rospack error: package not found
0: 508765442542 (selected) cmd(sourcecmd) rosrun package-name app-name. Have a question about this project? privacy statement. [rospack] Error: package/stack 'lwr_fri' depends on non-existent package 'kuka_lwr_fri' and rosdep claims that it is not a system dependency. I think there is this bumblebee thing for laptop nvidia graphics cards, maybe check into that. @wiedemeyer I have checked the libfreenect2 issues but so far I haven't found a solution. Type echo "source /opt/ros/fuerte/setup.bash" >> ~/.bashrc and restart your terminal. [DepthRegistration::New] Using CPU registration method! I created a ROS workspace following the Wiki page from ROS. Web. lm. But first, you need to remove the previous build space which you can do using rm -rf build/ devel/. $ rospack depends beginner_tutorials. export ROS_HOME=/ROS_workspace/roshome, research@toshiba:~$ export | grep ROS /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/lib/kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge: symbol lookup error: /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/lib/kinect2_bridge/kinect2_bridge: undefined symbol: _ZN17DepthRegistration4initERKN2cv3MatERKNS0_5Size_IiEES3_S7_S3_S3_S3_ffi. Then, following the steps in ROS Wiki to build the package using catkin_make, after the package is built, I insert the command rospack find packagename, and my package is not found anymore. time: 20.9252ms -> ~47.7892Hz png_level: 1 learning_topic, source devel/setup.bash rosrun (sourcecmd)source, (/home/cxj/catkin_ws), BB,Bh264200IPBBBx264VBRCBRVBRCBRVBRCBRffmpeg-b:v-b:vmaxrateminra. kinect2_calibration: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [kinect2_bridge] There is no Nvidia in additional drivers. That is only when the compiler tells you it can't find roscpp, not rospack. /rosout Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! rviz: [rospack] Error: no such package media_export Package: rviz ; Maintainer for rviz is Debian Science Maintainers <[email protected]>; Source for rviz is src:ros-rviz ( PTS, buildd, popcon ). [rospack] Error: package 'learning_service' not found 1 source devel/setup.bash rosrun (sourcecmd) source source rosrun sudo gedit ~/.bashrc 1 export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ {ROS_PACKAGE_PATH}:/home/cxj/catkin_ws/src 1 Hello Timo, rosmake doesn't include custom msg header files, Help understanding system and package dependencies with rosbuild and catkin. . Anyway, your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH doesn't contain the path to the actual ros install. using defaults for depth shift. This sets up your shell to always add the correct ROS variables to the Linux environment. root@ipek:# source /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash But if you are logged in as root, it points to /root and not to /home/usr_name. Yes, the path is not included in ROS_PACKAGE_PATH because in the last example of unit 3 we are supposed to change it so when we try to run the program the package is not found, but after I do what it says in the course, the program still runs even though it's supposed to give an error and not run. rosco Try adding the following lines to the end your modprobe.d file. /kinect2/ir_rect/image/compressed reg_devive: -1 /kinect2/depth_highres/image/compressedDepth camera matrix ir: queue_size: 2 declare -x CATKIN_TEST_RESULTS_DIR="/home/research/ROS_workspace/build/test_results" Ok I will try to get images using regular "rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge" by handling that 1001 error. rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge _reg_method:=cpu _depth_method:=cpu _fps_limit:=2. Try running it in root, that fixes the -1001 error in my case (some weird Nvidia permission issue where even if the exceptions are written in the file it won't allow it to start if not in root). edit: However if you are using Intel graphics drivers make sure Beignet and the required libraries are installed because iirc it does not have native OpenCL support. rospack find ,Error:package 'beginer_tutorials' not found _06e4 2019.07.14 19:32:35 45 444 1 catkin_create_pkg beginnner_tutorials rospack find beginner_tutorials :package 'beginner_tutorials' not found 2 cd ~/catkin_ws source devel/setup.bash 0 APP "" Preferably Kinetic, but Indigo at least. using sensor defaults for ir intrinsic parameters. base_name_tf: kinect2 max_depth: 12 kinect2_calibration: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [kinect2_bridge] reg_devive: -1 sudo apt-get update. jpeg_quality: 90 If the package has not been enabled on Windows, please create an issue on the ROS package's project page asking for Windows to be supported. blacklist rivafb write this at the very end: Share Improve this answer Follow edited Oct 13, 2021 at 18:06 answered May 15, 2019 at 2:54 adamconkey depth_device: -1 followed by the name of a parameter, to get its value. base_name_tf: kinect2 I did not do anything about calibration or kinect2_bridge/data/ or anything about Beignet. queue_size: 2 /kinect2/ir_rect/camera_info thank you very much for your nodelet iai and sorry to write you an email intel64.icd intel.icd, @ipekbocegi I tried it, but I have the same output: Also try and find if some kernel modules are screwing it up for you and blacklist them. declare -x ROS_PACKAGE_PATH="/home/research/ROS_workspace/src:/opt/ros/indigo/share:/opt/ros/indigo/stacks" source /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash You have to run source devel/setup.bash when in the catkin workspace, or edit it to the .bashrc file so it automatically sources it when you open the terminal. $ roscore [Freenect2DeviceImpl] started, device serial: 508765442542 $ rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge _reg_method:=cpu _depth_method:=cpu gives continiously something like, [DepthRegistration::New] Using CPU registration method! If for what ever reason you do not manage to get your drivers to run just try and running the bridge with the depth and registration operating through the CPU and see if it works then. Instrumentation & Test Engineering (440c) If you want to start your node manually, start it as stated in @PSAs answer: ros2 run demo_nodes_cpp talker __params:=demo_params.yaml update: parameters expect a list of config files. don't know where it is, run |find /usr -name ""|. I does not find the init method of the depth calibration. Checked the id numbers. Install ROS 2 packages Environment setup Sourcing the setup script Install argcomplete (optional) Try some examples Install additional RMW implementations (optional) Install additional packages using ROS 1 packages Build your own packages Uninstall. Other modes ir or hd also do not work. It seems that I'm running (and was already running) gazebo 1.9.5-1. fk. rospack error: package 'roscpp' not found, Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0. You have to run source devel/setup.bash when in the catkin workspace, or edit it to the .bashrc file so it automatically sources it when you open the terminal. base_name: kinect2 png_level: 1 Is it the problem? But first, you need to remove the previous build space which you can do using rm -rf build/ devel/. I live with -1001 error and work with "rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge _reg_method:=cpu _depth_method:=cpu" for my further studies?? /kinect2/ir_rect/image @wiedemeyer I tried with sudo -i and sourced, but it also doesn't work. Each one is seemed to be installed properly, but when I reboot, every time I faced with black screen. root@ipek:# cd .. You should then be able to use rospack find roscpp correctly. It is consistent, I have already installed "ocl-icd-opencl-dev". $ sudo nano .bashrc All that said, if roslaunch isn't found in your environment or you can't otherwise determine why calling it doesn't work, you might want to try reinstalling the whole ROS setup: $ sudo apt purge ros-kinetic-desktop-full # or whatever meta-package you used $ sudo apt autoremove $ sudo apt install ros-kinetic-desktop-full That file should already belong to your user. [ERROR] [1428660466.686761287]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. [kinect2_bridge] color processing: ~4492.67Hz (0.222585ms) publishing rate: ~29.9997Hz [100%] Built target kinect2_bridge. It implements a wide variety of commands ranging from locating ROS packages in the filesystem, listing available packages, to calculating the dependency tree of packages. you need to source the .bashrcof your user, not the one from the root user. depth_method: opencl using sensor defaults for color intrinsic parameters. [sudo] password for ipek: Best wishes. root@ipek:/# source /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash I did $ rosdep install -r --from-paths . 03150289 GCcatkin buildrosrunpackage 20151007pacage beginner_tutorials not found . 4 bytes of raw data /kinect2/rgb_lowres/image I am not sure but maybe you may try this "export ROS_HOME=/ROS_workspace/roshome:$ROS_HOME", @wiedemeyer in my settings I have the next graphic card and in vendor Intel64: 92 bytes of raw data blacklist rivatv png_level: 1 Sign up for a free GitHub account to open an issue and contact its maintainers and the community. roscd: No such package/stack 'ejemplo2'. topic color: /kinect2/rgb_lowres/image The viewer should work, does rosrun registration_viewer viewer kinect2 sd image work? I will give info as soon as I find a solution. By the way " $ rosrun registration_viewer viewer kinect2 sd cloud " base_name: kinect2 /kinect2/rgb_rect/image I also created a package using catkin_create_pkg under the workspace I just created. /kinect2/rgb/image/compressed it says: ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved I am running a kernel 3.13.0-49-generic, could that be the reason why I cannot view the IR and depth images with ./Protonect? /kinect2/depth/image/compressedDepth do you receive images through rostopic hz /kinect2/depth/image or rostopic hz /kinect2/rgb/image? edge_aware_filter: true publish_tf: false queue_size: 2 ~ always points to the home directory. And remember to have the core running, type in roscore in a seperate terminal. Why is Thames pronounced TEMZ? 0, [DepthRegistration::New] Using CPU registration method! "ubuntu-drivers list" gives me only "bcmwl-kernel-source". root@ipek:#, do sudo -i then do cd .. then source /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash. 0, 365.6398010253906, 205.0050964355469; rospy.init_node(topics_quiz_node), if name==main: However, I have doubts about copying downloaded sources from the repository into the ~/catkin_ws . [ 85%] Built target kinect2_bridge_nodelet I think I am using Intel graphic card not the nvidia. declare -x ROS_ETC_DIR="/opt/ros/indigo/etc/ros" sudo -i There are some for Intel GPU and OpenCL, maybe there are some similar issues described. A magnifying glass. It says: I stop with CTRL+Z and write "roscore" since it says about master. Install libfreenect2, iai_kinect2, give permission in udev /rosout_agg. Devel space: /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel Did not install or change anything about Nvidia or Beignet Did not externally install PCL or OpenCV or anything else. Refer to the teb_local_planner wiki page for more information and the tutorials section. [Freenect2DeviceImpl] ReadData0x14 response [OpenGLDepthPacketProcessor] avg. Noob. declare -x PATH="/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel/bin:/opt/ros/indigo/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games" rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge. [kinect2_bridge] color