writing prompts romance fantasy
What they see tells an unsettling story. Will he prioritize his own safety, or sacrifice himself for his country? Theyve been able to coast through life, get a good job, make good friends, and are happy. This would be the last thing she saw before she died, and no one would ever know. However, his love will die at a very early age to a rare virus. Write about a time when you were wrong and didnt realize it for maybe years. A 100-year-old time capsule is about to be opened, so of course, they go, just like most of the town. Discovery: Think of something youve recently discovered and use it as inspiration. 205. One day she accidentally allows herself to be seen by one of the members. If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket. Whether youve been a lifelong believer or have recently stumbled into something that has changed your life, others have been there. Thanks! Use these fiction creative writing prompts to explore new genres, practice your creative writing development through literary devices, and get inspired to venture off into a new fiction story. Treat it as a serious commitment, and dont schedule anything else during your NNWT unless its absolutely necessary. The person chooses this moment to confess their undying love. Shopping:Write about your shopping wishlist andhow you like to spend money. Striking it against the matchbox it came in. They leave no trace. Write about your lifes journey from where you were ten years ago to how you arrived to this point today, and, the most important lesson you have learned on the way. Some comic relief or brief periods of peace are okay - necessary even. When offered a way out, your main character takes it without questionwhich might be their biggest mistake. 16. You pull over to give her a ride home, but she doesnt know who she is, why shes here, or wheres she going. What adventures might be waiting? 146. All Saints: Choose a saint and create a poem about his or her life. The Unrequited love poem: How do you feel when you love someone who does not love you back? Each week, the story ideas center around a different theme. Authors then have one week until the following Friday to submit a short story based on one of our prompts. Interview: Write a list of questions you have for someone you would like to interview, real or fictional. Write a story about a character who ventures away from the only town theyve ever known, despite warnings and many attempts to make them stay. Why would he look at me? Your character is a scientist for NASA, and is on the edge of developing a cutting-edge breakthrough technology that will allow humans to be transported to space in half the time. Garage: Write about some random item you might find in a garage. Im enjoying reading your posts. Swinging & Sliding: Write somethinginspired by a playground or treehouse. Hospitals have never been your characters favorite. An Elvis impersonator is so good that many start to believe Elvis has actually come back to life. Your character is set up on a blind date with their sworn enemy. Consider these additional tips when writing romance: Because being terrified is entertaining to some people, horror and thriller books exist and are quite popular! Write about one of the pieces that speaks to you. Hi John, the weather might seem boring, but there are a lot of ways you can springboard from that maybe you write a story about a character who despises the sunshine or melts if they get rained on or they live in a underground tunnel and the house gets floodedYou can also use it as an exercise in developing more descriptive writing that shows, not tells for the scenes in your story. But for some reason, the person addressing them thinks they already know everything about it. A boot, a broken glass bottle, and a scuba diving mask show up on your characters front lawn after a city-wide festival. A lot of people associate absurd with ridiculous, usually in a humorous context, but sometimes not. Party Animal: Have you ever gone to a party you didnt want to leave? How will he handle these visions, and will he be able to stop these visions from becoming reality. What do you do now? Different faiths and how to separate differences. But the best (and easiest) way? Write about how your character lives on a planet other than Earth. WebDiscover the 49 best Fantasy writing contests of 2022, vetted by Reedsy! As they walk through the empty parking lot towards their car, its eerily silent and they cant help but feel like someone is watching them. How to ignore societal expectations when they clash with who you are. Turns out, your character is immune to the substance. Where did this new power come from and what will she do with it? I have writers block and I need ideas for a story about people from a different planet looking for people with the same birthstone to tell their secrets but I have no clue where to start. They learn thats far from the truth. She sounds exactly like the woman from the nightmares that plagued your own childhood. Its a Sign: Have you seen any interesting road signs lately? Night Owl: Write aboutstaying up late at night. Love doesnt even exist in your characters world. Without knowing Includes FREE typesetting to print-ready PDF & EPUB files, track changes and collaborative editing. The world has developed a genetic system that engineers everyone for a specific job in the community. When a shiny, unnatural looking contraption touches down and, Write about how the only reason your character is alive is because of a test device implanted around their heart. A live TV broadcast from the White House experiences some technical difficulties. We seem to have a lot of prompts to use. Advertisement: Advertisements are everywhere, arent they? Happiness is an illusion, as are every other emotion. A middle-aged man is tired of his career in a corporate office. Goals in life and how to accomplish them. Here are some samples to start: Hi Mary Ann, did you create an outline? The problem is: the only person who has a clue to her whereabouts is a young boy she hasnt seen in nearly twelve years. He only interviews or appears on TV in character. No one knew him more than she did, but there were things she simply could not look past. It wasnt supposed to work and now, theyre not only healed, but theyre also. Repeat: Write about a time when youve had to repeat yourself or a time when it felt like no one was listening. The process of using a writing prompt is loose, as they are designed to be used in a way that benefits you as the writer most. Write a story about a brilliant scientist making a startling discovery. . 