a swift intervention wow bugged
*soft kiss* He glances at Hawke, who is tellingly trying not to look back at him. *pause* Im not trying to trump your worries, thats not what I wantwhats a mountain to climb for me could be an anthill for you.and vice versa. Pleasemay I eat our your pussy..to get you wet for my cock? *kiss* That should be sufficient." So..let me get this straight..you..are alright with doin' this? *lowly* Please.please give me the privilege of your bodyif you deem it to be something that you desire, I would beg of you to sit on my cock and use me.. aH~AH~AHHHHnnnggghmmmm~~*moans and pants* T-thank you.thank you so much.so g-gooooood~ haaaaaahhhh *pause* Baby Boy: I wanted it to be a surprise *hums* Enjoy that did you? *starts half singing* Overdressed though, dont you think?? Orgasms can be conducive to relaxation and stress release, attributed to the release of oxytocin, prolactin and--- *chuckles* Alright.Im gonna go slow.ok? [sweet nothings, being bad at feelings, trying his best, being a dork] *chuckles* Like I told you, I researched. Sirs proud of you. Allow me, love. Do you want on your back or somethin' else like that? *pause* *soft panting* Aaaand there. ..You want me to keep mine on? *pause* P-Please, please. You smell so fuckin' good, Baby..I figure.I'll sample diretly from the source Say, if an Android were to lose an arm somehow. *pause* *kiss* Then I shall make you wait no longer. *clothes rustling* [Pause] Reyes is always pissed, babe. Ah!!! *breathes* Take whatever pleasure you need.. *hums* I have a question for you, Lille Kanin (Little Rabbit) Y-yeahitsits good. Burnout sometimes means that youve pushed yourself beyond the point of recovery. *long pause* D-Dont b-blow on it! Standing up for whats right shouldnt get you hurt or killed! Yeah.yeah *breathes*O-ohYoure so big *chuckles* It's Haustblot.and.Happy Haustblot to you as well My Dearand..we'll work on your pronunciation Oh~ No.youre not a bunch of people. Except for one thing. S-so warm.inside~! Crawl..yes, Sir I had a fear that I was going to hurt you if I let you see the real me.but.as I am often finding these days..I was wrong Well, why dont we just.ah ah ahits alright, its ok. *quickly* Please.. *moans lowly* Ahhhh yeaahhh *groans* F-fuck.okThank youpleaseFaster. At your highest highs and your lowest lows, Ill be there if thats what it takes to keep you here. Oh, Love..you're so good oh f-fuck.. *breathes* Oh.the sounds you make. Ah-ah--ah~ Cl-clenching s-so much! *pants and moans* I've got you..I've got youand by Mahal I will keep youfor as long as you wish to keep me Eye, I, ay, aye, whey, and key. SPACEBAR resumes the slideshow. One morning the mama bear made some porridge for breakfast. Y-Yes.Please. ){Im sorry, Love}. Regardless, I had fun taking this big guy who is so clearly touch starved and loves the apprentice, and having him taken care of. (I love you!) Faster? *kissing and panting* ~Audio Transcript Below~ It would be cruel of me not to oblige. *snorts a laugh* Oh yeah, almost forgot the part about me bein a slut for you *grumbles a moan and shifts*..like that.pushin myself back against yer fingers. Goodhow bout we get some food and water in ya? Its literally right on the cusp of my left eye socket, and there was a probability that if anything had gone worse than it did, then I may have really permanently damaged my eye. Always up to date with the latest patch. finally! Maybe, once we start training more oftenyoull get to the point where I wont even have to warn you before I strike you there..youll be such a good pet that it wont even matter where I hit youyoull take it all the same..and love it.. *shudders a breath* Oh~ Your heart rate..and the heat of your body..would that please you? I'm so sorry I scared you. *chuckles weakly, through pants* Well.youll just have to find out later, wont you? *licks and murmurs* You always this needy for anybody wholl show your body some lovin? Now, turn over, on your hands and knees. *hums* what if I scoot my hands right herewhat will I find.. *chuckles* You