when was the sumerian king list discovered
The prism lists the Sumerian kings with each side containing the text in two columns. Later, Alalgar ruled for 36,000 years. Mustatils in Saudi Arabia: Gates for Animal Sacrifice to Unknown Gods? In the latter half of the last century, scholars began to focus more on the historiographical value of the King List at the times when it was composed or redacted. The Sumerian King List is an ancient listing of the earliest rulers of Sumer and surrounding regions. A simple tally of the ciphers used yields six 10x602 signs, six 602 signs and six 60 signs. In Literatur, Politic und Recht in Mesopotamien: Festschrift fr Claus Wilcke, ed. Head of human statuette found in Nippur, Iraq, 2,600 BC, Sumerian, via The Penn Museum, Philadelphia. 2. Thus, an elongated wedge represented the number one and a vertically impressed triangular shape represented the number ten. was carried. Jacobsen, Thorkild. It ends with King Sin-magir of the so-called Isin dynasty (around 1827-1817 BC). 6). I drop (the topic) Bad-tibira(k); However, the optimistic view on the List as a historical document was soon met with a wave of scepticism as scholars began to turn attention to the ideological perspective of the King List, the omission of several important historical dynasties, and the incredibly long reigns of some early rulers on the List. Who Built the East Bay Mystery Walls in California? Michalowski, Piotr. Aka, Paris. Researchers have mixed feelings about the Sumerian King list. The scribe would have been puzzled at the last set of six small circle signs. The Sumerian King List and the Rule by god Indra on Rotation . Attention is paid to the internal characteristics of the two sets of numerical values and their formal similarity. reigned its 64,800 years. The Sumerian King List is an ancient stone tablet originally recorded in the Sumerian language, listing kings of Sumer (ancient southern Iraq) from Sumerian and neighboring dynasties, their supposed reign lengths, and the locations of the kingship. Mes-kiag-gasher, On the other hand, it is highly unlikely that the biblical account was derived from the Sumerian in view of the differences of the two accounts, and the obvious superiority of the Genesis record both in numerical precision, realism, completion, and moral and spiritual qualities. Alalgar reigned 36,000 years. Then Eridug fell and the kingship was taken to Bad-tibira. First of all, it has a large degree of independence. 4). Many earlier complicated symbols disappeared. An intermediate cipher for 10 was developed to ease the need for repetition and it was used by itself and to multiply the different powers of 60. A special sign for zero was not necessary. Thus, the totals of both the adjusted Genesis and Sumerian lists have six of the signs for ten times the square of the base, six of the signs for the square of the base, and six signs for the next lower value of their respective system. Exactly what the convention would have been is not known. 21192004 B.C.) reigned 28,800 years; Jacobsen translation is based on his critically edited text of the Wendell-Blundell prism in the Ashmolean Museum of Oxford University (W-B 1923.444). The following survey is based principally on the descriptions of Friberg,5 Flegg,6 Nissen,7 Walker,8 and the University of Wisconsin9 among others. divine Dumu-zi(d), a shepherd, reigned 36,000 years. In Bad-tibira, En-men-lu-ana ruled for . The Sumerian King List. 7. The information about the cities, the names of the kings, and their reigns are most probably also derived from source A, as there are strong indications that it was originally present in the complete text of the epic. OECT II. It is difficult to ascertain if the verb he reigned after the various reigns and the city summaries of the number of kings and the total duration of their reigns were derived from source A or if they were added by the scribe. Superfluous details were omitted, and curved lines were replaced by short straight segments. It has a reference to the Biblical flood; "After the flood had swept over, and . ThenEridugfell and the kingship was taken toBad-tibira. That the two documents are numerically related is strong evidence for the historicity of the book of Genesis. 3 kings; they ruled for 108000 years. reigned 18,600 years. The short strokes had a head, which was more deeply impressed and therefore wider. The Chronovisor: A device used by the Vatican to look 250,000-year-old artifact: The ultimate evidence of 'Ancient Astronaut' technology? A consideration of that list, and the reconstructed portion of the source used by WB (text in bold letters), shows that the original information about the antediluvian kings did not claim that the different kingships were successive. The Genesis account gives us a glimpse into that obscure portion of the history of mankind, and provides information for a chronology of that period. In On the Third Dynasty of Ur: Studies in Honor of Marcel Sigrist, ed. It is observed that the King List was composed and used to inculcate a particular political vision or doctrine, that the pattern of kingship or hegemony in Mesopotamia could only be exercised by one city at a given time and for a limited period. In Larag, En-sipad-zid-ana ruled for 28,800 years. "Miscellaneous Communications." Jacobsen concludes that The man who added the antediluvian section is also responsible for the last part of the list; his literary peculiarities appear in both places.4 This scribe added the 3rd dynasty of Ur (21122004 BC)3 and the dynasty of Isin down to Sin-magir (18271817 BC), so the antediluvian section appears to have been also added after that time. . Description: The Sumerian King List is an important chronographic document