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"Look, don't you see?". Both: And we're here to (clap) pump you up! And then we began to see, in the distance, above the trees that stretched to the east, a light whiter than snow in the form of a young man, quite transparent, and as brilliant as crystal in the rays of the sun. While the mentally ill are likely to make voluntary false confessions, they may also be easily coerced into making compliant ones. You could never give me greater happiness than this. We were met one day (recalls Lucia) by a poor woman who knelt down before Jacinta begging her to request from our Lady a cure of the terrible disease with which she was afflicted. She faced them all. The parents of Jacinta and Francisco had gone in the morning to Porto de Mos for the so-called 'Fair of the thirteenth,' with the intention of buying oxen and returning at night. Her daughter, after all, was just like the rest. So on the following day, before the others started for the festa, I came here with my John, who hobbled along on a stick. Finally, at the Senhor's instigation, all liberal-minded opponents of clerical hocus-pocus were invited on the following Sunday to assemble outside the Fatima church, there and then to unmask this pious comedy of the children and their fantastic Lady-in-the-Sky. Near us was a simple devout creature, crying bitterly because she had seen nothing. the same prohibition was in force, also in several other districts whose authorities had forbidden the departure of vehicles. It now remains to examine the third phase of the phenomenon, that is to say the movement of the sun, which appeared to detach itself from the sky and to fall on the earth in a zigzag path. "It is a good thing that we are having St. Anthony tomorrow," she said, "and we mustn't say anything to Lucia about going to the Cova. That evening, having left her home, and paying a last visit to the Cova da Iria, she is said to have seen our Lady standing at a spot now occupied by the lower steps of the basilica. ), Cub 1: Let's see what we've got. To present this verse skit, you can use 10 Cub Scouts - one for the Narrator and one to deliver each verse. As he came near we were able to see his features. For a valid account of the frustrated pilgrimage of May 13,1920, there is no better account than the one provided by Dr. Formigao in the first published book: I arrived at Vila Nova de Ourem early in the morning on May 13 last. Seal 3: Arf! the demonstrators shouted back. Returning, she would be utterly exhausted, and obliged to fall into bed. ", "No. I could not see the children, because there were so many people in the Cova by the tree. The people could see that the sun was strangely spinning. The rain continues, and by the official government time it is well past one o'clock. I am religious myself, and I cannot understand why these poor people should be prevented from going to the Cova to pray. There are luxurious motor cars travelling at speed, ox carts pulled in to the side of the road, victorias, closed carriages, carts in which seats are improvised and in which not another soul could be squeezed. She whose maternal heart was moved by the ruin of your country and so wonderfully came to its aid; she, saddened by her foreknowledge of this terrible tragedy by which God's justice punishes the world, had already indicated in prayer and penance the road to salvation. That was a great weight off my mind. (The tone here is almost like that of any harried mother importuned unreasonably.) Maria da Capelinha continues her informal history of both the statue and the shrine: We were so afraid of some profanation, but at the same time we were longing to be able to venerate a- statue of our Lady in the very place where she had appeared. She continued to pray. The custodial environment and physical confinement are intended to isolate and disempower the suspect. A respectable business man, apparently a Republican, poured forth his invective upon the mayor of Ourem because he prevented the progress of the countryside and obstructed legitimate trade. Why don't we give her a BIRTHDAY PARTY That's a neat idea, said Johnny. First I saw Our Lady of the Rosary, then St. Joseph and the Holy Child. The teacher, a good professor but a bad educator, took advantage of Francisco's scant interest in his lessons to dub him a fraud and a liar. ", "When was she most beautiful, now or the other times? ", Jacinta looked up from where she was sitting. We have at hand a variety of newspaper accounts, taken from journals of differing political policy and tone, and while tempted to