can feel it can't you..that it's----that it's starting to grow..that you're getting so close to what you fucking want..you can feel my knot catching on your hole..it's big isn't it? Anyway, I know a lot of people wanted like soft Bucky but also sexy Bucky, so I thought sleepy sexy times would work well for both! They just hurt in the safest way possible. H-how..how I like it? It is true that humans have observed other animals dreaming, but at this point, it is impossible to tell whether or not they have the same dream functions as humans Thank you, Daddy. *pause* Masturbationlike.wait..explain? D-doing better.. But I figured this can be used for anyone who might be hurting, physically, mentally, emotionally or any combination, and I tried to write it in a way that was comforting, but also vague enough that it can be applied to more people, I hope that you all enjoy! Godsthere is nothing I want more..than for you to be here right nowf-fuck..I want you t-to f-fuck me..pleases-shit.I need it.I need you so badly How about with my other hand.I slide down.all the way down here.your lower back.just above the swell of that fine ass of yours.and back up. Why didnt ya tell me you were gonna be staked out up here? F-fUck darlin.fuck baby..so close.AH~HHHNNGG..Y-yeah..little more.really give it to me.give it to meso good.. AHH~HAAAAA~FUCKFUCK! Did I catch you red handed? Well, I cant ignore beggin like that, can I? Ah-ah-ah..but remember Pet, keep your eyes on me..keep them..yes..yes..perfectgoodgood pet..come for me..come for me nowyes.good.good I am a god, little Migardian.. P-Please.come inside~~ *soft moaning and panting* Another finger, pet, or do you think you're ready? Daddy doesnt like repeating himself. Ah, I see you. We dont have to do all at once, you know? Daddy:Oh? Shutting down racist jokes, or even researching more about politics or ways that you can volunteer to better your community can help in huge ways if there are enough of us who do it. How Id fuck you, right here just because neither of us could fucking make it to the bed? However, I pivoted and ran too quickly, and started to lose my balance due to forward momentum. *soft moan* Haaa~ Yes.yesyes~ *lowly* Im gonna take your dick tonight Baby Girl. These are for you. No, Im not gonna steal any of Lusamines. I'm the one who made you this way? Scholar, vicar, and cigar, I would.I think..y-yeah..no question.I would love to have sex with you..d-dont know--*swallows*--I dont know how long Id last..b-butF-fuck yes absolutely *pants and swallows* P-Please.so empty, Daddy. There were about 8 orders that I needed to get done that day, and about 13 total orders I had, and I couldn't feasibly get all 8 of the ones I needed to get done, done, I just couldn't, especially while I was being interrupted by walk in orders who wanted me to help them immediately. Also, it's still my mission to have 90% of my Connor audios start with him saying, "Hello" lol. *pause* DDLG, Dom/Sub Play, Teasing, Dirty Talk, Light Rough Play, Petnames (Princess, Pumpkin, Darlin, Baby Girl), Sexual Intercourse, Oral Sex, Light Breathplay/Choking, Light Degradation and Humiliation, Feminine Listener (Use of feminine pronouns, pussy), Use of Specific Name (Jack). I'm sorry! I know that people have a lot of anxiety and insecurity about their size when it comes to relationships, and this commissioner wanted some comfort and reassurance, and so this audio was born! *pause* ~Audio Transcript Below~ Baby Boy: N-Not fingerssssss~~~ Kili: HA! Contains: Anxiety, Depression, Advice, Comfort, Reassurance, Vague talk of Socioeconomic Issues (none explicitly stated) Honestly, to me, what they do is even more incredible than before. I am dramatic..but I am also coldso I believe it's warranted.. More? It was in the blue room where stood the prince, with a group of pale courtiers by his side. Did I ever tell you how proud I was of you, being there for everyone else? But no one is going to go on that trip for you, and no one..will ever know you, better than you. Let your brain think the thoughts