341. As I walk closer to it, I make sure to keep my footsteps light. Write about whats most important in a relationship. Here are 25 Writing Prompts about Morals and Values: This is another book topic that has seen a rise in sales and engagement over the past few years. Now, with the population dwindling due to suffocation and disease, your main character has to find a way off the dying planet without attracting too much attention from the Keeps, also known as the highly deadly enforcement force tasked with making sure only certain individuals leave. Cleaning: Hey, even writers and creative artistshave to do housework sometimes. This should definitely keep me busy! Give and Receive: Write about giving and receiving. Here are a few ideas to do these writing prompts justice when writing your fantasy novel: Here are 30 Sci-Fi Creative Writing Prompts: This genre is another very popular one, and for good reason. I hope this is okay, I will credit, and provide a link back to this page on each post. Can they survive through something that threatens to tear them apart forever? Street Signs: After a young man is killed as an innocent bystander in the cross-fires of gang violence, you notice a mysterious symbol appear on the side of a building. Shoes: What kind of shoes do you wear? Thank you so much for sharing. Write about the idea of dating in the digital age. WebDiscover an endless feed of Romance writing prompts, sent to your inbox weekly. This one is really good for a fantasy novel, Thats sounds like an awesome story and i would love to read it when its finished. WebHere are some resources to help you craft a fantastic short story, or whatever type of fantasy writing youre interested in : 13 Kick-Ass Tips For Writing Fantasy From Professional Fantasy Editors (blog post) Whether youre writing a novel or a shooter work, this post contains invaluable advice for creating a story your readers will love. 37. They hide unattractive features. WebWriting.Com is the online community for creative writing, fiction writing, story writing, poetry writing, writing contests, writing portfolios, writing help, and writing writers. Rewrite it in your own words. Photograph: Write a story or journal entryinfluenced by aphotograph you see online or in a magazine. 152. Write a story about how natural farming doesnt exist anymore. Starting: Write about starting a project. Suddenly, a hearse pulls up slowly next to your car, and when you glance over, all you can see is bright red eyes glaring at you from the drivers seat. Struggling with self-esteem and how it can affect relationships. Write about that scene in the movie. Write a poem or story that takes place in that setting. These are the best writing prompts I have ever seen! Maybe you need to work on improving the quality of your writing. well! What traits do you take from whom? That is until one is found to contain several dismembered human limbs. Check out these story ideas out if you love writing about love. Would love to see some of your work when you are ready to share! 148. When paying for their groceries, your main character mentions to the clerk that there is a mess in aisle 11. All food is manufactured artificially and distributed. Write a story about a main character whos read all about the warning signs of a solar flare and the flipping of the Earths magnetic field. Miners Cove: After a mining village is swallowed by a sinkhole, all traces on the surface disappear, but the civilization continues on in secret for centuries. I am writing for fun and this is a list of amazing prompts! Before bed, you put your clock ahead one hour for daylight saving time. Write about a trial being the only way your character can ever hope to rise above their current abysmal ranking. Prompt #141 Its a Sign: In this case we intend it to be interpreted as IT IS a Sign, where the usage is a contraction. 217. Write a story about how the outdoors is plagued with radioactive particles created by a new technology once thought to eradicate airborne diseases. Write about what this experience is, and if you were to overcome your trauma, how could you lead the life youve been dreaming of? Our personalities really did blend, Your character has always been able to alter their appearance. Thats how it all started, like all those horror movies your main character loves. You come from a long line of witches, dating back to the 12th century. Life lessons you believe everyone should learn. A story to your younger self about life, love, and happiness. Enjoy! But when someone your character has never met before steps up to challenge your supposed-to-be life partner, theyre forced to be with a stranger. 111: Questions: Write about questions you have for the universe. You have to ensure that you dont give away too much information so the readers dont figure it out. I want to write a story of the Nutcracker but I am stuck tight! See you later. works, they contemplate abandoning everything they know. Write about a single tower that powers whats left of the countrys population. The case is getting constant media coverage and would guarantee him making partner at his firm. Old Endings IntoNew Beginnings:Take an old poem, story, or journal entry of yours and use the last line and make it the first line of your writing today. I cant take my eyes off her They stumble over to a tiny window that gives them a clear view of a world far below them. But that can be difficult to create from nothing. These Ideas are gold! It's helpful but loose enough to allow your creativity to keep flowing. Until the drawings start coming to life. This list is the matchbox with which you can strike your match. Recycle: Takesomethingyouve written in the past and rewrite it into a completely different piece. Art and how it can show you a lot about yourself. People love to preoccupy themselves with something magical. Imagine your modern-day character suddenly finds themself in the past. Green Thumb: Write about growing something. What it really takes to have a successful relationship. What that person is capable of is beyond the world your character knew existed. Write about decision making in your industry, and how others can make better decisions. 199. Your character hears a language theyve never heard uttered before that dayyet they understood every single word. Your main character has a fascination with untouched societies - such as hidden tribes in the Amazon. Your character finds a strange looking egg in the forest. The best way to learn is by doing. I never thought she was serious, She passes by each of her neighbors homes down the quiet street, until she gets to a fork in the road and turns back around. Let the writing begin! A murderer is on the loose in your characters hometown. Your character decides to pay them a visit and discovers. Only my morphed body What you can gain from being open-minded in every aspect of life. Ive chosen to challenge myself by using one of these prompts every day of this 2019 year. 77. Everyone panics when, millennia later, Humanity comes out of that planet asking where is everybody. Write about the biggest self-defining moment in your life thus far, and how youve developed from the experience. 74 stories, Fantasy I think its awesome, I looked for inspiration, I found inspiration, thank you. Write a guide for how to discover whats truly meaningful to you with your faith. Cartoon: Think of your favorite cartoon or comic. Your Muse: Write about your muse what do they look like? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2022Self Publishing SchoolAll Rights Reserved. Your characters mom is caught sneaking into their house in the middle of the nighta trail of mud patterning the floor in the shape of her heels. Write about the influence of culture on health, and how it affects a group of people differently. 4. and am getting A + on writing, i am making a epic book. Write about the importance of having a support group. Your character goes for an evening stroll every night after dinner. This was very useful, thanks yours so much , Ive been trying to write a really good story for a while but Im stuck. You know what you want to write about: lifes happenings, a tragedy in your life, a deep memoir, magic, advanced science, realistic contemporary stories, but you just cant figure out how to go from the genre and character development to a writing a novel. In a world of advanced technological and magical advancements, one group keeps their practice of ancient spells a secret. Two kids venture off into the woods behind their neighborhood, scouting for a place to build their tree house. Supernatural stories are popular. 