when is myanmar national day
As a result, ethnically diverse areas of the country such as northern Shan State today have a patchwork of ethnicity-based armed groups, each fighting both for their communal rights and to protect their own economic rents. The UN and bilateral donors that funded and provided technical assistance to the count ignored repeated warnings that their insistence upon including a question on ethnicity, framed as a determinate choice from the problematic list of 135 categories, was dangerous. Hide Footnote It supported Kachin culture, building one of the largest Manau traditional festival grounds in the country. Press Statement. While the path may be difficult, some of the objectives are clear. There are no easy solutions, and progress will require a national process of debate and reflection. Bowman, 56, a former British ambassador to Myanmar who had been running a business consultancy, was arrested with her husband, a Myanmar national, in Yangon in August. As the 2014 census demonstrated, this task is conflict-inducing as well as technically challenging. Tens of thousands joined demonstrations in Sagaing Region the following month and in Kachin State in October 2016. Militias are generally formed by, or allied with, the Myanmar military (the Tatmadaw) and are nominally under its command although the degree of actual Tatmadaw authority over these groups varies. Twenty-three Border Guard Forces, made up of ex-insurgents or militias from particular ethnic communities, who have been brought more formally under Tatmadaw control and operate in areas close to Myanmars international borders. Less acknowledged is how the conflict has caused a significant deterioration in relations between the ethnic Rakhine and the numerous other minority groups in the region, many of whom have been caught in the middle. See 2008 Constitution, Sections 21, 34, 38, 347-360, 364-376 and 380-381.Hide Footnote, There has never been a transparent process or seemingly any meaningful process at all by which the post-independence state decided which groups met the criteria for being indigenous and which did not. On 22 April 1954, China and Burma signed the first economic trade agreement which was valid for three years. They say the Tatmadaw told them that they were being disarmed temporarily, for a period of six months, but they doubt that their weapons will be returned or that they will be allowed to rearm. See also Mary Callahan, Distorted, Dangerous Data? The introduction of some form of proportional representation in the elections could be an effective way to increase minority representation in the national and state legislatures. See Robert Taylor, Refighting Old Battles, Compounding Misconceptions: The Politics of Ethnicity in Myanmar Today, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2 March 2015.Hide Footnote The lack of any internal immigration boundary led to large-scale movement of Indian labourers and businessmen to more prosperous Myanmar, and the British administered the province using mostly Indian civil servants rather than training Myanmar officials. Efforts to categorise and enumerate its peoples have been attempted from British colonial times to the present. Instead, the census reaffirmed the primacy of fixed ethnic identities with conflict-inducing results. [34], There have been reports of over 7000 Burmese women and girls being sold for sexual slavery in China, where they are sold as "brides". Countless Billions of Earth Day Participants Everywhere. Major C.M. Kubota was the fifth foreign journalist detained in Myanmar after the military seized power. [63] Anti-vaccine protesters considered it a sham, and distributed misinformation about Chinese vaccines on social media. cit. Grant Peck in Bangkok, Mari Yamaguchi in Tokyo and Rod McGuirk in Canberra, Australia, contributed to this story. cit. Nepal: September 20: 2021- Any individual can start as a member of one category and end up in another.[fn]E.R. Ethnicity and conflict are tightly linked in Myanmar, as communal groups take up arms to press grievances for which they have found no other recourse. [fn]Crisis Group interview, SNA senior commander, June 2020.Hide Footnote Other sources suggest the SNA also has links to the Tatmadaw, and this perception is common among the Kachin. Several men pointed to examples of being excluded from political or social activities because of their ethnicity, while a woman said she felt discriminated against because of her appearance and socio-economic status. [fn]See Thant Myint-U, The Making of Modern Burma (Cambridge, 2001); Martin Smith, Burma: Insurgency and the Politics of Ethnicity, 2nd edition (London, 1999); G.E. [fn]Crisis Group Report, Fire and Ice, op. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interviews, Kaungkha Militia leaders and members, June 2020.Hide Footnote The army then raided the militias territory later that same day, disarming its 3,000 fighters who had been instructed by their jailed leaders not to resist; not a shot was fired.[fn]Ibid. [fn]Crisis Group analysis. Climate Change & Health with Covid19 update, 10 September 2020. 106. countries involved. Hide Footnote It has rarely had difficulty finding groups willing to play this proxy role. As a result, ethnic communities are increasingly frustrated with electoral democracy, which they see as failing minorities. [9][17] Access to Myanmar's ports and naval installations provide China with strategic influence in the Bay of Bengal, in the wider Indian Ocean region and in Southeast Asia. Although a minority nationally, the Rakhine are the majority group in Rakhine State, with the Rohingya a sizeable minority; smaller minorities include the Mro, Khami, Thet and Daingnet. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on CNN.com. [53], On 16 February 2021, in reaction to protesters outside the Chinese embassy in Yangon, blaming China for the coup d'tat, the Chinese ambassador Chen Hai said the current development in Myanmar is absolutely not what China wants to see. Most of these groups recruit from, and seek to represent, one of the many ethnic minority communities living in these areas. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interview, Mro village administrator, June 2020.Hide Footnote A friend who was administrator of another Mro village in Buthidaung was murdered, and the administrator believes he would have suffered the same fate if he had not left. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interviews, Chin and Khumi activists and Mro administrators, June 2020; Mro activist, July 2020.Hide Footnote Although they do not necessarily trust the Tatmadaw, interviewees said they feel somewhat safer when in the presence of government soldiers who can deter the Arakan Army. Access to Myanmar's ports and naval installations provide China with strategic influence in the Bay of When visitors take Myanmar vacation, they can see that Burmese women rarely wear makeup even in the special occasion in their country. Military.com helps millions of military-connected Americans access military and veteran benefits and news, find jobs and enjoy military discounts. Every place where the water got the crops perished. [9][17][21] China has developed a deep-water port on Kyaukpyu in the Bay of Bengal. Yao Zhongming, China's first Ambassador to Rangoon arrived in Rangoon on 28 August and presented his credentials on 5 September 1950. The aim should not be to erase ethnic identity and limit social and cultural expression. He and other prominent nationalists, known as the Thirty Comrades, went on to establish the Burma Independence Army in 1941 with support and training from Imperial Japan; the Army formed the backbone of the post-independence armed forces. [fn]Robert Taylor, The State in Myanmar (London, 2009), p. 198; Thant Myint-U, op. cit. TB problem in Yangon is huge, serious and very complex. After 1937, Burma was governed as a separate colony, but it had no ability to control immigration from the sub-continent until 1947, the eve of independence. 1 (2013).Hide Footnote. Hide Footnote The groups aims include the creation of a Shanni state, fighting illicit drugs and participating in the peace process political negotiations. 11. See 2010 Myanmar General Elections: Learning and Sharing for the Future, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, April 2011. Hide Footnote In public, the Tatmadaw has indicated that the disarming is permanent and that it will actively support the militia to conduct legal business activities, including livestock breeding and mining. Ferguson, op. At Least 3 Myanmar Regime Soldiers Killed in Rakhine Ambush: AA, Myanmar Political Prisoners Punished For Marking July Executions, Thailand Seizes Nearly $50 Million in Assets From Detained Myanmar Arms Dealer, More Than 20 Regime Personnel Killed in Two Days of Resistance Attacks, Myanmars Lawyers Face Increasing Junta Threats, China Opens New Shipping Route to Myanmar From South China Sea, Around 30 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Kayah Last Month: Resistance, Number of Myanmar Children Made Homeless Under Junta Passes Half a Million, Pro-Myanmar Junta Militias, Nationalist Monks Forcibly Recruiting Villagers in Sagaing, Myanmar Junta Has Killed Over 2,400 Civilians Since Coup: AAPP, Around 24 Myanmar Regime Troops Killed in Week: Arakan Army Claims, Lieutenant Colonel Among 56 Myanmar Junta Soldiers Killed in Week of Clashes With Resistance, Myanmar Tycoons Do Junta Bidding Amid Threat of Arrest, Myanmar Junta Chief Names Prestigious White Elephant, Gen. Tun Aung: The Top Gun Directing Myanmar Juntas Brutal Aerial War, Myanmar Regime Seizes 5 Medics for Supplying Resistance Fighters, Myanmar Junta Ridiculed for Saying Jailed Politician, Deceased Karen Commander Involved in Pagoda Attack, Family Killed in Myanmar Junta Shelling in Rakhine State, Myanmar Military Sustains Heavy Losses in Battle for Key Hill in Kachin State, 14 Myanmar Regime Personnel Killed in Two Days of Resistance Attacks, Exiled Myanmar Buddhist Leader Dies Demanding Tolerance and Democracy, Myanmar Junta Border Forces Visit Bangladesh to Boost Ties, Myanmar Junta Generals Retire to Take Top Roles in Proxy Party, Yangon Guerrilla Group Vows to Fight on Against Myanmar Junta Despite Arrests, Myanmar Junta Frees NLD Finance Minister and Two Political Prisoners, After Repeated Crackdowns, Myanmar Junta Officially Bans The Irrawaddy, Eleven Myanmar Junta Police Killed in Resistance Raid on Station, Over 160 Myanmar Junta Troops Killed in Just Over a Week of Resistance Attacks, The Long Strange Story of the (Disappearing) Railway from Myanmar to Southern China, Myanmars Resistance Forces Treat Prisoners Humanely Despite Junta War Crimes, Junta Watch: Leader Wants to Be King; Spokesman Justifies Air Attack on Concert; and More, Disabled Civilian Killed in Myanmar Junta Airstrike, Losing the Ground Battle, Myanmar Junta Takes to the Skies, Magwe Villagers Tortured to Death During Myanmar Junta Occupation, Myanmars Vengeful Regime Takes Aim at Kachin Insurgents, Myanmar Generals Welcomed by Bangladesh Military Chiefs, Myanmar Regime Rebuffs ASEAN Pressure to Implement Peace Plan, National League for Democracy supporters in Mandalay celebrate after the November 8 general election in 2020. Before, he was a USDP supporter. See, for example, Naga zone expansion plan sparks protests, petitions. The traditional dress of Burmese people is said to be date back to the 1750s where it was first designed with stunning jewelry by those who held positions of power. Both Burmese women and men wear flip-flops. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interviews, Shanni residents and analysts, June 2020; Kachin researcher, July 2020.Hide Footnote At the same time, Shanni interviewees said there are usually no problems between Shanni and ordinary Kachin. Crisis Group visit to Kaungkha, November 2018; Crisis Group interviews, well-placed local sources, Lashio and Kutkai, November 2018; Crisis Group telephone interviews, Kaungkha Militia leaders and members, June 2020; Crisis Group interview, analyst, Yangon, June 2020. Olympic Solidarity redistributes the share of the broadcast rights from the Olympic Games through programmes offered to all 206 National Olympic Committees. In 2015, she led her National League for Democracy (NLD) to victory in Myanmar's first openly contested election in 25 years. For Customers. Its a free weekly round-up featuring the most important events shaping Myanmar, 2020 Frontier MyanmarBoomerang Network (Thailand) Co., Ltd81/48 Nawamin RoadKhlongkhum sub-DistrictBeungkhum DistrictBangkok (10240), This post is also available in: Mao telegraphed Liu and Zhou to ask Burma in a return telegram their willingness to cut off its diplomatic relations with the Guomindang and invite Burmese government representative to dispatch to Beijing for discussions about establishing diplomatic relations between the PRC and Burma. A National Day is a day on which celebrations mark the nationhood of a nation or state. Mistrustful of the Burman elite who control most levers of power, scores of minority groups have taken up arms since independence. Crisis Group telephone interview, ethnic Chin activist, June 2020. See also Ashley South, Ethnic Politics in Burma: States of Conflict (London, 2008). 5 (2000). ; Nick Cheesman, How in Myanmar National Races Came to Surpass Citizenship and Exclude Rohingya, Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol. Over the last ten years, the country has seen some of the fiercest fighting in decades. [fn]Chin political party warns against labelling of Khumi as ethnic Rakhine, Khonumthung News, 30 January 2020.Hide Footnote. It also reinforces the flawed idea that there exists an inherent link between ethnicity and territory, encouraging ethnic groups to seek control of territory demographically and militarily and to protect it from outside intrusion. In 1962, General Ne Win took power in a coup and set about a radical, quasi-socialist transformation of the country and its economy. The eruption of vicious fighting between the military and the Arakan Army in Myanmars western Rakhine State since 2018 underlines the dangers of ethnicitys growing social and political salience. The Tatmadaw gave the group control over territory designated at the time as Northern Shan State Special Region 5.Hide Footnote In 2010, the Tatmadaw pressured the group to come more directly under the authority of the national army, and it was re-formed as the Kaungkha Militia, under the same leadership and still with de facto autonomy and control over its territory. Ming loyalists escaped to Burma during the Manchu invasion of China. At least 10,000 of their members have been forced to flee their villages. Youll find some of the cheapest deals available on WHO works with governments and partners across the Region to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable. Additionally, Rangoon appointed the former first secretary and consul general in Kunming to Guomindang government, U Phyo, temporary charg d'affaires to new China to attend the negotiation of establishing diplomatic relations. An example of the map accompanies the article, Without territory, the Shanni armys difficult path to recognition, The Irrawaddy, 8 April 2019. See Thant Myint-U, A resurgent nationalism is shaping Myanmar politics. But there was always a racial or ethnic dimension, which became dominant over time as the Cold Wars ideological divides faded, and as a result of minority groups grievances over lack of autonomy and perceptions that the state was not honouring promises of equality and autonomy for ethnic minorities and tolerance for religions other than Buddhism. cit.Hide Footnote, Today, ethnicity remains at the heart of conceptions of citizenship and its legal basis under the 1982 citizenship law. A source at Japans embassy in Myanmar said they had been informed that Mr. Kubota will be released today by junta authorities. In June 2015, Kokang rebels announced a unilateral ceasefire citing "the Chinese government's strong calls for restoring peace in the ChinaMyanmar border region" among other interests. Eighty-seven political parties took part and the National League for Democracy (NLD) won 920 (or 82 percent) of the 1,117 available seats. In due course, Burma announced its recognition and we followed in a few days.[10], On 16 December, Burma's Foreign Minister E Maung gave a note to Zhou Enlai that Rangoon decide to recognize PRC, and hope to establish diplomatic relations and exchange diplomatic envoys. Two days later, Zhou Enlai replied that Beijing agreed to establish diplomatic relations with Rangoon and exchange diplomatic envoys each other on the premise of breaking relations with Kuomintang government. The Red Flag group was always the weaker of the two groups, and its decline accelerated after a Rakhine faction broke away in 1962 to form the Communist Party of Arakan. Soil samples taken by Amnesty International were found to be contaminated with various metals, in particular arsenic, copper and lead. At the same time, the group became an increasingly prominent participant in the illicit economy, in particular hosting the narcotics production and trafficking operations of transnational criminal syndicates. The current government has resisted changes to that clause and has invoked it to appoint minority National League for Democracy governments in Shan and Rakhine states (the only places where the League failed to win local parliament majorities in 2015). Attempts at a physiognomic approach were found unsatisfactory and language came to be the preferred basis. [citation needed] The violence was started by a China-backed militia, rebelling against Myanmar. The USDP and military were both unhappy with the crushing defeat with the party claiming the election was unfair and should be canceled. The new political system introduced through the 2008 constitution, which came into force in 2011, has some features that acknowledge Myanmars ethnic diversity, such as ethnic affairs ministers and self-administered areas. The future is therefore uncertain. Instead, the opposite happened. Myanmars Red Shan to push on national registration cards, Myanmar Times, 21 January 2013. [fn]See Crisis Group Report,An Avoidable War, op. He wrote: [T]he contrasts of culture and language which have led to the conventional classification of tribes and peoples of Burma have no intrinsic permanence. Because its aim is to end armed conflict, the peace process gives a privileged role to ethnic armed groups. Anti-Chinese riots in 1967 and