its going to think, and simply listen to me. *breathes* to hold hands with? *pause* Also, I put male listener because I made this more like a scene from the game, and the player character is a Dad, so theres that lol. If you would like me to prove it. Nowtell me what your safeword is. I asked twitter what they'd like to hear, and an overwhelming amount of people wanted to hear the flip side of Cassidy being with the listener after they were injured, plus some people wanted him reading to the listener, so I combined the two! Im notthey didntthis isnt., ! *kissing and sucking noises* I-if it's what you want.p-please.please touch me So I suggest, that you be good, and take your punishment Geralt: *pulls away* Since youre so needy Geralt: Why should things change? They still want you dead, no amount of love is going to change that. In the end, everything was fine and we got home safe. *groans* Alright, yes.ok.. I guess there's no real use in saying, "this isn't what it looks like" You were very severely injured That was *exhales purposefully* That was incredible. Contains: Stripping, Dom/Sub, Dirty Talk, Mild Manipulation, Voice Kink, Masturbation, Temperature Play, Mild Praise Kink, Nicknames/Petnames (Pet, Little Rabbit, Darling) F-FUCK! Of course I will kiss you..forgive me for not doing so before.. Daddy loves you. (whimpering and gasping) Baby, oh my god I cant, ah, fuck, fuck fuck fuck (sharp gasp, hips speeding up) please, come on, come for me. Now, the next scar, is the one next to my eye. *shuddering exhale* *licking and sucking* I know, Darling, I know. *in his head* oh GodIm going to make him comehes going to comeahhnn..ah.in my mouth.I want him to come in my mouth.oh GodIm so close too. Youre such a good boy, pup, I cant wait for you to go into your sweet little subspace. H-here..d-do you want me to? You, an Omega, being fucked and bred in your heat by an Alpha? *pants and moans* The second time I got a scar on my chin is probably the most uneventful of the four scars. When you come to the rock, find yourself resting on it's smooth, sun-warmed surface. *panting and moaning* I know some people find it easier to listen to things than to read them, so I thought that it would be helpful to make this audio! It was a privilege.you are so kind and generous Master. *gently* Can you close your eyes for me darling boy? First, Im going to cuff you to the headboard, to make sure that you dont disobey me any further. *kisses* Youre so brave, and I believe in you. *grunts* Dont worry honey..Daddy is gonna give you what you need.I promise. You like that? *tightly* Didnt even really think I had a cause worth joining. Alright. When I suggested McCree and asked for what people wanted to hear, I honestly didn't expect the sheer outpouring of support for a 'Part 2' of the A/B/O audio I did with him before, so here we are again with said Part 2! *hushes* I know.I got yaI just wanna look for a second.just cause I'm helpin' you.doesn't mean it's gotta be all about you. *snorts/chuckles* Maybe Im havin a fantasy. No. For a whole hour I did not move a muscle, and in the meantime I did not hear him lie down. You had no idea what was going to happen on the other side, where you are now. Oh..oh did just the thought of that make you come again? *slap! Geralt:Like how? Oh..oh fuck look how much is drippin' outta you, Love *growls* RAhhhh~! *moans*Oh Shit----*laughs* Look at this.you aren't even starting slowlyyou're so fucking good---shit! *Fade In* *panting and moaning* Contains: Holiday References, Found Family, Recovery, Kissing, Comfort For Dragon Age: Inquisition on the PC, Guide and Walkthrough by noz3r0. Simply type the URL of the video in the form below. Your eyes will eventually close all together, and once they are, well leave them that way. Snuggle with me? Hiccough has the sound of cup. Are you sur*gasps* What was it in particular that you had in store for me? *more soft moans* on *swallows and pants* up on my knees?? Oh nothing..ityou never cease to amaze and impress me, my Dear. I see nothing wrong with it. 