289. WebThe Writing Prompt Generator can generate thousands of ideas for your project, so feel free to keep clicking and at the end use the handy copy feature to export your writing prompts to a text editor of your choice. Your character wakes up on a spaceship with no memory. The negative impact toxic friends/family have on your self-esteem. Ha, Ha . The Arrangement. Volcano: Write about an eruption of a volcano. 272. Well, they did, anyway, until they uncovered who the voice belonged to. I have an Idea for a prompt A girl named Summer is born on The Summer Solstice of 2003, the date that a hero from a prophecy is supposed to be born. Thanks for making this, it is very fun. The world breaks into chaos. Cheers! Dont start out with lofty goals youre unlikely to achieve. I was in front of her Now they have to decide whats best for their settlement. But when everything theyve worked for is burned in a tragic fire, they have to start all over with nothing to their name and a roommate determined to hold them back. 89. The world is ruled by one person dedicated to keeping the peace. Your protagonist is the only one in the room who is immune. Daily habits that will lead to overall confidence. 35. Thank you so much. Thanks But after witnessing them limping into their home, covered in something dark at 4 am, your character has questions. Email Subject Lines: Read your email today and look for subject lines that may be good starters forwriting inspiration. And thats when life becomes a little weirder. Magic: Write about a magician or magic trick. 180. 122. After some digging, they realize its filled with scrolls they can hardly make out. How professional athletes approach health and wellness. I believe in the importance of asking permission to use the creative property of another person Or Zara if you want it shorter. Strange things start happening around town. I walk in deeper, ready to investigate the strange cave further. Write about what they do and say. I love the sound of mirror, mirror! Waking up from a slumber with eyes still closed, your character stretches their arms out, only to hit a cold body next to them. Neighborhood: Write about your favorite place in your neighborhood to visit and hang out at. When they notice their absence for a week straight, they decide to find out who they are. After attending the secret underground event, they become a part of the biggest activist group out thereand nobody even knows who they are. Twenty-One: Write about your 21st birthday. Writing fantasy is a unique experience. Witnessing someones descent into madness is something your character never thought theyd experience. Write about the power of forgiveness, and how others can tap into this. I am new at the blogging game. You made a late night trip to the gas station, and its pouring down rain as you stand outside in the empty parking lot, holding the nozzle to pump gas. Now, imagine you suddenly wake up living in that era. 286. hbspt.cta.load(4208601, '8095de77-ea10-4c1d-881e-2b11268140f5', {}); hbspt.cta.load(4208601, '738b3610-1cc9-475e-b853-5cf6f2d0af58', {}); Once youve had your fun with these writing prompts, its time to get started with your new book idea and start writing your book, so that you can move on to self-publishing your book and sharing it with the world. 276. Transportation: Write about taking your favorite (or least-favorite) form of transportation. 233 stories, Fantasy She had opened a book and started reading But one chance meeting with someone new makes her question her ideology forever. We have over 400 original writing prompts you can use across several different genres. Here they find the remnants of some real plants, with a few berries on them. I love writing and these prompts are very helpful. You are house sitting for your best friend, who youve known your entire life. A young man has been homeschooled all his life and is ready to start college. A book is a big commitment and one you might actually, to go through with. 45. Your character never wakes up feeling rested, no matter how long they sleep for. Often used in an educational setting for students learning to practice writing specific genres, creative writing prompts are also used by advanced writers and authors who are experiencing writers block or are in need of inspiration. Write a story about how the world your character currently lives on is nearing its breaking point. 81 stories, Fantasy Write about dealing with heartbreak and starting over. The Letter: Write a poem or story using words from a famous letter or inspired by a letter someone sent you. Some say its just their twisted imagination, their new therapist thinks it is something much, much differentand dangerous. I needed something to kickstart my writing. 179. Here are 25 Writing Prompts About Childhood and Family: Happiness is very subjective. The voicemail ends up changing the course of their entire life. Paranormal Detective: He has a knack for solving mysteries with the help of a ghost who gives him clues. Or maybe youre the type who has tons of ideas but arent sure if theyre worth pursuing. Or, you can use all of the details given in the writing prompt, and answer the prompt exactly as you see fit. I would like to ask permission for using these prompts for my poetry and stories page on Instagram. Did you try again or give up completely? One day, they are discovered and it leads to a fight. There is an experience from your past that has always held you back from thriving in life. Your journey to finding yourself and all youve learned. It was very helpful. Write a book about how a crack in the window was all the thief needed to secure the right position that allowed them access to the towns most famous piece of history. Only one will live. The Promise: Write about a promise youve made to someone. man what the fuck is this shit! i will share a link of my book once i am done with it to your awesome cool really helpful website! Write about your struggles with physical health, and help others struggling with the same thing. He went missing twelve years ago. Two years after your characters significant other goes missing, presumed dead, they start getting messages that could only be from them. Dig in and find something to play with. Addict: Everyones addicted to something in some shape or form. Turns off Write about the importance of company culture, especially in our digital age. If youre on the hunt for the best nonfiction writing prompts to exercise your creativity and help you brainstorm some book ideas to write a nonfiction book, then start with this category. They do learn the truth, but now they arent allowed to leave. During these he finds out that he will find true love. (IE: 1980s or 1950s for example). It says if you are reading this, you have been chosen.. she smiled and said, without her I would fail. But they soon realize that nobody remembers who they are day after day, despite making very clear and memorable introductions. It begins causing the owners of these cats to commit suicide within 24 hours of adoption. Definitely a recomended sight! No wonder the food has been so great its been freshly fertilized. But now the suns rays have difficulty penetrating it and the world is slowly growing colder. 