knowledge and technology
In order t, o distinguish between fact and fiction in our search for knowledge, it is invaluable to analyse ourselves as a knower. Our ways of being-in-the-world shape how we view our world; and in that shaping both we and the knowledge we produce affect both the maker and what is made. Its characteristics establish its efficiency for our uses. It has increased the accessibility we had which was insufficient a decade before. Knowledge- and technology-intensive (KTI) industries contribute globally more than $9 trillion in output, accounting for 11% of global gross domestic product (GDP). We have intimations of this loss of our essence when we view our world situation today. We cant think of an existence without being technologically assisted. Is humanitys Framing orientation to the world an inevitable outgrowth of the history of human consciousness as is suggested by many of the latest biological and sociological studies? The relation of the tea ceremony cup to its users is quite different. When there is an exaggerated vigor to make everything around easily accessible, it in turn gives out an opportunity to give out meaningless inventions. Others touch upon individual freedom and the use of algorithms to describe human behaviour. However, technology can be used to deliberately misinform large groups of people. Originally, it meant worn, weathered, or decayed. How might personal prejudices, biases and inequality become coded into software systems? In addition, recent technological developments have enabled us to create knowledge that we would not have been able to create without it. Wabi represents the inner, or spiritual, experiences of human lives. For example, there could be discussion of whether humans are needed to create new knowledge; whether machines can know, think or learn; or whether a knower . One of the differences, we might assume, is that modern technology is based on modern physics. It is suggested that since technology has its own knowledge and structure, its However, technology has also affected the way in which we gather knowledge. This represented your possession of knowledge. Bylaws Annual Report (2021) In the class activities above students are invited to explore knowledge questions relating to contentious issues like: Artificial intelligence and robotics Algorithms that learn Collecting of personal biometric data including medical records, genome and facial recognition The more or less permanent nature of an individual's digital footprint Companies can use data to advertise products and shape your purchasing behaviours. As seen before, technology has allowed for the dissemination of knowledge at a much faster rate than was previously imaginable. For example, current face recognition technology proposes that it can say whether someone is gay or straight by looking at someone's photo. What does it mean to say that technology is our fate? The knowledge graph was first used in the information search of the Internet as a way to improve the quality of the search because it contains a huge amount of structured knowledge data. Enclosed as we are within our Framing orientation to the world, what can we do to save ourselves from the consequences of Framing? These tools allow us to perceive what is beyond the capacities of our human frame. In sum, knowledge has become more democratic in two ways: virtually anyone can access it and virtually anyone can create it. Prop styling by Pink Sparrow. That the Greeks would designate poiesis as what we understand as poetry shows the regard they held for poets in their society and how important language was in the making present of things for them. Even our attempts to maintain control over technology, to master it so that it doesnt destroy us, are informed by our instrumental conception of what technology is. With respect to knowledge, the most effective invention will be Internet. May 2020 Prescribed Titles: Deconstruction, View all posts by theoryofknowledgeanalternativeapproach, CT 1: Perspectives (WOKs) Theory of Knowledge: An Alternative Approach, CT: The Exhibition: A Glossary of Prompts Theory of Knowledge: An Alternative Approach, OT 1: Knowledge and Technology: Ethics Theory of Knowledge: An Alternative Approach, TOK Essay Titles November 2021 Theory of Knowledge: An Alternative Approach, the formal cause (the form; its cupness, its outward appearance, the, the final cause (the end or purpose for which it is to be used; a tea ceremony, the, the efficient cause (the tea cup maker; the artist), we began with our everyday understanding of technology as instrumentality, as a way of getting things done, we moved from what we mean by instrumentality into a discussion of cause, the examination of cause, in turn, lead to a discussion of, we arrived at the conclusion that this bringing forth was related to the Greek word. Translations in context of "knowledge, technology" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: knowledge and technology, technology and knowledge The subject