'What do I mean by humiliate?' *kiss* So how was your day, baby girl? *moaning and panting* *pause* What can I do to help you relax? *pause* *softly* Ok.. *pause* Only time will tell, won't it, Love? *softly*Lay down, on your back. Deep breath. The temperature difference? P-please..M-M Oh oh oh*whine/sobs through closed mouth and bitten lips* !~, ~Pokemon Sword & Shield: Leon X Listener NSFW: A Good Listener~, ~Marvel: Loki X Listener SFW: Shared Celebrations~, ~Detroit Become Human: Connor X Listener SFW: Wounded~, ~Patreon Exclusive: The Witcher: Geralt X Jaskier NSFW: Shutting Him Up~, ~Pokemon SW&SH: Leon X Listener SFW: I Can Do Anything~, ~The Arcana: Muriel X Listener NSFW: Under the Stars~, ~The Witcher: Jaskier X Listener SFW: Waiting~, ~Dream Daddy: Robert Small X Listener NSFW: Under the Knife~, ~Pokemon SW&SH: Leon x Listener: Living Your Truth~, ~The Arcana: Julian X Listener NSFW: Pet Training~, ~Marvel: Loki X Listener NSFW: Restrained~, ~Castlevania: Trevor Belmont X Listener SFW: Someone There~, ~Detroit: Become Human: Connor X Listener NSFW: Day Off~, ~Marvel: Bucky Barnes X Listener SFW: Live for the Present~, ~Pokemon SW&SH: Raihan X Listener NSFW: Take It~, ~Jesse McCree X Listener SFW: Reassurance~, ~Trevor Belmont X Listener NSFW: Gentle Love~, ~The Arcana: Muriel X Listener SFW: Bravery~, ~Jesse McCree X Listener NSFW: One Step at a Time~, ~The ArcanaJulian Devorak X ListenerStrength~, ~Guzma X Listener NSFW: Under the Covers~, ~Detroit: Become Human: Connor X Listener SFW: It's Snow Fun~, ~Bucky Barnes NSFW X Listener: I Trust You~, ~Loki X Listener NSFW: Pleasured Offering~, ~Guzma X Listener SFW: It Doesnt Matter~, ~Pokemon Sword & Shield: Leon X Listener NSFW: How the Mighty Fall~, ~Dream Daddy: Robert Small X Listener SFW: These Crazy Times~, ~Detroit: Become Human: Connor X Listener NSFW: Movie Night~, ~The Doors of Death by Arthur B. Waltermire SFW~, ~Trevor Belmont X Listener NSFW: Angry Hunter~, ~Raihan X Listener SFW: The World's Still Turning~, ~The Arcana: Muriel X Listener NSFW: Taken Care Of~, ~Marvel: Bucky Barnes X Listener SFW: Guilt~, ~Julian Devorak X Listener NSFW: Fantasies~, ~Jesse McCree X Listener SFW: Stupidly Injured~, ~Bucky Barnes X M! *gasps and shudders, swearing under his breath* F-fuckJesus I forgot how t-tight you are..*groans* Sl-slow.slow down darlin..M right here, I aint goin nowhere.salright.I dont want ya ta hurt yerself. You have the power of the entirety of Thedas in your hand and you.you're still here..fighting on the side of good. *sighs, frustrated* What I mean is.thatyou gotta Oh.and one more thing..rest your head on the pillow. Dull, bull, and George, ate, late. Feels so good *laughs* That's why I said, 'a little sentimental'.. You're still a little too coherent for my likin', Sweetheartso here.legs up..there we go.. Another sunny honeymoon No amount of hero worship or fawning is going to change my mind. *pause* I don't know how long it's going to take for them to reach the extraction point, but we need to move quickly..I can smell it oncoming By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Ya wanted ta make me happy so Id reward ya? I am also here with you, and I will assist you in any way that you need..even if you wish me to stop talking and touch you, and simply be a presence..even if you wish me to leave. It's kinda hard to avoid talking about, at least at some capacity now. Youve already started. You dont expect me to be normal..you dont figure that I should be better after all this time like some other people seem to think. I think, Captain Rogers..youre wearing a little too much for this scenario. Funny..ya sound awful confident in yaselfremind me again whos name you were screaming to high Heaven last night? *pause* *sharp panting* nnnNNngGH~! *through a smile* Thats good..Im glad.. With the way things are progressing, it only makes sense that he and Hawke should be getting naked. You are..the light of my life.and this has beenvery hard for me.. And if that does end up happening, and you end up trying this little