306. the words to be creative. Its been two years since your character has actually had a steady job. If youre looking for scary story prompts or horror writing ideas, youve come to the right place! Get curated writing inspiration delivered to your inbox each week. Write about a professional who is called back to serve their community after retirement. Writing prompts are powerful vessels for jumpstarting your creativity, and planting the seed for your next book idea. Write about how to generate ideas in your industry. Categorized into ten popular genres, we encourage you to grab After sleep studies, medications, and trying everything available, nothing seems to work. Want to submit your own story ideas to help inspire fellow writers? The light flickers off Write about whether or not emotional closeness with family affects your life. Two couples are fueding and havent spoken in years. Planet of Sorrows: It is a place of suffering, brokenness and despair. hbspt.cta.load(4208601, '1931d1f9-0be2-45d4-9262-f66838907bcb', {}); Now its time for the creative fun. Her dads friends are off limits. Holding Hands: The first time you held someones hand. 70. Do you have any other ideas for fantasy writing prompts not included here? What I like most about these is how you can combine them and get really weird ideas. 100+ Creative Writing Optional: include an answer key. Enter our new directory! Write about the beauty in parenthood and how to make it last, even when your children are being difficult. Potion: Write about a magic potion. Will definitely help me in learning to tap into my creative writing genius , Thanks for pointing out, got it fixed Sometimes my brain goes faster than the computer. 301. Science fiction is similar to fantasy in that you can make up a lot of stuff, which is a fun way to write. If youd like to learn more about how we collect and use information you may provide us with on this website, you can read more on our privacy policy page. Empire of Misfits:A secret society of misfits decides to take over the world, learning to use their greatest flaws as super powers to succeed. You are now a known factor for world powers, crazy nutjobs, major religions, and people who would give anything for the immortality you possess. Write about a dare. Comedy is fun. 31 stories, Funny Silly Sports: Write about an extreme or silly sport. Or does he continue his quest? Your journey through sports and how they shaped you. 17 stories, Science Fiction Write about a significant historical event you lived through, and what others can learn from your experience. I can have permission to use your story ideas If I later decide to publish books! I would like to include a link to your page in a near future blog post about my creative journal. Write a story about how arranged marriages are the standard. After the death of their overbearing father, theyre thrust into the real world only to realize just how different their life really is from those around them. Your main character suffers a terrible concussion. Their roommate, another art student and your characters crush, opens a gallery featuring breathtaking paintings of your character. Soon, she realizes that she is trapped in a laboratory/maze inhabited by a crazy alchemist or somewhat. Writers block will inevitably come, no matter how much story ideas initially inspire you. Why is it closed? Have a great and productive writing day. This is one of the top book ideas right now. In the world your character lives in, holding on to your own sanity is the difference between destruction and thriving. A message to anybody who doesnt think they have something to believe in. Then the people from the different planets will reveal their true identity only to them if they tell any one the people from the different planet fade in color and turn gray. Through her smile shes worries, scared that one misstep might end it all for her. Dirt: There are two major groups of people who live on the planet. Set your story in a world where the currency isnt money or at least not money as we understand it. Nice.I dont think Ill ever lack something to write on I so appreciate your ideas ..,they are great. Due to climate change, all food has to be manufactured in bulk and distributed. Butwell, news spreads fast. Today is the day you realize your entire life is going to change forever because. It soon becomes increasingly clear that they might not witness it in its entirety. I need help writing this story. You can always edit/revise/write a different story later. Ready to write? Thinking it will make a great decoration, they take it home. i fall in love with all these ideas! Write about how to be a better leader in the workplace. Chalkboard: Imagine you are in a classroom. The teeth so close Whether or not your family can truly impact who you are as an adult. Second Chance at Life: At a hospital on one stormy night, the souls of two patients agree to swap places when it becomes obvious neither one will ever be able to return to the life they once knew. Instead of physical injury or even deaththe victims are injected with heroin over and over and over until theyre completely addicted. Fight: Write about witnessing two people get in an argument with each other. 312. She glides across the room as if it were her kingdom It involves creating a brand new world where everything is entirely made up and You wake up, ready to celebrate with your family and friends, but things get weird when you discover that the year you thought it was, doesnt seem to be right. 94. 29. They just didnt think about the fact that they might end up. 7. Oh so Lonely: Write a poem about what you do when you are alone do you feel lonely or do you enjoy your own company? Can you protect the beast and clear its name? Free 10-day publishing courses. Flickers on However, these cats are actually an alien hybrid that can body jump. Someone is looking Magic: Imagine you have a touch of magic, and can make impossible things happen. That is, until one is discovered with a freshly removed human scalp on the dashboard. Write about a character whos had their future foretold from birth but isnt sure if they believe it. As this genre gains more and more popularity, you may find yourself wondering what a certain post-apocalyptic world might look like. 354. When they discover how the world is kept at peace, their life changes forever. He knew they were the stuff of fiction, or at least, he thought he knew, until tonight. Their decision? Check out these story ideas out if you love writing about love. A sick feeling caused by strong alcohol on an empty stomach, mixed with unsettling anxiety, caused her to crouch over in discomfort. Write about the habits of authority figures in your industry, and what others can learn from them. Flickers on But when they come forward with these details, they become the new main suspect. How others can overcome unhealthy habits. I made a promise with my best friend, Fantasy the beauty of this genre is that the possibilities are as endless as your imagination. Now i sit in the prison cell, Write about sibling rivalry and how to cultivate a healthier sibling relationship. Your character, who has spent their entire life in this world, takes a trip to the mountains far away from their home. 202. 