material removal rate formula lathe
And a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind. 5. With x and t known, D can be calculated. As the metal continues to dissolve, more and more electrons are left back and a net negative charge builds up in the metal. From Eq. Machine Tools: Lathe, milling, drilling and shaping machines construction and kinematics; Jigs and fixtures principles, applications, and design. 7.22 The potassiumsodium binary phase diagram has the following invariant reactions: cooling at 6.9C, b + L Na2K wt.% Na 99 47 54 at 12.6C, wt.% Na cooling L a + Na2K 23 3 54 (i) Give the name of each of the above reactions. 5.3. Answer The Sermon on the Mount is the sermon that Jesus gave in Matthew chapters 5-7. 8.3, consists of two long bars welded t2 > t1 t1 > 0 t=0 c2 Bar 1 Concentration Bar 2 c c1 Fig. 15% C. 2% D. 0% 118 Multiple Choice Questions 21. 138 B. At 30 mV, the current is 30 mA. The number of independent variables among these gives the degrees of freedom F. Clearly, this number cannot be more than the total number of variables: F = C P + 2 P (C 1) + 2 (7.2) It is easy to see from Eq. A fatigue failure can occur even below the yield stress of a material. 0.07 C. 0.10 D. 3.8 15. 8.3 0 + Distance x The diffusion couple set-up for nonsteady-state flow. The parallel component is the real part and results in I 2R loss. 5 that trivalent cations such as Fe3+ and Cr3+ can substitute for trivalent parent Al3+ cations in the Al2O3 crystal. Answer: 1.09% and 0.76%. Explain why this is so. Whether the electrons will align their spins or not will depend on the sign of the net change in energy. The corrosion resistance of duralumin is poor compared to that of aluminium. If the field is reversed, the induction decreases slowly at first and reaches a residual value Br at zero field. In ZnyO with y > 1, the defects present are A. cation interstitials B. anion vacancies C. cation vacancies D. anion interstitials 7. Jesus is here teaching the people about the kingdom. C 20. While substituting for silicon in the crystal, it needs an extra electron to complete the tetrahedral arrangement of bonds around it. elliptical dislocation loop is produced at the boundary. When the slip systems on the basal plane are the only ones operating, polycrystalline HCP metals are brittle, as there are not enough slip systems to maintain the grain boundary integrity. The angle of tilt q is related to the Burgers vector b of the edge dislocations: b = tan q (6.7) h where h is the vertical spacing between two neighbouring edge dislocations. Gd HCP 3.63 5.78 Cm Hex. A typical CZ apparatus weighs about 20 Seed holder Seed crystal CC W Neck Crystal Argon gas flow Melt Outer heat shield Crucible Graphite picket heater CW Water-cooled Lower heat furnace chamber shields Fig. 6.15 A tilt boundary consists of equally spaced edge dislocations of the same sign one above the other. F: Feed rate, mm/min MRR = (D x W x F / 1000) cc/min. 7.13 Microstructure of white cast iron, magnified 650 times. Here ni is the intrinsic concentration. Hence, in a given material, surface cracks are more effective than internal cracks. Units SI units Unit Symbol ohm metre ohm m Quantity Resistivity r Temperature coefficient of resistance a Conductivity s Other units per kelvin K1 microohm-inch, ohm-cm per F per ohm per metre metre per metre ohm1 m1 mho/cm m m1 J m s1 V m1 A m2 erg, eV volts/mil amp/cm2 123 de Broglie wavelength l Wave number k Kinetic energy E Fermi energy EF joule metre per second Drift velocity v Field gradient e volt per metre Current density Je ampere per m2 Constants Plancks constant h = 6.626 1034 J s Rest mass of electron m0 = 9.109 1031 kg Charge of electron e = 1.602 1019 C 332 333 The Resistivity Range 14.1 The Resistivity Range Electrical resistivity (or conductivity) is probably the most remarkable of all physical properties, in that it varies over 25 orders of magnitude. The ability of a semiconductor or an insulator to conduct electricity depends on thermal excitation and the presence of impurities. If the imperfection is a vacancy, the bonds that the missing atom would have formed with its neighbours are not there. It is identical in form to Fouriers law for heat flow under a constant temperature gradient and Ohms law for current flow under a constant electric field gradient. In this weeks study of Amos and Obadiah, well learn about the vital role of prophets and why they. In this weeks study of Amos and Obadiah, well learn about the vital role of prophets and why they. The B-H hysteresis curve can be understood in terms of domain growth and domain rotation. The energy required to rotate an entire domain is more than that required to move the domain walls during growth. 7.16), mark the various phase fields. 15.13 The building of an integrated circuit with seven masking steps. 7.7 Some Typical Phase Diagrams Phase diagrams may look somewhat complicated if there is more than one invariant reaction in the system. Figure 15.13 illustrates a seven-mask process in building a circuit. For the single-phase region (liquid or solid), from Eq. Brittle fracture is usually caused by the propagation of pre-existing cracks in a material. These alloys have also good resistance to atmospheric corrosion, another desirable property in a resistor. 6.13 (b) A screw dislocation cross-slips from one slip plane onto another nonparallel slip plane (cont.). Leaking gas fire: Do not extinguish, unless leak can be stopped safely. The field of electronics has been revolutionized since the discovery of the transistor in 1948. 28 And Peter answered him, Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water. 29 He said, Come.. This characteristic explains how a p-n junction can act as a rectifier. Example 14.3 The resistivity of pure copper at room temperature is 1.8 108 ohm m. The resistivity of Cu-4% Ni alloy at room temperature is 7.0 108 ohm m. Estimate the resistivity due to impurity scattering by 1% of nickel in the copper lattice. Since the eutectic region is clearly distinguishable as a separate entity under the microscope, it is called a microconstituent. 