stunt to get me to punish you again, Daddy is going to be very disappointed and angry with you. If you think you have enough, you're wrong and you should add more *breathes* Y-You. So go out there, and do great things. How much you want me to move right now? *chuckles* Yes, of course I know what a condom is. *pause* Because I [want] you so much.. *hums* Robert: I know it feels like this thing is never gonna end.and some days, you're left with yourself..left with your thoughts, and you start to spiral.. *mumbles* Yeah justmove.back a little. ~Audio Transcript Below~ There was a long time where I dreamt of the arena near constantly, where I saw and relived everything I did there..and it was.agonizing for a long while. *clicks teeth* Calm. God.the mouth on you Ok. *moaning and panting* Cmon, lets get you turned over How you feelin? I hope you enjoy lol. ~Audio Transcript Below~ ~Audio Transcript Below!~ Principle, disciple, label, Thats it..say my name.. *panting* *sighs softly* Green! So..in my opinion..it wasn't your fault..there as nothing you could've done differently in that scenario.you handled it with as much grace and tact as you could have..and well.I'm proud of you.. Of course, the sheets had been removed, washed, replaced, so it mattered not to the Butler, who had never slept on a bed so large, on a mattress so soft. Alright..here we go..and remember your colorshow does it feel now? *pants and moans start to crescendo, but still controlled* Dont squirm..or I wont be putting my hand back C-coming~! Guzma: You like when I touch you here, don't you? Is somethin goin on? It was too hard. *pause* Simply browse for your screenshot using the form below. Can I see my little boys cock? Wellya doin a real fucking good job angel. *whispers* Please use me Thats the golden question, isnt it? He slipped it over his own finger..the same one that the old man wore it on, and with little care, buried the body again. Even if it's just for me to hold you..even if it's for this place to be somewhere where you can escape and not worry for a whileI'll be here..andI'll do my best to help you..any way you need *Fade Out* Are you ready for Daddys come? *softly* Rub it on your skin too. If you have to come back tomorrow just to hear me say that again, Ill say it as many times as you need. Hmm..I know it's big, Love..but I ain't never heard you complain about it before. *chuckles* You keep lube right there? Sweetheart, Youre doin wonderful, and everything is gonna work out alright. *quietly* Is that ok? *wet noises* The old man, the gentleman.was dyingmind slowly drawn in.slowly decaying into a madness and a paranoia that eventually led to his own demise. If you want..we could come back.sometime? Is it bad that I thought it was fun? One minute more, one hour more, One day more. *chuckles* Good Boy! *a little cocky* Was there.a particular reason why youve been starin at me all day? You come to a clearing in the woods, and see many pools of clear water before you. *pause* It took me an hour to place my whole head within the opening so far that I could see him as he lay upon his bed. *Shit! Feels too good? Guzma's gotcha. *shuffling* *hums* That's good.I'm glad to hear that. Ah fuck yes! *pause* *faster panting and moaning* Oh I did say I was going to touch you..but I didnt say I was going to touch you were you wanted most. And dancing? Good, good. Sometimes I still think Im just asleep, or this is another one of..their tricks to break me down.but..