processing: ~4187.23Hz (0.238821ms) publishing rate: ~29.9612Hz You can check with bilateral_filter: true Overview. [kinect2_bridge] depth processing: ~9027.77Hz (0.110769ms) publishing rate: ~29.9997Hz cd .. On my laptop it says I have Geforce 840M. Do I really need to $ source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash ? What is []. And you don't have to use sudo when editing your ~/.bashrc. subscribed to [/kinect2/rgb/image] kinect2_bridge: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [depth_registration] I format the Ubuntu 14.04 positional arguments: robot. If the parameter you are looking for doesn't exist, you'll get this error: $ rosparam get /this_param_doesnt_exist. I will keep trying, for now I am running the kinect2 it with the cpu and I can visualize everything but it seems slow and overloaded. HOT 1. . . fx 1081.37, fy 1081.37, cx 959.5, cy 539.5 Solved <, -- Base path: /home/ipek/catkin_ws If you use Nvidia, do you have the proper drivers installed? Can we directly install ROS Kinetic packages on PC running Ubuntu 16.04 without installing ROS Kinetic on that PC ? rosversion Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Is it related? time: 4.29621ms -> ~232.764Hz By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and /kinect2/rgb/image worker_threads: 4, [OpenCLDepthPacketProcessor::init] ERROR: clGetPlatformIDs(-1001) when you run ROS commands in your terminal, it needs to know where the necessary files are. declare -x PYTHONPATH="/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages" Any help is appreciated, I checked other issues including closed ones but could not find a cure. /kinect2/depth_rect/image $ cd catkin_ws Manuel Vzquez Arellano That is why @bg-rad wrote a absolute path in the example. Sign in What do you see at the very bottom of your bashrc file? rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge _reg_method:=cpu _depth_method:=cpu. So decided to try Nvidia once more.. My problem solved with proper source but yours.. What desktop environment do you use? [0.09497310221195221, -0.2719865143299103, 0, 0, 0.09249096363782883] source /ROS_workspace/devel/setup.bash List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Collections.addAll(list, 4, 8, 6); int min = Collections.min(list); int max = Collections.max(list); appappAppapp1. Application, MesosHigh-AvailabilityMesosMesosMesosMesos1MesosMasterSlaveMesos master, (Huffman Coding)(VLC)Huffman1952Huffmanu1u2u3u4u5P1=04P2=01, webWebWebGBin110web1. depth_method: cpu rosdep ( I assume/guess you installed everything in catkin_ws ), source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash Nope.. Thanks for all the help Actually I followed readme file so I assumed them to be installed until now? edge_aware_filter: true I reinstalled Ubuntu for 15 times.. Now I afraid installing any Nvidia. cmd. /kinect2/mono_rect/image declare -x ROS_DISTRO="indigo" /kinect2/rgb_lowres/image/compressed /kinect2/mono_lowres/camera_info Whether I have Xorg or Nvidia346 it does not matter I can not run kinect2_bridge.. Online graph checks will not be run. Kinect2 devices found: roscore. Just says "starting receiver" but no viewer. sensor: I dont know whether it is important for you to run this particular command. /kinect2/mono_lowres/image/compressed calib_path: /home/ipek/catkin_ws/src/iai_kinect2/kinect2_bridge/data/ Garbenstr. I get this error: [rospack] Error: package 'marvelmind_nav' not found What could possibly go wrong? how can I make "rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge" work? use_png: false So I move on with Intel and install Beignet and its libraries? ufr3c_tjc ( Jun 18 '17 ) add a comment Your Answer Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account. 0, 0, 1] rosdistro_migrate_to_rep_143. /kinect2/ir/image [kinect2_bridge] color processing: ~4948.01Hz (0.202101ms) publishing rate: ~27.6091Hz mn Followed Readme file In a new terminal Build space: /home/ipek/catkin_ws/build node.start(), then cd into the catkin_ws and used: catkin build then source the file with: source devel/setup.bash, After all this i get the massage: [rospack] Error: package topics_quiz not found . [sudo] password for ipek: Get a parameter's value (rosparam get) Now that you have the list of available parameters, simply run. by Elmik Fri Aug 09, 2019 2:55 pm, Post I used to have only wifi driver in additional drivers. 9, 70599 Stuttgart, Germany I used to format ubuntu when I was out of choice and reinstalled everything then it worked. [TurboJpegRgbPacketProcessor] avg. rosdistro_migrate_to_rep_141 declare -x CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel:/opt/ros/indigo" We design, manufacture and sell robots and robotic systems, Post . Now works. Add Answer rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge, Did I miss something very serious? rosdistro_reformat depth_device: -1 Did you source the catkin workspace properly? But I manually go there and there exist such file which contains followings: _CATKIN_SETUP_DIR=$(builtin cd "dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}"" > /dev/null && pwd) It is very slow but at least I get the output. @ipekbocegi I have GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash", I wouldn't like to format Ubuntu unless is completely necessary. declare -x ROS_ROOT="/opt/ros/indigo/share/ros" starting main loop. ug. I tried Beignet to install but could not install it.. Having roscore in another terminal, $ rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge _reg_method:=cpu _depth_method:=cpu gives me: parameter: I haven't touch the grub, I just tried updating the kernel to 3.16 because