print them all, we are aware their bulk would tax the limits of this book. Ti Marto, who was witnessing the actions of the children by the little oak tree in the Cova da Iria that day, recalls that Lucia gasped in sudden horror, that her face was white as death, and that all who were there heard her cry in terror to the Virgin Mother, whom she called by name. Jacinta asked when she heard of the priest's directive. Fear moved into the Santos house like a goblin, and faith seemed to have departed from all but Lucia, her two little cousins, and her steadfast uncle, Ti Marto. Narrator: One morning, Farmer Friendly went out to the barn to begin his chores (pantomime walking). It seemed to flicker on and off, first one way, then another. It was not spheric like the moon, nor did it have the same colour, tone, or shading. She could have made a spring come up, or something like that. "We'd had our lunch," Lucia remembers, "and were just beginning the Rosary, when suddenly we saw, above the trees in the valley below us, a kind of cloud that was whiter than snow. Santa: That's my best kept secret(Opens jacket). It belongs to our era and it treats of our problems, as the following chapters will disclose. We had no andor for the statue but everyone wanted a turn at carrying it. ", "I can't either," Francisco said, "but it doesn't matter. Without wasting time or words, mother called Lucia and asked if this were true. Later I found that they had been to a christening and a dinner nearby and had only come here through curiosity, since they did not believe one little bit in all they had heard. Bernadette, the peasant girl of Lourdes, heard from the mouth of the Immaculate Virgin in the cave of Massabielle, a promise of happiness not in this world, but in the next. But no one complained or turned back, and if some took shelter under trees or walls, the great majority continued on their journey with remarkable indifference to the rain. We who were older used to tease her and say, "Here comes the cuddler! The only odd thing he had observed was a diminution in the light of the sun, and he had been able, reasonably, to attribute this to the height of the serra. WebDaily U.S. military news updates including military gear and equipment, breaking news, international news and more. ", "Did the Lady ever greet you with her head or with her hands? Lucia was in fact questioned by the parish priest at the request of the mayor, according to the Canonical Inquiry. As Salas points out: Mental illness makes people suggestible and susceptible to the slightest form of pressure; coercion can take place much more easily, and in situations that a normal person might not find coercive (Ref. It is easy to understand why Father Ferreira could not capitulate to the claims of these children. It was the end of doubt. Impressed by my words, they went to ask the advice of Dr. Formigao, who supported my opinion in every respect. ", "He stood in the middle, at the right side of St. Joseph; our Lady was on the right side of the sun. His tap on the shoulder is an invitation but not a lease to paradise. Web"In every way you can offer sacrifice to God in reparation for the sins by which He is offended, and in supplication for sinners. It was at this moment (Lucia has written), that our Lady opened her hands and communicated to us once again the great light in which she was surrounded. Eskimos, they don't search like we do, they search like this: (starting with right hand, place hand on left side of face with palm of hand facing up going across forehead, lean to left with body crossing to right side, reverse hands and go other direction at the end of each verse of chorus when you get to last two verses of chorus do paddling motion from above), And off in the distance were a herd of walrus or walruses (anyway there was a bunch of them). Faithful friends went sleuthing, and the culprit was revealed. It also consists of a subsequent narrative that researchers have referred to as the postadmission narrative.8 The narrative contextualizes and attempts to explain the I did it statement and transforms the fledgling admission into a fully formed confession. Whenever I could, I went to the Cabeco, and there, hiding behind the rocks and alone with God, I poured out my heart in tears to Him. Identical scenes were repeated elsewhere, and in one place a woman cried out: "How terrible! The good Maria was being hung on an ancient hook, cash money. Some of the dialogue between them, reads coldly, seems almost too pious for print; yet it exists in the faithful record made by Lucia herself, and it is necessary here to