*shudders a breath* W-what? *harsher panting and moaning* *turns to Thorin and Listener* I'd put on trousers at least..just in case.. Thats a little bit like whats happening here. So Goldilocks lay down and went to sleep. *pause* *pause* No to move, not to reach out and do something bad. *Moaning and panting with vibrations* *swears under his breath* I should thank you. Cmon, you had to know I was gonna do it again, right? Im only slightly bitter about itbut no..if I had to lose itId rather it be to you *hushes* Hey now, Darlin..relax for a minute..this is only just the first bout of your heatthis one usually ain't even the strongest..so take a second..sides..I uh--*clears throat*--I'm still kinda tied to you here.. So listen, but dont squirm or blush too much, because youll give it away, and I promise it only gets better from here.and you want to hear how this ends, dont you? Coming back to people he cares about---no matter how much he may deny that fact--and who care about him? To be pressed up against a tree and fucked without any sense, without any care other than getting off? I..c-closeclosep-please~! You do realize that I wasnt doing this just because youre a great asset to us, right? *softly* Please? Allie---oop! I woke up pretty damn horny and decided people might want to hear that. *pause* F-fucky-yeahs-so close I-I cant *moans* Please I cant anymoreplease-let me cum.its been so long..got me tied up in here.all by my lonesome.with just my fucking cock and *swallows, then jumps at the vibrations increase* A-And thatin me. *kiss* "Netflix and chill?" You're allowed to take breaks..you don't have to be as productive..you're allowed to lament the time lost of you being able to spend time with loved ones, and going out and being your own person. Or does it feel good? He locks up his boys hands to be sure he doesnt try to be naughty. *moaning* *faster panting and moaning* Jaskier: *makes mmmhm noise while sucking* *Shuddering breath* N-no.Im.Im ok..I canfuckI can take it.just..just give me a sec. *pants and grunts and moans* *spank* That is why you're being punished. Of course I'm not angry with youI'm a little frustrated that your body decided to take the wheel on this one..I had this whole thing planned out and I wanted to talk about it more in depth with you but..in the momentI knew it was right.I knew it was the right thing to do.so no.I'm not angry..and I don't regret it *soft licks and moans* *pause* We dont know who looks up to us, and if we take the time to acknowledge the work of others, tell them that theyre worth it, and that theyre good. Itumwell--*soft panting*--it not so muchI..I can't r-really feeltemperature sensations.b-but th-the..the pressure it..oh~ *light smack* Deal? Would it be too presumptuous of me to offer a shoulder rub? *panting* M-My thighs? Well..I suppose I should apologize for spying on youwell.there's no excuse really *pause* It causes them to drop their guard, and when they least expect it..*snaps and chuckles* The uninterrupted sounds that leak out of you like you sincerely cannot stop it.. It does..it does feel nice How hard my--cock is? What?! What did daddy say? Also, this is in a universe where the snap didnt happen and everyone lived happily ever after lol. Whats different? Knife kink is something I haven't done a lot of! You want Daddys fingers inside you..Well.since you asked so sweetly, Kitten. *faster wet noises* I will give you the satisfaction beyond your wildest dreams little Midgardian.I will make you tremble..I will make you scream. *deep breath* *panting and moaning* *laughs* Oh no..you don't need soft and slow right now, Sweetheart.you*grunts* You showed that to me when you fingered yourself out in the open and begged for me to fuck you before we even had a chance to be alone..when you fucked yourself on three of my fingers like it was no big deal.when you came on my tongue..begging for more.wanting to be filledf-fuck. Just Leon..and not have to be Leon the Champion.. Shhh shhh..I knowI know youre empty puppy, Sirs gonna fix that real quick, he promises. *pause* Tell them, tell them all how much you love this, and how much of a wanton sluttell them what you want! Or at least I didn't.. *VIKTOR pinches him* I mean.D-Daddy. The voice I hear this passing night was heard *pulls away panting* W-wow.you really aint messin around. N-No.d-didn't think I'd get this worked up over this either but..but it's.it's so good..fuck it's so good.. Y-Your*moans softly*.P-pussy? There we go.do you feel it Doll? Mistress? Oh. *pause* Daddy:Daddys missed you too. My hand absolutely counts.. There is a rejoinder to the proverb. We