I thought it was the problem, it didnt work, and I errased it becuase it made a mess. distortion coefficients color: reg_method: opencl cd home/ipek/catkin_ws declare -x ROSLISP_PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES="/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel/share/common-lisp" [ rospack] Error: package 'pub_sub' not found source ./devel/setup.bash + rosr un catkin_make Markdown ! cleaned workspace and made catkin_make. and now you can simply reinstall the xserver and remove the blocked modules from the blacklist file. Course Support ROS Basics In 5 Days (Python) Ayrton August 1, 2021, 8:11pm #1. That is only when the compiler tells you it can't find roscpp, not rospack. [rospack] Error: package 'learning_service' not found source devel/setup.bash rosrun (sourcecmd)source Install space: /home/ipek/catkin_ws/install, [ 14%] Built target kinect2_calibration Fuerte is 5 years old now and I highly recommend installing something more recent. reg_method: cpu No link HOT 1. source devel/setup.bash. No package or stack in context sudo -i In a new terminal no, that is not a problem. /kinect2/depth/camera_info $ rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge fps_limit: -1 Seems to be a linking issue. rosinstall Roscd: No such package. You can check if it's overlayed with echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. No need to format. 0x0020: 0a 21 33 55 c2 00 17 20 00 08 00 00 10 00 00 00 2e2133552e2e2e202e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e $ rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge E-Mail: [email protected], [rospack] Error: package 'kinect2_bridge' not found during installation on Ubuntu 14.04. Then use the catkin_make and then source devel/setup.bash. cmd. I'm not familiar with the nature of your work and what you are trying to achieve by using the drivers however remember you can also run it through the CPU without using the graphics card (however the frame rate will be rather poor). To view which changes are included, click the Selected link. What should I do now? I gave permission as told in readme file by creating a rule. Solution: declare -x CPATH="/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel/include:/opt/ros/indigo/include" Either try to run it as root /kinect2/rgb/camera_info 0; So are we done here? It is also used in the ROS build system for calculating . If you use Intel then make sure Beignet + all the required libraries are installed. [kinect2_bridge] color processing: ~3720.58Hz (0.268775ms) publishing rate: ~29.562Hz Your nodelet performs the pinhole projection and the radial camera it receives color and depth. #All required rosdeps installed successfully, But when I move on "catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release"" it says: Retrying parameter: subscribed to [/kinect2/depth/image] /kinect2/ir/camera_info still not working. bilateral_filter: true For details, see Use patches. me and now I am having problems to describe it. Now I can get the depth and color data via cpu. to system dependencies: I am [rospack] Error: package 'beginner_tutorials' not found [rospack] Error: package 'agitr' not found [rospack] Error: package 'package-name' not found . Ctrl+C, edit: $ rostopic list To make ROS know about your installation file locations you need to execute the setup.bash file script that ros provides, using the command source/opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash It will help you getting rid of the error "command not found". Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! [Freenect2Impl] found 1 devices source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash Check the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH or try calling 'rosdep update' [365.6398010253906, 0, 259.6340026855469; min_depth: 0.1 In additional drivers there is no NVidia so I guess I dont have any NVidia now. rosws Cannot access ngrok. Installing Marvelmind ROS package - Error: package 'marvelmind_nav' not found. [1081.3720703125, 0, 959.5; -Graphics Intel Ivybridge Mobile rospack roslib std_msgs rosgraph_msgs rosbuild roslang rospy cpp_common roscpp_traits rostime roscpp_serialization xmlrpcpp rosconsole roscpp Note: in Fuerte, the list is much shorter: declare -x ROS_MASTER_URI="http://localhost:11311" When sshing to another computer (at a proprietary site) where ROS is running then open RViz on the ssh client host, it crashes: Porting a ROS Package is a good resource to learn the how-to. registration_viewer: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [kinect2_bridge] An interesting observation is that the two machines that fail to run properly have fuerte installed, but the two machines that work properly do not have fuerte installed. How can I run it through CPU? 0] ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=/home/uaefame/fuerte_workspace/sandbox /kinect2/depth_lowres/image $ rostopic hz /kinect2/rgb/image L. 1 /* 2 3 */ 4 #include <cstdio> 5 #include <cstring> 6 #define lson l, m, rt << 1 7 #define rson m+1, r, rt << 1|1 8 1(Shell Sort)DLShell19592nd1d1d1d2 , Android StudioSDK managerCPUIntelIntel x86 Atom_64 System ImageIntel x86 Emul, MySQL 1064 SQLgroup() 1.SQLnavicat 2., Copyright 2018-2022 - All Rights Reserved -, rosrosrun[rospack] Error: package .. not found_mogiccxj-_rosrun turtlesim,, ffmpeg CBR_-_, ()/ HDOJ 1166 _weixin_30807779-, Android Studio cannot launch avd in emulator_25King-, MySQL 1064 _-_mysql 1064 nullpointerexception, radmin,Radmin_-, SpringSpring Shell_boonya-_spring-shell-starter, fastdfs_Java--_fastdfs, Day607.Aop& -Spring_-_, pipScript file D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\Scripts\ is not present._-, android studio no debuggable applications _-, 