nav2 collision monitor
If you have successfully used your digital download product key, XPlane will try to contact the authorization server in the background without prompting you. Turn the OBS knob on the CDI until the vertical white indicator is perfectly centered in the little white circle in the middle of the instrument, and the FROM flag is displayed. The glide slope indicator portion of the CDI is represented by a horizontal line. Move your joystick through the full range of motion for each axes, and each slider through its entire range as well. Click on Special Starts and pick Formation Flying from the list. (You may need to uncheck Use departure wizard if you no longer see the option to file a flight plan.). nav2_core . X-Planes Cessna 172 is equipped with two CDIs, but we are only concerned with the top one. Open System Preferences from the Apple menu. Let go of the controls and press the Next button to begin centering the controls and setting the nullzone. tf_monitor: transforms tf_echo: transform roswtf: tfwtftf static_transform_publishertransforms Move your joystick or yoke forward and back for pitch. These include tools like the logbook and checklists, and features like equipment failures and damage modeling. This will allow the tail of the aircraft to catch the arresting wires on the deck. If you prefer to see the text file all at once (rather than line-by-line as in the checklist view), you can select Open Text File from the File menu and then load a file in the manner discussed above. If the software is not installed on Windows, download the Microsoft Speech SDK 5.1. Be sure you are connected to the Internet at all times during your installation. We recommend that most users stick to the stable version releases, as these are the ones known to just work.. This will simply follow the heading bug on the HSI or direction gyro. This is increasingly okay, though, because in theory a pilot can follow the en route and approach charts, which list safe MSL altitudes, and more and more planes have moving maps that clearly show the terrain elevation, so pilots can be sure that their elevation is safe. You can also quickly access a list of essential commands and their associated keyboard shortcuts by going to the Flight menu and picking the Show Key Shortcuts option. Go to the Settings screen and click Data Output. For example, i defined an arm joint in my. If these sliders are fully left, then the control response is linear; that is, a 50% stick deflection in the hardware will give 50% control deflection in the aircraft. The PREV PAGE and NEXT PAGE buttons will cycle through the various waypoints in your plan. Just as important as the graphics card itself, though, are the computers graphics drivers (essentially, the instructions that let XPlane know how to use your graphics card). It consists of a moving arrow (called the course deviation indicator, or CDI) which points the way to whatever VOR frequency is tuned in the navigation radio. If you are outbound, use the radial your aircraft is currently on. If the plane banks to the east, the map will automatically rotate and east will now be on top. Hit the LOC button. Having installed XPlane as described in the previous chapter, you can configure the simulator in a number of ways. We use this information only to verify your product key has not been stolen. Furthermore, you cannot zoom out past your cameras actual location; you have to translate backward (using the , key) to move farther away. Check the box Use aircraft from suffixed folder and enter the folder suffix you used before (_copilot, in our example). Select the device, right click it, and choose Update Driver Software.. Wenn noch langsamer geflogen wird, erhht sich jedoch der, Programm zur Untersuchung menschlicher Fehler, Hhe des hchsten Hindernisses in einem Gebiet plus Sicherheitshhe (auf Flugkarten), Mindestaugenhhe ber der Schwelle (MEHT = EWH (eye wheel height) + WTH (wheel height over threshold)), Planmige Flugwettermeldung; aktuelle Flugplatz-Wetterinformation, Hchstzulssige Dauerleistung (wird nur fr Kolben-Verbrennungsmotoren verwendet), Flugweg mit dem geringsten Kraftstoffverbrauch, hufig benutztes Optimierungs-Kriterium bei der Flugwegplanung, Die niedrigste verffentlichte Hhe bei einem, (z. Figure 9.1: Kiosk Mode outlined in orange. The glide slope beacon functions similarly to the localizer, sending out two tones that have the same frequency, but different modulations. Some rudder input will be added automatically as roll is controlled in order to allow you to taxi on the ground if you dont have rudder pedals attached. Flying into these cells results in heavy precipitation and extreme turbulence. Just as a car can only go a certain speed with a given horsepower, the XPlane simulator can only accurately model flight at a certain speed with a given frame rate. To use Quick Looks 1120, you must assign key assignments. A specific type of VOR, a VOR-DME, combines the lateral guidance (that is, guidance left and right) of a VOR with the distance guidance of a DME (distance measuring equipment). Use this to hold the planes nose at a constant pitch attitude. It will also go to armed (yellow). While the intricate workings of the various GPS radios are complex, the basic principals are pretty consistent. Whrend bei einer ATPL die Ausbildung schrittweise erfolgt (Privat Pilot License PPL; commercial Pilot License mit Instrument Rating CPL IR; Airline Transport Pilot License ATPL, Multi Crew Coordination MCC), findet bei der MPL-Ausbildung nur eine einzige Prfung am Ende statt. The first time a joystick or yoke is plugged in, the program can automatically take you to the joystick settings screen to configure the device. Airspeed indicator (ASI): The ASI is driven by the pressure of the air impacting a little tube on the nose or wing of the plane. The VFR Sectional map is designed for use under visual flight rules. These wires will decelerate the craft from well over 100 knots down to zero in little more than a second. It will light up green, then push or pull the knob to adjust the setting. On the pilots machine, leave the role set to Master. Once the compressed folder is downloaded, you should be able to double-click on it to open or expand it on Macintosh, Windows, or Linux computers. The helicopter body is dragged along under the rotor like livestock by a nose-ring, blindly following wherever the rotor leads. You can assign an axis on your joystick to control this tiller by opening the Settings screen, going to Joystick and, in one of the drop-down menus in the Axis tab, selecting nosewheel tiller. You will most likely want to adjust the Lateral field of view as well. Cycling the path once more will turn off the flight path lines. These are treated as a kind of update in progressnew features and bug fixes are included, but in the beta stage, the updates have not been fully tested in a range of situations. Aircraft Operation Manual AOM), Firmenspezifisches Handbuch fr das Personal, Beobachtendes Mitglied der Flugbesatzung z. Replays, which store a recording of your entire flight since the last load. Euro), Verordnung zur Prfung von Luftfahrtgert, Lngsachsenstabilisator (Mit der Option LVL steuert der, Demonstrierte Bahnneigungsfluggeschwindigkeit, auch als V, Malfunction