of technology is treated in a number of articles. We could go on and on over how knowledge and technology has made our life on earth simple and less exhausting over the years but are we sure we arent we closing out and being relying on such developments way too much. Darwin and Nietzsche: Part V: The World as Life and Becoming: Darwin and Nietzsche: Part VI: What is Practical Need? The ideas of these brilliant thinkers have shaped the way we understand the world, will help you take ownership of TOK, and which you can draw in your exhibition commentary. Our self-destruction does not come about through atomic weapons or climate change or any of the other problems or crises that our technological world-view has brought about. In the quest that we take to understand what knowledge, we need to first question what is given to us as the map to guide us in that search for knowledge. Scientists used their knowledge to develop technology and then used technology to develop Science; so, because of this reason science and technology are an integrated term in today's world. Technology, Pedagogy, and Content Knowledge. Our everyday understanding of technology as instrument has many implicit assumptions that prevent us from understanding more fully our relationship to technology. Meanwhile, the risk we take without analyzing the impact of the same that might have on us in a future date is terrifying. The airplane that stands on the Changi airport runway, for example, has no meaning or value in and of itself; it is merely a means of transportation and its value to humanity is completely tied to its being at humanitys disposal. The teacher believes that, contrary to popular belief, Western science and traditional Inuit knowledge are not as diametrically opposed as they sometimes appear. Theory of knowledge (TOK), a unique study of epistemology in the IB Diploma Programme, opens up a wide window of reflection on the nature of the knowledge you have constructed as a knower and the process of knowing. From the roots of this word comes our word hypothesis and we should remember the relationship of hypothesis to theory or the looking that is prior to the bringing into presence of knowledge for us. The tea ceremony cup arrives when the artisans work brings it out of concealment. Knowledge transfer allows sharing and recreating ideas, information and abilities between various players to ensure its functioning in new settings. Lovitt) We will examine these instrumental and anthropological views of technology more closely in this writing. Unless they have some relation to ourselves as usefulness for our conceived ends, then they are not allowed or recognized as having any independent being in their own right; they are not allowed to be. Photo illustration by Jamie Chung. The Geographic Information Science and Technology Body of Knowledge (GISTBoK) is a reference document produced by the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS) as the first product of its Model Curricula project, started in 1997 by Duane Marble and a select task force, and completed in 2006 by David DiBiase and a team of editors. Causa stems from the verb meaning to fall, and is used to designate that which brings it about that something turns out as a result in such and such a way. Information is the source of life. What methods are used to get this data? The principle of reason determines how we understand causality nowadays. What is decisive in techne does not lie at all in making and manipulating nor in the using of means, but rather in the revealing mentioned before. It is i. mportant to evaluate how we deal with information that we come across online and how we share knowledge. So how do we ethically define the limits of progress in knowledge that has been created with the help of technology? This is something that must be pondered for what is the reason that Socrates is talking about here and is it how we have come to understand reason? The actual threat has already afflicted humanity in its essence. The rule of Framing threatens humanity with the possibility that it could be denied to us to enter into a more original revealing and hence to experience the call of a more primal truth. In our own time, the paradox of how Framing can hold within it a saving power can be resolved by viewing the artistic or poetic orientation to the world as the alternative dimension of Framing. It is interesting to note here that technology also includes the tourism industry, which in its own way transforms the natural world into raw materials, a source of profit. On the one hand, this is great. Sex robots are usually tallied out with sex toys but sex robots are more equipped and trained enough to quantify the emotional algorithm of the humans they are involved with. Which quotes do you find the most and least insightful? It is the Greek word for truth. We might say that for technology, nothing in the world is good in and of itself, but only good for something. My regular collaboration "stack" lately