input outline: none not working
Does not represent the current item within a set. The menu role does not require one instance of each. In accordance with Web Platform Design Principles, this specification provides no programmatic interface to determine if information is being used by Assistive Technologies. The heading MAY be an instance of the standard host language heading element or an instance of an element with role heading. which are complete words or concatenations of complete words. Value type of the state or property. typically visible text content), authors SHOULD use aria-labelledby and SHOULD NOT use aria-label. An element that displays the progress status for tasks that take a long time. [Deprecated in ARIA 1.1] Indicates an element's "grabbed" state in a drag-and-drop operation. Legacy content may continue to use WAI-ARIA, however, so the need for user agents to support WAI-ARIA remains. The ARIAMixin setter steps given element, idlAttribute, contentAttribute, and value are to perform the setter algorithm for idlAttribute reflecting contentAttribute on element, given value. In the cases where DOM content or a tooltip is undesirable, authors MAY set the accessible name of the element using aria-label, if the element does not prohibit use of the attribute. Some user agents and assistive technologies have a browse mode where standard input events, such as up and down arrow key events, are intercepted and used to control a reading cursor. Figure 1: The contract model with accessibility APIs. If the aria-multiline attribute is true, the widget accepts line breaks within the input, as in an HTML textarea. Identifies the element (or elements) that describes the object. The list value typesID reference list and token listallow more than one value of the given type to be provided. Indicates the current "selected" state of various widgets. User agents MUST ignore non-global states and properties used on an element without a role supporting the state or property; either defined as an explicit WAI-ARIA role, or as defined by the host language WAI-ARIA semantic matching an appropriate WAI-ARIA role. Therefore, authors MAY omit the role when setting states and properties. At the present time, there are no WAI-ARIA properties corresponding to the datetime attribute supported on