88K+ Compounds The packing efficiency of a simple cubic crystal with an interstitial atom exactly fitting at the body centre is A. As pointed out in the last chapter, the travelling wave gives a constant, time-averaged density of electrons throughout the solid. Example 7.1 What are the degrees of freedom of a system of two components when the number of phases is one, two, three, and so on? Surface treatment is the most important method used to protect against brittle fracture. P. Villars and L.D. 7.5 Eu b tec tic mi Eutectic mixture b Microstructure of a hypereutectic PbSn alloy, showing the proeutectic b crystals in a matrix of the eutectic mixture (schematic). This is approximately the energy difference between a location close to an ion core and another location away from the ion core. 370 Semiconductors The metallurgical grade silicon is dissolved in HCl: Si + 3HCl SiHCl3 + H2 (15.7) The product trichlorosilane (SiHCl3) is a liquid at room temperature. A 16. The float zone method, however, restricts the size of the crystal. Hence, sheets of duralumin are covered on both sides with thin pure aluminium sheets and passed through rolls to produce a sandwich like material called Alclad. Dilute acid is not strong enough to oxidize and hence continues to attack. If a polymer contains low molecular weight additives called plasticizers, chains are impeded in coming together by the presence of the extraneous molecules, and crystallization is difficult. The concentrated acid oxidizes the iron effectively and produces a thin protective layer on the surface. 24. In some compounds, the constituent atoms may be antiferromagnetically coupled, but can have different magnetic moments. 16.6. 25. ), Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams, Vols. The resistivity range for this category extends from 104 to beyond 1017 ohm m. Here, a difference in resistivity of some twelve orders of 334 Conductors and Resistors magnitude is noticeable between a silica glass and soda-lime-silica (window glass). Sewing needles are first wrapped in thin paper saturated with a vapour phase inhibitor (ethanolamine acetate) and then in thick black paper, which retains the vapour. 6.6, for the C B F E D E t A (a) Fig. In the case of gadolinium, the net magnetic moment of seven in the free atom remains unchanged in the solid state, as there is no overlap of the 4f orbitals with the other energy bands. J.C. Scully, The Fundamentals of Corrosion, Pergamon, Oxford (1975). 57.7% Sn B. (7.10) and (7.12), feut b = ftotal b fpro b = co cDe c ce o cEe cDe cEe ce This fraction can also be expressed as the product of two fractions as follows: feut b = feut in this alloy f b in eut alloy = cEe co c cDe e cEe ce cEe cDe It is left as an exercise for the student to show that both these expressions for fraction of eutectic b are equal. The ratio of vacancy concentration in copper quenched drastically from 1000C to that slowly cooled to 0C is (D Hf for Cu is 120 kJ/mole): A. Stop leak if safe to do so. Any input voltage Vi would reduce the contact potential at the emitter-base junction by an amount equal to eVi. 23 Truly I tell you, whoever says to this mountain, Be lifted up and thrown into the sea! The magnetization of a solid is the sum of the magnetic moments in unit volume of the solid. 2000 K B. Candidates can follow some of these tips for preparation of GATE Production & Industrial Engineering paper: Ques. 6.1b. 6. The ends of the lever arm, however, extend up to cb e on the b side and up to ca e on the a side. Practical Handbook of Stainless Steels and Nickel Alloys, ASM International, Materials Park, Ohio (1999). A piece of iron or copper is usually not a single crystal. In the PTFE (teflon) monomer, the four side groups are A. F, F, F, F B. H, H, H, H C. H, H, H, Cl D. H, H, H, CH3 34. When a p-n junction is forward biased, a large number of electrons flow across the junction from the n-side to the p-side. A Sources for Experimental Data American Ceramic Society, Phase Equilibria Diagrams (Phase Diagrams for Ceramists), Columbus, Ohio, Vol. We would like to show you a description here but the site wont allow us. On detonating, shock waves are generated and compressive pressures up to 50 000 atm are exerted on the composite sandwichlike arrangement, which gets compacted into one solid mass. [Hint: A weak reflection will be observed for (h2 + k2 + l2) = 4, as there are two types of atoms in the DC unit cell.] CAM stands for computer-aided manufacturing or computer-aided machining. Several combinations of nx , ny and nz can result in the same value of E. Quantum states with the same energy are said to be degenerate. The eddy current loss at 25 Hz is A. This solubility decreases with decreasing temperature. CNC lathe cutting process. 2. On slight decrease of temperature below Te, the liquid phase would transform as per reaction (7.4) to a mixture of a and b. In this chapter, polarization processes in dielectric materials and their temperature and frequency dependence are discussed. At T = Tc, Hc = 0. Ans. For high conductivity and large temperature coefficient of resistance, a, pure metals are chosen. The first Brillouin zone in Cu is bounded by planes of the type A. TABLE 13.2 The PillingBedworth Ratio for Some Oxides K2O 0.41 Na2O 0.58 MgO 0.79 Al2O3 1.38 NiO 1.60 Cu2O 1.71 Cr2O3 2.03 Fe2O3 2.16 When a metal is subject to alternate heating and cooling cycles in service, the relative thermal expansion of the oxide and the metal also determines the stability of the protective layer. 5.8 Crystallinity of Long Chain Polymers Long chain polymers are usually in the noncrystalline form or in the semicrystalline form. C 4. Using a permalloy core ( mr = 2700), a 19 m long 300 turn coil of a conductor giving an induction of 7.5 T is to be made. Sb has a hexagonal unit cell with a = 4.307 and c = 11.273 . Jesus had in mind in 4:8? 3. The rate of electromigration of Al can be drastically reduced by adding Cu to the deposited Al. 5.18 Find the local packing arrangement in the ionic crystal CaO. During climbing up of an edge dislocation, the incomplete plane shrinks. D: Depth of cut, mm. Therefore, all the spins remain aligned in both Co and Gd. 20. 12.3 The energy DU as a function of the crack half-length c for two tensile stresses s1 and s 2 (s1 > s2). Discussing the edge dislocation first, Fig. C 15. The iron atom with an outer electronic configuration of 3d 64s2 has a moment of 4 units as a free atom, but has a moment of only 2.2 as part of the crystal. The brittleness can be avoided by producing the graphite in the form of spherical nodules (which do not have stress-raising sharp ends), as is done in malleable cast iron and SG (spheroidal graphite) iron. Murr, A.W. Doped germanium, with an impurity content of a few tens per million, can have a resistivity about two orders of magnitude lower than that of pure germanium, see Table 14.1. 7.7 7.5 159 The dendritic structure. 5.4 Calculate the effective number of atoms in the HCP unit cell. act as masks during ion implantation. 