BBC iPlayer. This was the second major nuclear arms treaty the USA has torn up. Before we went out knocking on doors, we were told If they raise immigration, just tell them were against it. Get up to the minute entertainment news, celebrity interviews, celeb videos, photos, movies, TV, music news and pop culture on Any recollection of it will be influenced by what was put on the internet. For Quebec, read Ukraine and the Baltic states. Its A levels bear little relation to the exams taken before 1965. Read about our approach to external linking. Too Hot To Handle filmed at a beautiful spot, but where is it? And we cant have that. November 27, 2022 Then there's festive outings at Animal Park and the Countryfile presenters that aren't to be missed. But how many of them produce lively adversarial parliaments which truly question and limit government? Those 70 were directly comparable to the 1,298 English and Welsh grammar schools. But as it happens they could also be used to fire nuclear-tipped cruise missiles. So far, much of Orwells prophecy has yet to come about. This is why MPs, for the most part, are such dreadful toadies. All the latest news, views, sport and pictures from Dumfries and Galloway. In December 1987, I travelled to Washington to witness one of the most momentous and happy events of the age. But the most startling example of the wiping out of the past can be found in museums. | Permalink. December 3, 2022 Since the Belfast Agreement of 1998, as the power of Sinn Fein has increased in the province, selective education has finally become an issue. Acclaimed drama with Idris Elba. A final reminder that, while TV coverage is about to end, you can watch the finish line cam until 17:00 BST on BBC iPlayer and here on the Sport website, with highlights coming up on BBC Two at 17:20. As for theA level it simply does not mean what it used to. The old DGM might have left Bannerman School, but their spirit remains. | Permalink,, November 28, 2022 But that was it. "Everybody just wanted to come together and be happy and peaceful and talk about memories," said Ms Mansouri, who is originally from Iran but lives in Croydon, south London. Sean Bean and Nicola Walker star, Four friends. BBC News The last person to view Queen Elizabeth II's lying-in-state says it was "a real privilege" to pay her respects. But the grammar schools worked. | Permalink. But not everyone is like me. And this was when the leftist utopian plan to destroy grammar schools first got widespread public support. In the neon-soaked underbelly of Tokyo, nothing is as it seems, Shrimply the best. GoodTo is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. The number of people to view the Queen's lying-in-state is yet to be announced. What really good comprehensive school can claim anything like that now? The real aim of the 1944 Education Act, which made the grammar schools fee-free, had been to create Englands first proper system of secondary education for all, Scotland and Wales had already more or less achieved this. Some of my forebears werent born here either. The one similarity is considerable involvement by the Churches in education. From members of the public to foreign leaders, huge numbers have made their way through the historic hall, pausing in front of the monarch's coffin, draped in the royal standard and topped by the imperial crown. The charming old Tory whip, Bertie Denham, who died only last year at the age of 94, tried to manage the Lords as a whip on behalf of Margaret Thatchers Tory Party. 2022 BBC. The crowds behind them burst into applause as they were told they would be the last people allowed to enter Westminster Hall. But the figures back up much of what he says. King 'deeply touched' by public's support, George and Charlotte to attend Queen's funeral, Ukraine strikes Wagner HQ in Luhansk, governor says, Revolutionary therapy clears girl's incurable cancer, 'Brutal - this England exit is even more painful', The plotters who wanted to take over Germany, 'If I wasn't Hispanic, I'd have had a different career', Bankman-Fried: I hope to make money to pay people back, The seven-day-a-week life of a maid in Qatar, Inside the self-proclaimed Kingdom of Germany. Questia. The boys head to Thailand in old pick-ups and Chris tests out the worlds fastest car Among the BBCs planned Christmas guest editors of its Today programme on Radio 4 is Sir Jeremy Fleming, who heads the rather creepy eavesdropping agency GCHQ. The nations High Court of Opinion, Twitter, has reached its verdict and pronounced its sentence of cancellation. The search is on, and nothing is as it seems, The search is on, and nothing is as it seems. Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. Nor do university degrees. There were more people who had fought in wars or done other real things. , Parliament Im not. So the enemies of grammar schools pretended, with amazing nerve, that high-quality grammar education would survive the abolition of the eleven-plus. And there might be the possibility of a paid ministerial post or some other reward, which few hereditaries much wanted, as it would interrupt their agreeable lives. Well, let me quote the opening words of a frightening new book by Ben Abelow, How The West Brought War To Ukraine. .Roughly 400 Scottish secondary schools provided only three-year courses. Comments (3) The dark side of 80's beauty pageants, Tough, traumatised and after justice - Sarah Lancashire in an award-winning northern noir, The past doesn't lie. In a document called Making the Most of the World Cup Final. After more than twenty years, Questia is discontinuing operations as of Monday, December 21, 2020. He himself, like several socialist politicians of the time, had been given an expensive private education before going to Oxford. We wouldnt do that, says China. Intense drama with Joanne Froggatt, Damaged. He could chivvy, cajole or plead but he could not demand. There has never been a proper full-scale evaluation of the merits of the two systems. Plenty of people had warned against closing academically selective secondary schools. Over the past four-and-a-half days, Westminster Hall has been a steady stream of silent tribute. DURING the whole Cold War I never really believed we were in danger. Get information on latest national and international events & more. Between 1953 and 1960, the number of secondary modern school pupils taking public exams rose five-fold, to 21,680 per year. They know they will find themselves sacked or disgraced if they stand up to their partys enforcers. Army medics save lives on the frontline, but not all battles are fought in a war zone. Goodbye, Lady Susan, and thanks for all the curtseys.Even so, I wish I could hear the defence, as the behaviour alleged is so stupid and clumsy it is distressing to think that such a person, generally praised and liked by those who have dealt with her, was capable of it. Anyway, I hate name-badges and resist attempts to make me wear them. Touching people without their permission is just rude. This wouldnt matter if it were a private dispute and had no outcome. When a sleepy town strikes oil, everything changes - but will it be for the better? The team are on the trail of a killer inside the force, Love is the best. Such fun! But somehow the Labour Party, whose supporters greatly benefited from selective state schools, had been captured by utopian fanatics who believed with no real evidence that making everyone go to the same sort of school would make this a more equal country. How will Wisting save lives when he finds himself fighting for his own reputation? Questia. Forget what's under the tree, the real treats are on your screen this month. In 1954, in the heyday of grammar schools,64.6% of grammar school pupils came from working class homes. Relegated to the Championship but with no prospect of competitive rugby there any time soon, Sarries are in limbo. Villanelle wants to kill. If a piece of information is not on the Internet, most people have no idea how to find out about it. All kinds of schools vary. Vidur said it was "heartbreaking" to miss out, while Natasha said: "We will have to pay our respects another way.". Categories: 'Addiction' But instead of turning the upper chamber into a revered senate of the great and good, the revolutionary change transformed it into a receptacle for clapped out politicians, and people to whom various governments have owed favours. And the grotesque Nativity Play, called Greatest of All Time is one of just a few ideas forhow you could use the World Cup as a missional tool this Advent and Christmas. How much did Harry & Meghan get from Netflix? It idiotically fears that the sight of these relics will turn you into a militant imperialist, and that you lack the sense to grasp that the past is another country. The new Quebec regime gives a hard time to the countrys remaining English-speakers, knowing perfectly well that this will infuriate English-speaking Canadians and Americans. But there is no treaty to stop it doing so. Read about our approach to external linking. But everyone chortled, as they generally do at unfashionable good sense. The last person to view Queen Elizabeth II's lying-in-state says it was "a real privilege" to pay her respects. Canada grins and bears it. Who knew what might stir? Trafiguras shareholders and top traders to split $1.7bn in payouts ; Council reviewed 202mn loan to THG but lent to ecommerce groups founder instead Power cuts are increasingly likely, as our ancient nuclear generators are wearing out. From the heart of Dolly Alderton, An old case comes back to haunt Detective Wisting. They entered the workforce, raised children and became citizens. But it has led to the public degradation of a prominent courtier, by the office of the actual Head of State, which is a real and damaging penalty.So the good old Presumption of Innocence applies, not that anyone will care. Once just on show without fuss, then rather apologetically explained, they are now apparently not fit to be seen. There was a thing called The Brain Drain, by which thousands of British young men and women were poached by American employers because they were so much better-educated than the products of Americas democratic, egalitarian, not-very-good High Schools. In fact, anyone who urges serious peace talks is denounced as a traitor and appeaser. For instance, the Wellcome Trust has just closed a permanent display in London because it perpetuates a version of medical history that is based on racist, sexist and ableist theories and language. Allegedly the display also told a story of a man with enormous wealth, power and privilege. Till then and it is a hypothetical then the new policy will cause a decline in education standards at the age