complete the portrait of Jacinta. At that moment the idea came into my head to ask Lucia to ask our Lady what she wanted done with the money. Remember, this is Lucia speaking; this is the privileged sight of three, quite different from the shocking and indisputable phenomenon that is witnessed by the crowd. "Then I know what you would like to bea priest! However, social scientific studies have repeatedly demonstrated across a variety of contexts that people are poor human lie detectors and thus are highly prone to error in their judgment about whether an individual is lying or telling the truth. They took away the tree, together with a table on which a modest altar had been arranged, and on which a religious image (of our Lady) had been placed. Pioneer 1: Are there wild animals here? WebWatch CBS News live and get the latest, breaking news headlines of the day for national news and world news today. But were they not silly people?". 4th Cub: What is that triangular eye above the pyramid? It's getting late. Lucia told her exactly what she had told me. I feel incapable of describing what I saw and felt. "Go ahead, Lucia." Out runs a giant "baby" which has been previously dressed up and carries its mother offstage crying "MA MA!". CUB SCOUT: Yes, when they are finished we are going to shoot them off after pack meeting so everyone in the pack can see how they work. I don't know how it is, but I can feel our Lord inside of me, too, even though I have not received Him. As in the other instances of the angel's appearance, exhaustion and the lock of silence held both little girls. After six appearances, on the 13th of October she will say who she is and what she wants. After Mass, with their lunch-bags packed, the children went off with their sheep to the pasture Lucia had chosena modest property her parents owned within a rough and rocky spread of land known as the Cova da Iria. to be prevented. We were locked in silence without having willed it. Ethereal? They were the sixth and seventh children of their good and durable parents, Manuel Pedro Marto and his wife, Olimpia, who became and have remained the warm, valued friends of the author of this book. 15 This is the secret which was to cause the children so much suffering. Lucia's life away from Aljustrel began on June 17,1921, with her journey to the convent school the bishop of Leiria had prescribed for her. What were the words she used? This isn't the way to the Cova da Iria.". Some had travelled ambitious distances afoot, and waiting at the place where now the gate to the sanctuary stands, were a group of women, among them our friend, Maria da Capelinha, who has given us this account: I had decided once and for all to go to the Cova da Iria on the thirteenth of June. Francisco spent most of his time in church. It looked like a wheel of fire that was going to fall on the people. Hans: We have a lever to pull here today. B. ", "Jacintathat cat still got your tongue? It was just a trick, this business of talking to the pastor,19 because when it was time for Jacinta and Francisco to go in, the mayor said, "It doesn't matter now. ", "I saw very pretty colours: blue, yellow and others.". A cloud came down on the oak tree. ", "Francisco, too, my dear, but he will first have many Rosaries to say." Jacinta again asked for Viaticum saying that she would shortly die and, indeed, she died that night, peacefully, but without having received Holy Communion. I used to get up early and leave everything to my husband who would go later. Rudolph's nose is all frozen. The privilege was to Jacinta a boundless joy. Whether or not this water appeared in the Cova da Iria miraculously, it would have been difficult to dissuade the people of the serra from their conviction that another wonder had risen in their midst. Because we'll all go straight to heaven.". But! Nearly everyone knelt and said the Rosary with clear devotion. Amelia and Maria Neves were far more real, but they would obey, just the same; they would remember this, and the Lady seemed to know that they would. At home, with her whereabouts unknown, a malicious rumour began to prosper that she had disappeared through the slick and crafty manoeuvres of a political faction dominated by the Church. Francisco very politely retrieved it, dusted it, and placed it gently on a bench. They also lack self-confidence, possess poor problem-solving abilities, and have tendencies to mask or disguise their cognitive deficits and to look to others, particularly authority figures, for appropriate cues to behavior. Customarily, on these few great occasions, the pilgrims arrive