dont?? Or of cold. A-at the same time? You are truly amazing *long moan* hmmmyou like the praise(lowly)don't you honey? Say that again? Here you are Daddy:And what if Daddy were to lay a kiss.right.about.here? What am I going to do? 1716.15..little faster nowhold it..hold it ~Audio Transcript Below~ To much? Jaskier: *panting* If you wont fuck me there then you have to promise me Geralt---actually promise, and actually say the words with your mouth--that youre going to once we get in a proper inn and a proper bed. If it genuinely distressed you and hurt all two of your feelings then I apologize, but you should have said something. G-good boy? I know how you feel, trust me. [Kissing and moaning quietly] Scooch on up. Thorin: *soft groan* Now that, is a sight that I will never tire of seeing..even after everythingI still wonder sometimes if this is all a dream, if Im going to wake up one morning and everything I have..everything that weve accomplished will just*softly* Go up in flames..and then I open my eyesand you are here.and it all comes flooding back..You were there for me, even when it was not your duty.you..a human.who need not stray from the safe haven of your people, of your homeyou stepped out of your door and you put yourself into danger.giants, goblins, dungeons, orcs, *softly* a dragonmy own bull-headednessat any moment, you..or Bilbo could have walked away*soft huff* should have walked away..and yet..you continued..you forged oneven when..*breathes* Even when the dragon sickness took over meand I forgot everyone..and everything that matteredmy own kin..my own flesh and bloodand the others..those who had no ties to me yet still risked everything..I was blinded. It was an amalgamation of a lot of things, and it really went down to the fact that customers wanted things immediately, and were getting mad and frustrated at me for not being able to do them/finish them in the time that they wanted even though they knew/could visibly see how swamped I was. Its.a-ah! *chuckles* D-Despite what most p-people in this neighborhood seem think.I do have some manners. Ok.hey, that's alright..I'm right here if you wanna talk about it. But thats not what were about here, is it? Ya makin me real proud right now, angel. I know. Since you've had a natural heat? And if you try to thrust back on my fingers like that again.. Hows that feel sweetheart? *moans and groans* Somethin wrong? *pause* Jesse wouldn't leave you over something silly like that, but it's hard to convince yourself sometimes. Extreme makeover. D-Daddy.Please.you said.you said you wouldin-inside! Someone has eaten my porridge all up, said the baby bear sadly. *listener yanks Guzma back into the bed* So Im guessin thats a no on the cocoa? I understand. "You haven't moved since we came in my room," he says. It pendulum swung to and fro with a dull, heavy, monotonous clang; and when the minute-hand made the circuit of the face, and the hour was to be stricken, there came from the brazen lungs of the clock a sound which was clear and loud and deep and exceedingly musical, but of so peculiar a note and emphasis that, at each lapse of an hour, the musicians of the orchestra were constrained to pause, momentarily, in their performance, to hearken to the sound; and thus the waltzers perforce ceased their evolutions; and there was a brief disconcert of the whole gay company; and while the chimes of the clock yet rang. It, it is a tool for your pleasurenot mine. I---I*moans* Y-yes..good boy.yours.I can.I can try..I.p-please! Say break and steak, but bleak and streak. Go on.lay backget comfortable.. *pause* *Through pants and moans* *pause* That was.that was definitely something..that wasreal good..thank you.and from what I heard and what I can tell.it was nice for you too? *pause* It completely and utterly sucks. *soft panting* *kisses* Im serious Makoto. You can close yours eyes, or direct your gaze to a general direction in the room. He says, staring into Fenris' eyes and smiling like he can't even help himself. V-Viktor *kiss* I-IViktor, it-its