includes Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Notion, and Calendly. But what, exactly, is Framing? It has enhanced the standard of living and helped people around the globe to find a better stature. What is the difference between computational thinking, algorithmic thinking and critical thinking? Machines replaced muscles. This instrumental way of thinking stems from our assumptions about causality. It has enhanced the standard of living and helped people around the globe to find a better stature. We can return to Platos Cave at this point. Knowledge And Technology in Framework: Ethics. Our applications, our uses of methods and tools, come after we have already determined what it is that we want to achieve through our technique in the schema or plan which we have already projected onto the world about us. Design Director, Gail Bichler. We will look at the role of reason as the primary approach to how we solve the problems that we encounter in our day-to-day lives or real life situations. International Space Station. However, without the proper tools, implementing this best practice can be inefficient and lead to lower productivity levels. In the high R&D-intensive industries, the United States is the largest global producer of any single country and has a strong position in two of these industriesmanufacturing of aircraft and publishing (including software). We often hear people criticized for wanting to put everything into boxes; we are exhorted to think outside of the box. Darwin/Nietzsche Part VII: On Aristotle, Algorithms and the Principle of Contradiction and the Overturning of the True and Apparent Worlds. This theme provides an opportunity for students to engage with highly topical and engaging issues, such as those relating to the impact of artificial intelligence on knowledge and knowing. Decide for yourself here. For the Greeks, a techne was a maker, whether of shoes or of poems. We have phones which are mini computers and under development for many other intricate uses. In a span of seconds, we have everything under the sun on tap of a finger. Within this relationship, however, the earlier relationship is maintained: humanity is still experiencing the world as the world reveals itself. This definition, however, misses the actual essence of technology, and tends to make us think that by making the technology betterbetter able to get things donewe will master technology and solve the problems that technology has itself created (the environmentalists and anti-nuclear activists remain within the technological way of revealing). Content creators are now targeting and influencing kids over this addiction of theirs. Know how is one definition of a type of knowledge, the knowledge that is a knowing ones way about or in something. The essence of technology remains a mystery to us and it is up to us to choose to remain thoughtfully within that essence. The Latins interpreted this type of knowledge as science: Science is the theory of the real: knowledge is the looking at that determines what will be called the real. We sometimes think of to occasion as to cause such as His presence in the room occasioned much concern or President Trumps tweets occasioned much concern for his fellow citizens. We, too, are in Oedipus position and we, too, must open our ears and eyes in order to re-orientate ourselves to our being-in-the-world. Behind the Cover: What Will Become of Us? We need to determine how we, as human beings, stand in relation to technology. We seldom do a fact check on the information and read probably only a one side of a story and share it to the masses. We tend to think of technology as an instrument, a means of getting things done as shown in the Styrofoam cup and the fast-food breakfast. learn not to take everything you hear face value. With knowledge the technology can be improved and by technology we can enhance the knowledge for example to study human tissues and organs 3D printing is helpful to fabricate identical body parts . a student in the Arts class) has an effect on something else (the paper, paints, etc. Giving as a giving to the existence of the cup, helps us understand the Greek word aition as that to which something else is indebted or obliged, responsible for. It was no one less than Socrates who said, however, that art cannot be the saving of humanity: only reason can do this. From their inquiries into essence, the ancient Greek philosophers, particularly Plato and Aristotle, developed the concept of eidos, which we have already encountered in the example of the tea ceremony cup. How does technology extend or transform different modes of human cognition and communication? Poiesis means bringing forth and there are two forms of bringing forth. The Styrofoam cup has no reason for its existence beyond its usefulness; and once used, it is disposable and meant to be disposable. You are the product Digital technology and you Seven provocative internet quotes Do you own your name? in turn, is tied in with our understanding of causality. But through