65. Work and finding happiness in your career. Many of these fiction writing prompts can be used for sub-genres of fantasy, such as paranormal romance, urban fantasy, magic realism and more. A drama will thrive off conflict. Hi I just want to repost my idea. Your characters country is the bestuntil a new ruler steals the throne by forceof magic. A tourist travels abroad and doesnt know the language. 362. Get inspired to have more, please. 98. But I can see through the smile Your character runs an underground cyber center that gets crashed by local law enforcement. There is a serial killer going after the children of rich and notable families in the area. Write about how morals and values differ within different cultures and regions. Lost and Found: Write about a lost object. The Mirror, Cup, and Candle: Legend has it, if you stand in front of a mirror holding a cup and a candle you can jump between dimensions. Weigh societal values that actually negatively impact our lives. Write about how your main character wakes up every morning feeling as though they didnt get more than a couple of hours of sleep. Use some of these simple plot ideas to bring your lovers together. However, if youre not sure where to start, and need some beginners guidelines, there are a few tips we can provide. Have a story that suits a thriller. Mystery is a very difficult genre to write. and Dont stop writing! For Fantasy Romance Novels. The Fairies Next Door: Being new in town, you decided to introduce yourself to the neighbors. Jewelry: Write about a piece of jewelry. Thanks in tons. 33. Write about your biggest accomplishment, and how its helped you banish self-defeating thoughts and behavior. But when their mothers friend brings her daughter to their palace, their entire focus changes. . So overcome by his nightmares, your main character attacks anyone who comes near him. What she discovers is sure to wake the sleepy small town from their slumber. whether satire or slapstick, this is an opportunity to write with your funny bone. How youd change your childhood if given the chance. That is until he is called to the scene of a high-profile drug bust and is in charge of collecting evidence. Alls fair in love and war. Does this still ring true when your character is fighting a war, Write a romance about how falling in love is dangerous especially for your character, who must stay focused if they want to rule someday. 82. Complain:Write about yourcomplaints about something. Your main character starts to hear voices shortly after experiencing a trauma. Even though romance is an extremely popular genre doesnt mean you can be lazy when it comes to the actual romance and creative writing prompts isnt always enough to help you develop a full-blown romance. Feeling confused and betrayed, he runs away to find his birth parents. Writefor a Cause: Write a poem or essay that raises awareness for a cause you support. If you could come back to life as any person, animal or thing, what or who would you be and how would you live your second life? Natural farming is a thing of the past. 28 stories, Angst Who knew miracles were actually. Phobia: Research some common phobias, choose one, and writeabout it. 11 stories, Short Story Your ability to write it will hinge on your experience with it. 26. Tagged, chipped, and shuffled into line. Looking for your author voice? Research a historical figure who is considered a real-life villain. Write about the idea of health, and what contributing factors affect our perspectives. Unfinished: Write about a project you started but never completed. Suddenly, their powers stop working and their true appearance is revealed. 315. I need names for these creatures and a way how to do it. Oddly enough, the note is written in your main characters handwritingwith their signaturedated 82 years before they were even born. 256. Shes in a trance and wont answer to her name. Not only that, but she would be leaving town with him, to start a new life. She and her friends are recruited for clean up. Or can she? Not a fan of the subject? Rewrite: Take any poem or short story you enjoy. Romantic Fiction Writing Prompts and Story Starters. This might be something like love conquers all, the transformative power of love, or acceptance and belonging. How you learned to love yourself through your faith. You can find 20 solid tips here including how to establish a relationship with your inner critic and apps that can help you defeat procrastination or lack of motivation. Smoke, Fog, and Haze: Write about not being able to see ahead of you. But she couldnt stop now. If this is discovered, theyll have to fend for their life. But what happens when things settle down, and their everyday lives go on? I see my blood pore down my chest How do you react? Write about the key to productivity in your industry. Promise to Yourself: Write about a promise you want to make to yourself and keep. Her parents know what shes up to but her little brothers dont quite understand yet. Please be more considerate of my money the next time I hire an assassin to kill you., Im your conscience. Write a story about the infamous top hat and its life. I couldnt take it any long living with this weight, Random Wikipedia Article: Go to Wikipedia and click on Random Article. #3 And to top it all off, they give you a medal for it. There are some classic crime dramas that will never get old. A high profile lawyer on the hunt for justice, hes adamant about defending his client, accused of committing a crime no mother could ever commit. But if she ever decides that she wants me back she can have me because a life without love is one not worth living. Alone: Do you like to be alone or do you like having company? Write about it. Capture your feelings about this in your writing. 211: Star-crossed: Write a short modern version of the story of Romeo and Juliet or think of real-life examples of lovers who are not allowed to be together to use as inspiration for your writing. I love it so much. Copyright 2023 SelfPublishing.com : The #1 Resource For Self-Publishing a BookAll Rights Reserved. How to find the best exercise type for your needs. Thank you for providing these writing prompts! Perusing this list has helped me come up with a couple dozen ideas to consider for future issues! Thank you for posting and sharing you promptsIm excited to get started! Cure: Write about finding a cure for an illness. Write about how its rare to find true love as a child. Marry your best friend, they said. The only problem? And wait Earth is dissolving, and its up to you to get all of the remaining human children to the new home for humans a newly inhabited planet that mimics Earths environment. 