Analysis Detection And Recording System, Mutual Assistance Ground Service Agreement, Maximal zulssiges Landegewicht (auch MALLW), Medium-intensity Approach Light System With Sequenced Flashers. XPlane supports the HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and Windows Mixed Reality (WMR). The basic principal that they work on is that if you take a relatively heavy object and rotate it at a high rotational velocity it will hold its position in space. B. TEMPS NEG ABV 24000), Kontrollturm, der nicht der Bundesbehrde untersteht (USA), der nicht fliegende Pilot (identisch mit PNF), Nationale Agentur fr Geographische Aufklrung (USA), nautische Meile gegenber dem Boden ergibt die Grounddistance (im Unterschied zur Airdistance Nautical Air Mile NAM), Keine Angaben, nichts vorhanden; keine Punkte aufgefhrt; keine, Nationales Luft- und Raumfahrtlabor der Niederlande. Click on Load New Checklist and navigate to your .txt file. If you want the autopilot to guide the aircraft to a new altitude, you have to ask yourself: Do you want the airplane to hold a constant vertical speed to reach that new altitude, or a constant airspeed to reach it? Check the box next to A COM port, then select the com-port number and enter the baud rate in the lower-right. In this case, you need to do the following: Open Plane Maker from the XPlane installation directory. It serves the same function as an OBIthat is, it indicates course deviation. The saved map will look like the figure below, where white area is collision free area while black area is occupied and inaccessible area, and gray area represents the unknown area. The XPlane instrument name will be displayed at right. Another very common error is for people to install plug-ins that modify data in the simulator, third-party scenery packages that dont quite follow the standards, or third-party airplanes that may have problems, and then report it as a bug when something does not work correctly. Your purchase of the digital download version of XPlane provides you with one product key that is like a credit card number. B. fr, Automatischer Empfnger zur Selbstberwachung der GPS-Gerte (im Empfnger eingebautes System berprft die Integritt der GPS-Sender), Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring with Fault Detection, Regional Air Movement Coordination Center, Wetterbeobachtung mittels einer kombinierten Radiosonde und Radar-Windbeobachtung, Radar-Informationen ber Gewitter und Niederschlge, Radar Air Traffic control Facility (US Navy), Remote Communications Air/Ground Facility, SAR-Leitstelle; Rettungs-Koordinations-Zentrum, Deeply Refrigerated Gas/Cryogenic Liquids (Cargo Code), Start- und Landebahn Mittellinienbefeuerung, Start- und Landebahn Mittellinienmarkierung, Radio Digital Distance Magnetic Indicator, vor kurzem; vorherige; whrend der letzten Stunden, Abwehrmittel, Scheibenwaschmittel fr die Frontscheibe (wasserabstoend water repellent), Eine definierte ebene Sicherheitszone vor und hinter der, Reservetreibstoff (muss fr 30 Minuten reichen), (Restricted, Flammable, Water) (Cargo Code), Substanzen, die in Kontakt mit Wasser brennbare Gase bilden (, Am Boden stationierte Sender/Empfnger fr die Kommunikation mit Flugzeugen, rechts (z. When using XPlane in full screen mode, the resolution will default to the same resolution as your operating system. X-Plane only supports one type of view (3-D cockpit, forward with no scenery, etc) at a time per copy of X-Plane. By default, XPlane creates a text file called X-Plane Pilot.txt in the X-Plane 12/Output/logbooks directory. Notausstiegshilfe fr Segelflieger bestehend aus einem sich mit Pressluft aufblasenden Sitzkissen, um den Notausstieg mit dem Fallschirm auch in widrigen Situationen zu ermglichen. While an NDB simply lets the aircrafts ADF needle point right to it, the VOR actually lets pilots fly to the station along a programmed radial. A receiver in the aircraft could be tuned to one of about 300 discrete frequencies in order to tune to a particular transmitter. Open the XPlane folder (located by default in users home folder on Mac, or the C: drive root on Windows) and double click on X-Plane.exe in Windows, or on a Mac. Your body has developed a system of balance and equilibrium that has evolved in humans over millions of years, and forcing your brain to ignore these signals and to believe what the instruments are telling you is very difficult. When using XPlane in full screen mode, the resolution will default to the same resolution as your operating system. Yoke: The yoke, named after a wooden device draped across oxen to tow things, is the steering wheel of the airplane. Note that this is the same procedure used in setting up the joystick axes normally, as described in the section Configuring Flight Controls of the chapter Configuring and Tuning Your XPlane Installation. Als Frage: Darf ich unter die Wolken sinken? Quick Look allows you to set up a view just the way you like it, and then save it as a hot key or command. Thus, a full scale left deflection of the vertical reference indicates that the aircraft is 10 degrees right of the desired radial. The default value is 80 per display, which generally gives good performance and a natural view. There, remove all other aircraft by clicking the X for maximum speed. The large knob controls the integer (counting number) portion of the frequency and the smaller knob controls the decimal portion. As such, there are a great number of features available that go beyond simply taking off, flying around, and landing. For instance, if your monitor has a resolution of 19201080 pixels, you would enter 540 here (being 1080/2). This will dampen any aircraft movements and desensitize the users controls. Note that if the aircraft is moved to an area that does not have any scenery installed, it will end up on a runway which is hovering above the ocean down below. This is commonly used to just hold the nose somewhere until the pilot decides what to do next. A copilots station is a second computer networked to the main simulator, set to view a portion of the cockpit intended for the copilot. Drag the shortcut wherever you wish to launch XPlane from. A GPS receiver can tune in to the signals they send out and note the time it took for the signal to travel from the satellite to the receiver for several different satellites at once. Any time a new scenery pack is added to the Custom Scenery folder, it is automatically added to the top of the scenery_packs.ini file, and therefore takes priority. The gyroscope was invented many decades before aircraft, but its tremendous implications for flying were not realized until the mid- to late1920s. To get started creating a joystick or keyboard profile, click on the Active Profile drop down in the lower left corner of the joystick or keyboard screen and select save as new profile. Enter a new name that will help you identify this profile later on. These customers serve as perhaps the most significant endorsement of the incredible capabilities of this simulator. This can be done either by pressing Alt (Option on a Mac) + r or by opening the File menu and clicking Toggle Replay Mode. In either case, you can release the tow line by pressing the space bar. Remember, since the magnetic north pole is separated from the geographic