the expulsion of Chinese communities from Burma generated hostility in both countries. Crisis Group telephone interview, Mohnyin resident, June 2020. Closely related to elephants, the national animal of Papua New Guinea looks much more like its other kin, the manatee. One Mro village administrator described how he had tried to collect taxes for the Arakan Army in a bid to protect his community. Ibid. It will require a national debate and process of reflection that has yet to begin. See, for example, UN human rights expert accuses Myanmar army of fresh abuses, Associated Press, 29 April 2020. The United States National Herbarium was founded in 1848, when the first collections were accessioned from the United States Exploring Expedition (50,000 specimens of 10,000 species). cit. [17][18], Like Sino-Burma political relations, the economic ties also shifted in 1954. Inter-ethnic relations have come to be dominated by competitive, zero-sum thinking that hardens ethnic divides and drives the formation of armed groups and militias and, ultimately, encourages conflict. U.S. As a first step, and a marker of intent, government officials can begin to change the language and narratives they use to discuss ethnicity and ethnic relations, which often echo those employed by assimilatory and oppressive past regimes, and ring hollow in light of ethnic minorities lived experiences. See Thant Myint-U, A visual sense of the complexity of ethno-linguistic classification in Myanmar is provided by the contemporary language map in Appendix D, which should be seen as a demonstration of the impracticality of any such exercise, rather than as an accurate geographic mapping of ethno-linguistic identities. Electoral Performance and Party-Building Processes among Ethnic Parties in Myanmar. To date, the government has refused to acknowledge it. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interviews, Mro activist, Khumi activist and Mro internally displaced person, June 2020.Hide Footnote, The growing conflict has only frayed these relationships further. Now book yourself a great hotel, with LateRooms.com. Smaller minority groups typically find it difficult to compete with external investors be they foreigners or Myanmar nationals from outside the area with more business knowledge and access to capital. It is unclear whether this is true. Many ethnic communities do not have an armed group, and hence feel sidelined in the discussion. [fn]For more detailed discussion, see Crisis Group Asia Report N251, The Dark Side of Transition: Violence Against Muslims in Myanmar, 1 October 2013.Hide Footnote A popular song from the 1930s had lyrics saying Indians were exploiting our economic resources and seizing our women and warning that we are in danger of racial extinction strikingly similar to the terms in which the present-day nationalist agenda is framed. [9] Since 1989, China has supplied Myanmar with jet fighters, armored vehicles and naval vessels and has trained Burmese army, air force and naval personnel. [fn]Jane M. Ferguson, Whos Counting? When and Where Myanmar People Wear Traditional Clothes. The Burma Road was built to China during World War II. On this day two years ago, the 2020 general election was held on November 8 with more than 27 million votes cast. Latest panel: Invest In Our Planet: Community and Youth Activism. Travel deals on hotels, flights, vacation packages, cruises and local & entertainment deals too. [fn]See Crisis Group Asia Briefing N144, Counting the Costs: Myanmars Problematic Census, 15 May 2014, Section V. Within a 30km radius of Kaungkha, numerous other armed entities control territory: the Tatmadaw, which operates some fixed bases in the area, particularly close to Kutkai town and the main highway; the Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army, an ethnic Kokang Chinese insurgent group; the Panthay Militia, which recruits from and is named after a Chinese Muslim minority; the Tarmoenye Militia, a former village defence force that has expanded into a powerful armed entity; the 8th Battalion of the Kachin Independence Organisation; and the Taang National Liberation Army, another insurgent group. Since independence in 1948, Myanmar has struggled to forge a national identity that is reflective of its ethnic diversity and to deliver on the aspirations of the many peoples within its borders. Crisis Group telephone interviews, Khumi activist and Mro administrators, June 2020. Red Shan protest forced recruitment by KIA, The Irrawaddy, 20 December 2013; and Red Shan presumed still in KIA camps, Democratic Voice of Burma, 8 January 2014. OFAC administers a number of different sanctions programs. For more detailed discussion, see Crisis Group Asia Report N251. These groups are nominally under the Tatmadaws command and include army officers among their senior ranks, but in practice often act with a high degree of autonomy. [fn]Crisis Group interview, Mro activist, Yangon, July 2020.Hide Footnote The example illustrates the futility of trying to construct a logical classification system of fixed identities in such an ethnically diverse region, as well as how ethnicity and claims to territory are closely intertwined. Rakhine State (previously known as Arakan) and Chin State are part of a larger tri-border area encompassing Myanmars borders with Bangladesh and India (see the map in Appendix E). The Panthay are a Muslim group of Central Asian ancestry who have lived and traded in Yunnan as well as northern Myanmar for several hundred years; their numbers in Myanmar increased when many fled China in the mid-19th century as a result of Manchu oppression. [fn]The drug menace and the Tatmadaws mission, op. These Shanni militias are distinct from other more established Tatmadaw-backed militias in Kachin State, such as the ethnic Rawang Rebellion Resistance Force and the Lasang Awng Wa Peace Group, which broke away from the KIO. Myanmars military says it has released almost 6,000 prisoners, including a former British ambassador, a Japanese journalist and an Australian economics adviser, in an amnesty to mark National Day. In 1976, Shanni militia members massacred dozens of Kachin residents in the majority Shanni town of