from ancient Mesopotamia. And the total length of their domination was 241,200 years! In both cases, the largest value represented by a single symbol was 36,000, although very large numbers could be expressed by the repeated use of the symbol for 36,000. Similarly, the large circle with the small circle inside (10x602) was substituted by a diamond made with four long wedges with a triangular impression inside. They also contain a description of the moral and spiritual condition as well as the history of that period. Some scholars argue that the years of reign described in the Sumerian King list were not actual years, but are a reflection of the importance of the king. If we do not incorporate the six 10x60 signs (large bullet with small circle inside) of the Sumerian total into an additional next higher order sign, the Sumerian total has 6 signs for 10x602, six signs for 602, and six signs for 10x60. In conclusion, there were two different but related systems for representing numbers in the Sumero-Babylonian culture. Sixty was represented by an elongated wedge which sometimes was larger than the wedge for one, but most of the time had to be differentiated from it by the context or the arrangement of the other numeral symbols. JRAS: 25159. Meskalamdug (Mes-Kalam-Dug ) - ("hero of the good land") was an early Sumerian king of the First Dynasty of Ur, who is not mentioned in the Sumerian king list. Required fields are marked *. was current in various settings in Sumerian literature at the time when most of our copies of the King List were written (and) that it was written later by a person different from the one who originally composed the postdiluvian section of the list by a scribe who was bringing his copy of an older original up to date (See Figure 1). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press. _. reigned 28,800 years; An inscription of Utu-hegal describing this victory over Gutium shows very close similarities in ideology and language to the earlier portion of the postdiluvian King List.4 The characteristic phraseology common to the inscription and the King List occurs in no other document. On one side of the tablet are many individual entries of numbers accompanied by pictorial symbols, probably signifying the objects being counted or the names of persons. In both the Sumerian King List and the Biblical genealogies in Genesis 5 & 11, there is a great Flood, after which there is marked reduction in the lengths of rules or lifespans. The number symbols, however, could be written in two ways: either as cuneiform signs, inscribed with a stylus of triangular section, or as circular signs made with the blunt end of a circular stylus.5 That means that two different types of stylus were used simultaneously. The Sumerian nationalism must have been stimulated by the newly-won independence from the barbarous Gutians. The text usually referred to as the 'Sumerian King List' (SKL) is a composition somewhere between a literary text and a list proper, which deals with the history of kingship in Babylonia from the beginning of time to the early centuries of the second millennium BCE. (In) Bad-tibira(k) En-men-lu-Anna(k) Help us share the truth of Gods Word and the gospel! The line numeration refers to the lines of the WB prism. The italicized lines correspond to phrases that Jacobsen considers were written by the scribe as he added the material of the antediluvian section to an earlier version of the King List, which he was also bringing up to date, in the middle of the Isin dynasty. Friberg, Jran. However, it is evident that his source for the antediluvian kings did not claim that the different kingships were successive. The giant rock monument hidden under the Sea of Galilee could be 12,000 years old! Poebel, Arno. The Sumerian King List, on the other hand, contains an initial section that makes reference to the Flood and to Sumerian kings of extremely long reigns before the Flood.1 The antediluvian portion of the King List is very different from the biblical account. The script was not yet cuneiform, but the signs are more linear. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Homes were constructed from bundled marsh reeds or mud bricks, and complex irrigation canals were dug to harness the silt-laden waters of the Tigris and Euphrates for farming. Her help in editing and proof reading is also greatly appreciated. The third column is the representation of the ages as decimal-counting Semites would have written them using the early rounded stylus. This is similar to Genesis . Furthermore, the antediluvian section has a particular set of formulas different from those used in the postdiluvian section. Although there are other, non-biblical, references to the antediluvian era, there is no other document in all of the extant records of the ancient world that provides the detailed and coherent information found in the book of Genesis. From Wikipedia: The Sumerian King List (abbreviated SKL) or Chronicle of the One Monarchy is an ancient literary composition written in Sumerian that was likely created and redacted to legitimize the claims to power of various city-states and kingdoms in southern Mesopotamia during the late third and early second millennium BC. Alaljar ruled for 36000 years. Piotr Michalowski, 7791. Jacobsen4 has compared these manuscripts with well-dated documents outside of the King List and has determined the time when these usages disappeared from the then current language. 2004. 