north pole by a bit, true and magnetic heading are not typically the same! There, pick Download Real Weather from the Manual/Real Weather drop down menu at the bottom left of the window. By signing up, youll be able to learn all the most important features of XPlane at your own pace, without having to search through the manual for the feature youre interested in. As such, XPlane offers the ability to change graphics settings to optimize performance on your computer. To adjust the radio frequencies, press the center of the large knob at the bottom to switch between controlling voice radio (COM or C) and navigation radio (V). The updater program (available for free at does both of these things for you very easily. Generally, Mach 1 is cited as 768 miles per hour (the speed of sound at sea level in dry air at 68 Fahrenheit). Flight School accesses the tutorials and is a great place to start if youre new to flying or X-Plane. In a helicopter, the RPM of both the main rotor and the tail rotor are held constant. Move the stick full right. Startbahnbefeuerung mit niedriger Leistung (siehe: Auf niedrigem Niveau (z. Click on the .sit file you want to load, then press the Load Flight button at the bottom of the screen. Die Flugcharakteristik der Flugzeuge, auf denen die herkmmliche Ausbildung der Linienpiloten mit ATPL erfolgt, hat nicht viel mit den spteren Flugzeugen im Liniendienst zu tun. Airports shown in blue on the VFR sectional map have control towers in the real world. These keyboard assignments can also be changed using this screen (per the section Configuring Keyboard Shortcuts) to anything you like. They can also have a friend or flight instructor (locally or via the Internet, working from an Instructors Operating Station) fail components on the aircraft without the pilots knowledge. Make sure your graphics drivers are up to date by following the instructions in the XPlane Knowledge Base article entitled Updating the Computers Graphics Drivers in Windows. By default, the numbers 0 through 9 on your keyboards numeric keypad (a.k.a. Note that the frame rate will change depending on what is happening in the simulation. In the Windows Firewall pane, click Allow a program through Windows Firewall. Your aircrafts tail number will be filled in, but you may change this to a different callsign if you wish. Figure 10.1: The Data Output section of Settings. If you want to download weather at some other time, you can always come back to this window and press the Refresh button. The Notification Settings button in this screen allows you to turn off or on various warnings as well. However, by opening the Settings screen and clicking on General, you can enable the option to Remove flying surfaces when over speed or over G limits. To move your view farther from the instrument panel, you would press , (comma), not the - key. It is not uncommon for a computer to output 50 fps while sitting on an empty runway, but drop down to, say, 30 fps when rendering lots of buildings, other aircraft, etc. On the first line, Frame rate, check the first box to display the current frame rate in the upper left of the screen during flight. nav2_dwb_controller . tf maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time. After that, no matter what aircraft is opened on the pilots machine, this computer will add _copilot to the name of the aircraft folder that it needs to open. TACAN (or tactical air navigation) provides special information to military pilots similar to a civilian VOR. When youre done click File Flight Plan. To delete profiles and assign them to individual or groups of aircraft, click the Manage Profiles button next to the Active Profile dropdown. Many modern graphics cards or technology such as a video splitter like the Matrox TripleHead2Go) can be used to drive multiple forward visuals with one machine. Instead of an NDB that a pilot could home in on, the VOR sends a series of 360 discrete little carrier tones on a main frequency. ROS2 written in C++. To do so, either press Ctrl + p on the keyboard, or move the mouse to the top of the screen, click on the View menu, and click Cycle 3-D Flight Path. TOTAL O/B = Gesamtzahl der Personen an Bord) (auch: POB), bordauswrts (weiter von der Flugzeuglngsachse weg); uere (z. For example, i defined an arm joint in my. You need an IFR clearance before you can proceed, and in the ATC window and youll see an option for Request Clearance. Click that and youll receive your clearance. The reason that the localizer function disengages previous modes is that as soon as the localizer needle comes in, you want the autopilot to forget about heading and start flying the localizer down to the runway. This causes the temperature to rise inside the case. tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. The final method of saving or sharing your flight is to take a simple screenshot. This is also a mode in the autopilot that lets the pilot hold a pre-defined heading, typically magnetic. If the frame rate gets too low for the flight model to handle, then the plane is likely to start oscillating quickly back and forth (referred to as simulator flutter, often occurring with autopilot on) as the flight model tries unsuccessfully to predict what the plane will do next. Press the button again to return to the main navigational screen where you can zoom in and out in map view by using the RNG button, or change the level of detail with the CLR button. Unlike many of the programs you may be familiar with, XPlane does not create shortcuts to itself across your hard drive. This is the point at which all of the video cards RAM is being used. Interestingly, this is much the same as the altitude modes. Make sure your computer meets the minimum system requirements to run XPlane 12, then review the section Configuring the Rendering Options for a step by step guide to adjusting the rendering options. Video 4.3: Configuring the monitor tutorial. To fly an instrument approach, we first need to know the local navigational aid (NAVAID) frequencies in order to tune our radios. robotics navigation ros2 Resources. The BC button controls the back course function. Be leery of joysticks advertised for $29.95 at a local retailer. Note that if youre unable to move the controls through their full range of motion you may simply click the Accept Axis or Skip button for each axis that XPlane believes to be uncalibrated, but which you have confirmed has actually gone through its full range of motion. The Glider Tow button will load another aircraft (the Stinson L5) to which your glider will be attached. If an aircraft is picking up more of the tone modulated at 150 Hz, it is off to the left. Before installing, we recommend uninstalling any old or demo versions of XPlane. On many systems the required graphics drivers will already be installed. Testing has shown that the human brain can separate individual frames at frame rates of less than about 20 FPS, causing the simulation to appear choppy. Coincidentally, this is also about the same place that the engineering behind the simulation begins to fall apart. The Professional USB Key or Digital Download can be purchased from X-Plane.coms Ordering page. (Note that the XPlane GPS includes data for the whole world and can only use ICAO identifiers.). Cloud layers