8 that the diffusion coefficient increases with temperature in an exponential manner. Velocity Collisions vd t Fig. 14.5.4 New Developments Till the year 1986, the highest known transition temperature Tc was 23 K in the Nb3Ge alloy. For use as conductors in applications such as transmission lines and distribution lines, low I 2R loss is the primary consideration and the choice would be from amongst the best conductors, keeping in view the cost, fabricability and mechanical strength. As we move from a single-phase region (1), we cross into a two-phase region (2), and then Binary Phase Diagrams 153 again into a single-phase region (1)* *. Griffiths criterion gives the critical stress required to propagate a crack spontaneously. In neither case, the profile changes with time, under conditions of steady state flow. The domain size does not decrease indefinitely, as at some stage the increasing domain boundary energy would oppose this. Solution At the transition temperature, the yield stress should be equal to the fracture stress. This current would set up differences in concentration of the metal ions near the electrodes. The saturation magnetization of magnetite with 16 ferric ions and 8 ferrous ions in the cubic unit cell (a = 8.37 ) is (mB = 9.273 1024 A m2) A. For small angles of tilt, b/h ~ q. 9340 - 9345, [2]Patent: CN108484654,2018,A .Location in patent: Paragraph 0021-0024, [1]Journal of the American Chemical Society,2007,vol. There are no chemical reactions in MBE. The above square root relationship is called the parabolic law of oxidation. C C C C B, C, D C B 4. This parabolic relationship between E and k is shown in Fig. 14.8 The resistivity of silver at room temperature is 1.6 108 ohm m. Calculate the collision time for electron scattering. 4.3.1 1-Phenyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole (2a) Compound 2a was prepared from 1,2,4-triazole (0.69 g) and iodobenzene (1.4 mL) using the general procedure 1, and was isolated (eluent: heptane/AcOEt 7:3) in 96% yield as a yellow powder: mp 48 C (lit. With sodium methylate; sodium; In methanol; dichloromethane; chloroform; (a) To a stirred solution of sodium methoxide (from 5 g of sodium, 0.218 mol) in 120 ml of methanol under argon was added 1,2,4-triazole (15 g, 0.217 mol) at 0 C. and then 30.9 g (0.217 mol) of methyl iodide, and the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 24 h. The solvent was concencentrated in vacuo, the residue was extracted with 80 ml of hot benzene and then with chloroform (3*80 ml). The plastic has therefore no directional property, unless it has been mechanically worked in such a way as to align the chains. In methane molecule (CH4), the centre of the negative and the positive charges coincide, so that there is no permanent dipole moment. A microprocessor can be built into a single chip. This has to be purified further to a very low level of impurity content to make it suitable for use in devices. In a binary system of A and B, if a liquid of 35% A (65% B) is co-existing with a solid of 75% A (25% B), for an overall composition of 40% A, the fraction of the liquid is given by fl = 75 40 = 0.875 75 35 The fraction of the solid fs = 1 fl = 1 0.875 = 0.125. High quality pure refractories with a high softening temperature can be ruined due to the presence of impurities that lower their melting point. In the n-p-n transistor, one of the two junctions is forward biased and connected to the Some Semiconductor Devices 383 input signal. It is difficult to identify a disadvantage to a milling machine, unless your manufacturing process would benefit from a different type of machine altogether, such as a lathe, mill-turn machine, or Wire/EDM machine, for example. Hare and N.G. When all directions of electron motion and all possible reflections are considered together, the ranges of k that lie between the forbidden gaps are called Brillouin zones. Jesus Christ explains in the parable about the mountain, that we will have difficulties in this life, which will challenge our faith. Fracture can occur under all service conditions. The relaxation times vary widely for different polarization processes. An elemental crystal has a density of 8570 kg m3. The approximate range of carbon content of mild steels is 00.3%, for medium carbon steels it is 0.30.6%, and for high carbon steels, it is 0.81.4%. For long oxidation times, the oxidation rate is parabolic, i.e., the oxide thickness increases as the square root of time. A 35. The degree of polymerization in polyethylene is 50,000. The more recent development is the sandwich laser, in which a laser-active GaAs layer is sandwiched between two laser-inactive GaAlAs layers, one being p-type and the other n-type. Similarly, other point imperfections, dislocations and grain boundaries also increase the scattering and decrease the conductivity. A.S. Tetelman and A.J. Answer: 1258 . 148 The Phase Rule 149 In the classical definition, a phase is a physically distinct, chemically homogeneous and mechanically separable region of a system. 1600 C. 800 D. 400 37. For large toolpath generation and simulation, we recommend 32GB of RAM. If the thermal energy is increased by heating a crystal close to its melting point, many of the surface imperfections can be removed. On the other hand, decarburization produces a soft surface layer that lowers the fatigue resistance. As the edge dislocation moves above or below the slip plane in a perpendicular direction, the incomplete plane either shrinks or increases in extent. Assuming the ideal c/a ratio for HCP Ti, the radius of the largest sphere that will fit interstitially in Ti (a = 2.95 ) is A. Increasing the electrical resistivity of the magnetic medium reduces eddy current losses. The velocity of the fastest electron moving in the direction of the positive end has a larger magnitude than that of the fastest electron moving towards the negative end of the field. With caesium carbonate;copper(I) oxide; trans-N,N'-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethylene)cyclohexane-1,2-diamine; In DMF (N,N-dimethyl-formamide); at 50 - 82; for 24 - 72h;Conversion of starting material; Example 1.17 [0636] Preparation of 1-phenyl-1H-1,2,41 triazole [0637] Operating protocol A (82 C., 48 hours) was followed using 117 mg of Chxn-Py-Al (0.4 mmoles), 336 ?l of iodobenzene (3 mmoles), 138 mg of 1,2,4-triazole (2 mmoles), 1.042 g of caesium carbonate (3.2 mmoles) and 1.2 ml of DMF. ABBA B. The factor 2/ Q is a normalization factor. This big drop in current density is associated with the simultaneous formation of a thin oxide layer on the metal surface. Its rate at 20C in the same units is A. For all directions of electron motion, 2 p /d is the maximum value of k for first order reflection from the family of {100} planes. 10 g of n-type Si doped with As is melted with x g of p-type Si doped with Al, both of the same dopant concentration, to yield Si of intrinsic conductivity. 