8 kings descended from heaven and ruled for 241,200 years the Sumerian King List unveiled, The Sumerian Civilization & the Sumerian King List, The Sumerian King List unveiled some really astounding things to historians. A sign for zero was used to indicate internal empty positions. The first system appears during the Proto-Sumerian Period and was in use until the time of the Akkadian Dynasty. This ancient text describes in great detail a time when Earth was ruled by beings referred to as Gods for thousands of years. The List of the Sumerian Kings tells an incredible story that many find hard to believe: After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. Gadd, G. J. JCS 17: 5257. In some cases there were also oblong impressions on the outside of the ball that represented numbers that corresponded to the tokens within the ball. A few of the existing manuscripts of the List have an initial section dealing with kings before the Flood that is significantly different from the rest of the list. This is very close to the total in the Sumerian antediluvian document. 2003. Eventually, a sign for zero was adopted in the Babylonian system, but it was only used to denote internal empty places, the new numerical symbol was not used to the right of a number as the last symbol.6 This meant that the numbers were not unambiguous and the actual value had to be determined very carefully from the context. These usually consisted of a walled metropolis dominated by a ziggurat the tiered, pyramid-like temples associated with the Sumerian religion. 21192004 B.C.). Over more than two hundred and forty-two thousand centuries ago, in the region now known as southern Iraq these kinds ruled. Sumerians and Babylonians employed a sexagesimal number system. [16] The list became king and reigned 18,600 years. The first part of the Sumerian King List reads: After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was inEridug. The best-preserved specimen of the Sumerian King List is called the Weld-Blundell Prism, which is a clay, cuneiform inscribed vertical prism housed in the Ashmolean Museum. The existence of a sign for 10 does not prove that the system employed the base ten or that it had a combination of bases. 2). . 17631753 B.C.). The total would then have six 103 signs, six 102 signs, and six 10 signs for a sum of 6600 years. Sixteen copies (indicated as A, B, C. P) of this text are known, all of them written in Sumerian, although some of them clearly show Akkadian influence. Then Bad-tibira fell and the kingship was taken to Larag. This oblong numeral was repeated several times to represent small numbers and this can be considered an extension of the method of tallying where there is a one-to-one correspondence between the objects counted and the inscribed marks. Number symbols used during the Sumerian Period (21122004 BC). Sources and Studies in the History of Mathematics and Physical Sciences. The Antediluvian Patriarchs and the Sumerian King List, Noahs Flood: a Historical, Global Catastrophe. After Hilprecht's discovery, around 18 other lists have been discovered dating from the second half of the Isin dynasty. "Die Sumerische Knigsliste und erzhlte Vergangenheit." During the period of the Semitic dynasty of Akkad, the Akkadian language replaced Sumerian as the administrative language, as Sargon I of Agade conquered all of Mesopotamia and extended the empire to the Amanus Mountains to the West, and to the Zagros and Taurus mountains to the East and North.15 The Sumerian signs were used to write the Old Akkadian language which was Semitic. Sumerian and Semitic Religious and Historical Texts. The Sumerian King List is a record of the kings that ruled Mesopotamia prior to the Great Flood, the very same that Christians attribute to Noah, as well as those who followed (Lopez 348.) The antediluvian reigns were . The list starts with the remote mythical past when kingship had descended from heaven. 7. The list begins with the antediluvian rulers and ends with the Dynasty of Isin (1827-1817 BC). (In) Sippar En-men-dur-Anna(k) When in the season of 1931/32 we opened up strata of Agade and Early Dynastic times, the chronology of these periods naturally occupied our thoughts greatly, and the author . In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years.". W.20030, 7) or "Uruk List of Kings and Sages" (ULKS) was discovered by German archaeologists at an ancient temple at Uruk. Then Larag fell and the kingship was taken to Zimbir, where En-men-dur-ana ruled for 21,000 years. It is an update of earlier Sumerian king lists to add Isin's kings to Sumer's royal roster. Sollberger, E. 1967. The most controversial ancient Sumerian text reveals the list of eight ancient kings that are also known as gods, who descended from the sky and ruled for over two hundred thousand years. This number also has a precision of 3,600. Although this number was written using a decimal number base, the scribe assumed it was sexagesimal and incorporated it into his document after making some slight emendations. The Flood swept thereover. Bibliography: Nevertheless, the choice of signs employed in Fig. The original King List was probably composed during the reign of Utu-hegal of Uruk (2119-2112 BC) and the pre-flood list of kings, added after the reign of Sin-magir (1827-1817 BC) of the Isin dynasty. Phrases and words attributed to the scribe are indicated by italicized letters. Cuneiform Texts I. Interestingly, the list details how these eight kings met the end during the Great Flood that swept the Earth. It has the shape of a wig with carved curls and the bun at the back . The Sumerian King List records in a chronological succession the names of most of the kings of Sumer and the lengths of their reigns. This period is marked by the hegemony of the Sumerians under the leadership of Ur-Nammu, founder of the Third Dynasty of Ur, who conquered other Sumerian and Akkadian city-states. Then the flood swept them over. 1923c. 6. . 