282. Its just what I wanted.. Your main character and her husband awake one night in the early hours of the morning, both recalling a horrific dream from the night before. Write about the idea of health, and how people can shift their priorities to be more healthy both mentally and physically. Whats strange is that your character was only pregnant for two weeks, and she didnt even realize it. Personality Type: Do you know your personality type? that have symbolic meaning to you. What makes you happy? If youre feeling fancy, you can even use my middle name, Zaharra. Write about how they didnt mean to, but in an attempt to build a time traveling machine, your character actually discovered alternate universes and then accidentally trapped themselves there. We always want to figure out what happened. She says her planet is at war, and she has been sent to bring you back home with her, for you are the only one with the power to save her people. Every time i go over to our grandmas my cousins and i all play these games based on fantasy and Mid evil. 291. Write about a single member of each noble family who has been murdered every week for the past two months. I reckon its awesome! Your main character has seen the same person at the bus stop every day for what seems like over a year. How to Write a Short Story That Gets Read (In 7 Steps), How to Create a Character Profile in 12 Steps [+Free Template]. Oooh I really like it!Is it okay if I use it? Sometimes the prompts that seem boring are the best ones to help you practice your skills as a writer to make them interesting topics. Dont censor yourself and write about what you believe the meaning of life is. The goal here is to make people laugh as much as possible while still balancing a good story and believable characters. 36. These original writing prompts can be categorized in nonfiction and fiction groups, so you can find creative writing prompt topics from business and self-help, to mystery and romance. Write about a character going to great lengths to return an unwanted gift. Normal: What does normal mean to you? Check them out: a free, ten-day course by Laura Mae Isaacman, a full-time editor who runs a book editing company in Brooklyn. Ready to start writing? 169. Then someone comes to stay for a week and very, Your character is a professional photographer. 305. Survival is the objective. Didnt find what you were looking for with these prompts? 24. Your character is the one who was supposed to keep it safe. Their new life mission is to find out why. Write about the key to working smarter in your industry. 142. Write about how your character receives a number of letters in the mail to a name they dont recognize. Breathing: Take a few minutes to do some deep breathing relaxation techniques. Write about it. Write about how in the distant future, magic is discovered as being realat least for the humanoid creatures inhabiting an Earth-like planet. 15. An ongoing murder investigation takes an unexpected turn when it is discovered that a prolific group of corrupted police officers were behind the whole thing. Write about the idea of finding the perfect partner, and how this perspective can affect our ability to find someone. Write about how fire is your main characters solace their addiction. Their secret? Write a horror book about how there have been attacks in your characters town as of late. A shy and reserved web designer thinks she has found the man of her dreams online. Cheater: Write about someone who is unfaithful. Longing: Write about something you very much want to do. This idea is amazing! What faith means to you and how you express it daily. If so, when would the 2021-updated list become available? Fear: What scares you a little? Write a book about how the world used to be plagued with war and famine and inhumanity. End your story with a character receiving a deeply meaningful gift they werent expecting. As the founder of ThinkWritten, she enjoys encouraging writers and creatives of all types. An empty warehouse Monsters have become friendly and even romantic, causing the world to fall in love with them. 42. Write about finding your identity, and how people in your niche can discover themselves again. WebStart writing with a text editor that conforms to you. Alphabetical: Write a poem that has every letter of the alphabet in it. As she digs deep on the trail of one of the most sinister serial killers shes ever dealt with, she begins uncovering some details that brings the case too close to home. She saw me looking Write about what it truly means to have complete confidence in yourself. You live in a society where theres a fine line between who is actually a real person, and who is not. Sharing a treehouse with the weirdo might just be the best thing theyve ever done. Writing fantasy is a unique experience. I am jim. 332. However, they can also take images from their mind and project them into the real world. The doorbell rings and your character answers it - finding nothing but an envelope with nothing on it. Quotable: Use a popular quote from a speaker and use it as inspiration for your writing. Thanks! We'll send you 5 prompts each week. The mouth of bloody teeth is before my eyes Write about a time you experienced compassion, and share how others can be more compassionate in their own life. The Flicker, The Teeth, and A Warehouse in the Dark Here are a few things to keep in mind if you want to write dystopian using these writing prompts: Some people dont necessarily want to escape from this world. Due to an error made by someone in the distant future when time traveling, the worlds societal (and time) structure has collapsed. 138. Life has gotten tough and your character is considering moving back in with their parents. Write about co-dependence and why its toxic. Write about strategies parents can use to instill healthy habits in their children. 237. Write about how to stay disciplined, and why most people fail at self-discipline. I wait for death Mirror, Mirror: What if you mirror started talking to you? Write about the dangers of toxic parenthood. Write about how the birthrate has dropped significantly. Horror doesn't always have to be fantastical and dreamy in nature. 337. 27. HI, I have a question? Anniversary: Write about the anniversary of a special date. 133. Soul Fragments: When something tragic happens, its often said we lose a piece of ourselves. Joke Poem: What did the wall say to the other wall? Thank you for so many amazing ideas! By the way, isnt the soul fragment plot similar to Voldemorts in the Harry Potter series? 357. The problem? Write about controlling the controllables for peace. Cast a magician (a real one, or a party entertainer) as your storys protagonist. While writing prompts are a great tactic to spark your creative sessions, a writer generally needs a couple more tools in their toolbelt when it comes to. Strength: Think of a time when youve been physically or emotionally strong and use that as inspiration. Here, youll find a variety of nonfiction topics, from business and self-help, to relationships, wellness, and memoir topics. Foreclosure: Write a poem or short story about someone who has lost or is about to lose their home. 23 stories, Adults And wait Write a story about a character who lives in a world where every single persons DNA is carefully genetically designed for something to help the community. I like how you have researched and presented these exact points so clearly. Write about how to empower others in your industry, and why its important. Write about the most ridiculous series of events you can think of. The reigning queen Your main character, a very poor woman, just found out shes pregnant and wont be able to hide it for long. Write something interesting and unique enough, you might be writing their nextfavorite book. They have no idea where they are, how they go there, or who the strange man in the corner of the room watching them is. Your characters significant other has always talked in their sleep; its nothing new. Numbers:Write a poem or journal entry about numbers that have special meaning to you. 177. As they gather their belongings to make the trek back home, they hear a twig snap behind them, and a guttural voice whisper, You cant leave yet the funs only just begun., Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house. Dont be afraid to make your characters miserable. Mystery books are natural page-turners because we just arent satisfied until we find out what happened. Write about a specific folklore tale from your cultural background, but add a special twist. This usually involves the protagonist falling victim to someone else and being caught in impossible situations. Tech Support: Use computers or a conversation with tech support youve had as inspiration. How to develop healthy and nurturing relationships. 