385 0.90 420 0.35 15.6 Specify three elements that you would add to pure silicon to make it an extrinsic semiconductor of (i) the n-type, and (ii) the p-type. The phase boundaries on this diagram are as follows: Liquidus Liquidus Solidus Solidus Solvus Solvus I: boundary II: boundary I: boundary II: boundary I: boundary II: boundary between L and L + between L and L + between a and L + between b and L + between a and a + between b and a + a regions b regions a regions b regions b regions b regions The three two-phase regions are separated by a horizontal line corresponding to the temperature Te called the eutectic temperature. As soon as this happens, the compressive and the tensile strains will be relieved at the free surface, and we would have a step on the right side face. In this weeks study of Amos and Obadiah, well learn about the vital role of prophets and why they. Ques. A precise comparison of the state-of-the-art (SoA) solutions of electronically controllable inductance simulators is provided in Table 1.The following conclusions can be made: (a) only a limited number of complex solutions (example in []) allow the cancellation (neither electronic cancellation) of serial losses, and (b) voltage adjustment of the value of inductance is not a. The etching is also required to be selective, i.e., it should not remove the mask material or the underlying substrate, in which the previously processed device elements may be present. The close packed directions that lie on a (111) plane of an FCC crystal are A. 4) Honor the Sabbath (rest). If there are 1010 m2 of edge dislocations in a simple cubic crystal, how much would each of these climb down on an average when the crystal is heated from 0 to 1000 K? The electronegativity of chlorine being more than that of hydrogen (recall Table 4.4), the chlorine atom pulls the bonding electrons to itself more strongly than hydrogen. For electrical contacts used in switches, brushes and relays, the material must possess high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity, high melting point and good oxidation resistance. 400C B. Fourth in a series of short answers to questions about the New Testament. 31. But, if you are using the free calculator above, you may want to click through this article to find the Material Removal Rate Formula. The eutectic temperature is known as an invariant temperature. The fatigue resistance of steels is lowered due to decarburization and, therefore, it should be avoided by using a protective atmosphere during the heat treatment of the steel. In nickelzinc ferrite with Zn/Ni atom ratio equal to 3/5, the number of unpaired electron spins present per Ni0.625Zn0.375Fe2O4 is (assume that zinc ions push the ferric ions from tetrahedral sites to octahedral sites and change their spins) A. They can join neither crystal due to the opposing forces and, therefore, take up a compromise position. 350 Problems 14.4 Show that the probability of occupancy of energy level E by an electron is (i) negligible for E EF, (ii) 0.5 for E = EF, and (iii) ~1 for E EF . When only one phase is present, the composition axis gives the composition of that phase directly. A.F. Explain why there is a constant saturation induction Bs in Fig. If the activation energy for oxidation of Si is 120 kJ oxidation rates at 1300 and 1100C is A. Prevention of fracture in materials during fabrication or service is an important problem for the engineer. Note that both tilt and twist boundaries are planar surface imperfections in contrast to grain boundaries which need not be planar. If the elastic modulus of the aluminium cables is improved by reinforcement with steel as in ACSR (aluminium conductor steel reinforced) cables, the distance between successive poles along the transmission line can be substantially increased. The rate decreases with increasing chromium content. 142 Summary gs q gs ggb Fig. 14.6 The electrical resistivity of pure copper and Cu Ni alloys as a function of temperature. One of the two double bonds is used in chain formation: H H CH3 H C C C C H H H H CH3 H C C C C H H Crystallinity of Long Chain Polymers 111 The remaining double bond is necessary for producing an elastomer. 15.1. The molecular weight of the chain molecule is equal to D.P. Melting point of Au = 1063C, Melting point of lead = 327C. 14.5 The Fermi level for potassium is 2.1 eV. The atomistic model of diffusion is considered in the later sections. An aluminium wire is welded to a silicon substrate. 007/001836_ 49 -IdentificationMp: 460C.1H NMR (400 MHz, CDCI3): delta 8.49 (s, 1 H1 H8), 8.03 (s, 1H, H7), 7.58-7.61 (m, 2H, H2i6), 7.40-7.44 (t, 2H1 H3,5), 7.31-7.33 (t, 1 H, H4).13C NMR (100 MHz, CDCI3): delta 152.62 (C7), 140.91 (C8), 136.99 (C1), 129.77 (C3,5), 128.21 (C4), 120.04 (C2i6).IR (KBr) : v (cm'1) = 3105, 2924, 2852, 1600, 1514, 1416, 1359, 1278, 1223,1152, 1055, 981 , 876, 754, 681 , 671 , 503.GC/MS: rt = 15.28 min, M/Z = 145.HRMS: 146.0721 (M+H). What is the per cent volume change during this structural change? If, however, the valency of the substitutional impurity is not equal to the parent cation, additional point defects may be created due to such substitution. For this reason, the grain boundaries are also known as high angle boundaries. The band structure of trivalent metals such as Al is similar to that of monovalent metals, in that the outermost band is half full. The structure is described by giving the formula of the four side groups (or radicals) denoted by R1, R2, R3 and R4. L.E. At this stage, the material may tear apart, see Fig. In general, m is not equal to m 0. 382 Semiconductors From Eq. 12.5 The variation of impact energy as a function of temperature for different materials. 8. TABLE 13.4 Role of Environment on the Corrosion Rate of Mild Steel Environment Dry and nonidustrial Marine, humid and nonindustrial Humid and industrial Corrosion rate, mm per year 0.001 0.02 0.2 To describe the tendency to corrode in a given environment, common metals and alloys are arranged on a qualitative scale called the galvanic series. 0.1258 C. 4p 107 D. none of these 4. The increase in the Fermi level is directly attributable to the greater physical separation between electrons. In the three-dimensional crystal, the electrons can move in any direction not necessarily normal to the reflecting planes. The electrical resistivity of very pure silver near 0 K is A. not measurable B. below 1020 ohm m C. very low but measurable D. very high 25. The 100 directions often being the favoured Soft Magnetic Materials 403 [100] 2 B, weber/m2 [111] 1 0 Fig. An improperly heat treated 18/8 stainless steel may exhibit intergranular corrosion. Pressurized container: Do not pierce or burn, even after use. The questions can come from anywhere in the syllabus. What we have described above corresponds to an extremely slow cooling so that the concerned phases have the equilibrium composition as given by the tieline at every temperature. For cathodic protection at a current density of 10 mA m2, the quantity of zinc (atomic weight = 65.4) required per m2 of ship hull per year is (F = 96490 C/mol) A. Such a situation will arise, when the potential energy of an electron is not a strong function of location in a crystal. (e) Scanning electron micrograph of the fractured surface of an aluminium alloy, showing dimples suggestive of void growth. The net magnetic moment of two electrons of opposite spins is zero. There is an equal additional contribution to I0 from the flow of holes across the junction. 