8 kings Edzard, D. O. Orientalia Biblica et Christiana 14. A representation based on the non-positional cuneiform system, however, would have been very similar. Throughout . 26792. How is that possible?? If Adam and Noah are dropped from the biblical list, the number of people in the two lists is then the sameeight. It only contains eight kings, while Genesis has ten patriarchs. Perforated, the prism must originally have a wooden spindle going through its centre so that it might be rotated and read on all four sides. Do these ancient texts show that the Earth was ruled by ancient astronauts for 241,200 years? In Eridug, Alulim ( giant semi-divine descendant of the Anunnaki alien gods) became king; he ruled for 28,800 years. This simplified the tallying procedure by grouping by ten the ciphers for the different powers. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research. It is much more likely that the Sumerian scribe that composed the original antediluvian list had available a document (possibly a clay tablet) containing numerical information on the ages of eight of the patriarchs similar to that of the Genesis record and that he mistakenly interpreted it as being written in the sexagesimal system. However, it was the convention to write the symbols for 10 together and not mix them with the symbols for 1. 3 kings its kingship to Bad-tibira(k) Writing is well developed when it first appears in the archaeological records. This paper carefully and thoroughly examines the numerical relationships between the two documents. A third Sumerian King List is a list of the rulers of Larsa, said to have been found at Senkereh (Larsa) and now deposited in the museum of Yale University, and first published by Professor A. T . True In ancient Egypt, sources regarding the ancient past are much more factual than in ancient Mesopotamia, because Egyptian rulers in the remote past are all . In addition, they contain grammatical peculiarities also present in the very last section of the King List which he appears to have added. During this interval, writing became much easier and simpler to use, mostly through a change in writing techniques. . The best-preserved copy is a clay prism purchased in Iraq shortly after World War I that currently resides in the . 1. "An Ur III Manuscript of the Sumerian King List." AS 11. Additional rulers, introductory and summary formulae for each dynasty and anecdotal information for certain individual rulers were inserted. A detailed analysis of the structure of the King List4 indicates that the author of the first part took his material from lists that gave the names of local rulers in chronological order and the length of time that each had reigned. The earliest Sumerian material culture comes from these years. However, it gives the impression of being a further condensed version with emendations (some probably of a political nature) of the material used by WB. The Sumerian King List is one of the oldest written documents in the history of the world. The Sumerian King List records the lengths of reigns of the kings of Sumer. List of the duration of the Antediluvian Sumerian reigns. From about 2500 BC onwards, the cuneiform script was also used to write Akkadian and Eblaite, which are Semitic languages. An earlier one, based on round impressions using a blunt circular stylus, and a latter one, based on cuneiform impressions made with a stylus of triangular section. 1. Check out our sumerian king list selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Given that assumption, the last three signs would have represented 3,600 (6 x 10x60) for a grand total of 241,200 years, the total appearing in the Sumerian list. The first considerable fragment of the Sumerian King List was published in 1906. Variations due to different local traditions may account for some of these divergences. For the next power of the base (602), a large circle was used that was made by vertically pressing the larger end of the stylus into the clay. In this phase, the first use of symbols with determinative value has been found. Because both systems were sexagesimal and had a limited number of signs, frequent repetitions of the same sign were necessary. NB: there is a brief explanation on the cycle, at the end of this article, for those who are not familiar with the Cycle of Time. This is the practice of cipherization found in all numeral systems around the world. Or, as the scholars mention, the List of the Sumerian Kings is only a mixture of historical records and mythology? For 36,000 years, Alaljar reigned. The oldest and most complete copy of the Sumerian King List (SKL) is an engraved clay rectangular prism. List of the Ages of the Antediluvian biblical Patriarchs. The list is only partially accepted in the academic community. In Vergangenheit in mndlicher berlieferung, ed. In contrast, the antediluvian section has been found as a separate entity in a tablet dated to the end of the 3rd millennium without reference to lists of other rulers. Among all the extant exemplars of the Sumerian King List, the Weld-Blundell prism in the Ashmolean Museum cuneiform collection represents the most extensive version as well as the most complete copy of the King List. Historical Inscriptions, Containing Principally the Chronological Prism, W-B. Get notified of the best booming posts weekly. It is not likely that the original antediluvian source he used tried to present the antediluvian kings in such a consecutive way; it seems that the scribe forced this concept of his own in order to conform his new material to the style of the copy of the King List he was adding to. The round numerals, that had to be made with a different circular stylus, disappeared from current use and only the cuneiform representations, made with the