356. Write about how our morals and values change as we grow up. Utopian Anarchist Society: Tired of the kingdoms latest . If you have any questions feel free to contact us anytime using our contact form. 295. You are awesome. Its a dragon. 22. Depends if you follow my original open source licencing model. Write about how disease is finally eradicated. Several fictional killers have become household names. He is finally caught and tried for all murders. And have only 364 days of writing. Write about something big you accomplished in your career, and share your blueprint for success. 172. There. She visits me every time I fall asleep. Suspense and tension are crucial - it's always more fun whenyou don't know. Write about your experience from the perspective of someone who is actually living the reality you have no wish to be part of. 32. Write about the successes of authority figures in your industry, and what others can learn from them. #12You have a name in your contacts that isnt in any language you know, you delete it but the next day the number appears again. Bakers Dozen: Imagine the scents and sights of a bakery and write. Tapping her toes to the beat of her music gives her a bit of pip in her pep when she walks down the halls. A high profile general learns that the opposing army will surrender if he hands himself over. They had a loved one on board. I wait in complete darkness Thank you for your support! But, does one edit and polish the piece after that? Write about the secrets to balancing discipline and friendship as a parent. The point is, writing about a lack of self-esteem and how to gain it is something everyone has experienced and therefore, everyone can relate to. Museum: Take some time to visit a nearby museum with your journal. A dwarf or a gnome? They float atop the ocean, traveling hundreds of miles a day, all while its citizens go about their everyday life. Missing You: Write about someone you miss dearly. Here are 30 dystopian creative writing prompts: Dystopian novels are one of the biggest trends sweeping the literary world. I remember finding it the last time I was exploring the woods and mountains near my house. It flickered again and as it was dark I swore I saw something glowing Write a book about a character whos in therapy because whenever they close their eyes at night, they see (very vividly) someones tragic death. 88. Would that be OK? Write about controlling the controllables for happiness. Contrary to popular belief, dragons are actually very kind and generous, and faeries are mean-spirited bullies. Thank you so much for the list. inspiration is just one piece of the puzzle. I have an ideas but I get writers block. 304. 274. They dont know that shes practicing, practicing for the most important day of the year. Write about the key to being a more productive person, and how it can transform others lives. Your character was adopted from foster care when she was 5. A gentleman in a grey suit with white hair greets them and engages in some small talk. Write about those feelings. Say goodbye to your old word processor and hello to the best writing experience. Your character starts the day off like any other day. But when theyre drawn to someone whos already spoken for, they start to question everything they know about love. 158 stories, Fantasy Write a story about how eight murders have taken place in your characters town in the past 8 weeks. Beat: Listen to music with a strong rhythm or listen to drum loops. Fantasy is one of the most complicated genres due to the necessity of building a brand new world. a directory of 100+ reputable magazines that accept unsolicited submissions. When they meet a stranger who shows them how to enjoy life again, everything seems to be perfect. Create the physical limitations for your species and beings. Human curiosity is what makes this genre so incredibly popular. Define what that word means to you. 101. How you got to where you are in life and where youll go from here. you really help. Learning how to become a better writer includes knowing how to come up with a solid idea. This is really amazingly deep. As the caretaker of their ailing parent, who has no one else in the world to rely on, your character has put their life aspirations on hold to uphold their family duty. Thrillers can come in many forms and can be incorporated with many genres. Write about how to find friends as an adult. Footsteps on the Moon:Write about the possibility of life in outer-space. But, there is never a mention of what one does with the piece after that?? It is so rich in bright and thought-provoking ideas. When a tragedy calls them back home, they feel like they never left each other. Theres nothing connecting them. Time no longer exists, and the worlds of the past, present, and future have collided, meshing them all into one. Ten years after being abandoned to the care of her alcoholic father, the eldest of a pair of identical twin sisters tries to track down her estranged mom. 350. Except, she is unaware that since she doesnt tell him the secret, there is a terrible cost about to destroy her utterly. You just dont know when. Time Travel: If there was a time period you could visit for a day, where would you go? How to change your overall outlook to be more positive. if anyone publish stories on these concepts will u remove that particular concept??? What really happened on the night the girls mother disappeared, and why does it feel like she isnt being told the entire truth about her. i do not know why but my kids, they will just like come on this website every time it is time to have a little bit of video games! If only she would. Fantasy Write about how to communicate in relationships. Write a book about how they really thought they were helping by creating a single drug with the power to eradicate diseases, illnesses, and even cancer. What is the main character trying to achieve? 40. The one shes been waiting for since shes been a little girl. As soon as the words came out of her mouth, her eyes widened in horror; how could she have let herself say such a thing? In your characters world, crime is nonexistent. 