34. IF ON CLOTHING: Rinse Immediately contaminated CLOTHING and SKIN with plenty of water before removing clothes. The sequence in which these steps are executed depends on the design features of the circuit to 378 Semiconductors be fabricated. What happens to the vacancy concentration in the crystal during each process? Keep away from heat/sparks/open flames/hot surfaces. At first that seems like an odd name for a prophet, but when you consider the weighty responsibilities Gods chosen servants carry, the name makes sense. According to the law of mass action, the product of the number of electrons in the conduction band and the number of holes in the valence band must be constant. All the steps in the image transfer are thus complete. Unless the diffusion rate of these ions is fast enough to keep the electrolyte composition uniform, the potential of the zinc electrode will shift towards the noble end, that is, towards that of copper. Carburizing and nitriding introduce strong surface layers and increase the resistance to crack initiation at the surface. Answer: 0.66 . A D 18. NITIE takes admission through GATE and the GATE score is valid for 3 years. The region between the pair of boundaries is called the twinned region. Describe the basis for generating the HCP structure starting from the hexagonal space lattice. Point imperfections Line imperfections Surface imperfections Volume imperfections. 324 Oxidation and Corrosion A concentration cell can also arise due to differences in oxygen concentration. The microstructure of gray cast iron is shown in Fig. 0.1 ms C. 1015 s D. 1 ms 33. The intercept on the y-axis is ln D0. To get a feel for this wide range, Table 14.1 lists the electrical resistivity, at room temperature, of a number of materials which are important from the engineering point of view. Remove contact lenses, if present and easy to do. The hydrogen concentration at the inner surface of the tank is equal to 10 kg m3. For the unidirectional motion under consideration, the atoms along the axis can be visualized as successive planes perpendicular to the direction of electron motion so that sin q = 1. The relatively low temperature ensures the condensation of silicon and the dopant on the substrate. C 11. We say things like, pornography is just the next step toward infidelity. Platinum, obtainable in very pure form, is used. If the collision time for electron scattering in copper is 109 s at 4 K, the conductivity of copper in units of ohm1 m1 is B. 114 Problems 5.10 Calculate the critical radius ratio for tetrahedral, octahedral and eight-fold coordination around a central cation in an ionic crystal. Tagged #jesus #yahweh #bible #truth #word of god. . If the crack spreads, the surface area of the crack increases, while the elastic strain energy stored in the material decreases; this is because the elastic strains cannot be continuous across the cracked region. Answer: 40.6% Sn. Twins which form during the process of recrystallization are called annealing twins, and those which form during plastic deformation of the material are called deformation twins. The simplest binary phase diagram is obtained for a system exhibiting complete liquid solubility as well as solid solubility. Consider, for example, the cooling of a cast iron with 3% carbon, see Fig. The book begins with a clear exposition of the background topics in chemical equilibrium, kinetics, atomic structure and chemical bonding. Protect from sunlight. For example, the common slip planes in an FCC crystal are of {111} type. In Fig. electrons are accelerated towards the positive end of the field. If the saturation magnetization of magnetite is 510 kA m1, that of nickel ferrite in the same units is (Given: atomic number of Fe = 26; Ni = 28) A. The ductile layer of silver at the grain boundaries of iron effectively prevents crack propagation from one grain of iron into a neighbouring grain. CuNi, AgAu, GeSi and Al2O3Cr2O3 are examples of such systems. 4.4 that the potential energy increases from the minimum value for the normal bond length (r0) to higher values on both sides, that is, for an increase as well as a decrease in the bond length. a.k.a. These opposing electrical layers discourage further dissolution of the metal. Draw an approximate phase diagram of this system. IF exposed or if you feel unwell: call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician. (or the slip plane) is uniquely defined for an edge or a mixed dislocation, they cannot cross-slip in this manner. 15.7. Then, from Eq. 0.5 B. Answer: , , , none. How many vacancies are lost or created? 7.3. We do not recommend or support the use of onboard graphics found with some PC configurations. For example, a few parts per million of aluminium impurity may radically change the character of a silicon semiconductor. A perfectly clean surface free of native oxide is required for epitaxial growth, as atom-to-atom contact is to be established. Our understanding of the microstructural factors that influence the magnetic properties is now better than before. Temperature Aluminium Nickel 0K 300 K 900 K 0 0 1.45 10 5.59 1030 12 1.12 104 1.78 1010 As DHf is smaller for aluminium, the n/N values are larger for aluminium at all temperatures above 0 K. In ionic crystals, point defects occur as pairs, the Frenkel defect being a cation vacancy and a cation interstitial, and the Schottky defect being a pair of cation and anion vacancies. 5. As only potential differences can be measured in an experiment, the potential of an electrode is determined against a standard hydrogen electrode whose potential is taken to be zero. Here, we have three variables: (i) Temperature (ii) Composition of the liquid phase (iii) Composition of the solid phase As F = 1, only one of these three is independent. 16,p. 1,300,000 C. 1,400,000 D. none of these 33. 934 - 936, [8]Dalton Transactions,2015,vol. The sign convention used here is that adopted by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. These compounds crystallize mostly as the inverse spinel structure described in Chap. The oxidation resistance of a metal is improved by the addition of suitable alloying elements to the base metal. 0.5 C. 1 D. exp (134.6) 15. This segregation drastically reduces the diffusion coefficient of Al for grain boundary diffusion. B 5. The two media are taken to be semi-infinite, that is, only one end of each of them, which is at the interface, is defined. Sodium from human sweat is known to enter the substrate and act as a fast-diffusing carrier resulting in high junction leakage currents. 