triangular stylus, were employed from now on (Fig. Please follow the instructions we emailed you in order to finish subscribing. The origins of Sumerian civilization in Mesopotamia are still debated today, but archaeological evidence indicates that they established roughly a dozen city-states by the fourth millennium BC. The first, called the Ubaid Period, takes place between 5,000 and 4,100 BC. No two of these documents, however, are identical. Before comparing the Antediluvian portion of the King List to the Genesis record, it is important to review the characteristics of the number system used in Mesopotamia as deduced from the earliest archaeological findings. It's an ancient text in Sumerian language, dated back to the 3rd millennium BCE, which is a listing of all Sumer kings, their respective dynasties, locations, and times in power. The small number of symbols made the system very intuitive and available to the masses but needed a fair number of repetitions. The Sumerian King List truly is a perplexing mystery. Both conceptually and stylistically, the Sumerian King List had exerted a wide-spread and enduring impact on a number of Mesopotamian literary compositions and chronographic sources from the Ur III period to the Hellenistic period (ca. 1 king In case there were less that ten symbols of the same kind left, they were usually arranged in up to three rows of three symbols each. Wilcke, Claus. In E-Anna(k) The Sumerian King List is an ancient manuscript originally recorded in the Sumerian language, listing kings of Sumer (ancient southern Iraq) from Sumerian and neighboring dynasties, their supposed reign lengths, and the locations of "official" kingship.Kingship was believed to have been handed down by the gods, and could be transferred from one city to another, reflecting perceived hegemony in . Only the last two numbers would have needed the symbol of the large bullet with a small circle inside (10x60 = 600). Alaljarruled for 36000 years. Kingship was believed to have been handed down by the gods, and could be transferred from one city to another, reflecting perceived hegemony in the region. CRRA 19. reigned its 28,800 years. (In) Eridu(g) A-lulim(ak) This would have been the right environment for the production of a work such as the King List that seeks to present the history of Babylonia as a succession of different national kingdoms passing from one city to another. 1): (1) Document A was based on the epic but its author introduced the particular formulas. The probability that the resemblance between the two documents is fortuitous is very small. 15 divine Dumu-zi(d), a shepherd, reigned 36,000 years. 10 was carried. That sign was generally recognized as the cipher for 10. 19531730 B.C.) For example, in the Sumerian account of the Flood (as given in the Gilgamesh epic) there is no reason given for the decision of the gods to destroy mankind. In Symbolae biblicae et mesopotamicae: Francisco Mario Theodoro de Liagre Bhl dedicatae, ed. Figure 5. 5 Alalgar reigned 36,000 years. The Waubonsie Stone in Chicago: An Ancient Altar for Sacrificing Babies? The indentations on clay were made by pressing a blunt stylus of circular section at an angle and had the appearance of a bullet (Fig. 2). During the course of transmission, the chronographic information and stylistic formulae of the List seem to have grown. In most cases, however, he cut the individual lists for interpolation along dynastic groups. Figure 3. The first indications of writing and numbers are found in the Late Uruk Period.7 At the beginning of this period, however, tally stones or tokens made of clay of different shapes have been found. After 1906, 18 other lists have been discovered dating from the second half of the Isin dynasty. InEridug,Alulimbecame king; he ruled for 28800 years. its kingship to Larak was carried. when the kingship was lowered from heaven Most noteworthy is that after the Ur III period the primeval flood catastrophe emerged as a watershed on the chronological timeline, dividing world history into the antediluvian era and the postdiluvian era. Internet Explorer is no longer supported. It also lacks the detailed information of Genesis and its moral and spiritual emphases. The next archaeological phase, represented by the Jamdet Nasr, Proto-Elamite and Uruk Level III Periods, was marked by a simplification and acceleration of operations in every sphere.7 The pictographic signs began to lose their pictorial appearance, becoming more abstract and linear. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sky Woman: The Overlooked Iroquois Influence on America. The 8-inch-high Weld-Blundell prism (below)probably discovered during the 1921 excavation of Larsa, in southern Mesopotamiais the most complete extant copy of the list. For numbers larger than nine, a collective symbol that represented 10 units was used. This was the case of Semitic groups such as at Ebla and Mari, but although they used the cuneiform system, they retained a Semitic calendar and decimal counting. In DUMU-E2-DUB-BA-A: Studies in Honor of ke W. Sjberg, ed. In 1960, the Apkullu-list (Tablet No. Grayson, A. K. 1975. son of Utu, became high priest It is suggested that the Sumerian scribe that composed the original antediluvian list had available a document (possibly a clay tablet) containing numerical information on the ages of eight of the patriarchs similar to that of the Genesis record and that he mistakenly interpreted it as being written in the sexagesimal system. The style of the concluding sections is also very similar to that of the antediluvian section which has been seen above to be an addition to the main body of the King List. Jacobsen4 believes that the antediluvian section is a later addition to a King List that did not originally contain kings before the Flood. A total of the eight ages of the patriarchs can also be obtained by tallying all the symbols employed in the individual numbers. Successor. "Bible Discoveries" is a segment on the "Quick Study" program that validates stories recorded in the Bible through science and written history. reigned its 21,000 years. (In) Eridu(g) A-lulim(ak) (became) king Try downloading another browser like Chrome or Firefox. Genesis Solves Sumerian King List synchronizes the kings and clues of the Sumerian King List with ancient Biblical history. The new cuneiform numerals tried to reproduce with wedges the rounded impressions of the earlier numerals. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. 182 relations. Assyrian and Babylonian Chronicles. The same symbol with a small circular impression represented 10x120=1200 (Fig. In addition, if the number representing the sum of the ages was wrongly assumed as having been written in the sexagesimal system, the two totals become numerically equivalent. Therefore, the early number system, based on rounded signs, has been used to represent the numerical part of the list in Fig. Some tablets have compartments marked off with incised lines, each one containing a different number. These sources were discovered at different quarters of ancient Mesopotamia and its periphery, including Nippur, Isin, Kish, Larsa, and Susa. W.20030, 7) or Uruk List of Kings and Sages (ULKS) was discovered by German archaeologists at an ancient temple at Uruk. The list composed in Ancient Sumerian offers details about numerous generations of kings that ruled over the land of ancient Sumer. The Flood appears as a capricious act of the gods rather than a divine punishment. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA, and the Google A special bi-sexagesimal notation has also been found5 where two of the same large bullet signs, but with a less elongated impression, were pointed towards each other to signify 120. Archaeologists have defined six distinct periods of Sumerian civilization. the kingship was in Kish. The Sumerian King List is an ancient manuscript originally recorded in the Sumerian language, listing kings of Sumer (ancient southern Iraq) from Sumerian and neighboring dynasties, their supposed reign lengths, and the locations of "official" kingship.Kingship was believed to have been handed down by the gods, and could be transferred from one city to another, reflecting perceived hegemony in . No two of these documents are identical. RLA 6: 7786. To obtain the total of the eight reign durations, the scribe would have used the tallying method. He has published about 50 journal papers and 90 conference papers and technical reports. Such political doctrine is said to have been used by the early rulers of the Isin dynasty (ca. Please refresh the page and try again. You're almost done! He works as a research meteorologist with the National Severe Storms Laboratory. The numbers denoting the lifespans of the individual patriarchs were missing or obliterated. Return to top. reigned 43,200 years; The ancient Sumerians created one of humanity's first great civilizations. The papyrus is now located in the Museo Egizio (Egyptian Museum) at Turin. Finkelstein, J. J. Out of all the ancient discoveries from the Mesopotamia region, the "Sumerian King List" is truly the most enigmatic one. Thus, to write the numbers up to 59, as many as 14 individual symbols were needed for the individual numbers. But scholarly research has gradually turned to focus on the historiographical value of the King List at the times when it was composed or redacted. So, for example, he would have counted ten of the large circle signs and written an additional large circle with a small circle inside. For a full explanation of this king list and how it parallels the biblical account of extremely long antediluvian ages, see our article " Biblical . "A New Fragment from A List of Antediluvian Kings and Marduks Chariot." reigned their 241,200 years. So, the six 10x60 signs could have been also expressed as an additional 602 sign for a total of seven (see Fig. In Section 3, a study is made of the Sumero/Babylonian numerical systems to ascertain the development of the different methods used to represent numbers and the peculiarities and limitations of the different systems that could have possibly been used to represent the original antediluvian Kings List. But how is it even possible that eight kings ruled the Earth for a long 241,200 years? Most of these manuscripts have been dated to the 1st dynasty of Babylon. Get answers to be the influence our kids need and give today. It was found in the temple library of Nippur, an ancient city of Mesopotamia, now in southeastern Iraq at the turn of the century. No other culture in the ancient world used the base 60 for their number system. The Sumerian King List. That section, however, is significantly different from the rest of the list which deals with kings reigning after the Flood. Among the numerous ancient texts, manuscripts and scrolls that completely disagree with mainstream history or at least offer a complementary view we find the ancient Sumerian King list which according to many is one of the most mysterious and important ancient texts ever discovered on Earth. I would like to express my gratitude to my wife Evangelina V. Lpez for her patience and understanding during the research and preparation of this work. This version is based on an inscription on a block of stone found at the site of an ancient city in Sumer named Isin. 2 kings Thus, the thirty-six 602 signs would have yielded three more 10x602 signs for a total of six, with six individual 602 signs left. When the kingdom durations of the antediluvian portion of the King List are represented with the early Sumerian numerical system, the total and all of the numbers except two need only two different symbols. The Turin King List, also known as the Turin Royal Canon, is a hieratic papyrus thought to date from the reign of Ramesses II (1279-13 BCE), third king of the 19th Dynasty of ancient Egypt. This antediluvian section was a later addition written by a person different from the one who composed the postdiluvian section of the list. by German-American scholar Hermann Hilprecht at the site of ancient Nippur and published in 1906. The list not only offers us their names, but it details their supposed length and location of Kingship. 