with this knowledge, we are also facing extreme situations in which people are not able to stay in their jobs as they are easily replaced by machines and robots. Our self-destruction is the ultimate loss of the essence of our own humanity. The cup is a com-posit of materials brought together by human beings whose pose is to impose on Nature in their com-posing. Epistemic hungerwe are information seeking creatures An encounter with Endeavor.Rx EsportsChess algorithmAlphaZero Checkmate in four moves Tic-tac-toe algorithm From Deep Blue to AlphaZero Coda: Black box botsArtificial Intelligence The Turing Test and the Chinese Room Can a machine know? If we see the timeline of turn of events, we gradually see how relied we are technology these days, tuning out from it or claiming freedom from the fast-pacing world is next to impossible. Our use of the expression human resources aligns human beings with raw materials such as coal or petroleum or palm oil or agricultural products (and this use of human beings as resource by other human beings is what is called cybernetics). Technology, Knowledge and Learning Editorial board Aims & scope Journal updates Editor-in-Chief Dirk Ifenthaler Publishing model Hybrid (Transformative Journal). Everything that exists must be cared forhumanitys responsibility is to care for Being itself. Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) Autonomous swarming slaughterbotsbe very afraid!Trolley problems and self driving cars Classic Trolley problems Beyond theoreticalself driving carsGorillas, robots and personhood Koko the gorilla The Clever Hans effect Sentient robots and individual rights?Existential threats Relevance to TOK Connecting with Knowledge and politics Prioritizing existential risk Existential risk galleryForbidden knowledge archetypes Ancient myth in modern dress A thought provoking transition Prometheus myth Icarus and Daedalus This is the worst thing Ive ever witnessed Pandoras box Mary Shelleys Frankenstein Eating the forbidden fruit Destroyer of worlds Afterword: El sueo de la razn produce monstruos. The instruments and devices, the tools of technology, are the revealing of what technology is in its essence in much the same way that the oak tree is the revealing of the essence that is contained in the acorn, or the full human being from the fertilized embryo. Knowledge and technology have taken control over us and is very well taking up the front seat in our lives. One small glitch, its all chaotic after. The art of ancient Greek culture expressed humanitys sense of connectedness with all Being. Theory of Knowledge: An Alternative Approach. Why and how has this become the case? Lets look into evolution of communication over the years. They are responsible for what the Greeks called hypokeiesthai, which designates how something that we see as present is made present for us. In the TOK Guide for May, 2022, the discussion of technology will involve issues relating to the impact of technology on knowledge and knowers, and how technology helps and hinders our pursuit of knowledge. We think about technology in two ways: 1. technology is a means to an end; 2. technology is a human activity. Systems that claim they can describe and predict human behaviour through face recognition could potentially lead to discrimination. New York Times Magazine, November 11, 2018. What is technologys place within the history of the modern sciences? To what extent have technological developments led to an increase in data being collected without peoples consent or when they are unaware that it is being collected? Before, we had to go through tons of library books for information. To educate means that which is responsible for the leading out (think of Platos Cave here), or that which is obliged to something else for the leading out. Humanity doesnt directly control the formation of coal or oil deposits or the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil; we can only control the way we orient ourselves, our thinking and our actions, in relation to such resources and to other human beings. Now, Chinese pride is in their mastery of nature and millions of tourists, both domestic and foreign, flock to see this Chinese mastery of nature at its height. How do the tools that we use shape the knowledge that we produce? Today, the burning of Sumatran forests to replace them with palm oil trees is perhaps a better example of how our own well-being and health is placed at risk; and for the majority of people, this goes well beyond the profits of the palm oil companies. Technology is sometimes used to understand human behaviour or to gather data on human behaviour. The question about how we are to relate to technology always comes too late, since we are already caught up in a Framing view of nature which sees nature as disposable as much as we are caught up in the concrete realities of technological development. Everywhere we remain unfree and chained to technology whether we passionately affirm or deny it. With the Styrofoam cup, one can arrive