can be set to cirrus, various amounts of cumulus, and stratus. To turn off an autopilot function, simply hit its button once again. Navigating over the Earths surface is as easy as knowing where your aircraft is and how to get to where you want to go, although this isnt quite as straightforward as it sounds. This is version 12.0 of the manual to the home and professional versions of XPlane (X-Plane 12 and XPlane 12 for Professional Use, respectively). This means that a 50% deflection of the joystick will deflect the airplanes flight controls 50% of their travel. If any of the following problems are experienced, the systems graphics drivers probably need to be updated: Additionally, if an error appears referring to a corrupt or missing .dll file, the drivers most likely need to be replaced. There are two things that affect X-Planes frame rate: the computers capabilities and how much it is being asked to simulate (e.g., how much visibility is set, how many buildings, clouds, and other aircraft are being drawn, etc.). Erlaubnis fr Privatflugzeugfhrer siehe: Erlaubnis fr Segelflugzeugfhrer siehe: Erlaubnis fr Privathubschrauberfhrer heute PPL-H, Erlaubnis fr Privathubschrauberfhrer frher PPL-E, Erlaubnis fr Privatflugzeugfhrer Gewicht maximal 750kg, einmotoriges Flugzeug fr maximal 2 Personen zugelassen, Nur nach vorheriger Genehmigung (z. All interactions with the air traffic control occur via the on-screen ATC window. This means that it changes its pitch from one extreme to the other 400 times per minute (7 times per second) if the rotor is turning at 400 RPM. On each computer, open the Settings and go to Network. The PTCH button controls the pitch sync function. Here youll find tabs to adjust the settings associated with the sound, graphics, networking configurations, data input and output, joysticks and flight hardware, and the keyboard shortcut assignments. Even if they werent, XPlane may still be able to run, albeit with its rendering options turned down. One frame per second could track that flight accurately. Added Collision Monitor; Removed use_sim_time from yaml; Run-time Speed up of Smac Planner; Recursive Refinement of Smac and Simple Smoothers; Simple Commander Python API; Smac Planner Start Pose Included in Path; Parameterizable Collision Checking in RPP This is especially useful for quickly loading and practicing a specific type of approach, or for recreating a specific combat situation. B. Flugleiter, Zoll) (Beispiel: AVBL O/R auf Anforderung verfgbar), Oceanic Route Clearance Authorisation Service, Origination Region Code Assignment Method, Methode der Festcodezuteilung durch die Flugsicherung (Transpondercode). This changes the extent of the observable scenery that is onscreen. Avionics in most airplanes utilize twin concentric knobs that allow the pilot to tune the radio. Because the engine keeps the rotor moving at a constant RPM, increasing the rotor blades' pitch with this control will also increase their lift. Maintainer status: maintained; Maintainer: Michel Hidalgo Ideally, you will reach the runway at just above stalling speed, but its always better to have too much speed (which you can burn off using the speedbrakes) than too little. This also assumes that the computer is not overclocked. If you set this switch to FMC/CDU (or GPS), then the HSI will show deflections from the GPS, which can be set manually or by the FMS, and the autopilot will fly to the GPS destination when you hit the LOC button. Click that button to open the Flight Plan window (shown in Figure 6.2). Some parts of the aircraft, such as seats, have a hotspot which will light up and snap you to that location. If you conclude that your graphics drivers need to be updated on Windows, the following (general) steps should guide you through the process. The bottom row contains the turn coordinator (TC), the directional gyro (DG) and the vertical speed indicator (VSI). It includes over 70 GB-worth of scenery (covering essentially the entire world) and over 15 aircraft, with thousands of planes available on the web. From our example above, each computer will start a flight with the Boeing 737. Use a checklist to explain what you are doing, starting with renaming the preferences and removing add ons. Just like the lateral navigation (that is, the localizer function), the vertical navigation (glide slope, or G/S mode) will not do anything until the glide slope needle starts to move. A smart pilot with a good airplane, a good autopilot, and good planning will dial in the assigned altitude long before he or she gets there (including the initial altitude before take off) and then use vertical speed, flight level change, or even pitch sync to reach that altitude. Once the craft is in the air, the first-time helicopter pilots first crash is no doubt beginning. Monitor Alert M/A: Missed Approach: Fehlanflug: MAA: Maximum Authorizes IFR Altitude, NAV1, NAV2 Navigationsgert 1 und 2 (dienen zum Empfang von Signalen von VOR-Stationen) Near Mid-Air Collision: Beinahezusammensto in der Luft (bei weniger als 500 Fu Abstand) siehe: Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System: NMC: To see these frequencies, as well as other important airport information, click on the airport in the Map window, then on Details in the box that opens. Now imagine holding a paper airplane out the window of a car at 80 miles per hour and letting go. X-Plane is the worlds most comprehensive and powerful flight simulator for personal computers, and it offers the most realistic flight model available. The autopilot will track you right down to the runway, and even flare at the end, cutting power if auto-throttle mode is engaged. At this point, if everything was done correctly, the runway will be right in front of the aircraft. Your movie file can be played back on virtually any computer. 1 9 9 6 & O N~~~ OV Member of GAMA MOE 172 COPYRIGHT 1996 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY WICHITA, KANSAS, USA 2 DECEMBER 1996 172RMM15 ~~REVISION 15 1JUY20 1 JULY 2007 172RMM15 CESSNA AIRCRAFT COMPANY MODEL 172 MAINTENANCE MANUAL LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES CHAPTER Click the GPS screen in the cockpit to bring up the close-up of the instrument if needed. ROS2 Navigation Framework and System Hhenmessereinstellung Luftdruck am Flugplatz, bezogen auf Meereshhe; Luftdruckeinstellung am Hhenmesser auf umgerechnete Meereshhe; Hhe ber Meeresspiegel; Luftdruck reduziert auf Meereshhe mit ICAO-Standardatmosphre und Skaleneinstellung am Hhenmesser, damit bei der Landung die Flugplatzhhe angezeigt wird; Luftdruck, unter Benutzung der Werte der ISA reduziert auf Meeresspiegelhhe (Artikel: Kurzanleitung; Auszug aus dem Betriebshandbuch, Schriftliche Analyse des Einflusses einer Designvernderung auf die Qualifikation, Rechtweisende Funkstandlinie; rechweisende Richtung von der Station, Entwicklungsunterlage, die den Testumfang whrend der Qualifikationskampagne definiert, Restricted Area (followed by identification), Radarhhe; Hhe ber Grund gemessen mit einem, Die Service-Station ist nicht am Landeplatz stationiert, hat aber eine eigene Boden-Luft-Frequenz oder Tower-Frequenz (whrend der Tower geschlossen ist) u.a. automatische Wetterberichte, Rules Of The Air And Air Traffic Services, Luftverkehrsregeln und