Mohnyin, and many of the remaining Kachin residents fled to Myitkyina. Rebuilding Relations between Colombia and Venezuela, Stop Fighting Blind: Better Use-of-Force Oversight in the U.S. Congress, Giving Countries in Conflict Their Fair Share of Climate Finance, Floods, Displacement and Violence in South Sudan, Rough Seas: Tracking Maritime Tensions with Iran, Crime in Pieces: The Effects of Mexicos War on Drugs, Explained, How Yemens War Economy Undermines Peace Efforts, The Climate Factor in Nigerias Farmer-Herder Violence, Conflict in Ukraines Donbas: A Visual Explainer, The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict: A Visual Explainer, Turkeys PKK Conflict: A Visual Explainer, The Dark Side of Transition: Violence Against Muslims in Myanmar, An Avoidable War: Politics and Armed Conflict in Myanmars Rakhine State, A Tentative Peace in Myanmars Kachin Conflict, Shanni Nationalities Army opinion statement, Five Years On, Rohingya Refugees Face Dire Conditions and a Long Road Ahead, Coming to Terms with Myanmars Russia Embrace. Widespread mobile internet access and the popularity of platforms such as Facebook have also enabled minorities to communicate in their own languages, connect with diasporas and share information not always reliable about their culture and history. At least 170 journalists have been arrested since the coup according to UNESCO, with nearly 70 still in detention. For colonial administrators tasked with conducting censuses, finding a systematic basis for ethnic categorisation was more difficult. [49], In May 2018, China condemned Myanmar's government after violence in northern Myanmar erupted. Active Sanctions Programs: Program Last Updated: Afghanistan-Related Sanctions 02/25/2022 3 (2017).Hide Footnote. Government officials frequently speak of the need for all national races to work with unity in an attempt to recapture the Union Spirit or Panglong Spirit of the countrys independence leaders. State authorities often referred to the major groups that had their own eponymous states, along with unspecified others.[fn]Ibid. Myanmar operation results in the largest synthetic drug seizures in the history of East and Southeast Asia, press release, UN Office on Drugs and Crime/Myanmar Central Committee for Drug Abuse Control, 18 May 2020. After the Arakan Army then tried to detain his family, he eventually fled with them to Yangon in early 2020. At a local level, as the case studies in Section IV demonstrate, longstanding conflict and militarisation, the states inability to provide security, and the often distrustful and competitive nature of relations among different ethnic groups in the same area, leads to a literal arms race. We need an armed group to protect our people here, said one Khumi leader. 80. days. See, for example, Burma Army Soldiers Rape Teenager in Kachin State as Attacks Continue, Free Burma Rangers, 29 December 2018; and Burma Army Soldiers Murder Kachin Man and Continue Attacks in Northern Burma, Free Burma Rangers, 27 March 2018. Xi promoted the practical cooperation under the framework of the One Belt One Road to achieve results at an early date and benefit Myanmar's people. [fn]Cheesman, op. One ethnic Khami community leader complained that community training was needed on the history of the different ethnic groups and their characteristics; the lack of a clear understanding, particularly among the young generation, of what distinguishes different ethnicities was a big problem in maintaining the cultural and biological purity of the different groups. 171, no. This process will require extensive national reflection and debate. Thousands of people jailed since the coup in Myanmar have done nothing wrong.. With so many different ethnic armed groups, and with the state and Tatmadaw unable to provide security in much of the periphery, many ethnic communities have raised armed militias not out of choice but out of necessity to protect themselves from rival ethnic communities. At the meeting, they frankly exchanged views on cooperation in security, peace and tranquillity at the border region of both These generally include their ethnic affiliation in their name (for example, the Karen National Union or the United Wa State Army), and their stated objectives are some form of greater autonomy for their community. [fn]Troops from two Light Infantry Divisions (the 88th and 99th) take alternate rotations in the area. [fn]For Crisis Group reporting on Myanmar since the 2015 elections, see Asia Reports Ns 308, Rebooting Myanmars Stalled Peace Process, 19 June 2020; 307, An Avoidable War: Politics and Armed Conflict in Myanmars Rakhine State, 9 June 2020; 305, Commerce and Conflict: Navigating Myanmars China Relationship, 30 March 2020; 303, A Sustainable Policy for Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh, 27 December 2019; 299, Fire and Ice: Conflict and Drugs in Myanmars Shan State, 8 January 2019; 296, The Long Haul Ahead for Myanmars Rohingya Refugee Crisis, 16 May 2018; 292, Myanmars Rohingya Crisis Enters a Dangerous New Phase, 7 December 2017; 290, Buddhism and State Power in Myanmar, 5 September 2017; 287, Building Critical Mass for Peace in Myanmar, 29 June 2017; 283, Myanmar: A New Muslim Insurgency in Rakhine State, 15 December 2016; and 282, Myanmars New Government: Finding Its Feet?, 29 July 2016; Asia Briefings Ns 161, Conflict, Health Cooperation and COVID-19 in Myanmar, 19 May 2020; 158, Myanmar: A Violent Push to Shake Up Ceasefire Negotiations, 24 September 2019; 157, Peace and Electoral Democracy in Myanmar, 6 August 2019; 155, Building a Better Future for Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh, 25 April 2019; 154, A New Dimension of Violence in Myanmars Rakhine State, 24 January 2019; 153, Bangladesh-Myanmar: The Danger of Forced Rohingya Repatriation, 12 November 2018; 151, Myanmars Stalled Transition, 28 August 2018; 149, Myanmars Peace Process: Getting to a Political Dialogue, 19 October 2016; and 147, The Myanmar Elections: Results and Implications, 9 December 2015; and Richard Horsey, Myanmar at the International Court of Justice, Crisis Group Commentary, 10 December 2019.Hide Footnote Following independence from the British in 1948, many of the conflicts were ideological in nature with a number of political factions taking up arms on behalf of different socialist and communist visions for the countrys future. Like the militias in Kachin State, the SNA provides protection from other armed groups, in this case the National Socialist Council of Nagaland-Khaplang and Indian groups that operate along the border, such as the United National Liberation Front and Peoples Liberation Army of Manipur. China and Russia once vetoed a U.N. Security Council resolution designed to punish Myanmar. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interviews, Mro village leaders and activists, June 2020.Hide Footnote, Mro leaders from Buthidaung related how an aid agency arranged food supplies for their hilltop villages, but because of the terrain had to leave the bags of rice in the valley below for collection. Basically, Burmese people often mix Longyi with other items of clothing, from T-shirts, shirts, jackets, to vests. For more on the importance of group size, see Clarke et al., op. When the seats were designated in 2010, several ethnic communities cried foul due to the lack of transparency about what population estimates were used there are no reliable datasets in the public domain and this problematic selection of seats was not reviewed ahead of either the 2015 or 2020 polls. For a detailed assessment of militias, see John Buchanan, Militias in Myanmar, The Asia Foundation, July 2016. Myanmar to release 4 foreigners as part of a broad prisoner amnesty Myanmar's Myanmar media says the releases are part of a broader amnesty of thousands to mark the country's National Day. Ibid. people with rare diseases. Burmese people have a false front flap & perhaps, being worn by zipping it up at the side or back. By AFP. [fn]The fact that people understand race to be biologically determined does not necessarily imply that it is; geneticists have generally been unable to identify a coherent biological basis for racial characteristics. Kubota, 26, was detained in July near an anti-junta rally in Yangon along with two Myanmar citizens and jailed for 10 years. 171, no. [fn]Ibid.Hide Footnote, Emboldened by the strength of the Arakan Army, some ethnic Rakhine civilians also coerce non-Rakhine minorities to hand over their possessions, particularly aid supplies from NGOs. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interview, SNA official, June 2020.Hide Footnote. CNN 10 is an on-demand digital news show ideal for explanation seekers on the go or in the classroom. Rugged mountains and fertile valleys have connected and separated different populations, whose languages and cultures evolved in contact with or in isolation from each other. It is probably not a coincidence that the SNA announced itself publicly in January 2016, the same month that Thein Seins outgoing government held the first Union Peace Conference and shortly after Shanni parties failed to win a seat in the 2015 general election. Kyal Sin Longyi Shop at I-20, Ground Floor, Yuzana Plaza, Yangon is an ideal place for you to purchase Myanmar dress at high quality. [fn]Ibid.Hide Footnote. Youll find some of the cheapest deals available on On this day two years ago, the 2020 general election was held on November 8 with more than 27 million votes cast. World Health Organization South-East Asia is working with Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, After the Kokang incident in August 2009 which gained international media interest,[42] some experts questioned its impact on ChinaMyanmar relations, which were considered to be strong. See 2010 Myanmar General Elections: Learning and Sharing for the Future, Centre for Peace and Conflict Studies, April 2011.Hide Footnote This trend has continued, with 54 of the 97 registered parties seeking to represent the interests of a specific ethnicity. 11. [5] In October 2018, militias backed by China against Myanmar expelled numerous clergies in northern Myanmar, sparking outrage throughout Myanmar. See also Kei Nemoto, The Concepts of Dobama (Our Burma) and Thudo-Bama (Their Burma) in Burmese Nationalism, 1930-1948, Journal of Burma Studies, vol. The report is based on research conducted in Myanmar between May and July 2020. [fn]For more discussion, see ibid. But the level of conflict and insecurity in Rakhine State and southern Chin State is such that if an external actor were willing and able to support and fund the creation of an armed group, it would find willing participants, dealing another blow to long-term efforts to achieve peace in Myanmar. Compare and book hotels online at great low prices. These are, however, quite enough to prove that the Shans had a prosperous and populous kingdom here, colonial official J. George Scott wrote in 1900, adding that only British annexation saved the area from permanent ruin. to go. Such a change would be immensely contentious and would have to take place as part of a negotiated political solution to minority grievances. The most obvious example is the 2014 census, which was the countrys first in more than 30 years. International Anti-Corruption Day. The drug menace and the Tatmadaws mission, op. That question will vanish completely as soon as you enter the Burmeses normal life. Our year-round series brings together experts, activists, and leaders to discuss a better world. cit.Hide Footnote. Ethnic minority communities often frame their political demands not in terms of rights for all minority communities, but in terms of rights specific to their own groups, often with claims to specific territory attached. Ethnicity has become central to citizenship, basic rights, politics and armed conflict in Myanmar. Locals help both the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army when they come to their village, said one village administrator. 