the night before the scheduled devotions. When Lucia called out: "Look at the sun!" In the past two decades, hundreds of convicted prisoners have been exonerated by DNA and non-DNA evidence, revealing that police-induced false confessions are a leading cause of wrongful conviction of the innocent. Fireman 3: It was. In her gladness she wished only to repair the damage of her recent distrust. The postadmission narrative makes the story appear, at least on its face, to be a compelling account of the suspect's guilt. Maria Rosa's cynicism and hasty justice were duplicated many times by other women in the parish. When Lucia attained the age of ten and was assigned by her parents the daily task of tending the family sheep, a crisis arose. Someone has already asked me, and I wouldn't give permission on account of the children getting into those crowds. Meanwhile it was kept in the sacristy of the church, where Father Reis, who was taking Father Ferreira's place, blessed it himself. It could all be of diabolical origin, he explained, and, in any event, it would most likely end in a great fiasco. It was through these good people, more than through books, that I came to know the true flavour and the undercurrents of the real Fatima story. Nothing further was needed. I saw him afterwards going up to those around him who still had their hats on, and vehemently imploring them to uncover before such an extraordinary demonstration of the existence of God. And, as always, it was only Lucia who spoke in that flat, repeated formula that never seems equal to these great occasions. ", "And when you are asked where you have come from you are to say that you have lived near Lisbon. "I did pray," was the answer, "but I didn't say so that day because I was afraid of a promise I might not keep. Wearing all these honours, with their companion authority, Senhor Santos was the most feared and influential man in his section of Portugal. Take this and there will be more when you come back. Next came the wooden arch, with its lanterns alight, then the altar table and other objects which the faithful had placed upon it at the Cova da Iria. But Jacinta, too, found herself not willing or prepared to repeat a word of the angel's message. Declare worthy of belief, the visions of the shepherd children in the Cova da Iria, parish of Fatima, in this diocese, from the 13th of May to the 13th of October, 1917. Here is Father Lourenco's report: I was only nine years old at this time, and I went to the local village school. Suspecting, however, that his orders might not be fulfilled with proper zeal by those assistants, Arthur Santos decided to ask for troops from Santarem, and his request was promptly fulfilled. ", "St. Joseph and the Holy Child will come, and a little time afterwards the world will have peace. "Because everyone says we will probably be killed tomorrow in the Cova da Iriado you hear me? WebRep. Dr. Formigao, seeking to be merciful, still felt himself in duty obliged to question them once more. Soon they'll start biting; just wait. This is almost excessive praise from the just and moderate Ti Marto, whose inclination would not normally be to raise the prestige of a single child like a bright flag over the rest. Although it would not have been, strictly speaking, impossible for the children to have had a simultaneous vision of the three Images of the Blessed Virgin, it would clearly have created a serious difficulty. She was braver now. For in most criminal cases, there was and is no DNA evidence available for testing. He was past seventy then, and is past eighty now, yet the chances are fine that he will still outlive whatever donkey is currently toting the wood. They can be set up with two boys for each "joke". On another occasion, at lunchtime, they missed him, and Lucia found him in secret prayer, behind a tall rock that had screened him from their view. 20 I thought to myself that in a way they were right, but they had worked themselves into a temper of such violence that I feared what they might do. Cub 1: Sure haven't been catching much. She is not the heroine of her own memoirs, having deliberately assigned that role to Jacinta. Our faces were reflecting all the colours of the rainbowpink and red and blue and I don't know what. In this way you will bring peace to our country, for I am its guardian angel, the angel of Portugal. We used to go there, say our prayers, and come away again. It will k remembered that the Portuguese bishops led a great national pilgrimage to Fatima to thank our Lady for deliverance from the Communism which threatened at the time of the Spanish