Flugverkehrsdienste AIP RAC, Dokument zur Luftstraen-Ressourcenplanung (andere Bezeichnung fr Traffic Orientation Scheme TOS), Wrtlich: Funk-Erkennung und -Abstandsmessung, weltweite Institution, die sich mit den vielseitigen Aspekten der Luft- und Raumfahrt beschftigt, Radar-Assisted Flight Information Service, Militrischer Radar-Fluginformationsdienst z. This increases the blade pitch on the main rotor and therefore increases its lift, but it also increases the drag on the rotor a lot. Author: Morgan Quigley/[email protected], Ken Conley/[email protected], Jeremy Leibs/[email protected] Finally, toggling the Glideslope slider will display a vertical profile of the flight at the bottom of the map screen. The speedometer in the instrument panel indicated zero. What often happens is that a user will fly with a cockpit in the center screen, which shifts the center of that screen as far as scenery is concerned to be around 75% of the way up the monitor; this is done in order to leave room for the instruments. Note that if youre unable to move the controls through their full range of motion you may simply click the Accept Axis or Ignore Axis button for each axis that XPlane believes to be uncalibrated, but which you have confirmed has actually gone through its full range of motion. The same applies to bank angle. The XPlane beta updates are for users who want to help test the newest refinements to the XPlane software. Video 4.3: Configuring the monitor tutorial. Or, access it during flight by going to the Flight menu and picking Edit Failures.. Either way will open a window where you can use the sliders to set the aircrafts center of gravity, the weight of its payload (and locations, if enabled on the specific aircraft), and the amount of fuel in its tanks. At this point, the computer is running too slowly to take small enough steps in the flight model to see what the plane will really do at each moment. what i want is to link the joints i defined in gazebo to what i have in my code. Figure 2.2: No scenery selected for installation after clicking Select None. Custom scenery packages, too, can be found on the download page, among other places. As this is done, one of the red bars will move vigorously for each input that is actuated. R (RA, RB, RC, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RI, RK, RL, RM, RN, RO, RP, RQ, RR, RS, RT, RU, RV, RW, RX, RZ), (zum nchsten Buchstaben M) (zum Anfang der Liste), LA, LB, LC, LD, LE, LF, LG, LH, LI, LJ, LK, LL, LM, LN, LO, LP, LR, LS, LT, LU, LV, LW, LY, (zum nchsten Buchstaben N) (zum Anfang der Liste), MA, MB, MC, MD, ME, MF, MG, MH, MI, MK, ML, MM, MN, MO, MP, MR, MS, MT, MU, MV, MW, MX, MZ, (zum nchsten Buchstaben O) (zum Anfang der Liste), NA, NB, NC, ND, NE, NF, NG, NI, NK, NL, NM, NN, NO, NP, NR, NS, NT, LV, NW, NX, NY, NZ, (zum nchsten Buchstaben P) (zum Anfang der Liste), OA, OB, OC, OD, OE, OF, OG, OH, OI, OJ, OK, OL, OM, ON, OO, OP, OQ, OR, OS, OT, OU, OV, OW, OX, (zum nchsten Buchstaben Q) (zum Anfang der Liste), PA, PB, PC, PD, PE, PF, PG, PH, PI, PJ, PK, PL, PM, PN, PO, PP, PQ, PR, PS, PT, PU, PV, PW, PY, PZ, (zum nchsten Buchstaben R) (zum Anfang der Liste), QA, QC, QD, QE, QF, QH, QM, QN, QP, QQ, QR, QT, QU, QV, QZ, (zum nchsten Buchstaben S) (zum Anfang der Liste), RA, RB, RC, RD, RE, RF, RG, RH, RI, RK, RL, RM, RN, RO, RP, RQ, RR, RS, RT, RU, RV, RW, RX, RZ, zum Buchstabenanfang R (zum Anfang der Liste) (zum nchsten Buchstaben S), Long Range Operational Performance Standards, Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation System, Meteorological Aviation Routine Weather Report, National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Organization, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Air Traffic Controllers Association, National Centers for Environmental Prediction, Nationales Lage- und Fhrungszentrum fr Sicherheit im Luftraum, Nationaal Lucht- en Ruimtevaartlaboratorium, Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization, Radiotechnizscheskaja systema blischneij nawigaci, Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike, NDB-Platzfunkfeuer (meist in Verbindung mit ILS); schwacher NDB-Sender (ca. 19 fps is terrible and barely adequate to run the simulator. Start by loading the Cessna 172 at KSEA airport. Set up VLOC 1 with proper frequency & make sure GPS shows in bottom of screen (press CDI if not). Go back to the cockpit and check to see if the data output (which should still be on the screen from the pre-test in the above instructions) is around 0.000 when the controls are centered. Figure 8.1: Special starts in the Location Customize screen. You can save profiles for different combinations of keyboard and joystick settings. To configure the sound, move your mouse to the top of the screen and click on the settings icon, then Sound. You would enter a lateral offset for networked scenery of 45 for the left visual, 0 for the front visual, and 45 for the right visual, as discussed above. Clicking this will cause XPlane to download the latest updater and run the updater for you. When youre safely in the air, bring the gear up (using the g key by default) and youre off. The goal is to be around stalling speed (about 50 knots in the Cessna) right at touchdown for the smoothest landing. nav2_dwb_controller . To update in X-Plane, a user first downloads and then installs a newer version. Alternatively, you can use the up, down, left, and right arrow keys to move your view around in the 2-D panel view. Proceed through the installer to update XPlane to the latest version. Figure 5.7: Illustrating the forces acting on a Baron 58. If they take it away, the plane descends. The DVDs or digital download contain everything needed to run X-Planethere is nothing more that you need to buy. When approach is active, switching to LNAV is automatic. Youll receive free updates to XPlane 12 until Version 13 is released, as well some of the best customer service and tech support available. You can have XPlane choose a random location near you by clicking the Special Starts button at the bottom of the Location screen, then selecting Get Me Lost from the bottom of the list. Your CPU may be much more powerful relative to your graphics card, or vice versa. This means that if you purchase Version 12, you will get the Version 12.10 update, the Version 12.20 update, etc., all the way through Version 12.99 if it existsall free of charge. Keep in mind that all radials are measured as the heading when moving away from a VOR beacon. For this reason, rudder pedals (or at least a twisting joystick) are highly recommended. On the Garmin 430, entry is performed using the control knob on the bottom right of the unit. There are two general ways of configuring multiple monitors. Aircraft included range from the Sikorsky S-76 and Cessna 172 to the Space Shuttle and the B52 Bomber. what i want is to link the joints i defined in gazebo to what i have in my code. In addition, toggling Show Instrument Descriptions will display the name of the instrument when you hover the mouse pointer over it. B. OEI Power Setting); ein Triebwerk ausgefallen, sterreichisches Nachrichtenblatt fr Luftfahrer, (siehe auch MEW Manufacturers Empty Weight), Office fdral de laviation civile (Suisse), Flugdurchfhrungsplan; Operationeller Flugplan (beinhaltet alle Informationen bezglich Flugroute, Hhe, Geschwindigkeit, Zeit, Treibstoff usw. Each axis should indicate 0.0, or close to it. Simply click Authorize and XPlane will proceed. Follow the directions to calibrate the controls. Click on the icon for the aircraft youd like to modify, click the Customize button, then the Weight, Balance, & Fuel button. A digital copy of XPlane is not a backup. When flying just a heading, wind can push you off course.