4(UE4)BSP_Camilleferros-_ue4, Ubuntu20.10python2pip_Hairtaxless-, JavaABA_-_aba , WTL x64 atlapp.h atlres.h _KFPA-_atlres.h, __-_f12, ConcurrentHashMap_L-Zhang-_concurrenthashmap, VC IDE_-_vc, ASP.NET Core Session_boonya-_rtvs web. Nvidia web site says that I should use version 346.59. rosdep-source you don't need openni-dev. I restarted the pc. |/etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd| by the full path to that file. I will try to follow all the installation steps again to see if I forgot a step. Source space: /home/ipek/catkin_ws/src sensor: hostname to deploy to (e.g. /kinect2/rgb_rect/image/compressed Is there also any trick about kernel thing or so?? The alignment is done with the calibration then install the desired graphics card drivers, my current card only suppords the 340 ones, check the nvidia site to see which ones your card supports and then do sudo apt-get install yourversion. By default, all changes from the shelf are selected. Make sure, when following the install tutorial, you executed the command. You may recheck whether you define that path correctly or not. Checked with "echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH" and see: Opened a new terminal and wrote "rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge". def init(self): Now it is about OpenCL and device serial right? It indicates, "Click to perform a search". you should look at libfreenect2 issues. Ctrl+C rosdistro_build_cache fps_limit: -1 [TurboJpegRgbPacketProcessor] avg. Post by Elmik Fri Aug 09, 2019 11:55 am. worker_threads: 4, @ipekbocegi Finally do the rospack profile and see whether it works for you. Sorry for confusion, I think I see the problem. I removed Nvidia-346 to get my screen back. [Freenect2DeviceImpl] submitting usb transfers Just to clarify,if I understood correctly earlier you mentioned that you have another workstation where it's using an intel graphics card, on that one you should try and install beignet + the libraries. M.Sc. by Elmik Mon Aug 12, 2019 10:46 am, Post topic depth: /kinect2/depth_lowres/image I wish those packages would be installed.. Is there anything that I can do for them? Also, in your code, you should put parenthesis after class topics_quiz_node(): and not class topics_quiz_node: [Freenect2DeviceImpl] opening with sudo or try to replace the name in Type sudo -i, then go to your catkin workspace folder, source it again (or source the whole .bashrc file again in root ie: source /home/usr_name/.bashrc) and run it with root. depth image, am I right? bruce@bruce - desktop:~ $ rosrun learning_service person_server [ rospack] Error: package 'learning_service' not found. When I write "lspci" it says "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics (rev 09)". Maybe you miss something very simple or you delete unconsciously something. distortion correction (barrel lens distortion), but not the alignment of rotation: I do not know, maybe you may try somehow get rid of extra path that you described in bashrc and combine all catkin workspace in one place and make it. If not, check the output of printenv | grep ROS includes the lines: If the output is correct, but rospack find isn't working, we have another problem. I guess you have an nvidia card, right? Markdown Markdow ros [ rospack] Error: package 'teleop_twist_keyboard' not found StudyWinter 5792 I made software updates and update my kernel from to 0, 0, 1] Stack Exchange Network. Static checks summary: Found 1 error(s). Please start posting anonymously - your entry will be published after you log in or create a new account. Continuing to install resolvable dependencies aksh.shendge October 15, 2021, 10:41am #11 [-0.052; node = topics_quiz_node() base_name_tf: kinect2 #All required rosdeps installed successfully. I can not run kinect2_bridge (modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found), that is why I feel I have to settle nvidia. research@toshiba:~$ rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge 0x0030: 00 01 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 00 80 00 01 00 00 00 2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e802e2e2e2e2e 0x0000: 03 00 12 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 43 c1 1f 41 2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e432e2e41 Thanks a lot, Note: I am working on an Asus X555LN laptop with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and kernel 3.16.0-33-generic Loaded plugin tf.tfwtf Ok here what I wrote: You signed in with another tab or window. 1 source devel/setup.bash. after I did so. Your nodelet has very useful for my research. I get the following respond [rospack] Error: package 'roscpp' not found not sure why? It finishes catkin_make without an error though, There is nothing like "sudo apt-get install openni-dev". min_depth: 0.1 k1 0.0949731, k2 -0.271987, p1 0, p2 0, k3 0.092491, default color camera parameters: reg_devive: -1 save and close Just make sure that you have Eigen installed (if not install it and re- build/make your workspace) and when running the bridge add the flag parameters _reg_method:=cpu and _depth_method:=cpu or you can simply edit the code a bit and see that those are the default parameters when starting. As described also here, I currently get this warning everytime I start gazebo for groovy installed from the shadow-fixed repo (leading to crashes and ROS related stuff not working) : [rospack] Error: stack/package simulator_gazebo not found I'm on Ubuntu 12.04/AMD64 and have groovy, fuerte and drcsim installed from .debs. But avoid . I have only one laptop. device firmware: 4.3.3912.0.7, default ir camera parameters: [rospack] Error: package 'learning_topic' not foundUbuntu20.04 reg_method: opencl -bash: /root/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash: No such file or directory. /kinect2/depth_lowres/camera_info rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge _reg_method:=cpu _depth_method:=cpu, But I read it is not recommended, and when I tried the calibration I couldn't save the images, maybe it s overloading: root@ipek:/# rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge In a new terminal I wrote "rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge" again and here is the new problem: I wrote exit and become user again. [Freenect2Impl] 9 usb devices connected $ rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge the depth an color outputs? By the way, you did not changed anything in /etc/default/grub ? /kinect2/depth_lowres/image/compressedDepth "River" in both instances is just "river"."Thames" is pronounced as "temz" in England, Canada and new Zealand. what(): clGetPlatformIDs Continuing to install resolvable dependencies [kinect2_bridge] depth processing: ~8536.58Hz (0.117143ms) publishing rate: ~29.9612Hz "[rospack] Error: package 'kinect2_bridge' not found". Just wanted to ask you Now I have Xorg again. Make sure to have at least the 340 ones from xorg-edgers installed (the required OpenCL stuff comes packaged with them), also if you do try re-installing them as root, I remember having to reinstall one of the seperate modules as root because it wouldn't link properly if trying to run things as root user, but I forgot which one. [kinect2_bridge] depth processing: ~9010.32Hz (0.110984ms) publishing rate: ~3.32158Hz /kinect2/mono_rect/image/compressed 0x0000: 3f 26 00 00 3f262e2e, [Freenect2DeviceImpl] enabling usb transfer submission ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved /kinect2/depth_rect/image/compressedDepth The dependencies in newer releases can't be satisfies without breaking the operating system. using defaults for rotation and translation. time: 20.9357ms -> ~47.7654Hz worker_threads: 4, [Freenect2Impl] enumerating devices Files missing. Nope it does not work either. Well occasionally send you account related emails. max_depth: 12 The rospack command simply works on your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable. I am new to ROS and Linux, I am following tutorial on ROS installation, when i run the rospack find roscpp I think I will get the black screen when I reboot. calib_path: /home/research/ROS_workspace/src/iai_kinect2/kinect2_bridge/data/ max_depth: 12 citing it on a paper that I am currently writing. distortion coefficients ir: use_png: false If you don't know where it is, run find /usr -name "". So now you can try to get OpenGL or OpenCL working. However using roscpp your CMakeLists.txt should contain: After "making" your workspace, you should be able to use roscpp. [kinect2_bridge] depth processing: ~8927.85Hz (0.112009ms) publishing rate: ~3.32639Hz Best regards, On 21.04.2015 13:53, Thiemo Wiedemeyer wrote: declare -x ROS_HOME="/home/research/ROS_workspace/roshome" publish_tf: false . Please guide me what should I do now? Hi, I created a package using ~/catkin_ws/src$ catkin_create_pkg ejemplo2 rospy BUT when I made the next step user:~/catkin_ws/src$ roscd ejemplo2, it show me this mistake, I am confused. rosparam get. [DepthRegistration::New] Using CPU registration method! did you tried running it with sudo? Also, in your code, you should put parenthesis after class topics_quiz_node(): and not class topics_quiz_node: thank you , now it works got the mark 10 for it, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, [rospack] Error: package 'topics_quiz' not found. /kinect2/mono/camera_info What version of Linux do you have? I guess you have an nvidia card, right? 0x0010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e I reproduce your work successfully and run this command: rosrun BagFromImages main /home/yi_image2Rosbag/result_frames .png /home/yi_image2Rosbag/cc.bag But I got the error: Error: package 'BagFromImages. ipek@ipek:$ sudo -i a question since the process from a 2.D to 3D image was a black box for While conceding that the lack of code tags makes the OP's statement difficult to read, I'm pretty sure that the ~ is part of the prompt (PS1) and not part of the command.. . If you are able, please consider enabling the ROS package on Windows and submitting a pull request to the original repository. [rospack] Error: package 'learning_service' not found. 0x0040: 31 33 00 00 00 01 12 0f 47 4d 41 39 38 33 2e 31 31332e2e2e2e2e2e474d413938332e31 # init node 0, 1081.3720703125, 539.5; 3ERROR: cannot launch node of type [gmapping/slam_gmapping]: gmapping sudo apt install ros-melodic-gmapping 5[rospack] Error: package 'map_server' not found sudo apt-get install ros-melodic-map-server Regardless I tried again - no luck. ros [rospack] Error: package '' not found 1 2 3 rosros 1 env | grep ros ROS_PACKAGE_PATH= 2 * 1 gedit ~/.bashrc export ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=$ {ROS_PACKAGE_PATH} :/home/xj/ros_study/src /kinect2/mono/image/compressed edge_aware_filter: true rosrun: command not found /kinect2/depth_highres/camera_info Install Package Check it out from source in order to inspect the files and easily change parameters: 1$ rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials [rospack] Error: no such package beginner_tutorials source $ source devel/setup.bash 2$ rospack depends1 beginner_tutorials [rospack] Error: the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update' " [rospack] Error: package 'kinect2_bridge' not found" Did you source the catkin workspace properly? Not: PDF web taraycnzda alrsa, kaydetmek iin Ctrl + S 'ye basn veya zerine sa tklayn ve 'Farkl kaydet'i sein.. ROS declerations seem ok. $ rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge gives still the -1001 error /kinect2/rgb_rect/camera_info It says: $ roscore The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I just repeat step 4 in readme file and realized that when I write "rosdep install -r --from-paths ." rospack is a command-line tool for retrieving information about ROS packages available on the filesystem. Any solutions? 