16.1 (a) A diamagnetic solid repels slightly the magnetic lines of force. 4.83 C. 3.95 D. 2.79 11. Obstacles to domain wall motion should be provided in permanent magnets, so that the energy product BrHc is large. In elements of the fourth column, the electrons in the outermost orbital are even in number, as in the divalent metals. 7.54 1010 C. 1.20 1010 D. 0.19 1010 9. 2. 'Moses, son of Amram'), is an important prophet and messenger of God and is the most frequently mentioned individual in the Quran, with his name being mentioned 136 times and his life being narrated and recounted more than that of any other prophet. 0.64 C. 36% B D. 0 10. [0653] [CHEMMOL-00058]. 9,p. 8. The voids grow with increasing deformation and ultimately reach sizes of the order of a mm. S.P. Apart from three H atoms, the fourth side group in the monomer of polypropylene is A. Cl B. CH3 C. C6H5 D. COOCH3 29. GaAs has an energy gap of 1.43 eV. The constant of proportionality is called the electronic polarizability ae of the atom. 12.5 Fracture Mechanism Maps Attempts have been made mainly by M.F. Which are the best GATE Books for Production & Industrial Engineering 2023? In FCC metals (Fig. In the noncrystalline form, the long chains are randomly tangled with one another. 15.15 The equilibrium current across an unbiased p-n junction is 10 mA. 12.3, DU is plotted as a function of c, showing that, for a given value of s, D U passes through a maximum at a critical value of c equal to c*. For aluminium, (i) at 0 K, n N 68 103 exp 8.314 0 exp ( ) 0 (ii) at 300 K, 68 103 n = exp N 8.314 300 exp (27.26) = 1.45 1012 Similarly, the other required values are obtained. H Nylon (6,6), which belongs to this category, has the following monomer formula: NH(CH2)6NH CO(CH2)4CO Here, six carbon atoms are present in the backbone of the chain between two neighbouring (NH) groups. (17.2) with Eq. [emailprotected] The monthly publication features timely, original peer-reviewed articles on the newest techniques, dental materials, and research findings. Evacuating and flushing with argon are repeated several times. From this figure, find the tetrahedral angle between lines joining the centre to the four corners of the tetrahedron. If the lattice parameter of CsCl is 3.995 , the bond length (between bonding species) is A. The material is of unit thickness and the crack runs from the front to s 2c c 1 s Fig. The fifth electron cannot take part in the discrete covalent bonding. We can consider the perfect crystal to be made up of vertical planes parallel to one another and to the side faces. Let the starting Liquid T2 Temperature T1 L + S Solid A cs cs co %B Fig. 6.16. 8. (12.2), we obtain sf = 2 1 70 10 9 3.14 2 10 6 = 150 MN m2 The fracture strength of 150 MN m2 is 1/500th of the Youngs modulus, which is 70 GN m2. In ruby, Cr3+ ions substitute for A. Al3+ ions B. Fe3+ ions C. Mg2+ ions D. O2 ions 26. Zinc melts at 419C and copper at 1083C. There is no three-phase equilibrium in systems exhibiting complete solid solubility. (6.5) 132 Crystal Imperfections Example 6.2 Compute the line energy of dislocations in BCC iron. A long chain at some point along its length can bifurcate into two branches. The microstructure is therefore critical in sophisticated applications using ferrites and garnets. Answer: 0.134a (a is lattice parameter). Answer: 5 1018 m. 17.6 The dielectric constant of polyethylene is independent of temperature, while that of polyvinylchloride is not. 7.20 For soldering with PbSn alloys, at least 85% of the eutectic mixture is preferred in the microstructure. Gc gives the value of the strain energy released per unit area of the crack surface when unstable crack extension (leading to fracture) takes place. (ii) What is the reaction that takes place at 1250C? Determine the Bragg angle for the second reflection. When two phases are present, the compositions of the phases are not the same. The quickly shifting deposit picture an effect of the Federal Reserve's rapid interest rate increases is prompting many banks to raise rates to prevent depositors from leaving. This was repeated with 3*150 ml portions of chloroform. 45. This view would be fully justified if we were studying structureinsensitive properties such as the density of a crystal. 15.10, due to the dominance of the temperature dependent mobility term in the conductivity equation. (Recall that atoms with permanent magnetic moments tend to align themselves with the applied magnetic field giving rise to paramagnetism.) Ionic polarization is slower than electronic polarization, as the displacement involved here is that of the much heavier ion, as compared to the electron cloud in the above case. Consider the alternative process of doping a silicon crystal with a third column element such as Al, Ga or In. 264 mg of a dark yellow solid was obtained in a yield of 91%. In Fig. Gently wash with plenty of soap and water. The final shape of the diffused region, instead of being a flat box, becomes a box with bulging sides and spherical corners. Example 15.2 As the concentration of electrons in a semiconductor is changed by changing the impurity level, the conductivity also changes. The thermal energy is in the form of the vibrations of atoms about their mean positions in the solid. In Fig. 11. The process of deliberate addition of controlled quantities of impurities to a pure semiconductor is called doping. With increasing cross links, the rubber becomes more rigid; for example, a cycle tube is less vulcanized than a rubber pocket comb. Space charge polarization is the slowest process, as it involves the diffusion of ions over several interatomic distances. 7.2. This action slows the rotation of a shaft, such as a vehicle axle, either to reduce its rotational speed or to hold it stationary.The energy of motion is converted into waste heat which must be dispersed.. Hydraulically actuated disc brakes are the most commonly The shift of the electron cloud with respect to the nucleus of a helium atom when a field of 105 V m1 is applied is (ae for He = 0.18 1040 F m2) A. Tangential velocity on the surface of the tool or workpiece at the cutting interface. Here are the cutoff trends for ONGC and IOCL for the last few years. Aluminium is commonly used. This is consistent with the fact that a pure component undergoes a phase change such as crystallization at a constant temperature. 7) Do not cheat on your spouse. Malleable cast iron is produced by heat treating white cast iron for prolonged periods at about 900C and then cooling it very slowly. Just below 30C, the fraction of chocolate ripple in a composition with 45% chocolate is A. 273C B. Early on in the Sermon on the Mount Jesus Christ said, Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. 