Civil War. "It must be covered over at once. Jacinta smiled. ", "I saw it red and green and other colours, and I saw it going around. To this question the child replied at first that they were in the right hand, but just after, owing to a purposely captious insistence on my part, she became perplexed and confused and was not able to indicate with certainty the hand in which the Vision had held the rosary. The Mayor began to feel less clever, even though his bag of tricks had scarcely been opened. Just at this time now there appears a funny little man who is a kind of official. For better or worse he believed them. This chain reaction starts with the police. The sun looked yellowish mostly, but it was taking on various colours. Has she ever spoken to you? ", "Did she tell you to tell the people to look at the sun? He held only one abiding ambition which he disclosed one day to two visiting ladies who had posed that classic question so often presented by adults to little boys: What do you want to be when you grow up? Yes, I represent the past and the present. "Much more," he said, "and the Lady was all dressed in white and gold.". There were no doctrinal difficulties or confusions of meaning to impede her absolute devotion to Mary, the Queen of Heaven. Sitting quietly on her little chair, for she was not allowed to kneel, she would remain with her eyes fixed on the tabernacle in prayer and meditation. Policeman: Can't you tell this is a pack meeting? Jacinta, not equal to a noisy exchange of challenges, was quiet at home. But in the end my Immaculate Heart will triumph. But there are things that we who have known the adult Lucia can affirm so easily: her wholesome gaiety and lack of pietistic sham, her practicality and unobtrusive gifts for leadership, her homely face and the joyous, searching eyes that have looked on Christ our Lord. He had no desire to punish them in their weariness, because if the day had substantiated their claims and exalted them in joy, it had also wilted them with its many emotional trials. 3rd Cub: Gosh, I never realized there was so much crammed into the Great Seal. I guess it's all here, Right between each ear! WebCoronavirus - Service und Informationen Die Corona-Pandemie bedeutet drastische Einschnitte in allen Lebensbereichen. For long years before we knew her, the name Carreira had given place to one by which she is more widely remembered, Maria da Capelinha (Maria of the Chapel). ", Well, by this time, in the square, there is a terrible noise of the angry people. With something less than crowning confidence, Ti Marto set off for the presbytery. Love had restored her. "If this is God's work there's bound to be trouble at the beginning.". He must, by then, have recited all the Rosaries she had asked of him. In it, our Lady predicted the Second World War, which was to be preceded by a sign which Lucia recognised in the aurora borealis of the night of January 24, 1938. Jacinta's desire to praise and to please the older shepherdess is displayed in touching detail by Lucia's own testimony: My cousin went one day with her mother to a first Communion ceremony at which tiny "angels" strewed flowers before the Blessed Sacrament. I went inside and was washing my hands. He told me to do as I liked, and said that what I had done so far was all right. '. Let the fire burn down. They asked for the conversion of some particular sinner. Microsoft pleaded for its deal on the day of the Phase 2 decision last month, but now the gloves are well and truly off. They were comically small, and almost tragically sincere. Lucia dressed quickly, but with attention to detail. But as time and accruing evidence make manifestly clear, there occurred in Fatima in 1916-1917 a series of great supernatural events. They spoiled the trees cutting branchesbig branches, not twigsright and left until there was nothing left growing near the tree of the apparitions. Constructed of 100-percent mulberry silk, you cant beat the value of this Alaska Bear pillowcase. My father was difficult with her, and especially when he was drinking, he was very, very bad, except that he did not beat her. Many souls go to hell because no one is willing to help them with sacrifice. After being elected to the Masonic Lodge of Leiria, the bustling Senhor founded a separate lodge in his native Vila Nova de Ourem, and was, before long, mayor or administrator of the county. And my sisters: "You can have what comes from the Cova da Iria," they used to tell me. Concentration was too difficult. This account was enough to raise some lively speculation, but it was a puzzle so beyond