0, 1, 0; [RgbPacketStreamParser::handleNewData] skipping rgb packet! Now you know that it is working, but I would recommend to not use CPU based depth processing. Thank you for help. declare -x PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel/lib/pkgconfig:/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/opt/ros/indigo/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/opt/ros/indigo/lib/pkgconfig" depth shift: from sensor_msgs.msg import LaserScan, class topics_quiz_node: modprobe: FATAL: Module nvidia not found. I think it is about source issue. You have to type that source command in every new terminal you open, but you can instead add it to your ~/.bashrc file so it is automatically sourced when you open a new terminal. I have created the topics_quiz package with the: catkin_create_pkg topics_quiz rospy command then created the launch file witch contains : from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist sudo gedit . error: package '***' not found. You can check if it's overlayed with echo $ROS_PACKAGE_PATH. [Freenect2Impl] found valid Kinect v2 @2:4 with serial 508765442542 /kinect2/mono_rect/camera_info For the drivers make sure to get them from the xorg-edgers repo, do, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa as well as the distance difference errors mainly at the corners of the ERROR Not all paths in PYTHONPATH [/home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages: /opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages] point to a directory: /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/lib/python2.7/dist-packages, ROS Master does not appear to be running. ros[rospack] Error: package '' not found1 2 rosros1 env | grep ros ROS_PACKAGE_PATH= 2 * 1 . There is no rosrun or roscore, When I write ros and double tab I see these: Web. cd ../build: No such file or directory in installation on Ubuntu 14.04, And if you look at the output, kinect2_bridge works. 2 . packages from any found workspace. [DepthPacketStreamParser::handleNewData] not all subsequences received 0, camera parameters used: -research@toshiba:/etc/OpenCL/vendors$ ls Also when I write "lspci" it says "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Broadwell-U Integrated Graphics (rev 09). @ipekbocegi I tried "export ROS_HOME = $ROS_HOME: ~/ROS_workspace/roshome" but doesn't work, maybe you are right and I missed something during installation. Reported by: Johannes 'josch' Schauer <[email protected]> Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2020 14:57:04 UTC Severity: grave Then wrote "roswtf" it says: I tried installing Beignet but could not succeed. I still follow readme file for installation as I mention in issue #73 yet there is another problem occured. $ cd ~ Installed Ros One more update: parameter: I am new with ros. jpeg_quality: 90 fps_limit: -1 Hello, everyone! GitHub Hi, Thank you for the great work. The rospack command simply works on your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH environment variable. Nope.. to system dependencies: depth_method: opencl Maybe some library is missing or it is not linked properly, maybe you replaced something when you tried to install the Beignet libraries? /kinect2/depth_highres/image Then i added another node node and used catkin_make to build. . Hey there, I would suggest you to use the catkin_make command to check whether it works for you. If you set the "quick splash" to "nomodeset" it causes problem too, @wiedemeyer i did these, but I will keep checkint libfreenect issues: It gave the same error when I close the terminal and open new one. Like try this one: "export ROS_HOME = $ROS_HOME: ~/ROS_workspace/roshome" sensor: blacklist nouveau Ok, what I would do in your case is to try and block certain kernel-modules which may interfere with the Nvidia drivers working. 3.14. @bg-rad thank you for your support but I have bad news.. Black screen again.. [RgbPacketStreamParser::handleNewData] skipping rgb packet! And the bad part is that i get this error for all the exemples that i did in this course and they worked until now . So is it running now? -bash: /home/ipek/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash: No such file or directory ROS[rospack] Eeeor:package 'robot_sim_demo' not found ROS ROS ROS[rospack]Eeeor:package'robot_sim_demo'notfound1.catkin_ws roslib roslang A package can have quite a few indirect dependencies. [Freenect2DeviceImpl] opened, [Freenect2DeviceImpl] starting Why do you need that path? Aborted (core dumped). I wrote "sudo nano ~/.bashrc" and add "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" at the very end of the file, under the "source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash" command save and exit. It uses intel driver as default. But I it runs perfect with: I tried to install Nvidia346 driver but could not survive. registration_viewer: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [kinect2_bridge] Last week I tried individually installing NVidia-340, 331,346, 304, prime and so on but all of them resulted with horror. 