31. Write about a time your values were challenged and you had to face it. 56 stories, Fantasy Dont be afraid to kill characters and write difficult situations. You can turn these writing prompts into a dramatic love story, an exciting short story, or morph them into a different genre. this is a nice idea and i would really like to see what u have got. You take one (1) second to think about it. But when their voice changes and their words take a dark turn, your character cant help but do some digging into why that isand they dont like what they find. So its best to be prepared with tips and tricks you can use to keep yourself on track before the block hits. Write about a character who decides to take a vacation for themselves to a secluded little town in order to figure out what to do with their life after college. Write about how to be a better daughter/son to an aging parent. Poetry Prompts and Ideas to Spark Creativity? She was distracted 2. Your characters best friend just got back from some intense rehab. Daily prompts have proven to be very inspiring and overtime writers develop their own style of writing depending on how passionate they are about it. Create a book about the importance of mental health and wellness. It could be from history, or from your own experience. Little do they know, a darker force than them all intends to get rid of them. As you tuck the child in, pulling the blankets over her shoulders, you cant help but notice the fear in her eyes. Ring of Storms: Its just one those silly mood rings or is it? Being single without any close friends, they post an ad asking if anyone wants to join. Create a conflict many can relate to or sympathize with, Spend a lot of time on the character arc as many contemporary novels are primarily character-driven, NEVER romanticize abuse as love (AKA, a jealous boyfriend should never be praised for loving your character more because this is harmful to readers), Create real chemistry by giving your characters qualities that would, Avoid insta-love by giving your characters time to bond and get to know each other, Look out for serious romance cliches and overused plot lines like love triangles, forbidden romances (these can be great, Continuously up the stakes whenever the reader gets comfortable with the relationship. Only tonight, she goes on her usual walk, and decides to take a left at the fork instead of turning around. (I find a lot of things pretty XD). I would be happy if help me with a story starter for this story. Your protagonist is in intensive therapy due to extremely vivid nightmares detailing someones gruesome death. What kinds of things do you like to write? Whether you write short stories, poems, or like to keep a journal these will stretch your imagination and give you some ideas for topics to write about! Any instances you may note here are correct for their intended meaning. Set your story inside a characters mind, literally. After a devastating disease swept over the entire world, they wander aimlessly. Think of a famous love story thats always intrigued you. Write about how after wandering into a brand-new book store, your character thoroughly enjoys the last few books theyve read. They were (romantically involved) with your main character when the theft occurred. 303. Now your main character must navigate a world where governments no longer exist, money is useless, and survival is the only objective. 59. Mailbox: Create a poem, short story, or journal entry based on a recent item of mail youve received. Substitute teachers are tired of not being taken seriously. The reason is unknown. How self-reflection can increase happiness. If I remember correctly, the cave is somewhere around the clearing a few meters ahead. 326. Not many people would have thought of a world that was overrun by a religion and thats what makes it so tantalizing; its unexpected. I enjoyed looking through them and writing them! 331.Whats Cooking: Write something inspired a favorite food or recipe. (like you said, Shreya). Everyone has a personal journey. Dont be afraid to give that gruesome, bloody description. His friends leave him to survive on his own in the world. Write about how to build character in your children. Write about a toxic relationship you had, and how you were able to overcome it. Your character has been receiving nasty, lifelike drawings in the mail. Treehouse: Write about your own secret treehouse hideaway. Theyve gotten away with it for two years until their observant professor of a father is transferred to the school they attend. When they thought life couldnt get any harder, a scary diagnosis rocks their already unstable boat. 206. Write a story about someone coming to terms with how different they are from their younger self. The next day, they are all over TV as the victim of a brutal murder. If you're ready to kick writer's block to the curb and finally get started on your short story or novel, these unique story ideas might just be your ticket. 132. Being transported into another world for a little while - thats what fantasy can do. Wow what a treasure! Your character is an expert researcher thats been chosen to lead a submarine journey to the bottom of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part of the ocean. You can use these creative writing prompts to not only discover more about yourself, but perhaps light the way for others to see and understand as well. Or, take a cue from Kermit the Frog, and ask yourself, why are there so many songs about rainbows? Very well-written! Write about the time you broke someone elses heart, and what its taught you about loving others. For all of these, try not to think too much. Trying to escape the gloomy weather, I look for a cave. There are also hundreds of romance tropes. And once you do, you can never settle for anything less ever again. Here are 30 original fantasy writing prompts: Write about a characer who has a dream they got a certain magical power or giftonly to discover later that day that they DO now actually have it. Write about hidden problems in the world nobody is paying attention to. Write a story about a character living in an average sized town. 1. 175. I was 14 when I wrote my first novel its simultaneously the worst and best thing Ive ever written. Waterfall: Think of a waterfall youve seen in person or spend some time browsing photos of waterfalls online. Thank u again. Stories. Heat: Write about being overheated and sweltering. Dont forget to check these out: I hope these fantasy writing prompts helped spark your imagination. Write about the experience of someone who has just learned of the Titanics sinking. Puzzle: Write about putting together the pieces of puzzles. Hi, I love it Cynthia, thank you for sharing and glad that it inspired you to keep writing! Patterns: Write about repeating patterns that occur in life. Write about how you were raised, and what you learned from the people that raised you. Thanks in advance. They said strange things might happen. When shes not creating educational content, she's working on passion projects, reading good books, and spending time with her family. 53. My life turned into a thriller, Your country is separated into three main regions with a dangerous neutral zone in the center. How to Write a Short Story That Gets Read? Its hard. Your character, being the good person they naturally are, grabs it and rushes after the person. 39. 44. That is, until a visitor arrives on their doorstep in the pouring rain one stormy night. Getting messages that could only be from history, or journal entryinfluenced by aphotograph you fit... New power come from a long line of witches, dating back the. People can shift their priorities to be manufactured in bulk and distributed get really weird ideas nobody knows... Shes practicing, practicing for the universe of you: Everyones addicted something... For Subject Lines that may be good starters forwriting inspiration of all types does not love you back ensure you... New technology once thought to eradicate airborne diseases place to build their tree house a day, they give a! 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