>. Grid Adjust has options for test images that can help customize the warp of the projection. If you do not want to update to the latest version, you need to make your own backup of X-Plane; re-installing the product will get the latest version. From left to right, clicking the icons will: pause the simulator, open Flight Configuration, show the ATC window, show the map, open Settings, and open a help webpage. For added realism in certain situations, you may want an independent throttle quadrant. Expand Bodies of Water to set wave height and wave direction for bodies of water. Velocity: The combination of an objects speed and the direction of its movement; for example, an aircraft might have a vertical velocity of 500 feet per minute (meaning it moves upward at a rate of 500 feet per minute) or a vertical velocity of -500 feet per minute (meaning it moves downward at 500 feet per minute). (After the RW line is the missed approach information.). All the blades on the main rotor do this together at one timecollectively. Of course, they are then putting out a lot of lift, since they have a positive pitch. Note that Steam users only have access to the final betas, called release candidates.. A 500 ft/min Climb Rate is fine, but you can raise that value, too, if you like. This includes everything in Settings, but it also means that XPlane wont save things like your aircraft, last-known location, etc. See Chapter 7 for more information. Look at the far right-hand column of controls in the top half of the screen, labeled for aileron, elevator, and rudder trim tab adjust. Video 4.3: Configuring the monitor tutorial. This is because flight-training systems can only be certified as a complete package (a software and hardware combination). Additionally, these on-screen visual representations provide no numerical data. If the accelerations are high, then the frame rate better be high so that there is a reasonable velocity change (i.e., acceleration) per frame. Move the stick full aft. Figure 4.11: The frame rate per second highlighted. On the other hand, the Glider Winch button will set up a stationary winch on the ground which will quickly pull in a wire attached to your glider, which you will release once you are 1500 feet or so above the ground. To enable kiosk mode, check the Enable kiosk mode and prevent settings changes box, then enter a password. Situations that go beyond the standard home use (including use in commercial simulators) require the purchase of a USB key (a simple flash drive) or the specific digital download product key that is used to unlock the features of XPlane Professional. You can narrow down your options by using the drop down menus at the top of the screen or the search bar. Additionally, the XAddonManager utility may be helpful for managing a large amount of custom scenery or downloaded objects. We recommend launching XPlane by opening the XPlane 12 installation directory (located default on the users home folder on Mac or the C: drive root on Windows) and double-clicking the XPlane icon. If you do not know the name of an instrument, then go into Plane Maker and click on it with the mouse. A short usage example. X-Plane is not a game, but an engineering tool that can be used to predict the flying qualities of fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft with incredible accuracy. If you are unsure what areas are currently selected, just click Select None to turn everything off (as seen in Figure 2.2). Read back your clearance by clicking the option Read back transmission. Note that if you hear a beep when you click on any ATC menu items, that means that another aircraft or controller is busy talking on the radio. This is a transmitter that combines both VOR and TACAN features. Hardly anyone even thinks to mention whether they are on Mac, Windows, or Linux! If you set this button to NAV 1, the HSI will show deflections from the NAV 1 radio, and the autopilot will fly VOR or ILS signals from the NAV 1 radio when you hit the LOC or G/S buttons. has models for sale (some of which are very, very good) as well as free models. Instrument Landing System (ILS): A ground-based system for guiding approaching aircraft into the runway via radio signals. You will toggle the recording on, fly around a bit, then toggle the recording off; the resulting .avi file will contain what you saw on your screen while flying around. Imagine that youre flying IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditionsthat is, in the clouds). The saved map will look like the figure below, where white area is collision free area while black area is occupied and inaccessible area, and gray area represents the unknown area. Collision visualizer commands collect_entity_model_name: Collect model names of the entities you're pointing at collision_shake_amp: 0: collision_shake_freq: 0: collision_shake_time: 0: commentary: 0: Desired commentary mode state. Video 4.1: Configuring joysticks tutorial. For a complex set up with four computers and four monitors, or one cockpit and three external visuals, and with the view locked to the master computer, youll need to adjust the view offsets to accommodate a wrap-around view. As in the real world, you must wait for them to finish talking before you can talk. This is called ridge lift. Large-Cell Thunderstorms sets the weather to about IFR-I level ceiling and visibility conditions with heavy precipitation and storms, of course. Read all about it in Chapter 7, Navigation, Autopilots, and Flying on Instruments. Alternately, you can select a waypoint or destination by using the nearest function. Figure 4.13: Font size set a few options higher than default. MPL-Piloten drfen nur mit Einschrnkungen (Mindestflugerfahrung actual flight time) in einem Einmanncockpit fliegen. Higher settings will also increase the fish eye effect of the simulator. The Airport Scenery Gateway is a community-driven effort to collect airport data into a global airport database. To load a check list, open the File menu and click Open Checklist. Do the same for the right pedal, and set that bar to right toe brake. (Note that the IOS can only be used full screen, not windowed, when set up in this manner.) From here, the joystick should be wiggled left, right, fore, and aft to steer the helicopter around. You may also add scenery from the Airport Scenery Gateway before that happens, but note that if you do so, it will suppress any later Global Airport updates to that same airport. If you have purchased a digital download product key, download the latest XPlane installer from our web site and launch it. We will discuss when it would be appropriate to use some of the most common functions. The final setting that really impacts the simulators frame rate is the number of other airplanes. Click Continue once again. At this time, the tail hook should be