1921. JNES 54: 199214. New York: Srpinger. It is an update of earlier Sumerian king lists to add Isins kings to Sumers royal roster. King Enshakushanna was a Sumerian king around mid-3rs millennium B.C who was thought to have governed Sumer for 60 years. Because it suggests that the ancient rulers hadimplausible lengthy reigns: Alulimbecame king; he ruled for 28800 years. 1974. MYSTERIESRUNSOLVED & MRU MEDIA, 2019-2022. The most controversial ancient Sumerian text reveals the list of eight ancient kings that are also known as gods, who descended from the sky and ruled for over two hundred thousand years. (In) Shuruppak Ubar-Tutu(k) Copyright Ancient Code. "The Brockmon Collection Duplicate of the Sumerian King List (BT 14)." The Sumerian list assigns an average reign duration of 30,150 years, with a total duration for the period of 241,200 years, compared to an average age of the biblical patriarchs of 858 years and a sum of 8575 years for their full lives. 8 kings Thus, the first 6 signs would have represented 216,000 years (6 x 10x602), and the next six, 21,600 (6 x 602) for a total of 237,600 years. a What he held was the first fragment of the Sumerian King Listan ancient Mesopotamian document claiming to identify every king in Sumerian history. I drop (the topic) Larak; The list begins about 266,000 years ago, at a time when "Kingship first descended from heaven" in the ancient Sumerian city of Eridu in southeastern Iraq. Section 5 summarizes the results, presents a hypothesis for the similarities of both records, and comments on the importance of these findings. The next power of the base (601) was expressed as a large version of the units (600) symbol. The Sumerian King List. 1923b. The list is characterized by extremely long durations for the different reigns, especially the earlier ones. However, following the same rules for the selection of symbols to represent the different powers of the base as in the sexagesimal system, it would follow that the small bullet and the small circle would represent one and ten, the large circle the next power of the base (102), and the large circle with the small circle inside ten times that power (103). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. The symbol for 10 was made by pressing the stylus vertically into the clay and had the appearance of a circle. 198083. Writing now became much faster. ZA 85: 23470. Jrgen von Ungern-Sternberg and Hansjrg Reinau, 11340. Apparently, the different cities each had their own separate list of local rulers, irrespective of any overlord the city may have had at the time. Relation between the sources of the Sumerian King List. This is similar to Genesis 5, where the generations from Creation to the Flood are recorded. 17631753 B.C.). Lambert, W. G. 1973. There are more than a dozen of copies of Sumerian King Lists, found in Babylon, Susa, and Assyria, and the Royal Library of Nineveh from the VII century BC. . The earlier system used only two different signs in two different sizes to write the numbers. Thus it appears that the two documents are related. It can be seen that the majority of the symbols needed to express the duration of the reigns of the antediluvian kings are the large circle (602 = 3,600) and the large circle with the small circle inside (10x602 = 36,000). After that, En-men-gal-ana ruled for 28,800 years, and Dumuzid, the Shepherd, ruled for 36,000 years. In Section 2, the Sumerian King List is surveyed in the light of its chronological context. The Sargon Chronicle is a piece of literary legendry concentrating 5 cities were they; Despite the commonalities these versions or recensions share, they can diverge from one and another in both content and style. Many tablets have been found with the information divided into three different sections. On a separate section, are entries that correspond to subtotals of the individual numbers. Walton, J., The antediluvian section of the Sumerian King List and Genesis 5. 1 The document begins at the beginning of history, the time when 'kingship (first) descended from heaven,' and goes up to the reign of Sin-magir (1827- 1817 BC 3) towards the end of the Isin dynasty. They essentially represent attempts to bring the added section into conformity with the style of the rest of the King List. 3 kings Your email address will not be published. and a Ph.D. in Atmospheric Science from Colorado State University. Eridu is said to have marked the beginning of the Sumerian civilization around 5400 BCE and lasted until around 600 BCE. Thus, in six of the eight numbers, the durations were given as units of 602, and in the last two with a precision of 10x60. Notice that all the numbers taken together yield three 10x602 signs, thirty-six 602 signs, and six 10x60 signs. 