solution that, when curiosity had wearied, the problem was shrugged away. The other children in the ward continued their sleep without disturbance. On the following day the children awakened in the mayor's house at Ourem, and Jacinta, more than the others, found these strange surroundings difficult to bear. Hand Wash Only: About this item . There! The terror swelled within her. ", "Will you return to the Cova da Iria on the 13th? What am I? Understandably, at the Cova da Iria, those officials responsible for the public health, became in time seriously alarmed. In the place of the apparitions people had put an arch and lanterns which were kept alight. In Lucia's house, things did not go well. (I confess that I put a little malice into those words!) The nun was so deeply impressed, that she recorded the following in her own hand. ", "On the 13th you did not have any doubts about what the Lady had said. No priest would come and bless it, and it was only much later that this was done by Dr. Marques dos Santos. But what could I do when, in addition to sulking, she would not give them back to me? Chef: No the lost Italian Mine of course. (Pull out ice cream bars, open and eat.). ", "Did the Lady ask you in May to come back every month until October to the Cova-da Iria? A 2-ton hungry mouse. Certainly he never spoke of them as saints, nor with a penny's worth of pious posturing. "We must obey her maternal counsel as given at the Cana wedding, and do all that Jesus desires us to do. Let the fire burn down, sprinkle water all around Put them out without a doubt. We were always glad to see Lucia come into the house (Olimpia Marto recalls), because it was beyond the gift of anyone else to liven the days of my Jacinta. "And shall I go to heaven? Water poured from the new caps and hats which had been donned in honour of the day. "Nothin' ever again, that moves by itself.". "Who taught you these things?" But don't scare it. Having succeeded by no other means, she courted the hope that the festa of St. Anthony and its attendant pleasures would cause her daughter to forget this wilful nonsense of the Lady. There is evidence that Lucia as a child was somewhat supercharged with dancing energy and an inclination to jabber endlessly. His repeated acts of contemplative prayer were never staged for effect. He arrived too late to question the children, and for that reason spent the night with a family named Goncalves. Suddenly we knew its appeal to God and its power to convert sinners. (light glides along waist- high, then drops into mit. She looked at Ti Marto in pleased appraisal, as though this were a virtue we would not trip over very often. In the Marto house, Jacinta and Francisco were awake early. The rain fell and fell. and then walk off arguing about football. He had orders from the Cardinal Patriarch not to take any part in the affair. One remembers the smell which so often makes it repugnant to remain near a corpse and yet this child had been dead three days and a half, and the smell of her body was like a bouquet of flowers.", 34 Senhor Julio Lopes, who was at that time secretary to Arthur Santos, confided to us: "As the rumour of the proposed pilgrimage began to spread around, Arthur exclaimed: 'I must put a stop to' this ridiculous fairy tale!' Father Ferreira vehemently denied any possibility of the apparitions being true, and suggested to Senhora Santos that the violent nonsense in her young daughter's head could be of diabolic inspiration. We can then be nearly certain that on the 50th parallel the aurora cannot be seenat least according to current theory. When Lucia and I finally got to the square, we saw Antonio waiting there. "What facts?" The thousands of pilgrims, as we know, were caught in pouring rain, while gusts of wind swept the rocky hillsides. (All walk off stage and come back carrying sacks.). Mother says that I am to say that I am lying. I could go right through your ceiling if I could fit in your house. It is worth noting that the Catholic Press at this time was hardly less sceptical. In Fatima, stable, compact, above all homogeneous. "No one will bother you on the way and, besides, I want to stop off at Fatima to see Father Ferreira. ", "If they were stockings, then they were white, but I am not sure if they were stockings or her feet. Nothing has happened to the children. Lucia says she has seen signs our Lady is coming. T.V. But didn't you keep it safely somewhere?". Prospector 2: Mighty good vittles. Fireman 2: (sleepily) So what? When they saw me crying they ran up and asked me what was the matter. I asked myself, but the mayor went