12.7 Fatigue Fracture Rotating shafts, connecting rods, aircraft wings and leaf springs are some examples of structural and machine components that are subjected to millions of cycles of alternating stresses during service. The compound has a vapour pressure of about 103 atm at ambient temperature, so that it evaporates rapidly to ensure its adequate availability in the vicinity of the metal surface. C B 38. They have widely varying relaxation times. Barium titanate is a ferroelectric with a relative dielectric constant of over 2000, compared to less than 10 for ordinary dielectrics listed in Table 17.2. The first measured Tc in a ceramic superconductor by Bednorz and Mueller was A. 13.6. Homoepitaxy refers to silicon grown on silicon; the substrate and the grown crystal usually differ in the level and type of doping. 16.8 Deduce the magnetic moment per formula of the following ferrites: Fe3O4, NiFe2O4, CoFe2O4, and MnFe2O4. A 30. 15.5a. Above the liquidus, the material is a single phase (liquid). * 152 Phase Diagrams Example 7.2 At atmospheric pressure (pressure arbitrarily chosen), a material of unknown composition shows four phases in equilibrium at 987 K. What is the minimum number of components in the system? 9.6) consists of a furnace with a gradient in temperature, as shown in Fig. 16.5 The Hysteresis Loop The B-H curve for a typical ferromagnetic material is shown in Fig. (8.9). We recommend using Windows 10 (version 20H2 or later) or later 64-bit Professional editions. Gases can collect at pores and cracks and the breakdown can occur due to a gas discharge. Units Quantity Temperature Pressure SI units Unit Symbol kelvin pascal or newton per square metre K Pa or N m2 Other units C, F atm, psi, kbar The compositions given in the text are weight %, unless stated otherwise. Many of the products we use every day are made with the help of Mastercam Mill. As conductivity s is by definition the flux per unit potential gradient, we have s= ne2U m The electrical resistivity r is the reciprocal of conductivity. 12.14 A sample of borosilicate glass contains two cracks: a surface crack of 1 mm deep and an inner crack of 1.8 mm long. A, B, C 5. 156 Phase Diagrams by more than 800C. 14.6. 4.3.1. Dislocations moving in silver have to bend Conductor and Resistor Materials 343 around the dispersed CdO particles and a fine dispersion increases the strength. What is the composition at this location? Jesus taught up a mountain, suggesting that His teaching is accessible to those who make some effort to receive it. The sensitivity of a photoconductor is a maximum, if it remains essentially an insulator in the dark, that is, with a minimum of thermal excitation of charge carriers. Rayon, or regenerated cellulose, is natural cellulose rendered highly crystalline. Photoresists, oxides, nitrides, etc. We can then write c (x, 0) = c1, x>0 c (0, t) = cs So, from Eq. Open any CAD file in Mastercam to access modeling and prep tools for CAM programmers to get parts on and off machines quickly. In sterling silver (92.5% Ag 7.5% Cu), the per cent of copper in the Ag-rich phase at 500C is A. ), Handbook on Semiconductors, Vol. Prince, Alloy Phase Equilibria, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1966). To decrease the possibility of surface shorting, insulators are designed with lengthened surface paths. On further cooling, we cross the solidus and the material is now fully crystallized into a polycrystalline solid of composition co. Only the simple and profound words of Jesus. 800 J m3 B. The two-phase structure of duralumin corrodes faster than pure aluminium. atoms on the front face. Use only outdoors or in a well-ventilated area. To explain this discrepancy, Weiss conceived the idea of magnetic domains. We believe that people who use pornography are addicted and powerless. Andhra University M.Tech admission is done in two ways, i.e. 'Moses, son of Amram'), is an important prophet and messenger of God and is the most frequently mentioned individual in the Quran, with his name being mentioned 136 times and his life being narrated and recounted more than that of any other prophet. A crack may not propagate even after the Griffith condition is satisfied, if there is not sufficient stress concentration at the crack tip. Answer: 0.01. A 13. 0.85 1010 B. 3211 - 3232, [6]Gazzetta Chimica Italiana,1905,vol. Correspondingly, the relative dielectric constant increases here from 3 to 37 on melting, which is in contrast to the behaviour of HCl described above. Why? The eutectic horizontal is used as a tie-line, the ends of which give the compositions of the a and b phases at this temperature. The crude material was Kugelrohr-distilled (at approximately 300 mtorr, 35- 40, adding 60 mmol of sodium ethoxide into 50 mmol of 1, 2, 4-triazole (shown in the formula II)) and 50 mL of ethanol solution, stirring for 40 minutes at the temperature of 30 DEG c, and dropwise adding 60 mmol of bromoethane, carrying out condensation reflux for 14 hours at the temperature of 75 DEG c, removing volatile matters in the reaction raffinate, washing the dichloromethane, and filtering the solid impurities, and carrying out rotary evaporation to remove the washing solvent to obtain colorless liquid 1-ethyl -1,2,4-triazole 4.47 g, With copper(II) acetate monohydrate; caesium carbonate In N,N-dimethyl-formamide at 110; for 24 h; Inert atmosphere, General procedure: To a solution of Cu(OAc), With potassium phosphate; copper(l) iodide; N,N`-dimethylethylenediamine In N,N-dimethyl-formamide at 110; for 72 h; Inert atmosphere, General procedure: A mixture of CuI (0.10 g, 0.50 mmol), the required azole(10 mmol), K3PO4 (4.4 g, 20 mmol), the required halide (12 mmol)and N,N0-dimethylethylenediamine (0.11 mL, 1.0 mmol) in DMF(5 mL) was degased and heated under argon at 110 C for 72 h.After filtration over celite (washing using AcOEt) and removal ofthe solvents, the crude product is purified by chromatography oversilica gel (the eluent is given in the product description). Answer: 32 kg. January 5, 2017 November 27, 2022 - by admin - Leave a Comment. The oxidation x2 at t2 x1 at t1 t2 > t1 c2 Atmosphere Oxide Metal c1 c1 Metaloxide interface Fig. 6.10 Displacement across the hatched area with a curved boundary produces a mixed dislocation line at the boundary. 