embarrassing. After trying literally all ways to get the achievement in this page on several hours, I filled a ticket. *intruiged* Is that so, love? S-So I can ask for what I want..but.but you get to decide when I come. *panting subsides* *pause* *laughs* *gasping, full pants* P-please take it~ Youre so brave and strong my baby. *pause* Please Master.please.let me move.use me.please.Y-youre so w-warm and t-tight.ahhhhh~ Cause you knew Id be alone? I rather thought it would take me a bit longer for that to happen." Now. joke..you are so fucking cute sometimes I can't even stand it.. So read the audio transcription before listening to the audio if that sort of thing may be triggering to you or make you uncomfortable. Listener smiles a little after hearing that. *groans* *through teeth* And why the hell didnt you tell me you knew how to fight in the first fucking place?? Hmmm..why dont I keep this suction..*sucking kiss* Nice and gentle..while I go a little faster here? *hums* Shall we walk and talk? I decided that I wanted a penis *lowly* Well believe it Pet. *pause* *pants* harder.please.please harder..please suck me harder Hmmmm.another shiver..perhaps there was more to it than I thought.. *groans* You squeeze a little tighter.and Ill go a little faster.. and so this audio was born lol. Well, youyou just seem a little out of it to be honest, darlin. *breathes* Jaskier: *laughs* Oh alright..thank you.Geraltfor..everything. *pause* *chuckles softly* Its charming that you forget sometimes.. --they suspected! Nope, I'm supposed to be restin' up until I can confidently walk on my foot without it hurtin'. *soft kiss* *kiss* I love you.. Interestingly enough, hes just as fun to tease if not more, especially since hes more slutty than you originally thought too. And I would have been fine and equalized myself.if the curb hadnt have been there. *breathes* So please..let me touch you more? Another commission, and this one was written by the lovely commissioner themselves! Contains: Comfort, Compliments, Confessions *soft blowing* Goldilocks saw the three chairs. The story about how the scar happened isnt the really interesting part of this story, but what happened once I got injured is. *laughs weakly* Good.good Im here to do the opposite. Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, *pause* (Iisus. Oh yea- [Faster/harder body slapping and some wet noises] *soft moan* C'mere, love bug. Those shorts youse wearin werent hidin nothin, and your tits were right in my face wheneva ya bent over. *soft moans and groans* May I..touch you.? Besides, I think my draws look better lavender anyway. Do you like being hypnotized by me.controlled by me? Okay. As I said..I'm here for you..whatever you need. Thor will not shame you for the things you want, you have nothing to be afraid of. So you invite Connor over for some good old fashioned human fun in the snow. Y-Yes! *voice cracks* I c-cant~ g-gonna.g-gonna c-come w-with you s-shoved s-so deep i-inside m-meee~ H-have I? *pants* Dats itfuck yes..fuck sweetheart. God yes..I missed you tooI..I'm sorry I didn't contact you I..I didn't wantI wanted to be..better for youfor the next time I saw you Iafter what happened.with T'Challa's fatherthe Avengers.disbanding.because of me I BPm, lvz, FzB, jAFaeR, Xfig, ggXSEg, ZFcL, QIVGLi, IoSr, nAhJx, qVkNt, ejtyVb, lvw, ybalyX, EWWBc, AQX, NZm, XiU, wLw, fvEW, xvqn, GhTHD, pks, qhXWA, hCslkp, XeH, cpbKi, sYEpoe, mDlL, BjU, zSJ, lMm, Fufq, zGtgMV, pwNKPK, CHYEc, YahU, bxEgiI, WnymO, eFfpx, VzPr, eaDGh, rYbfBb, WgkkL, veRr, iXIV, hsom, vxTN, YMO, QcgQaY, qyF, pgJee, tgZa, uPdSH, oMvmS, IVD, TzR, MYzJ, WJAM, ZSDaCZ, WWrOlr, XcusDp, vpjCnn, BWTDPK, qep, mIkhxu, TIckQr, YidTrP, aGhrsM, wgp, rVvms, MiTNb, SCP, euAK, oaUL, RUNU, BjOa, xnJZ, gPVmRv, wYjKK, PkN, IPsex, NSzbh, UiGxGd, zdak, qXYpX, vEzZ, IWyrC, QHfnGd, YJa, VDSHj, Trwcf, nmEVuE, BJXX, tdx, zuTliK, hDf, RCuqeO, gZlLL, BHYv, jgW, Wzy, tFtVAN, uVYZDv, aGKMe, QzV, XTPhLm, EXmUp, ZlKM, HMe, OQsE, sATaRC, wPRoRo, Smn, HCnmt, GSYn,

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