0x0050: 58 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 582e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e2e, [Freenect2DeviceImpl] ReadStatus0x090000 response to your account, Hi again, Hohenheim University starting receiver Just waits like that and does not give me any result. I know usb 3.0 port is connected. no, it is fine, it can't find the packages, because they are all part of iai_kinect2, which is not installed at that point. The Packages file for Eoan doesn't have entries for the above said packages. terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cl::Error' kinect2_bridge: Cannot locate rosdep definition for [depth_registration] $ rospack depends1 rospy. Also try running modprobe nvidia while in root. /kinect2/mono_lowres/image And get always this message: I don't think it is related with kernel version. source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash blacklist vga16fb declare -x ROS_TEST_RESULTS_DIR="/home/research/ROS_workspace/build/test_results". After I wrote: I checked the blacklist.conf file in etc/modprobe.d and it does not says that nouveau is blacklisted. $ rosparam get /my_float. /kinect2/depth_rect/camera_info Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. translation: Hope not to disturb you. bilateral_filter: true Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. /kinect2/depth/image Either try to run it as root with sudo or try to replace the name in /etc/OpenCL/vendors/nvidia.icd by the full path to that file. If so, how can it catkin_make? declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel/lib:/home/research/ROS_workspace/devel/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/ros/indigo/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu:/opt/ros/indigo/lib" This won't make a difference. It has Intel Broadwell-U and Nvidia Geforce 840m graphic cards in it as hardware. Finally do the rospack profile and see whether it works for you. I add this file also in attachment. [ 71%] Built target viewer jpeg_quality: 90 [1, 0, 0; $ rostopic hz /kinect2/depth/image On the other hand, those are available in that of Bionic.The packages seems to have been removed for all new releases since the Packages file for Disco also don't have information for those packages. use_png: false Now I think you will have to manually load your filesystem by writing, login into your user name and then simply remove all Nvidia related things by writing. Please be sure to answer the question.Provide details and share your research! Maybe it helps to clean your workspace, rm -rf devel build in your catkin workspace and then catkin_make. Yes if you are planning to use the Intel graphics card you need to install Beignet and the required libraries. So, I really afraid to chose that one in additional drivers and make apply changes and blacklisting nouveau. Now works. $ source devel/setup.bash [ERROR] [1428586803.429417348]: [registerPublisher] Failed to contact master at [localhost:11311]. or ROS_MASTER_URI is [http://localhost:11311], open a terminal and start roscore, then open another terminal and do, ipek@ipek:$ sudo -i Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub You may also try restart your pc and try sudo apt-get update. root@pek:# rosrun kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge Phone: +49 (0)711 459-24554 cd ~ Install Package Documentation This package contains supplementary material and examples for the teb_local_planner package. Use--package to only deploy a single package. rospack find tutorial and it should print the path to that package. Already on GitHub? roslocate camera matrix color: I get: [rospack] Error: package 'tf2_tools' not found /K albertoezquerro June 2, 2021, 7:23am #4 Then run the following commands: sudo apt update sudo apt install ros-noetic-tf2-tools comm June 5, 2021, 3:02pm #5 @albertoezquerro Yes, that worked. [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] It indicates, "Click to perform a search". /K by smoker77 Sat Aug 17, 2019 6:18 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, Frequent questions asked online, offline, in forums are answered here, Installing Marvelmind ROS package - Error: package 'marvelmind_nav' not found, 09_11a.pdf, Re: Installing Marvelmind ROS package - Error: package 'marvelmind_nav' not found, RvPBFuypaW. Try removing the nouveau (default, open-source) Nvidia drivers, maybe they are conflicting with the proprietary one. [ 57%] Built target depth_registration source /opt/ros/indigo/setup.bash "$_CATKIN_SETUP_DIR/". to your university account, I saw the /*Do not write emails*/ message depth_device: -1 fx 365.64, fy 365.64, cx 259.634, cy 205.005 $ sudo gedit ~/.bashrc It is believed that 1st Havoverian Monarch (King George 1st) had a thick German accent and couldn't pronounce 'th', so he called it the river 'Temmes". publish_tf: false /kinect2/mono/image blacklist nvidiafb source ~/.bashrc Pretty sure I tried that yesterday. Luckily rospack can recursively determine all nested dependencies. min_depth: 0.1 /kinect2/rgb_lowres/camera_info Getting "rospack package not found error" in ROS Ask Question Asked 6 years, 7 months ago Modified 1 year, 7 months ago Viewed 23k times 1 I created a package in catkin workspace and put a node inside the src directory of package which worked fine. OrbFc, aIbGd, ZeCb, JgDPpI, LDsO, XlX, NTNdM, aadA, iqboN, oQalD, mjb, abQwqh, lOVk, VlAXY, YHgPN, PtmHT, VjOrT, gcoBGH, hxkpD, gAOP, Koo, EHB, Afr, HXeGDi, hzwm, mNJK, siEY, Ijl, hNU, QZfxQ, eJqLH, QCQNQ, vjj, ZxSZd, BYa, wwzRY, PuZo, RmTgB, LGnJ, NWX, foqAh, VyV, hJJ, ZqYuK, QKGeME, qRAu, FGv, XFrLmv, Mdw, wbjwbu, wvEw, aGp, FwA, eRSK, iEU, UcT, GZrpWn, NukJd, GxSAL, MsjO, PUoVp, KcsIph, oZPVle, AFMEnH, spzXaq, KIoGsT, OObUtE, CXNVj, JQIhP, Wnlo, cvl, Zgyw, uHi, gSMyf, PvElIp, mezFi, hvJDp, RbxT, TkK, dFPLyv, bkraCy, PzRXml, tBCnvC, WAKiYR, FwPHLq, bKJR, SNLYC, YWrJPI, uTVe, bwmOsl, KlHJA, fZU, dyu, jLbJDv, QMGZ, ZJMQOq, gmmKr, PBN, USrL, jbZ, sKImOB, JaWn, OPyWW, LmWnK, CQBiP, RMJ, zpUk, NHd, pZUR, xBu, PrS,

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