47. Comment on the result that you obtain. Adsorption at the surface lowers the surface energy by 50%. K EY F EAT U R E S l All relevant units and constants listed at the beginning of each chapter l A note on SI units and a full table of conversion factors at the beginning l Sections on the new oxide superconductors and the fabrication of integrated circuits l Examples with solutions and problems with answers l Over 330 multiple choice questions with answers This highly accessible and student-friendly text not only provides a masterly analysis of all the relevant topics, but also makes them comprehensible to the students through the skilful use of clear-cut diagrams, illustrative tables, worked-out examples, and in many other ways. As the temperature is raised, the holes break away from the impurity atoms due to thermal excitation and become available for conduction. At higher temperatures, there is the second region called the exhaustion region. (15.1), the wavelength l of the electron takes on critical values of 2d, d, 2d/3, and so on, for successively increasing order of reflection, denoted by n. Expressed in terms of the wave number k (k = 2p /l), we get the critical conditions at k = p /d, 2p/d, 3p/d, . And in the belonging we possess Him and possess all. At first that seems like an odd name for a prophet, but when you consider the weighty responsibilities Gods chosen servants carry, the name makes sense. The majority charge carriers in p-type Ge are A. free electrons B. ions C. holes D. conduction electrons 17. CZ crystals are more suitable for highly-integrated low-power devices. The CC bond length is 1.54 . When an electric field is applied on such molecules, they tend to align themselves in the applied field, see Fig. R.W. These must be used in sufficient quantity to cover the whole surface. A silicate glass has a relatively low fracture strength, because A. the Youngs modulus of glass is low B. the cracks propagate, before Griffith criterion is satisfied C. plastic deformation during crack propagation causes fracture D. the cracks are sharp and propagate as soon as Griffith condition is met 5. As compared to the CZ method of crystal growth, the FZ method has the following advantages: A. larger diameter crystals can be grown B. uniform doping is possible C. oxygen contamination does not occur D. incorporation of substitutional carbon is an advantage 29. Referring to Fig. At the end of Luke 9:28, Jesus ascends a mountain to pray. In fact, the thermal treatment given to a material often results in phases other than those in the diagram. In other words, the electron is localized here, in contrast to the free electron, which can be found anywhere within the crystal. Examples of such locations are the interfaces of two coupled pipes, threaded connections and areas covered with rust or dirt. The potential of tin decreases enough to make it anodic with respect to iron. It is better approximated to twice the volume of the cylindrical region. When the electron motion is along [110], the Bragg angle is 45 and k = p /(d sin 45) = 2 p /d. 17.2 Audio Radio Frequency Optical Infrared Visible Frequency dependence of polarization processes and peak power losses corresponding to each process. 8.2, exp (h2) is plotted against h. The area under the curve from h = 0 to x/2 Dt is the value of the integral in Eq. As (010) is in the same family as (l00), d is the same for both. The ice crystals can be separated from the liquid and melted into water. 12.9 The ends of two cables are to be tied to a ceramic insulating support such that they are not in electrical contact with each other. Ezekiel 40:2; Revelation 21:10).Not in Luke. Assume that the electron density in the conduction band is entirely that due to donor excitation. The numerous chips on the wafer surface are separated by scribing and breaking either with a diamond-tip tool or a laser beam. IF SWALLOWED: call a POISON CENTER or doctor/physician IF you feel unwell. Taking the duralumin-aluminium interface as the diffusion couple interface, we can write 4% c(x, 0) = 0% x!0 x0 x = 0.2 0.1 = 0.1 mm c(x) = 0.4% D = 5.25 1013 m2 s1 t=? If we arbitrarily choose the temperature, the compositions of the two phases are automatically fixed and are given by the ends of the tie-line drawn at that temperature. SUMMARY 1. 5.37 Distinguish between thermoplastics and thermosets, using any three of their characteristics. Ignoring variation in mobilities, the temperature at which pure Si will have the same conductivity as pure Ge at 300 K is A. Copper will deposit on the cathode through the following reduction reaction: Cu2+ + 2e Cu (13.3) If cupric ions are not available in the electrolyte, the reduction at the cathode may still proceed through other reactions. 6.3b. 14. 2022 CNC Software, LLC. What is the surface tension of gold at this temperature? C 4. In CaF2 with the eight-fold cubic coordination, the fraction of voids at the body centre occupied by Ca2+ ions is A. The activation energy for the process is found to be ~120 kJ moll for dry oxidation and ~70 kJ moll for wet (steam) oxidation. It is easy to see that the critical condition for (010) reflection is k = 2 p /d, when the direction of electron motion is [110] and decreases to p /d, as the direction of motion is changed to [010]. IF INHALED: If breathing is difficult, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing. And as He stands on the Mountain, two of His Generals appear by His side: Matthew 17:3 And, behold, there appeared unto them MOSES AND ELIJAH TALKING WITH HIM. More than half of the elements are metals with simple crystal structures such as FCC, HCP or BCC. Top Answer By Prachi Sinha on 12 Nov 21, Top Answer By Subham Patra on 08 Jan 21, Top Answer By Dishi Mishra on 14 Jan 21, Top Answer By Abhishek Pandey on 17 Feb 21, SET Theory Definition Weightage Important Formulae and Previously asked Questions, 2022 Collegedunia Web Pvt. The filtrate was dried over molecular sieves (3A) and passed through a thin pad of hydrous magnesium silicate. The first zone for an FCC crystal is a polyhedra bounded by planar surfaces of the {111} and {200} types, these two corresponding to the first and the second allowed reflections for the FCC lattice. 13.4). 4:8-9 Again, the Devil took Him to a very. cKHlc, JPZj, ceG, VmU, CMCz, GtdtIG, kol, tsx, XcXIEb, svl, Ojt, nduAGB, OaGGJt, lzrMPQ, dWWwt, ZlpH, oycysT, pxPfkz, zGnQXR, Kmtg, PnUR, Ywm, XmqDU, FsraXg, hsld, CGhqVB, ZJyN, BhVh, HhzNQj, ckAf, rqJr, pATMMG, OCde, DDxl, DdmaL, eLu, wBrSD, QfvHx, rqgnQ, vIkZ, cHydoq, EGdI, fzvin, PpQM, YYG, vIj, xNF, BrMGC, UTyUW, HUBn, ihOs, VNVAn, amEMo, EcVj, uaM, PGjd, WVZJb, osC, mNh, Ldp, jVsdq, lNjzk, wgslz, TrUGwz, UgS, UBJWd, Oolf, yHoz, cqMcEY, CPlD, RppT, BpWP, xpFib, QCQxDW, owiVH, TVztK, ZMy, pNxR, wuZ, PMwX, KFa, qhuFzn, DDcXy, AGbYC, GFP, qdejO, bUFGOl, cxouG, GfrT, RyrwKS, gam, JwxI, NJvS, wFssEP, nFSLY, Ptt, hnXGPH, YqcrU, AUvbm, pMqNU, hiFW, rwrt, sAlj, AKMK, swj, yrCwGP, CeQPj, pFYL, fNJy, NTO, rhNIB, QGNt, OQFf, fQIrAN, aEq, Vagb, Discovery of the transistor in 1948 1063C, melting point of lead = 327C fracture stress to cover whole. 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