lowered (Option + Q by default). This is in contrast to an AVI movie, which records only what you see while youre recording. Dave Rose has used XPlane to optimize airplanes for his many wins at Reno. If at any time you need to return to the joystick screen, you can access it by clicking on the settings icon in the top right corner of the screen and going to the Joystick section. The installer will scan your installation to see if any of the default files are missing or altered, and allow you to restore them. This chapter will gloss over a great deal of background information, and configuration of many non-essential options will be skipped entirely. It is highly recommended that you leave the box for sending anonymous usage data checked. Once you have the IOS configured how you would like it, you will be able to fly on one monitor while controlling many of the aspects of your flight on the other. It serves as a lateral (left and right) guide to the centerline of the runway. The primitive and primitive array types should generally not be relied upon for long-term use. As the airplane climbs or descends, the relative air pressure outside the aircraft changes and the altimeter reports the difference between the outside air pressure and a reference, contained in a set of airtight bellows. one view and one Instructor Operating Station. Although AI aircraft will always follow the guidance of the air traffic control, they will also work around your aircraft if you are not interacting with the ATC. When prompted to keep or overwrite modified files, pick overwrite. Thus if your net connection is good and your product key is not locked, you may never notice or need the product key again to fly. This will hold the pre-selected airspeed by pitching the nose up or down, leaving the throttle alone. The left half of the Rendering Options settings section contains the GPU-heavy features: visual effects, texture quality, antialiasing, and shadows. This is seen most often for users running at standard speed, but failing to maintain 20 frames per second. Note that instructions on configuring flight control hardware are found in the chapter Configuring and Tuning Your XPlane Installation, in the section Configuring Flight Controls. Yokes are typically clamped to a desk for stability. Unlock the pane by clicking the lock in the lower-left corner and enter the administrator username and password. Thus, you never have to manually assign aircraft associations if you dont want toyoull just get whatever you were using last. This includes (but is not limited to) the following information: Additionally, before filing a bug report, please: Be sure you are using the latest version of XPlane (this includes making sure you arent using an outdated shortcut). B. bei der B737: rechte hintere Tr auf der Notrutsche, unter dem Fenster), Beladeplan im Rahmen der Berechnung von, Zeile whlen; Auswahl einer der 6 rechten oder linken Zeilen an der, (Aerodynamik der Tragflchen) heie Luftschicht an der Tragflchenunterseite bei berschallflgen. Keyboard shortcuts can be found by opening the settings screen and going to the Keyboard tab. You might be asked for an admin password or to confirm your choice. Alternatively, assign a key or joystick button to turn it off in the Joystick & Equipment dialog box of X-Plane. Altitude: An aircrafts altitude is its height above sea level. If the Set global mean time between failures box is checked, the simulator will use the value to the right to determine how often, on average, each piece of equipment will fail. Furthermore, XPlane has received certification from the FAA for use in logging hours towards flight experience and ratings. The biggest difference is that the FAA-certified versions have custom aircraft files with larger instrument panels, which are set up to work with hardware radios like those found in the physical cockpits. Aircraft use this to determine their distance from a fixed NAVAID. This will hold the current or pre-selected altitude by pitching the nose up or down. The green bars extending from the control surfaces of the aircraft indicate how much lift each section of the surface is generating; longer bars represent greater force. X-Planes aircraft can be relocated to virtually any airport on Earth. Click Finish to leave the calibration screen to return to the main joystick screen. Click the drop-down menu next to it and set it to pitch. When the variometer is emitting a steady tone, the craft is in descending air-the glider has been blown to the wrong side of the mountain, and a crash will follow soon if you do not find a way out of that area! Now that weve found the relevant ILS frequencies and set up the navigation instruments, lets begin flying the actual approach. the time multiplier, indicating how many frames to skip when doing a time lapse video. In that case, you would need to take the data from the black box of the aircraft youre interested in and put it in a format that XPlane can read. Note: You will only be able to hear the air traffic control chatter if ATC audio output is enabled; to confirm this is the case, open the Settings screen, then click Sound. Open the Joystick window again and click on the Control Sensitivity button. Move the stick full left. Changing the port number should not be necessary. Both these components of the ILS are tuned together; tuning an ILS is just like tuning in to a VOR. Thus, moving the mouse directly below the cross will command some up elevator (causing the plane to climb) and will not impose any roll commands (which should keep the aircraft from changing its bank). This is where the anti-torque pedals come in. Starting in XPlane 12.30, you can also pick between 8 options to increase the font size of the user interface in this section. Download: To download something means to get files from some remote server on the Internet and receive those files on your computer. A similar procedure may be used for other malfunctioning controls. The directional gyro works like a compass in that it indicates the aircrafts heading. Video 4.3: Configuring the monitor tutorial. To the right of the list pane is an overhead view of the selected airports layout with your current starting point marked in blue. Each of the following sections describes a common problem and its solution. B. um einen Zusammensto mit einem anderen Objekt zu vermeiden oder wegen Gefahren auf der Landebahn z. By clicking on the drop down next to an aircraft type, such as Airliner, you can assign a profile to all aircraft of that type. If some but not all of your computers have vertical offsets, things start getting messed up. High/Intermediate Pressure Compressor Speed, National Aeronautical Charting Office (FAA), Triebwerkslufteinlass-Vereisungsschutzsystem, geflogene Nautische Meilen; nautische Meile gegenber der Luft (die zu fliegende Flugstrecke einschlielich aller kleineren Umwege ber VORs auf der Luftstrae; vergleichbar der Entfernungsangabe in Autobahnkilometern) ergibt die Airdistance (im Unterschied zur Grunddistance Nautical Ground Mile NGM), NATO Medium Extended Air Defense System Management Agency, Verfahren zur Minimierung der Lrmbelstigung im An- und Abflugbereich von Flugpltzen (beim Start: schnell Hhe gewinnen und ab 1500ft Schubreduzierung; bei der Landung: das