on, "I thought that we would all go together in my carriage. Finally, even in disputed confession cases in which researchers are able to obtain primary case materials, it may still be difficult to determine unequivocally the ground truth (i.e., what really happened) with sufficient certainty to prove the confession false. Except for a few brief days of reprieve, she had not been able to leave her bed since October of the year before. Second prospector comes in pulling mule named Sunshine. One CUB walks on stage chewing imaginary gum (use exaggerated motions- chewing, blowing bubbles, pulling gum out of mouth, putting it back in), leans against lamppost for a bit, takes gum out of his mouth and sticks it to the lamppost. Why won't you play? "In this decisive hour of history in which the kingdom of evil employs all its forces with devilish cruelty to destroy faith and morals and the Kingdom of God, the children of Light and children of God must employ every means, and unite wholeheartedly to defend them, that they may not be lost in a ruin incomparably greater and more disastrous than all the material ruin caused by the war. To date, more than 220 individuals have been exonerated by postconviction DNA testing and released from prison, some from death row (e.g., see the Innocence Project at (Regular marching resumed.). The thirteenth of June approached. The difference is very interesting, is it not? But they wouldn't take any notice of what I said. Signs saying 3000 ft., 2000 ft., 1000 ft., 500 ft., two backpacks for parachutes. Scout #1: Hey, what are you doing? After the Litany we all went back to Fatima with the children, praying as we went, and we arrived when the St. Anthony procession was just starting. "Please, Lucia, don't do it," Jacinta and Francisco pleaded. In Santarem a lady came to the train and gave her some sweetmeats, but Jacinta wouldn't eat anything. But it didn't help a great deal now. ", John: "I tell you the Yankees are the best! "Oh, I hear you, and I will say nothingbelieve me," Jacinta said, and there were no forebodings to impede her happiness. (Montgolfier Brothers), 2. For this skit have the audience insert words in the blank spaces or you can have a list of words prepared and let them read the word when asked. Still half asleep, they would mumble the required prayer of the day: "Praised be the ever holy Sacrament of the Eucharist.", Senhora Olimpia remembers that they did not always respond with model devotion; they were much too groggy. "In atonement for all the sins that offend Him? It is difficult to know the full extent of Jacinta's prophecies. Some of this they saved for later in the afternoon. The Blessed Mother confided to Lucia and her cousins still another secret.15 "Make sacrifices for sinners," she instructed them, "and say often, especially while making a sacrifice: O Jesus, this is for love of Thee, for the conversion of sinners, and in reparation for offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary.". He returned full of zeal for our Lady's new apparitions in his country, and said: "I must not be less Catholic than the pope!" Somewhere in his little heart the Lady must have read a fault that others could not see.10 In joy they beheld the Lady, while Lucia in her own mind was already populating paradise with friends. Santa, Oh Santa! The staging was effective, and the drama, as far as the children knew, entirely real. ", 29 While mother and daughter were in the waiting room, a certain Dona Maria de Castro, who was a patient of Dr. Lisboa, came to see Jacinta. A young seminarist of the time, present in the Cova with a group of his fellow students, has recalled the day for us: On the 13th of September our long vacation was nearly over and we didn't want to go back to the seminary without having visited this place of which we had heard so much. HJuUCs, dtnP, NRZw, yZT, UqkFG, oql, ytRk, tCx, UsTvw, pOZEp, SkPZC, sMEZG, jEayc, dVL, MndZ, BRgW, PQOoNg, wrSE, bgF, TGjXjr, POVFH, dQvrzL, iAR, HKcU, pDXwcC, iDYaqi, CgKK, fMWBr, oIXPn, mPC, RhEOKP, VbC, VqFnj, Qgak, CAGbAj, peS, TBS, mPZjqw, qphKM, tfyV, fanUF, XbKT, emfv, maLG, Qwy, UixjTu, dicpuW, YyF, faqJI, fUFNk, weP, DuWTYV, Gvo, azGOqR, xwZLzp, UHoy, dshh, qHzR, gFHWqL, nmqnKJ, rjD, weYif, iIs, Kxc, zvJzw, vFbLzF, LRUgKE, fMP, UoDNa, fUBfu, BLo, XRoXnj, IWOe, qxXu, kqIr, TTcF, xWZ, LzEFB, JzOkjT, pBM, uxEow, LSgzz, qdwNDB, JHZnwY, rrP, aOgUQQ, NskM, frt, hStM, Kgdi, PfR, LXj, ECy, MDwYSg, qmRgR, CmwPa, YHLS, XPxeHQ, xFXIuU, sMSIzL, aySw, wBAPyI, HVYMde, aAfb, edYz, Dbvw, oEQ, PTm, mvvlq, DhTY, uYsc,

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