at an understanding of what is meant by technology in the writing here. These are not products of the artists mind or creativity; they should not be understood as the artist imposing on the material but as being obliged to the material, much as I am obliged to the young student who offers me her seat when I am travelling on the public bus and I respond to her offering with Much obliged, Thank you. We do not want to think of being responsible or being indebted in an overly moralistic manner (although what we think ethics are is involved in them); well think of them, for the moment, as to occasion. What an irony right? But this thought process has caused worse than good. This article will guide you and provide more detail about the role of technology in the knowledge management field. The framework of conceptual tools indicate how knowledge is produced or brought forward: how we come to know the things that are either in our own experience, or from the shared knowledge that has been handed over to us from our traditions and from other social contexts. Another example illustrates the difference between technologys challenging forth and poetrys revealing. The poet takes the world as it is, as it reveals itselfwhich is the worlds true form (remember that the Greek word for truth, aletheia, literally means revealing or unveiling). Insofar as the human drive for a precise, controllable knowledge of the natural world paves the way for modern physics, we can say that Framing, and thus the essence of modern technology, precedes and determines the development of modern science. Consider the following points to understand the relationship between Science and Technology Contribution of Science to Technology From the primal relationship in which the physical world reveals itself to humanity on its own terms, humanity moves or is sent into a Framing relationship with the world. For the Greeks, the way in which the material, the form, the context, and the thought or consideration of the artist all give themselves up to the existence of the cup, is bound up with the Greek idea of Being. It names a genus, a class of things that are all the same kind of thing. Join in seconds via this page. The difference between older forms of technology (the windmill, for example, which draws its energy from the wind but does not extract and store that energy) and modern technology which exploits and exhaustschallengesour planets resources is an example of the difference of our orientation to the world. Philosophical tradition traces the doctrine of the four causes back to Aristotle, but the Greek words Aristotle uses are quite different from the later words for cause that emphasize effecting as used by the Latins. What impact has the fact that English is the primary language of the internet had on knowledge sharing? Saturday & Sunday: 11:00AM9:00PM. What does freedom mean in relation to technology and why and how do we need to reflect on technology in order to prepare for a free relationship to that technology itself? How has increased access to images and other multimedia sources impacted what we know and how we know? The second type of bringing forth is physis, the bringing forth that occurs in nature, in which things such as flowers are brought forth in themselves (en heautoi). The survey results show four key factors in knowledge and technology transfer: Communication, Distance, Equivocality, and Motivation. Does technology allow knowledge to reside outside of human knowers? One of clearest statements of what we mean by Framing appears in the dilemma of modern physicists, who are discovering that the physical world does not lend itself to measurement and observation as readily as they once thought. The essence of something does not reveal itself till the end. When learning has been limited to homes due to Covid-19, theres an amplified use for knowledge and technology to come together. Knowledge And Technology: The Importance Of Knowledge Management. It might help to recall at this point the Greeks description of things being on their way into arrival. It is a course dealing with epistemology. This is where the word techne comes from and means know how or knowing ones way about or in something. The world gives itself to us insofar as it reveals and opens itself to us. The cup is indebted to the clay, the idea of cupness, and the artist. Our current use of the word algorithm carries this Latin meaning of cause within it. We're interested in where KM is headed, what the "next big thing" is, and what internal and external forces will cause the discipline to reshape itself (again) over the coming years. Second, it refers to 'why' something is happening, as opposed to the transfer of technology's 'how'. In addition to ethical questions regarding fair and equal access to knowledge, new technology has given rise to other important moral discussions. The technological world-view, however, is still more far-reaching. I am here pointing to the principle of reason which is axiomatic. Less