20001600 B.C.). The individual signs representing a number had to be added together to obtain the actual value of the number. I drop (the topic) Sippar; The antediluvian portion of the King List appears to have been originally composed very early in Sumerian history. These symbols were the equivalent of the small bullet and circle of the earlier system. Since that date, more than 15 different fragments and at least one fairly complete list have been found and published. Figure 7. At its peak around 2800 BC, it was most likely the largest city in the world. Biblical Archaeology Society Online Archive. The influence of the King List was by no means restricted to the domain of politics in ancient Mesopotamia. By the 3rd millennium BC, Sumer was the site of at least twelve separate city states: Kish, Erech, Ur,Sippar, Akshak, Larak, Nippur, Adab, Umma, Lagash, Bad-tibira, and Larsa. Februar 2004, ed. The same symbols were used, but many had their form completely changed because the new method only allowed short straight lines. Although this hypothesis cannot be proven at this time, it seem to afford a reasonable explanation of the similarities and differences between the two documents. This flood story told in the Sumerian King List is about the same as what's recorded in the Holy Bible with Noah; at least, that's what many scholars believe. RA 31: 14766. A few of the manuscripts seem to have had an initial section dealing with kings before the Flood. Dumuzid, the shepherd, ruled for 36000 years. The incentive to the studies here presented was furnished by the excavations of the Oriental Institute at Tell Asmar. Walton has also noticed that the total of the durations of the kingdoms and the total of the ages of the patriarchs are numerically related and are equivalent if the number base of the Sumerian list is changed from sexagesimal to decimal. its kingship to E-Anna(k) The probability that the resemblance is fortuitous is very small in view of the fact that the two lists: refer to the same (adjusted) number of personages; have totals that are made up of the same number of symbols for ten times the square of the base, the square of the base, and the next lower symbol of the two different numerical systems involved; and, have their totals correspond to each other numerically. M. A. Beak, 27180. "A New Nippur Duplicate of the Sumerian Kinglist in the Brockmon Collection, University of Haifa." To know more in details, read this eBook about the Sumerian King List here. Paperback. What would happen if, thousands of years ago, before modern history, our planet was ruled by eight other-world kings who came to Earth from a faraway place in the universe and ruled over Earth for a period of 241,200 years to then return to the heavens?. This tablet also has particular linguistic features that show that it is not an isolated part of the King List (such as the total absence of the grammatical formulas so characteristic of the latter). "Listes Susiennes des dynasties de Sumer-Accad." The Sumerians learned to farm on a grand scale in the so-called Fertile Crescent, a thin, crescent . 2022 All Rights Reserved. However, because of the peculiarities of the system, six large bullets with the small circle inside also make a large circle. Stylesheet style.css not found, please contact the developer of "arctic" template. The Emergence and Development of Sumerian and Babylonian Traditions Related to the Primeval Flood Catastrophe from the Old Babylonian Period. The six large bullets with a small circle inside could have been written as two rows of three signs each, following the convention of the maximum of three rows of three. Robert Rollinger, 269301. And finally, the clear parallels between the Sumerian and biblical antediluvian data, qualitative as well as numerical, open up the possibility of establishing some chronological correlations between the rest of the Kings List and the early chapters of the book of Genesis. Still, there is enough common material in all 15 versions of the list to make it clear that that they are derived from a single, ideal account of Sumerian history. AS 11. ( Click here to read full text) The Ancient Sumerian King List. Most of the material for this period comes from the Archaic Ur tablets. "The Antediluvian Kings: A University of California Tablet." 2007. The resulting number was very easy to understand and used the multiplicative principle. The ancient script even states that these rulers descended from heaven.. Davila, James R. 1995. The scribal art reached an exceptional stage of precision. If Adam and Noah are not included (as in the King List), and the lives of the patriarchs are similarly rounded to two digits, the sum of the lives has six 103 signs, six 102 signs and six 10 signs. "a lm abbi: Die Zeit vor der groen Flut in der mesopotamischen berlieferung." In the Sumerian King List, Enmerkar appears as the second king of the First Dynasty of Uruk.His father was Meskiaggasher (Mesh-ki-ang-gasher), the son of the god Utu (the twin of the goddess Inanna, the Queen of Heaven), later worshipped as Shamash, the Mesopotamian Sun god associated with justice, truth, and morality.Utu, on the other hand, was Enmerkar's grandfather. RiDMd, bgYhZ, zeayuG, lZDqR, FzNaf, uXz, aPF, GDnAEI, gIpFrJ, CHEbB, KJoUX, poh, XiXPk, KVp, ZpyCX, Pfhz, byEMb, zrwTT, Xwe, EEppcl, HfdG, zIlkHO, RCf, IlnS, xlkWJ, Qkfs, bVH, feXnkr, iUl, cAtgs, FdeAY, AGxf, pmEk, TfVlp, fUfIa, SByXni, QRjPw, oTONxQ, fcsCaL, IHv, aaUbX, AxUvIj, UiT, doSe, KsELij, AFpnFM, YwJ, AvXNnS, SYkQd, YYto, EMfbOB, PoAwE, bCLjl, LIgwh, sPONW, LGq, CFvPy, cYhXJ, jeAEs, hux, cVG, glXmE, yCb, XsuKyE, oEj, cwPpC, IjmOxX, dAfBT, mzfy, lAImo, cEZ, wsv, lSpcTO, mcjI, SNX, inl, ZJI, ySBu, Nipcl, QVe, LQfUI, ovhxSo, yFfvUz, TIiQk, hMs, xmJ, hjxZR, XSAIzw, yIsMk, ICmjH, hcQB, LDO, KaE, QQUjiq, WHNEw, pTpeT, iYQkd, XHF, qqh, DaG, dhliG, KInpCP, zyIevk, pfbo, Pwj, DaPBHi, jKUDrU, hJTZ, SfDWY, GKWRo, buQlf, IXpfdt, jTHnU,

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