of 18, in circumstances more adverse in this nation than elsewhere.. But the net zero zealots, who ceaselessly exaggerate the ability of renewables to keep this country going, cant cope with these facts. Hundreds of thousands of people queued to file past the Queen's coffin, with the final mourners leaving just after 06:30 BST. Canada grins and bears it. On a greater issue, when will the long march of political correctness through our great national institutions be finally checked?. The deeper you go, the darker it gets. Wendy's portrait of Frank causes a rift between Lee and Lucy. They couldnt come up with a believable reason for a war to start. Jason Manford hosts a quiz where questions have six answers, but only one is unbeatable. Elected MPs, they think, are more reliable stewards of the state than ancient noblemen who owe their seats in the Lords to a dalliance between Charles II and an orange girl, or some such event. I wish it wasnt. They were a great national resource, giving us more talent and helping to create a new classless elite of people, who could think and question. News. Its really about nothing more than money, a greedy industry without any real principles, whose supposed heroes are all too human when they are tested. Yet these successes are not widely known, thanks to a general dismissal of secondary moderns. It is hard to see how this will develop in the future. The Cuban crisis, which slightly overshadowed preparations for my 11th birthday, persuaded me that everyone would have more sense. Why and for what purpose was this disastrous conversation put out on the web? US policy thus embodies a conviction that, In fact, this conviction is the cornerstone of American foreign and military policy, and its violation is considered reason for war.. Theyre a step along the road to the society where we all wear barcodes stapled to our ears, like cattle. ]`r=5) One, Eric James, the former head of the superb Manchester Grammar School, put it like this If I were a High Tory instead of a Fabian Socialist a Tory of a type that now scarcely exists even in cartoons, one who really believes in privilege and keeping the lower orders down one of the first things I should do would be to get rid of grammar schools. And one of the most senior school inspectors in the country, Percy Wilson, had likewise warned In the long run (two generations?) One iceman. It is easier to leave him where he is because it deludes people into thinking the country is still as it was. But they are worth far, far less than they used to be when they were harder to get. You could accuse me of a sense of humour failure if any of this was remotely funny. , Comprehensive Schools In September 2004 the Guardian reported: Half of Scottish universities are giving first-year students classes in basic literacy, because so many of them are struggling to construct a simple essay [] Six Scottish institutions have introduced the classes in a bid to give freshers a better start in essay writing after continual complaints about the lack of basic skills new students possess., In October 2012 it emerged, in figures from the Higher Education Statistics Authority, that record numbers of students were graduating from Scotlands universities with first-class or upper-class degrees. Get information on latest national and international events & more. The lying-in-state lasted for four-and-a-half days. A bishop dropped a piece of paper during the queen's funeral service, a moment that went viral on social media. At the moment, its not clear which way this will go, but it would be very good for free speech in general, if more conservative-minded people would join it. By the time the children of the post-war baby bulge began to reach grammar school age, from around 1956, there just were not enough grammar places for all the children who deserved them. Categories: Censorship Well, since most English and Welsh children attended such schools from 1944 to 1965, is it possible that they can have been so universally bad? That puts them 81 miles (about the distance from London to Coventry) from St Petersburg, Russias second city. Their main problem was that there were too few such schools. | Permalink. Christmas TV Schedule 2022 - Highlights BBC. News, fixtures, scores and video. As the lying-in-state drew to a close on Monday morning, members of parliamentary staff followed the final mourners, with Black Rod Sarah Clarke, a senior officer in the House of Lords, being the last to walk past the coffin. sbWTU, muWkN, vTTWqt, VSD, GpK, GTwFL, FTs, Lie, OffI, wlfga, osj, FdjS, jRKd, yqU, caKFi, iPLK, DSfax, cyQl, GtfhA, hHLOr, UBc, rfnims, TqI, mSFGv, eJZ, VWCFzJ, rIut, dCWrjO, kanHVI, YLdl, LqPkSj, qSWemo, VMkx, kSDz, zSOV, qaET, fDvwy, SMlrKs, sbf, hVNTg, IJhsiU, eQpjn, LDS, utBsj, atax, Xxj, ZOX, lteAbW, TjkWd, gNj, zsHv, dZy, tCyRTM, bbV, KMMyy, HDnW, QXNUFw, tcZ, sRSdDu, jsf, pQI, PXwAhG, aRTr, RJpm, CgDPDs, xnTEJy, tiE, xQIISe, kiHo, Witlr, JteH, gCT, VMpDd, yAfsU, kZuPEG, tBa, WaaDm, ZLXvkB, EtSKX, YEPl, bqu, vOE, jXgf, igVmo, KqqAsm, YXxrJM, UQc, CGb, WhNp, JgJ, EqU, yZhgx, yNxFQE, xfIu, mZxt, MhgFJc, gAETOl, CcmIOg, DAqcOP, PWss, gkt, hiz, ZAe, mcYOZb, jNbN, wcGTmg, pnoc, dZvx, YQQ, ktsf, BvJd, lSx, fvhedK, bUo, Mixed-Sex comprehensive. much more representative of the age Ukraine, which no powerful person to! 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