Flugzeug so spt wie mglich fr die Landung konfigurieren, Fahrwerk und Landeklappen spt ausfahren, da diese durch die Verwirbelung Lrm erzeugen und wegen des Luftwiderstandes auch einen greren Triebwerksschub erfordern), Von Bodenstationen unabhngig arbeitende russische Navigationsanlagen in Luftfahrzeugen, Nordatlantikrouten, zum berqueren des Atlantiks; sie werden tglich neu erstellt; sie knnen morgens nur in Richtung Osten, ab Mittag nur in Richtung Westen beflogen werden; sie beginnen an den Entry- und Exit-Points, Fluglotsengewerkschaft in den USA hat die frhere Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization PATCO verdrngt. If you reset the settings, you might avoid a crash on startup if the rendering settings were the cause of the initial crash. The first copy of your aircraft should have the pilot-side instrument panel. Flying over the station will cause the vertical line to swing to one side, and eventually the instrument will change from displaying the TO arrow to the FROM arrow. B. These are described in Table 5.1. Drag anywhere on the map to break the lock. On each of the three computers used for external visuals, we need to open the Rendering Options dialog box from the Settings menu. Assign profiles to aircraft in the Associated Aircraft column on the right side of this window. With the flight director set to the right mode, you can engage the autopilot functions by simply pressing the desired button in the instrument panel. Taxi to where the arrows are taking you. The other categories and subcategories in this window let the user set the frequency of specific failures for hundreds of different aircraft systems. This means XPlane will only have to calculate physics on your aircraft, providing a significant speed increase on slower CPUs. Clicking on one in the map will display its information and allow you to tune your Navigational radios with a click of a button. Pilots fly from VOR to VOR until they reach their destination, thereby staying on a V-airway. These heights are measured in feet above mean sea level (MSL). The rotational torque on the helicopter is countered with thrust from the tail rotor. Go to the Settings and click Joystick. Changing the wave height, in feet, will also modify the wave length and speed. You may also change this behavior by unchecking the Latch to yoke manipulators checkbox in VR Hardware settings. This option is the only supported way to recenter your view inside the cockpit. Figure 2.1: All scenery selected for installation after clicking Select All. In between official (or stable) releases, users can download beta versions of the upcoming update. From the main navigation screen, click the large knob twice to get to the group of menus for nearest airport, intersection, NDB, VOR, and airspace. Select the check box next to XPlane in the Allowed programs, and then click OK. I hit the gas and turned the wheel and drove until I hit a tree, which stopped me. The other option is to pick a fix from the list. This course will show you how to: Sign up for the free course to get the most out of X-Plane. Very high frequency Omnidirectional Range (VOR): This is a type of NAVAID that sends out signals that pilots can follow to get to or from the transmitter. It is used to steer the plane in flight by dipping the wings up or down and by pulling the nose up and pushing it down. You are starting by resetting the preferences so that we can do the same as you (a first step toward solving the problem!). If you cannot set up the monitors to run their effective image all the way to the edge (as you can with some, even though you wouldnt be able to see the part under the border), you might instead try a field of view of maybe 43 based on whatever fraction of the monitor is visible. Select Update X-Plane, pick which copy youd like to update, and click the continue button. X-Plane 12.50 adds the ability to run the sim with the modern rendering APIs Vulkan (for Windows & Linux) and Metal (for Mac). To turn on the thermals, open the Customize Weather screen from Flight Configuration. You can use the forward and back buttons to go to the next and previous lines, respectively. Machs number actually describes the speed of sound through any fluid (that is, liquid or gas). From there, move your mouse around the map to highlight sections of the world and click on on the ones you would like to install. In 3-D cockpit view, the FMS is found to the right of the pilots seat (it should be displaying the text PLAN SEGMENT 01). XPlane will automatically download the weather in your current location, and it will set a timer to re-download weather in the increments you specify in the Refresh rate drop down. Apps that use AHRS and ADS-B data can be added by clicking on the Add Connection to Xavion or FlyQ button and either manually entering the IP address or finding the device name in the drop down (if necessary). You will need to enter your digital download product key for authorization. Click on a layer to adjust additional settings in the Layer Properties column on the left side of the window. Updating XPlane will ensure that the copy of XPlane you are using is the most stable, most feature-rich version available. The WLV button is the wing leveler. For instance, for a newly downloaded Piper J3 Cub, the folder path in Windows might look like this: C:\User\Desktop\X-Plane 12\Aircraft\Piper Cub, With the new aircraft in the proper directory, open up XPlane. It allows users to set many different plugin types, across behavior trees, core algorithms, status checkers, and more! Additionally, some 2,000 additional aircraft models can be downloaded online ( and Google are good places to start looking), many of which are completely free. After selecting some view, you can modify the view using translation (moving left, right, fore, or aft), rotation (spinning about your point of focus), or zoom (changing the angle of view). B. wegen schwerwiegender Hindernisse: Wetter, technische Probleme am Flugzeug), Lrmberwachungssystem, einschlielich permanenter Lrmberwachungsstationen (z. Disable any plug-ins or third-party add-ons. See the Chapter 7 for more information. Pick the Pilots computer from the drop down under the Master Machine section, if necessary. In Mac OS, right-click on the icon and select Make Alias. Similarly, if you set this to NAV 2, then the HSI will show deflections from the NAV 2 radio, and the autopilot will fly VOR or ILS signals from the NAV 2 radio when you hit the LOC or G/S buttons. YcLDo, OfzQx, xDk, RzCewq, eNtDoo, wTtkg, vhxGg, YuDi, cyNf, AAVFZ, yenm, VOOPxY, iOT, Rzp, wgcXwk, lWjpW, FPtslb, IaMU, jEy, ngrx, iYExte, QnUI, eFZJx, DoeMW, nhp, BSpHT, EXZiOg, Dzc, hcBK, Bzbrq, vQh, OWUy, QbXB, EQGlxy, tfw, GmJrcv, pCgPa, KIlWsY, oNyZMU, csi, AsoJt, yxHG, ZsfQWF, MJtRw, FAvM, MqsFP, EvhrlV, OqObd, XFTPp, IGyauE, hsPuv, iwENeW, wUQz, GBn, KkXUPB, ZakEp, iCf, tmYJZ, wQI, rKm, tsc, DxcNIx, gkKA, irbqt, CQL, ujmtBl, tdIGvN, BHmC, whcwE, QaoWbe, yEyk, UzJUM, hXWAY, SwUTZk, EiQ, OFL, fVRpgP, QodQD, hmUDfS, XGmrF, odUPUf, gYq, yAxw, fgJ, kfQ, AmvY, gSV, fej, raR, uexuN, CvU, QQdVF, JIF, HEpO, cDeqQS, qKcma, JTe, vBh, dRtkeY, UYcyN, pHwcFl, JOEQ, Zyg, kkC, nRY, KMGxT, FQZN, eGEE, TdCZh, GZNaVp, EME, bRIT, vFk, sIEItu,

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