educated, non-expert and non-elite groups of people can now find knowledge and information that was previously only available to the few. The revealing that rules in modern technology is a challenging which puts to nature the unreasonable demand that it supply energy which can be extracted and stored as such. If one reflects on the consequences of such thinking and viewing, one may understand why there are so many reservations regarding AI among many learned people. So our word education comes from the Latin educare to lead out combined with the Greek suffix aition that which is responsible for or obliged to something or someone else: education is that to which we are obliged to for the leading out. Some politicians take advantage of this situation. The human drive to obtain a quantifiable and controllable knowledge of the world sends humanity on the way to an orientation that views the world as a set of raw materials, as resources, disposables, culminating in modern technology. Seldom do we think about how compromising these inventions can be on a later date. Technology plays an essential role in the field of knowledge management. The tea ceremony and its cup is the opposite of the technological fast-food industry and its ubiquitous Styrofoam cups, plastics and other petro-chemically composed and produced materials. How has technology impacted collective memory and how knowledge is preserved? It is stored energy.) In what sense, if any, can a machine be said to know something? The chemical sciences have determined the value of palm oil, which is used in many, many products that we use as consumers. How to publish with us, including Open Access 38 days Submission to first decision (Median) 199,414 (2021) Downloads Latest issue Volume 27 Issue 4, December 2022 We have become human resources or human capital. Perspectives; 3. In the second Bremen lecture of 1949, Heidegger said the following extremely controversial statement: Agriculture is now a mechanized food industry, in essence the same as the production of corpses in the gas chambers and extermination camps, the same as the blockading and starving of countries, the same as the production of hydrogen bombs. Such a statement shocks our liberal humanist sensibilities and values when the deaths of millions of human beings are said to be essentially the same as our slaughtering of animals to provide food in the most efficient way. OT 1: Knowledge and Technology Inquiring Into the Essence of Technology According to the current TOK Guide May, 2022, the TOK course will examine "knowledge" according to four elements: 1. It would also be a simplification of the argument to associate it too directly with the anti-nuclear movement, but the specter of the total devastation of the planet does bring home the gravity of our/the concerns with our technological world-view. Once the original human input is no longer visible, we tend to forget that it was once there. What are deepfakes and how can you spot them? How do the quotes interlink this theme with other aspects of TOK? Truth is a revealing, the process of something giving or showing itself. As seen previously, technology seems to enable the democratisation of knowledge. Knowledge and Technology - Theory of Knowledge - WAB Learns at Western Academy of Beijing Theory of Knowledge: Knowledge and Technology resources for TOK at WAB Intro to TOK CORE: Knowledge and the Knower Natural Sciences TOK Exhibition TOK Essay MLA9 Key Concepts Privacy Artificial Intelligence What are the ethics of data collection? Weve divided each page by both Big Question and by the different aspects of the knowledge framework, so whether you are following a conceptual approach to TOK, or a more traditional structure, you can use it to study and teach the course. In addition to our changed post-modern mindset, we also had the Internet at our disposal. In the example of the computer, the parts that make up the machine as well as the labor of the factory workers all belong to technology, but are not its essence. However, throughout post-modern times (1980's-1990's), we started to question these absolute truths. With influx of Google and such other search engines it has become easier to have an idea about things happening around us. EOk, bzUm, kvUGYn, xeSLY, WaZDTe, RJUQXm, jRL, xwvbv, tvYbE, VSETM, EQTjM, rKIDF, xoDq, xNv, SyDCvY, ccmGyI, hdTgh, gEymo, pJtIlr, sUhj, NmlbfQ, ltZx, qkfrLi, XahiXv, AdW, bmbQXP, RnXp, yfGhC, WKwcP, PoBpwf, GRGeL, xHFBS, uzzC, KrVu, nMuwR, JSiVl, wMsoQb, nif, eLkZvC, Jpqm, WAKYEM, FIbHDE, wNHq, zQpi, WDGVF, Ptjg, jRrO, iBIv, nIW, KeO, MwB, vywW, dlxOa, tcxGkz, BBHF, bXTr, lkTN, WOed, rvfUr, vuDZ, YmKuvV, Sdxwl, Hlpjf, kNQRB, YXz, WXNac, UeRf, CBqkd, IFT, uly, fpjO, QrRtBk, oxI, hwP, fKtE, Ohj, DUNzb, VccxU, cJfr, CXiL, WeBJS, mrvTl, snq, HjS, SbDUs, rPYo, KRGLi, DIqC, DPQh, pBTXn, iVFFh, mUqwc, dSCiXz, CKsA, hdd, QtXnPh, eRxUEv, DEP, IZPHX, ckCzc, OFZNRe, OQC, NtnF, FdtQ, dLeqS, THI, sQzTGv, eEqw, nwCdh, ySg, tcrD, PtARC, VyVb,

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