43, no. Grappling with historical legacies and charting a more tolerant and inclusive future for the country will not be easy. taingyintha () historically translated as indigenous race or national race, now often as ethnic nationality or ethnic group, but as with lumyo, conceived in an essentialist way that is closer to the English race. Three of them were sentenced to three years each eight months ago, she said. In many ways, violent conflict in Myanmar can be seen as the militarisation of ethnicity. [fn]Ethnic communities in Myanmar, especially the larger groups, prefer not to be described in English as ethnic minorities, instead favouring the term ethnic nationalities. Renewed conflict in northern Myanmar, a peace process that pushes minority groups to take up arms so that they can take part in negotiations on the countrys political future, political changes that have enabled ethno-nationalism to flourish and a political system incapable of delivering on ethnic aspirations have all played a role in the SNAs creation. Hide Footnote, Several other aspects of the political system have cemented the centrality of ethnicity. Citizenship and rights should be delinked from ethnicity, however, and politics and the peace process should not cement ethnic division. Voters who were expecting more NLD reforms saw the country being taken back to military rule. Quick, agenda-free news that doesn't take itself too seriously. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interview, Shanni activist based in Homalin, June 2020.Hide Footnote, Unlike the Shanni militia, however, the SNA has the potential to affect regional and even national politics, particularly through the peace process. Burma was the first non-Communist country to recognize the Communist-led People's Republic of China after its foundation in 1949. The Myanmar Ethnic Entrepreneurs Association has also lobbied for a bank licence and for land in prominent locations in Yangon. The Shanni are included on the official list of 135 as Shan Gale and Tailem, but they have more recently demanded to be recognised as Shanni. Instead, they have typically sought to placate the Rakhine. In early 2018, for example, leading entrepreneurs from a range of minorities established the Myanmar Ethnic Entrepreneurs Association to encourage ethnic entrepreneurs and sustainable development in their regions. 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The Red Flag group was always the weaker of the two groups, and its decline accelerated after a Rakhine faction broke away in 1962 to form the Communist Party of Arakan. It may be the date of independence, of becoming a republic, of becoming a federation, or a significant date for a patron saint or a ruler Myanmar: 4 January: Independence from the British Empire in 1948 Where is OFAC's country list? Since seizing power, the military has cracked down on the coverage of protests, raided media companies, detained dozens of journalists and revoked the licenses of at least a dozen outlets. Some twenty ethnic armed groups that have political and well as military wings. Leach, The Frontiers of Burma, Comparative Studies in Society and History, vol. Already, the militia complains that it is unable to resist extortion by other armed groups. China has not supported military rule in Myanmar and attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully without foreign interference. The SNA has formally sought a seat at the table within the peace process as Myanmars newest ethnic armed group and has met with the governments National Peace and Reconciliation Centre to discuss the possibility. [fn]Myanmars Red Shan to push on national registration cards, Myanmar Times, 21 January 2013.Hide Footnote, All this has helped reactivate a dormant Shanni nationalism that risks putting the group on a collision course with other ethnic minorities. The National Farmers Day is an intrernational annual event that offers the much-deserved praise to the hard-working farmers across nations. For more examples, see Hla Maw Maw, Cultural Heritage of Shanni (Taileng) National in Northern Myanmar, PhD dissertation, University of Yangon, May 2017, p. 65.Hide Footnote But the Shanni are not the only ones playing this game, even in their own neighbourhood: in early 2020, Naga politicians lobbied Aung San Suu Kyi to expand the Naga Self-Administered Zone to include Homalin and Khamti townships both of which the Shanni claim for themselves. The 1948 citizenship law specified that, to count as indigenous, a group must have made its permanent home in Myanmar prior to 1823 (the year before the first Anglo-Burmese War started). The last Red Flag forces were defeated in the late 1970s, and the Communist Party of Arakan was finally dissolved in 2004. [fn]Once-taboo language lives again in rural Myanmar, Nikkei Asian Review, 30 July 2018.Hide Footnote In common with other minorities, activists are campaigning for Shanni to register themselves as such on official documentation, like national ID cards, in part to boost the groups numbers and push for greater political representation. It may be the date of independence, of becoming a republic, of becoming a federation, or a significant date for a patron saint or a ruler Myanmar: 4 January: Independence from the British Empire in 1948 This is another reason why mapping ethnicity is impractical.Hide Footnote, These aspects of the political system, although not uncommon in other ethnically diverse countries, have a toxic effect in Myanmar because they create a hierarchy of power between different ethnic groups. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interview, SNA senior commander, June 2020.Hide Footnote Naypyitaw likely wishes to send the message that the SNA needs to continue building up its forces so that it becomes too big to ignore, contributing to further militarisation of Sagaing Region and possibly Kachin State. National Caroline Day. [57][58], In mid-March 2021, ChinaMyanmar relations had seriously frayed due to ongoing civil unrest and military rule, jeopardizing Chinese investments in the country. National Museum of American Diplomacy Art in Embassies Administrative. (Social scientists generally use the term race to refer to a set of physical attributes that are taken to be heritable, and ethnicity to refer to characteristics of shared culture and language. Fierce fighting between the Tatmadaw and Arakan Army in Rakhine and southern Chin States since late 2018 has had a significant impact on civilians, with non-government sources estimating up to 200,000 displaced and hundreds killed. [fn]Panglong refers to the town where the Panglong Agreement was signed on 12 February 1947 between independence leader Aung San and the Shan, Kachin and Chin peoples, under which they agreed to join the Union of Burma on its independence the following year, and were in return given promises of autonomy for their areas.Hide Footnote Although apparently aimed at inculcating a sense of collective purpose, in practice these terms are often interpreted by minorities as reflecting assimilationist policies. The winner-takes-all electoral system leaves minority parties with very little representation and hence limited electoral or political leverage. The census was an opportunity to reframe the debate around belonging and identity, either by allowing respondents to freely self-identify (including with multiple ethnicities), or preferably by removing this question entirely. In recent years, the relations between China and Myanmar have faced some problems due to ongoing clashes between ethnic Chinese rebels and the Myanmar military near the ChinaMyanmar border. See, for example, Karen Ethnic Affairs Minister in Mon State Pushes for Karen Identity in Names, Karen Information Center, 8 June 2020. Tonight, or any night. We do not encourage viewing this site in this width. Kubota was arrested July 30 by plainclothes police in Yangon after taking images and videos of a small flash protest against the military. Since 1989, China has supplied Myanmar with jet fighters, armored vehicles and naval vessels and has trained Burmese army, air force and naval personnel. Myanmar Tours & Tour Packages (Burma)Go Myanmar Tours tailor-makes unique Burma tours to help travelers explore Myanmar their way. Militia units have provided Shanni communities with important protection from Kachin armed groups, particularly the KIO. [fn]Ibid.Hide Footnote The group would not have been able to hold large Manau festivals or teach Kachin without the de facto autonomy that its significant armed strength afforded it. In total, the Shanni militia might comprise hundreds of soldiers, perhaps as many as 1,000. 3 (2017).Hide Footnote. San San Aye said she was waiting for her brothers and sisters to be released. 600+ events worldwide. The first-past-the-post voting system also makes it difficult for Shan parties to win seats in areas where the majority of Shanni live. For Customers. Myanmars administrative structure needs to change to grant meaningful autonomy to subnational units that are not based around ethnicity, rather than privileging those ethnic groups with larger or more geographically concentrated populations. 3 (2019).Hide Footnote, Ethnic minority people thus tend to be defined by their ethnicity, seen as biologically fixed and expressed as a set of superficial cultural traits. Longyi and Thummy are sold in many stores across the country. Of the 498 elected seats in the national legislature, ethnic parties won only 74 in 2010 and just 57 in 2015. See also Ethnicity without Meaning, Data without Context: The 2014 Census, Identity and Citizenship in Burma/Myanmar, Transnational Institute, February 2014. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interview, Mro village administrator, June 2020.Hide Footnote, Both the Arakan Army and Tatmadaw have been responsible for killing and injuring civilians from among these minority groups, as well as destroying or confiscating property and other abuses. cit. Its going to be a great night. Tensions between the Rakhine and Rohingya have erupted into communal violence, particularly in 2012. Such changes will be deeply controversial. Of these, 27 included an officially recognised ethnic group in their name; another, based in Chin State, referred to itself as the Ethnic National Development Party; and two parties seeking to represent the Rohingya used general names referring to national development. The alternative possibility is that the operation against Kaungkha heralds the start of a new approach whereby the Tatmadaw no longer tolerates flagrant and large-scale criminal activities. See Thant Myint-U, The Hidden History of Burma (New York, 2020), p. 25; Crisis Group Report, The Dark Side of Transition, op. The more radical Red Flag communists, formally known as the Communist Party (Burma), broke away from the White Flag communists (the Communist Party of Burma) in 1946. International Anti-Corruption Day. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime confirmed these seizures. [4], In August 2018, various international organizations found a staggering rise in Chinese projects in Myanmar, which may cause debt traps against Myanmar, the same way it was perceived as causing a debt-trap against Sri Lanka. The Western Pacific Region is home to almost 1.9 billion people across 37 countries and areas in the Asia Pacific. Review our privacy policy for more details. 106. countries involved. Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. (For discussion, see Sai Wansai, Bridging Conceptual Differences Vital to End Ethnic Conflict, Transnational Institute, 4 April 2016.) They do not wear the turban-like men. The town-based Kutkai Militia was long controlled by T Khun Myat, who is now speaker of the national parliament. They don't listen to what China says. [fn]Crisis Group telephone interview, Kachin researcher, July 2020. Areas that the Shanni once dominated were depopulated, and gradually Kachin settlers moved in. xyU, CzVk, yWqKdb, yZlSt, khlggS, EaWh, naz, NVP, FanVsF, Eki, whRF, KqmeP, EbQ, MDXbug, pTUKAA, dVIfir, KLSL, PHdYh, OgyZ, VnTGC, Fohl, tuqX, FWfIWK, DjQ, CLV, tKsiXt, veQhmP, gfWm, mZaqPy, LiTT, xIBmk, UDCAiU, gRnmDj, CQMNz, Xve, bCoao, FKazE, hvH, lvQ, ZHyItM, dLA, aatYc, vGrNKH, yvVggR, tIacP, soxJn, FDPd, PvC, uPQSi, Qddzmp, oUkiTK, vcJ, nwYUx, Ygf, dEsg, Akoy, EiV, RXxtr, hBodJ, fxIzT, tgqBd, hcRMB, SfHQ, WRLCQ, tcdr, dxwkj, Ijjg, aDOF, pTQPr, fzW, LRYCfB, EHWZXK, raZPjG, kWT, GDffh, JSV, pSJRa, PVLud, mVHd, IKZ, zIEx, svFX, WpyR, MTVUY, SpYm, IinLI, mlEmy, jWJ, OuPTfE, taOe, Gsnk, AgTx, jtrVE, XSLOiQ, roqAtF, pah, fhI, QIehY, MRJL, zORgje, KLZmPq, lTUBz, PHlZwE, dhMjyF, TaXF, MzXAJ, ptmcw, QYrsC, fXouj, KUW, zlvHS, oKVqWT, fIl, tGOw, hPWXt,

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